Chapter 49: The Beauty Spider

There are ancient legends of a beautiful snake, with a human head and a snake body, and it only feeds on human flesh. Under the beautiful woman's head is an extremely terrifying snake body, and the beautiful snake is definitely much cuter than the spider woman in front of her.On the body of the spider, which is the size of an adult man, there is a beautiful woman's head protruding so abruptly. Coupled with those eight furry chelicerae, it will only make this beautiful face even more frightening.

"敪!" The four of them pulled out their swords almost at the same time, and the crawling spider didn't know if it felt threatened. Although the smile on the beauty's face remained unchanged, the eight monocular eyes around her neck stopped moving. Gathered straight up, as if watching the four at the bottom warily.

Shen Ye pushed hard with one hand, and only heard a "snap", the long sword returned to the appearance of a whip, and rolled towards the beauty spider the next moment.

The beauty's smile was still bright, but the spider body retreated extremely quickly, with a push of its hind legs, that huge body kicked back to a high place as light as if there was nothing.

Silently returning to the mountain wall, the eight monocular eyes of the beauty spider moved excitedly again, and the fangs and chelicerae creaked, showing eagerness to try.It's just that the next moment, the single eye didn't move, obviously without any expression, but it gave people a feeling of surprise.

The four of them saw a slit in the beautiful woman's slender neck, and the purple juice flowed out slowly, while the beautiful woman was still smiling, and her smile became brighter as the scar expanded. The purple liquid fell straight to the ground with a "poof" and disappeared on the edge of the mountain road after rolling several times.

The remaining half of the neck can still be seen on the spider's head, but there is no human bone marrow in it, only full of purple liquid gushing out, surrounded by a circle of paper-like human skin, which has softened loosely .

"Meow meow, this is too...disgusting, right?" Le Wuyi felt too flustered to take a second look, but compared to the beauty with her head on it, at least this spider looks a little more pleasing to the eye now .

Shen Ye glanced at the red-glowing lava pool behind him, and said lightly, "It seems that this head is just an illusion." Even though the head was separated from the spider's body, it obviously had no effect on the spider. A chelicerus touched the sap-soaked wound, seeming to locate the head.

When the chelicera stained with the purple liquid stretched out in front of the eight single eyes, the spider did not move, but took a few steps back very slowly. When Xie Yi and the four of them all put on a defensive posture——disappeared in the Between the mountain walls.

The eight chelicerae disappeared after a while, "Huh? Run away?" Le Wuyi was dumbfounded, he thought this spider would at least be manic.

Seeing this, Xie Yi frowned, put the sword in front of his body and said defensively: "No... it should be looking for help." As soon as the words fell, the narrow top really "squeaked" Hearing the clear sound of reptiles, when the heads of several beautiful women reappeared in front of his eyes, not to mention the joy, even Shen Ye frowned.

It was a spider that was much bigger than before, each chelicer was as thick as a child's arm, or dark purple or light purple in color, and it crawled all over the narrow mountain wall.If the only thing they have in common is the beautiful head with a bright smile on the head.

Just looking at the spiders of different sizes, and then looking at the identical head, it was weird, which was the only feeling everyone felt at the moment.Why does every spider have this beauty head that obviously has no effect?If the population is like this, then shouldn't this useless decoration be kept?Or did these spiders think that the smiling beauty could seduce people?

Le Wuyi said that after seeing such a terrifying spider body, it would be better for this beauty to have no head.

But it was obviously not the time to discuss that beautiful head. The spiders were approaching extremely fast, and each of the swaying monocular eyes was talking about greed.

When a dark purple spider headed up, it directly raised its head and sprayed out two streams of venom from its fangs, unlike the previous beauty with corrosive "saliva", Shen Ye and Xia Yi turned sideways, then They hid one by one, only to see a puff of gray smoke rising from the ground where the venom sprayed.

Le Wuyi was dumbfounded, and the next moment Shen Ye yelled: "Get out!" The gap on the mountain wall was too small, and the four of them couldn't use it together.

Xia Yi pulled up Le Wuyi and retreated: "Wuyi, let's go."

Le Wuyi didn't refuse, he naturally knew how to judge the situation so as not to drag his companion back.

Seeing Xia Yi's figure just like Le Wuyi disappearing around the corner, Shen Ye turned around and threw out another whip. This time, instead of aiming at the useless head, he cut off the spider directly. half of the fangs.

The injured spider struggled to retreat, but the next moment, several daggers sliced ​​off the remaining claws. The moment the legless giant spider fell, it was blocked by Shen Ye with one hand. In front of him and Xie Yi, at the next moment, the sound of "呲" and "呲" venom injection sounded from above, accompanied by a burning smell pervading around the two of them.

Shen Ye easily held the spider with one hand, let the arthropod struggle, and finally froze and could no longer move.He turned to Xie Yi: "When did you prepare your dagger?" For the spider hiding on the mountain wall, the long sword cannot reach the opponent in this situation, so the confrontation is naturally the most disadvantageous. To his surprise, Xie Yi prepared the dagger.

Xie Yi just smiled and took out a few pieces of wood from his sleeve: "It's just for emergencies."

Looking at the sharp "dagger" that was obviously just a piece of wood, Shen Ye raised his eyebrows and said no more, making the wood pieces have such strength, should I say, is he worthy of being a master of Yanshu?

Xie Yi, it really surprised me.

Taking advantage of Shen Ye's spider body to block the attacks of the other spiders, Xie Yi dodged to the edge of the slit again, and with a wave of his hand, several sharp blades were thrown out.Fortunately, the slit was small enough, and the spider's body was big enough, the dagger thrown by Xie Yi cut off a spider's claw again.

"Master!" Xie Yi reminded, and Shen Ye casually threw the spider above him backwards. When the black shadow disappeared into the red light of the lava, he caught the falling new one very smoothly. spider.

This spider sprayed venom "呲" "呵" and the next moment, Xie Yi turned around and chopped off its fangs with a sword. The fangs were not as stiff as the spider's body, but they could be cut off with a single sword. It was gone. The fangs, then the spider has a body full of venom, and there is nowhere to spray it. Maybe the beauty's head is also one of the exits, but the two of them are hiding directly under the spider's body, which is obviously out of reach of the beauty's head.

After dealing with a few spiders quite smoothly, the attack from above obviously weakened a lot. Maybe it was because Shen Ye and Xie Yi were not easy to deal with. Maybe it was because the venom they spewed every time hurt their own companions. When those spiders started to retreat, Shen Ye and Xie Yi looked at each other, but they didn't feel comforted.

Will those spiders just give up?Obviously not, so when Shen Ye and Xie Yi were concentrating on preparing for the next attack, they heard a loud shout from behind: "It's no different——!"

Xie Yi and Shen Ye were both shocked, and the next moment, they rushed out immediately.Once out of the gap between the mountain walls, the road became narrow again, and not far away, there were no figures of Le Wuyi and Xia Yize on the mountain road, only a few huge spiders were slowly descending along the mountain wall crawling.

It turned out that they were playing this idea!Just because Xie Yi and Shen Ye are not easy to get a hand with, they scattered some of them to attack Xia Yi, which is no different from Le Le!

Shen Ye and Xie Yi wanted to catch up, but two streams of venom were sprayed vertically. Looking up, there were also several spiders crawling on the mountain wall here, watching Shen Ye and the two of them covetously.

The huge spider in his hand became a hindrance on this narrow path, Shen Ye simply threw the still struggling spider into the boiling magma, and together with Xie Yi, they killed the spider that blocked their progress.

In the distance, at the bottom of the path, Xia Yi held Le Wuyi with one hand, and inserted the long sword into the mountain wall with the other to maintain the balance of the two: "Wuyi, are you okay?!"

Le Wuyi really wanted to share part of the weight for Xia Yi, but his right hand had long been numb to all senses, let alone a sword, he might not even be able to pick up a stone.The two of them stood carefully on the path before, but the path was still too narrow. When several spiders attacked, although Le Wuyi managed to avoid the head-on blow of the venom, his right hand It was inevitable that the back of the hand was stained by the splashed venom, and the next moment, the entire hand lost consciousness.

But now obviously Xia Yi shouldn't be worried, so Le Wuyi raised his head, smiled heartily at Xia Yi and said, "It's okay, Yi Ze, you have to be careful."

Xia Yi smiled back: "Okay." When he looked up again, he was full of deep thought. Although the spiders did not leave above, they did not intend to approach any further. Even the venom seemed to stop spraying up?Xia Yi couldn't help but frown as he looked at the spiders that were circling around above and refused to leave. Could it be that they were afraid of something?

"No difference! Yi Ze!" Xie Yi's worried voice came from not far away, seeing the two hanging on the magma, how could he not be worried, no matter what, he and the master must hurry.

Seeing this, Xia Yi just gritted his teeth. It was only a matter of time before Senior Xie and Mr. Shen came over. All he had to do was hold on.It's just that he had just made up his mind, but the spider who thought he wouldn't move any more broke his guess. After climbing back and forth repeatedly, the light purple spider above stopped and seemed to fall. Decided to withdraw his claws suddenly - rolled straight towards them.

"No difference! Yi Ze——!"

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