Chapter 48: Spiders

It was a face that seemed like a girl's god, with a pair of picturesque brows and eyes, and a little bit of vermilion lips, which made me feel pity at a glance.Those almond eyes were full of smiles, and he approached the man in front of him little by little.

"Go away! Go away!!" The man was limp on the ground, struggling in a panic but unable to stand up, more and more blood slipped down, and flowed into the red ocean through the gaps under his legs like mud cows, without leaving any trace .The cold sweat on the man's forehead stained his hair and slipped into his eye sockets. He didn't care at all, and threw a torch in his hand straight at the face of the overwhelmed country: "Get out!"

The woman was still full of smiles, and she avoided the torch with her head tilted. She walked forward unhurriedly, smiling, like a cheetah driving its prey into a corner, or like the lantern plant, Seeing the flies being corrupted, I looked forward to that delicious meal with joy.

"Who will save me, who will save me!" The man lost his weapon and backed up in embarrassment with his hands supporting his body. The gun he used earlier was out of bullets, and he had already thrown the torch away.

In front of him was that picturesque face, and behind him... the man turned his head in horror, only to see the lava rolling under the cliff, and the fiery red sea roaring and bursting. Here, too, is a hell.

Looking back, the woman's smile was so sweet, and she approached step by step, little by little. When the bright red lips opened, the man was sure that he heard the cry from hell.


In the darkness, something is slowly moving forward, approaching without a sound, and leaving without a sound, leaving only a little bit of starlight all over the place.

Xie Yi lowered his head and looked at the faint spot of light under his feet. It was a purple spider the size of a fingernail, crawling silently. Every time he took a step, lavender dust rolled down from those eight feet. , built that very small light path.Looking into the distance, one can see countless equally curved roads spreading forward, converging, leading to a blurred figure.

It should be a woman with a slender figure, her long hair combed into two buns, and the gauze covering her face completely covered her face.

The woman lowered her body slightly, but stretched out her plain white hand, and took a spider over. The crawling spider stopped all movements the moment it was picked up, as if it had been appeased. The small animal is as peaceful as entering the arms of its mother.

Xie Yi just watched quietly, watching the woman caressing the purple spider very intimately, although life is extremely precious and everything in the world is the same, but this is the first time Xie Yi has seen a woman who is intimate with a spider, What's more, the purple spider is very poisonous.

The woman in the distance is just stroking the spider like a white rabbit, and under her feet, the spiders are gradually gathering together, slowly climbing up her feet, along her clothes The skirt kept climbing up.

Under the veil, something began to bulge continuously, wriggling like a caterpillar.

"My lord..." A sigh came from under the veil, like a warbler's cry, but it was full of sadness, "I..." Those words were too light, so light that it was hard to catch like a breeze.

Xie Yi wanted to go forward but couldn't move an inch, who is this woman?He has never seen her, but why is there a faint sadness in his heart?

More and more spiders crawled over, twisting the light paths one by one, trapping the woman in the middle like a chain, and the woman just kept stroking the spider in her hand, letting more and more spiders crawl all over her body. whole body.

Seeing that the woman was about to be buried by the sea of ​​spiders, Xie Yi couldn't bear to speak, but the next moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and Shen Ye occupied all his sights with a puzzled face.

"Master... respect?" Xie Yi was a little puzzled, and then realized that he fell asleep just now?Maybe Shen Ye's breath was too familiar and reliable, this kind of extremely close approach made him completely relieved, and before he even realized it, he really fell asleep leaning against her.

So, it was just a dream?But why did I see a woman I had never met in my dream?

"What's wrong?" Shen Ye asked, seeing Xie Yi frowning, could it be that he had a nightmare?

Xie Yi hesitated when he heard the words, dreamed about a woman, should he tell Master?His intuition told him that Master would definitely be angry, so he glanced at Shen Ye, who was very calm at the moment, he was already hesitant, and it was even more difficult to say it now.

Xie Yi was wandering around, but there was a heavy "pop" in his ear, and the next moment, Le Wuyi jumped up "hissing": "It hurts!"

Xia Yi was taken aback by Le Wuyi: "Wuyi, are you okay?" Shen Ye and Xie Yi didn't pay attention before, but Xia Yi saw it clearly, and Le Wuyi, who was half asleep, suddenly murmured He said something, scratched his cheek in dissatisfaction, then raised his hand, and slapped his cheek hard the next moment.

That slap was indeed harsh enough, Le Wuyi covered half of his blushing face, wanting to cry, but he was not good at all.

Le Wuyi, who was sleepy just now, just felt a little itchy on his face, as if something was crawling, and subconsciously wanted to drive away the insect without eyes. The face and the hand that slapped it were also numb and numb.

"Meow meow, isn't this a volcano? Why are there insects?" Le Wuyi spread his hands helplessly, only to see a flat eight-legged insect in the center of his palm, "Spider? What do spiders eat in such a damn place? Are you starving to death?"

As soon as Le Wuyi finished speaking, there was a flash of a figure in front of him, and the next moment his entire hand was dragged by Xie Yi.

"Master...Master?" Le Wuyi was dumbfounded. What's wrong?Why does Master seem a little nervous?

Under Shen Ye's and Xia Yi's equally puzzled eyes, Xie Yi heaved a sigh of relief after seeing the spider clearly: "It's not poisonous."

"Ah?" Le Wuyi was even more puzzled. He looked down and saw that a tiny spider was still transparent. How could it look like... a newly hatched little spider?

"Master?" Le Wuyi watched as Xie Yi carefully removed the spider, and inspected it carefully. The other party's brows became tighter.

"Xie Yi?" Shen Ye stood up, "Is there something wrong with this spider?" Otherwise, he wouldn't take it so seriously.

Xie Yi nodded directly, and said solemnly: "Master, this spider." He raised his hand so that people around him could see the spider's transparent but faintly visible pattern, "except for the color, it has nothing to do with me. What I saw in the dream just now is generally the same."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present frowned.

The dream I had in the tomb, and the spider that appeared in reality after that was exactly the same as in the dream. If it was just a dream, no one present would believe it.

Is this why Xie Yi was a little restless in his sleep just now? "Xie Yi," Shen Ye said, "What did you dream about?"

Hearing the words, Xie Yi narrated the dreams he had just now, including the poisonous purple spider, the inexplicable woman, and, at the end, the colossal spider that he vaguely saw. Feel weird.Is this dream a sign?Or a warning?

Le Wuyi couldn't care about his sore and numb cheeks anymore, he only thought that this spider was highly poisonous, if it hadn't just hatched, it would have venomously burrowed into his when he was not paying attention while he was sleeping. The words in his mouth... Thinking of this, Le Wuyi was so scared that goosebumps fell all over the ground, and he meowed. This Xiangxi is indeed a place full of poisonous insects. He said that he should bring a bottle of powerful insecticide here!

Xia Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, since senior Xie said that the spider in Wuyi's palm is non-poisonous, it should be really non-poisonous, he looked at Le Wuyi with a frightened expression on his face: "Wuyi, in the future Don't be so reckless anymore."

Le Wuyi bitterly nodded and agreed, he also thought about it, but who can notice this when he is sleeping?

Shen Ye is the most displeased one among the four, a woman?The woman who ran to Xie Yi's dream?As long as he thinks of this, he will feel full of anger. The woman who can attract spiders must be the generation of evil witches and ghosts!

Standing beside Shen Ye, Xie Yi naturally noticed the anger covering Shen Ye's body, and shook his head helplessly, Master, you are really angry.

Fortunately, Shen Ye's rationality has always been able to suppress everything. After dissatisfaction, he thought deeply, what exactly does that woman want to do?

Everyone's thoughts finally converged on the behemoth Xie Yi mentioned at the end, could it be...

Xia Yi said uncertainly: "Could it be that he merged with the spider?"

Shen Ye thought for a while: "There is a possibility." If that dream was a foreshadowing, then this possibility is the greatest.

Xie Yi said: "If that's the case, then she..." She stopped talking at this point, if she really merged with the spider, then she is no longer a "human".

Le Wuyi gave his own thoughts: "Could it be the tomb keeper that Master you mentioned?" To become a tomb keeper of an ancient tomb must not be an ordinary person, but if he becomes a spider woman, then maybe It's different, what flashed in his mind was the appearance of Spider-Man.

Xie Yi nodded and said, "It's possible." But he didn't know that Le Wuyi was the Spider-Man whose mind was full of flying at this moment.

"Then let's go on..." Before Le Wuyi finished speaking, he felt a sudden pain in his hand?He looked down, but there was a bright red spot on the back of his hand that had appeared at some time and was stinging his nerves, and that red spot seemed to be expanding? "What the hell is this?"

Xie Yi and the others naturally also noticed the red spot that suddenly appeared on the back of Le Wuyi's hand, "Wuyi!" Xia Yi grabbed Le Wuyi's hand in a panic. Could it be that the spider is poisonous?

Xia Yi just pulled Le Wuyi's hand to check, but at this moment, a drop of water dripped from above, just landed on the back of his hand, just as the drop of water dripped on the skin. In an instant, Xia Yi felt a tingling pain, and after that, a red spot that was the same as Le Wuyi's hand quickly appeared.

"This is it!" The four of them raised their heads and looked up, and on the mountain wall, between the cracks, there was an extremely beautiful face in front of them.

That is really a face that is all over the country, at least in Le Wuyi's opinion, it is really much more beautiful than those so-called beauties in Korea, but although the face is smiling, there is a smile in the red lips. The dripping water droplets all told everyone that the water droplets they thought were actually the saliva of this beautiful woman.

Le Wuyi was dumbfounded, with corrosive saliva?Is this a man or a monster?

When the head slid down more and more, everyone could clearly see the woman's body hidden by the mountain wall. In front of the extremely huge round body, there were claws covered with purple fluff, each section clearly depicting danger. , the woman's head protrudes above the hairy body, and under the head, beside the head and neck, there are eight single eyes swaying back and forth, not to mention the eight nimble and powerful chelicerae, which are silent but powerful, Positive is moving down extremely fast.

That's no longer a person, it's a spider.

The author has something to say: During dinner, I was notified that the power will be cut off all day tomorrow, so I am not sure if I can post tomorrow's update QAQ

Is this the fate of not saving manuscripts?Feel so sad┭┮﹏┭┮

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