Ancient Sword II: The Tracking of the Fierce Mountain

Chapter 185: Crossing the Grass and Climbing the Snow Mountain

Chapter 180 Five: Crossing the Grass and Climbing the Snow Mountain

When Xie Yi opened his eyes, he found himself standing on an endless lake.

He was dreaming again.he thought so.

Xie Yi raised his head and looked up, only to see that the sky was dark and dark clouds piled upon one another.Occasionally, a few bright white moonlights will fall from the gaps in the clouds, but no matter how bright the moonlight is, people can't see the distant scenery clearly.He looked down again, and saw countless rays of light swimming like shooting stars in the deep black lake water, gathering and dispersing at times, leaving golden arcs behind.

Xie Yi then looked forward again, whether it was the lake water or the sky, it spread all the way to the far horizon.A gust of wind blew, lifting Xie Yi's hair and clothes.It was clearly a refreshing scene, but Xie Yi frowned.

This time, where is he again?

Empty and dead silence are the only impression left by this area on Xie Yi.

Xie Yi tried to walk a few steps, the lake surface was flat, leaving a few footprints on the water surface, but they turned into ripples and dispersed in a short while.The flickering light spots seemed to have sensed something, and some began to gather at his feet.

light spot?

Xie Yi paused, his mind was a little dazed, and he suddenly thought of the spider on the ground.

At this moment, the lake water under Xie Yi's feet was rippling, he only had time to lower his head, and the whole body suddenly sank into the water.


"God, look outside!" Xie Yi was woken up by a scream, and he sat up suddenly as soon as he opened his eyes, and the coat draped over his body slipped off.

"There is a pool of water outside this door!" Someone shouted outside the door, the voice was full of disbelief.

Xie Yi opened his eyes and was stunned for a moment, as if he had never heard the noise outside the house.It wasn't until those noisy voices were far away that he supported his forehead wearily.

Just the next moment, Xie Yi's wrist was held, and another cool hand covered his forehead.

Only then did Xie Yi discover Shen Ye who was sitting beside him.

"Tired?" Shen Ye said softly.

Xie Yi shook his head, his expression still a little confused.

Seeing that this person didn't have a fever, Shen Ye withdrew his hand: "You..."

Xie Yi said softly: "A Ye, I seem to... had a dream..."


"Yes," Xie Yi's head was still dazed, "it's just... I can't remember what I dreamed about." He obviously had the impression of dreaming, but he couldn't remember the content of the dream at all.

what is it then?Xie Yi looked at his hands and tried to make a fist.

slight tingling...

Before Shen Ye could continue to ask questions, a voice suddenly broke in. "Master Tai Shifu," Le Wuyi walked in quickly, "Come and see."

Xia Yi followed behind Le Wuyi. Seeing Xie Yi, he held Shen Ye's hand and stood up. He nodded and said, "Senior Shen, thank you, Senior."

"What happened outside?" Shen Ye asked.

Xia Yi's face was a bit complicated: "There are more things."

Le Wuyi was helpless: "Yize, are you too calm?" He faced Xie Yi and Shen Ye, "It's those lakes. They seem to have really moved."

The four of them walked outside the house, and they saw a lake more than three meters wide embedded in the grassy slope not far from the stone house.Wherever the breeze passes, blue waves ripple on the lake.

Some people have already walked to the edge of the lake, and couldn't help stretching their hands into the lake water. When they felt the coldness, they couldn't help but gasp: "Is this really true?"

One sentence is quite convoluted.

God knows that when a group of people came to this stone house yesterday, there were no pools or lakes within a few hundred meters.But after one night, the lake ran over from the other side of the mountain by itself.

Facing everyone's astonishment, Old Man Hu seemed to be an old god. He folded his arms and said, "Didn't you say it yesterday, these are the tears of the goddess, it's magical."

Everyone was speechless.If everything is true as old man Hu said last night, that the water was changed by spiders, then it is indeed a miracle.

The lake in front of me is extremely clear, blue and blue, but I can't see the bottom of the lake just by standing on the edge and looking down.

"The water looks very deep." Someone picked up a handful of water and opened his mouth to drink.A person next to him saw it and slapped him on the back of the head: "Are you stupid? You dare to drink anything before you figure it out!"

The man poured a handful of water all over his clothes.

Xie Yi stood beside the two of them, staring at the lake in a daze.

Shen Ye held his hand tightly: "What?"

Xie Yi closed his eyes, rubbed his eyebrows and said, "I always feel like I forgot something."

"Is it still that dream?"

Xie Yi nodded: "It should be very important."

Seeing that Xie Yi kept rubbing the center of his brows, Shen Ye said, "Forget it if you can't remember it, it's not too late."

"Yes, Master," Le Wuyi handed over the water at this time, "Drink some water, we may have to set off again later." After speaking, he suddenly turned to Shen Ye and said, "Great Master, nothing is wrong At this time?"

Obviously, Le Wuyi hadn't heard anything before.

Seeing this person's extremely innocent appearance, Xie Yi chuckled: "It's nothing."

"Ah?" Le Wuyi doubted him, scratched his head and said, "Oh."

On the other side, Liu He didn't give old man Hu a chance to continue boasting about the so-called goddess' tears, so he ordered everyone to set off after packing up their things.

This piece of alpine grassland is extremely vast. Although the terrain is changeable, because of the single vegetation, walking is much more convenient than before.Occasionally, everyone would pass by several lakes, and the clear lake water was so crystal clear that it was almost transparent.

Also because the lake is extremely clean, there are birds drinking water by the lake, and some people see it and fill a few pots.If your companion objected, just point at the few birds that flapped their wings and flew away.

The sun is blocked by clouds, and the higher you go, the thicker the clouds will be.

"The weather on the top of the mountain may not be very good." This is what old man Hu thought about it.

Liu He didn't raise his head when he heard the words: "As long as there is no hail or snowstorm."

Old man Hu glanced at him: "Oh, you are desperate."

Because when the Liu family hired him, they said that there was a contest between the mountaineering teams, and they wanted to climb to the top to defeat each other, so old man Hu believed it.Just looking at the weather, the mountain will definitely not get better.

If it wasn't for taking money, or if it wasn't for giving too much money... Every time I think of this, old man Hu grits his teeth for a while.

The temperature gradually dropped, and it was obviously summer, but the biting cold only increased.

Everyone put on the clothes they had prepared one by one. At this time, the vegetation on the mountain was no longer visible. There was a mixture of ice and mud scattered on the bare brown soil.

After crossing the snow line, the snow field finally appeared in front of everyone.It took only a moment for the snow to fall from sparse to pitted step by step.

Shen Ye exhaled, wearing goggles, he looked around, and he couldn't find the mountain road in the vast expanse of whiteness.Only the footprints of the time of arrival are faithfully left behind.He stretched out his hand towards Xie Yi behind him: "Is it okay?"

At this moment they were wrapped very tightly, Shen Ye couldn't see Xie Yi's expression clearly, but he could still see the hand he stretched out.

When the two stood together, Shen Ye asked again: "How is your body?"

Xie Yi shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

"Do not force."

Xie Yi nodded.

Le Wuyi looked at the drowsy sky at this moment, full of worries.

Alas, if only it were sunny.

Xia Yi patted him on the shoulder as a comfort: "Time is limited, no matter how difficult it is, we will come up."

Le Wuyi sighed: "Who says it's not." There is only one Ghost Festival every year.

It's just that the weather has been too weird these days, hailstones the size of eggs can fall down the mountain, but what about the top of the mountain?You must know that the weather in the mountains is even more unpredictable. If... Le Wuyi patted his forehead: "If you don't want to think about it, it's useless to think too much."

Seeing his helmet crackling, Xia Yi laughed a little and said, "That's true."

At the front of the line, old man Hu took the lead, and thanks to him knowing his way, he was able to walk so fast.Rocks, snow, and hillsides, this man walked on the ground like walking on flat ground.

After all, Huang Jue wasn't young anymore, he was out of breath after following the old man Hu's footsteps, and finally he simply grabbed the old guide: "How long is the top of the mountain?"

Old man Hu turned his head, maybe he couldn't bear this person's coquettishness, so his tone was sarcasm: "I haven't even reached Yuheng Snow Mountain yet, so I'm thinking about the top of the mountain?"

Huang Jue was not angry after hearing this: "How long will it take to reach Yuheng Snow Mountain?"

Old man Hu thought for a while and said, "Three more hours. If you travel fast, you can get there in two and a half hours."

Huang Jue let go of his hand: "Then let's go."

Seeing Huang Jue hunched over, old man Hu shook his head and said, "You see, what's the use of you being younger than me?"

Huang Jue didn't answer, and old man Hu didn't care, and the group continued to climb up the snow mountain.

The higher you go, the thinner and colder the air, even if you wear winter clothes, you are still shivering with cold.

On a cliff, Old Man Hu finally stopped. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the other end of the cliff: "There is Yuheng Snow Mountain."

The author has something to say: one-third of the last volume did not write _(:зゝ∠)_

Sure enough, the more you go to the back, the more you drag? _(:зゝ∠)_

PS: This week is relatively busy, and the update is suspended. I will see if I can update a chapter on Friday (I'm sorry for the tiger landing style!)

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