Chapter 180 Six: Snow

Yuheng Snow Mountain is steep with sharp edges and corners.There is a small peak on the left side connected to it, and on the right side, it seems that someone used a spoon to dig out an extremely irregular depression from top to bottom, and the rocks and rocks are intertwined.The whole mountain is covered with white snow, and the mountain haze is deposited on the mountainside, which cannot dissipate. Occasionally, you can see a little bit of dark brown rock exposed by the snow avalanche.And the top of the mountain peak was still covered by thick clouds.

"Is this Yuheng Snow Mountain..." Shen Ye let out a breath of white air, staring at the top of the mountain in a daze.

Xie Yi also raised his eyes to look at the top of the mountain and remained silent.

The strong wind blowing from the cliff made everyone's goggles crack.The old man Hu in front sent a message, saying that a section of the mountain road behind is extremely narrow, so everyone should be careful.

Everyone walked carefully along the cliff, only to find that the mountain peak at their feet connected to Yuheng Snow Mountain was cut off by a horizontal waist.A more correct way of saying this is that a large piece of the mountain was suddenly cut off. The right side is still a steep snow-covered slope, and the left side is a cliff with no bottom. Only the foot-wide mountain road is still there. It's flat.

This section of the road is narrow rather than thrilling.There is no fence on the left side of the mountain road, and if you fall down, you will be doomed.But in order to get to Yuheng Snow Mountain, I am afraid that we have to walk for a long time.

Everyone walked carefully, fearing that their feet would slip and one of them would accidentally fall off the cliff.The four of Shen Ye walked at the rear, so they had to be more careful.You must know that the snow has become very slippery after being stepped on by so many people in front, making it very difficult to walk.

From time to time, there were bursts of gasps in front of the team, occasionally mixed with exclamations.Xia Yi saw several times that someone's feet were unsteady and their bodies were shaking. Fortunately, there were people around him to hold them back, so that no catastrophe occurred.Looking behind him, Le Wuyi, who was always bluffing, walked extremely quietly and safely.

Facing Xia Yize's gaze, Le Wuyi could still smile and wave his hands.

Behind Le Wuyi was Xie Yi, followed by Shen Ye.Unlike the calm and composed Le Wuyi, this time Xie Yi took the time to press his wrists from time to time, not concentrating.

No matter how tightly the cuffs are tied, the wrists are still relatively weak.As the cold wind poured in for a long time, Xie Yi only felt that the movement of his wrist became more and more dull and difficult.

The discomfort in the throat has not disappeared until now, and now there is a problem with the wrist.What went wrong?Xie Yi couldn't help frowning, was it that dream that he couldn't remember?It's just a dream, does it really have such a magical effect?Or did he overlook something along the way?

Xie Yi was in deep thought when a crystal snowflake suddenly flew past his eyes.Xie Yi was taken aback for a moment, and when he raised his head, he realized that it had started snowing at some point.

Tiny snow particles like catkins fell from the sky, and then were blown all over the sky by the strong wind, rushing here and there in a chaotic manner.

There was a slight commotion in front of the line, which soon fell silent.On such a narrow mountain path, everyone could not speed up their pace indiscriminately. They could only pray with a sullen face, hoping that the snow would not become heavier.

It's just that things didn't go as expected, the catkin-like fine snow had turned into goose-feather-like heavy snow before everyone had gone far.

Le Wuyi's footsteps gradually slowed down, and his face wrinkled.The fleeting time is unfavorable... But he did not forget to comfort himself, at least it was not a hailstorm, was it?

It's just that the heavy snow was blown down by the wind, and the front of the goggles was full of crowded snowflakes.The wind became stronger and stronger, whistling and hitting the cliffs on both sides.

Old man Hu didn't care about other things for a while, he just opened his mouth to shout something, but he got a mouth full of wind and coughed at the front.

The four of Shen Ye stopped spontaneously. The heavy snow in front of them, which was comparable to a blizzard, came at an untimely time.

Shen Ye looked through Xia Yize in front of him, and what he saw were the Liu and Huang families who were standing there in a panic.

This is to wait for the blizzard to stop?

But, who knows if the snow will get bigger and bigger.

The gust of wind swirled violently, trying to tear everyone present into pieces and blow them away.The snow on the hillside on the right was blown a little, and some began to flow down the mountain, slipping past the feet of everyone, and falling into the deep cliff.

The sliding snow is like a trickle, and the strength cannot wash people down.But immediately after, several snow-white streams meandered past the feet of everyone.

This is not a good sign.

Shen Ye grabbed Xie Yi and let him cling to him.Le Wuyi and Xia Yi approached them cautiously.

For a while, none of the four spoke.

Just at this moment, a person in the middle of the front line became dizzy for some reason, and when he opened his eyes again, he had fallen on his back towards the cliff.

Daxue's obstruction made the people around him not as sharp as before, let alone hold him back.Under the shocked eyes of his companion, the man's complexion suddenly turned pale from a trance, and then there was an earth-shattering scream: "No—!"

That scream was so stern that it overshadowed the roar of the strong wind in an instant.

It was too late for the companion to stretch out his hand, seeing that he missed the man, and his body disappeared into the abyss.The feet of Naihe who wanted to save people also began to become unstable, and his body fell forward inertially.While his pupils shrank, he was pulled back by another person with a pale face.

For a moment, the hearts of the two men were beating like drums, and their faces were full of fear that could not dissipate.

When Shen Ye heard the screams, his expression turned grim. He didn't care about the life or death of that person, and suddenly looked up the hillside.

It is said that loud noises are prohibited in the snow-capped mountains. The wind erosion here is already severe, and the loud noise plus the wind, even if the snow on the slopes is thin, is enough to cause an avalanche.

Everyone present obviously thought of this, and all looked up.At this moment, the mountain is still quiet.It's just that the stream made up of those snow particles trembled for a while, became thicker and faster.

The gust of wind seemed to have stopped, and the sound of heartbeat was suppressed in their throats. Then, as if sentenced to death, everyone saw snow waves one after another appearing in the field of vision like waves.

"Everyone be careful!" Someone yelled heart-piercingly, with despair.

From seeing the avalanche to the heavy snow coming in front of me, it only takes a few seconds.Shen Ye and the others were carrying swords themselves, but in the blink of an eye they inserted the blade into the stone wall to stabilize their figures.

You must know that the mountain road is very narrow, and there are cliffs below, so it is impossible for snow to accumulate.As long as you survive this avalanche, your life is probably not in danger.

For other quick-response people, some simply lay down on the ground, while others took some tools and firmly stuck to the mountain wall.

Luoxue finally arrived, and everyone's bodies trembled under the weight of a thousand catties, almost unable to stand.

Xie Yi's chest trembled, and then another mouthful of blood spewed out.Fortunately, blood mixed with ice particles rolled down the cliff, and no one else would notice.

There was a rumbling sound in my ears, and the stones mixed in the avalanche made my whole body hurt, not to mention the suffocation feeling of being buried in the snowdrift.

There seemed to be screams in his ears, but there seemed to be no.Xie Yi felt severe chest tightness, but in a trance, he saw a pair of hands protruding from the stone wall.

Those hands were slender and white, with a green bracelet Xie Yi was familiar with on each side, vaguely looking like they wanted to hug him.

This is……

It seemed that Shen Ye's roar could be heard, but the voice was so vague that Xie Yi couldn't hear it the next moment.

The author has something to say: Calvin got stuck yesterday. I wrote more than 700 words in one night. I am really embarrassed to post it _(:зゝ∠)_

But today is still stuck

The number of words is slightly less, please understand_(:зゝ∠)_

PS: I always thought that the mountains and haze were mountains, but later I realized that it was the clouds and mist in the mountains, which is also called miasma in the south.

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