Naive and Wuxie

Chapter 28: Letting Go

Seeing my dumbfounded expression, the little girl patted my shoulder sympathetically, and continued: "Actually, there is no room for redemption! But..."

Hearing this, I hurriedly looked up at her.It's good to have room!what way?You should say it quickly!I saw that she was still smiling smugly, but I could only stare anxiously.

Seeing that she had whetted my appetite, the little girl said unhurriedly: "Actually! The solution is very simple! As long as you leave Brother Qi Ling!"

Her words were like a spring thunder, and suddenly a wound exploded in my heart.leave?How to leave?Why do you say that if I leave Poker Bottle, he can go back to the way it was?I continued to stare at her puzzled.

The little girl shook her head speechlessly: "You have so many questions! Let me tell you the truth! In fact, there is one last way for the head of the Zhang family to extend his life. That is to find a woman who has the same pure unicorn blood as himself to marry. Use the ritual of blood sacrifice to attract each other! As long as you do this, the situation of Brother Qiling will improve. Although it still cannot return to the previous state. But there is no problem in living another hundred years. However, if Qiling If brother continues to be with you, he will only have ten years of life left at most. Originally, I promised brother Qiling not to disturb you. But I know this kind of thing very well. Brother Qiling can't do it calmly Leave. If there is one person between you who has to propose, that person can only be you! If you also like Brother Ling, I hope you can let go!"

The little girl said a lot of things afterwards, but only the same blood remained in my mind?Blood sacrifice?longevity?let go?These few words.The tearing pain in my heart made me almost unable to breathe.I know that Poker-Face has been in ill-fated life ever since he met me.He almost lost his life trying to save me several times.His love for me can no longer be described with simple love.But he can do so much for me, so what can I do for him?

Thinking of this, I firmly raised my head to look at the little girl next to me, and then said "woo woo" twice.Then he struggled slightly again.

The little girl looked at me twice: "You want me to untie you? Do you want to talk?"

"Yeah!" I nodded and replied twice in a nasal voice.

The little girl rubbed her cheeks and thought for a while, then said calmly: "I can make you talk! But I won't untie you. Also, if you dare to shout. I can assure you that my fist It must be faster than your voice. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

"Yeah!" I nodded again in understanding.

After getting my promise, the little girl decisively tore off the seal on my mouth.And after I got the right to speak, I also kept my promise not to shout or make trouble.After a short rest, he calmly asked: "Poker bottle! Oh no! Where is Zhang Qiling? Also, what should I call you?"

"Porky Oil Bottle? Haha! This name is very appropriate! Why didn't I think of it before?" The little girl obviously missed the point of my words.

I looked at her with black lines all over my head and said again: "Please answer my question directly."

"Of course Brother Qiling is out on errands? But he should be back for dinner later. As for my name! My real name is Zhang Haijiao, and I allow you to call me Aunt Haijiao." I looked at the scene downstairs.

Aunt Haijiao?I'm a little speechless.No matter how you look at the little girl in front of her, she looks like she is only in her 20s.But then again.The Zhang family's age cannot be distinguished by their appearance.Poker bottle also looks quite young.But in fact, isn't it bigger than my grandfather?So after thinking about it this way, I can accept it.

I continued to sort out the doubts in my heart, and asked again: "Then... then the woman of the same blood you mentioned earlier. Have you found it now?"

After hearing the words, Zhang Haijiao raised her head and looked at me calmly and nodded: "Of course! That person is my sister——Zhang Haina! Moreover, Brother Ling has been by my sister's side all this time since then, and the two of them made a double The right ones are doing important things. You can see this in a while!"

Accompany?Out double in pair?No wonder he always leaves early and returns late recently!It turned out that I came here to cultivate feelings.Don't know why, when I heard this.I felt extremely jealous in my heart.However, when we all fell into silence, there was a sudden sound of steady footsteps in the hall downstairs.Immediately afterwards, Zhang Haijiao leaned close to me suddenly, and said softly, "Brother Qiling and sister are back. Don't make any noise!"

I nodded slightly, and then I leaned over to the air vent and looked at it seriously.Because my heart is really curious about this woman named Zhang Haina.

Sure enough, it only took a while.I saw Poker Fase and a young woman walking into the hall on the first floor one after the other.It's a bit far from where I am.Although you can see the faces of the two of them clearly.However, I cannot hear their conversation.

The woman following Poker Ping should be Zhang Haina.After looking carefully for a while, I have to admit that she is indeed very beautiful.She is not as glamorous as Ah Ning, nor as delicate as Xiuxiu, nor as cute as Zhang Haijiao.In short, she is a beauty who is enough to make a man's heart beat and a woman's jealousy.And when she stood beside Poker Face, she looked even more glamorous.Two people, one handsome and the other beautiful, are really a good match.

Obviously, Pokerfing also trusts Zhang Haina very much.I saw that after he sat down on the main seat, he handed over the black gold ancient knife that he never left to Zhang Haina beside him.Then, he took the teacup she handed to him and took two sips.Seeing the harmonious relationship between the two of them, besides jealousy, I actually have a little bit of envy.And when I saw Poker Ping did not reject women approaching, the sourness in my heart became even worse.

Calmly withdrawing my gaze, I leaned against the dilapidated wooden box a little weakly.Quietly wait for them to eat and then leave.It wasn't until the downstairs hall returned to its previous calm that I said to Zhang Haijiao beside me, "Can I go now?"

"Oh! You can do it anytime! I'll take you back!" Zhang Haijiao nodded.

"No need! Just untie me. I want to be alone."

"But, it's a long way from your shop!"

I stretched my bound hands, which were a little sore and numb: "I will help Poker Ping! But that's not because of Zhang Haina. It's... because Poker Ping's life is more important than anything else! And there is ... I wish him happiness!"

Zhang Haijiao just shrugged noncommittally.

The beautiful words have been said.I believe she will tell Poker Ping and Zhang Haina all the news.I had to tell myself over and over again in my heart.Man!Don't be sloppy in doing things.After saying the blessing, you should turn around cleanly.But why does my heart hurt more and more...

Walking aimlessly on unfamiliar streets.My eye sockets were also very dry.After silently buying a pack of Yellow Crane Tower, he began to smoke violently.In fact, if it was in normal times, I would not buy Yellow Crane Tower.Because I always feel that the smoke is spicy and not as warm as Chinese.However, at this moment, I need this kind of stimulation very much.

I don't know how long I've been walking, and I don't know where I've been.In short, at this moment, I just feel that this city suddenly becomes strange in an instant.After smoking a pack of cigarettes, I buy another pack.I didn't want to stop until I felt the burning pain in my throat.

Stuffy oil bottle!What should I do with you?Since when did you live in my heart?And it lives so deep!If I want to get rid of you now, I have to endure this excruciating pain.You once wanted to trade ten years of yours for my life of innocence.And now I also want to exchange my whole life for your hundred years of longevity.

Maybe I'm just being too hypocritical.I clearly said in my heart that I wanted to let go, but in reality, I couldn't do it cleanly.Before I knew it, I was a little tired from walking, so I casually found a stone pier by the side of the road and sat down.Then sat like this for a long time.It wasn't until a gust of cold wind hit that I suddenly realized that it was completely dark.Looking down at the watch in his hand, he realized that it was already nine o'clock in the evening.The phone I carried with me never rang.After curling my lips indifferently, I continued to wander around.

My throat still hurts from smoking too much during the day.I know that if I keep smoking like this, I won't be able to talk properly tomorrow.But if I can't even smoke, what else can I do?

After wandering around thinking about it for a long time, I walked to the red light district by accident.Looking at the lively scene of feasting and feasting in front of you.I suddenly had an urge to completely indulge myself.Then, without even looking at it, I randomly chose one and rushed in.

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