Chapter 130: The Dungeon

Due to the narrow space, it was naturally difficult for Shen Ye and Xie Yi to exchange places. Seeing Shen Ye turning sideways as much as possible, Xie Yi smiled and leaned forward to look forward.

Body entanglement is inevitable, Shen Ye feels the warmth of his lover, feels the slight breath of the other, and feels a little tipsy in his heart.But turning his head to look at Le Wuyi who could finally see his face, Shen Ye snorted again.

The word light bulb really fits Le Wuyi best.

Xie Yi didn't know that Shen Ye once again disliked his disciple Sun Yi, he focused on the Shimen, and saw that although the appearance of the Shimen was damaged by external forces, there was no major damage.Presumably, when the tomb robbers smashed the door back then, they encountered the mechanism by chance and entered so smoothly.

Looking at the places that have been smashed, the center of the stone gate is mottled and mottled, and the original decorations can no longer be seen, so it is obviously not here.Looking at the two sides, some places are still covered by mud, and some places are simply a concave hole.After eliminating one by one, Xie Yi looked at the bottom - there was an inconspicuous but well-drawn wolf pattern, with his head held high, as if he was looking up to the sky and howling.

The surrounding area of ​​the wolf's body was uneven, and the outer circle was knocked off by the pickaxe, leaving the wolf standing stubbornly in the mess.

Wolves are sacred objects of ancient Turks, and it would not be an exaggeration to use wolves as gatekeepers.

It's just that it's smaller after all.

Xie Yi looked up in the direction of the wolf's head, and finally stopped at the top of the stone gate: there was a pattern of a full moon, and two black wolves, which were much smaller, were running around the moon.

Compared with the wolf totem at the bottom, the full moon, which was paid attention to by the three wolves, is more likely to be the key to the opening of the stone gate.

Xie Yi naturally told Shen Ye about this discovery, and Shen Ye didn't doubt that he was there, so he stretched out his hand to push the moonstone.

With a sound of "click", the stone representing the moon receded, but before Xie Yi heaved a sigh of relief, he heard three sounds of "咻", "咻", "咻", and there were extremely thin iron needles from the three wolves. It shot out from the mouth and went towards Shen Ye who was at the front.

The space here is too narrow, Shen Ye is too late to draw the sword, let alone such a place, it is impossible to use it at all.

Shen Ye pushed back Xie Yi who was leaning on his shoulder, and when he turned his head, an iron needle flew past his face, and he didn't dodge the latter one, but when he raised his head, he used his teeth directly Bite.As for the iron needle under his feet, Shen Ye didn't care about it. He let go of the long sword and just blocked it in front of his leg, and stopped it with a "ding".

And this was over in a blink of an eye.

The stone door began to move, receding from the middle to the two sides. When it opened a gap, the howling wind blew the hair of the four people, bringing fresh air.With the opening of the stone gate, the wind slowed down, and finally, a dimly lit corridor was revealed.

"A Ye!" Xie Yi had no time to think about the opening of the stone door, he grabbed Shen Ye who was playing with the iron needle, "Are you alright?"

Shen Ye gave a soothing smile, pulled Xie Yi out of the narrow robbery cave first, and stretched his limbs the moment he stepped into the corridor.

I have been walking forward with a short body, and it is a lie to say that I am used to it.

It's a pity that Xie Yi had already turned his face away before he took a deep breath.Xie Yi caressed his cheek, and there were slight blood sticking to his fingertips - after all, he was scratched by an iron needle.

Seeing that Xie Yi's complexion became very ugly, Shen Ye was at a loss for words for a while, so he said with a guilty conscience: "I'm fine."

Xie Yi frowned and said nothing, touching the almost invisible wound, eyes full of worry.

This is the mess that cares about.

But his worry is not unreasonable, otherwise, wouldn't the design of the iron needle be superfluous?

Le Wuyi and Xia Yi also came over, seeing Xie Yi's worried face, they didn't know what to say for a while.

Shen Ye sighed, and handed the iron needle he put away to Xie Yi: "If you are worried, you can take a look."

Xie Yi took over, but it's a pity that he is proficient in hagana, but he doesn't know much about poison: "If Tong is here, it will be fine."

"Thank you senior, can you let me have a look?" At this time Xia Yi said, "Master taught me some medicine, maybe it can help me."

Xie Yi was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Then I will leave it to Yi Ze."

Xia Yi looked through the iron needle carefully, and because he didn't have tools, he could only give a general conclusion: "There is no poison on it."

Not highly toxic, but not guaranteed to be non-toxic.

Xie Yi's downhearted heart lifted again, but at this moment there was no solution.To waste all previous efforts and directly drag A Ye back to Longbing Island?Of course not.He put the iron needle away, with a serious expression on his face: "Let's go and come back quickly." There is no other way.

Once Xie Yi stripped off his elegance, he felt quite decisive.

The other three naturally obeyed.

The stone door behind him closed automatically, and Shen Ye and the others didn't care.They looked at the square stones under their feet, and at the uneven, high and low ever-burning lamps on the corridor wall, they felt something was wrong.

But what's wrong, I can't explain.

Xie Yi reflected these scenes in his heart, and was not prepared to delve into it: "Let's leave here first."

All the way forward, the stones under the feet are very regular, but a little old.When the eternal light came to an end, what appeared in front of the eyes of the four people was a dome.

The semicircular dome is made of stones, which are of the same material and color as the stones under their feet.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi looked at each other, if the glazed terrace just now was prosperous, then the dome here is simple.

And the dome is located here, it can only show that they are at the top of the tomb at the moment.And the glazed platform, is it likely to be a viewing balcony?

"Could it be that the mausoleum was sunk into the ground from above?" Xia Yi asked.

Xie Yi nodded: "Very likely."

At least the exposed one is indeed the top layer of the tomb.

The dome and the corridor are connected by an arch. It is incredible that the air comes from the inside of the dome.

Shen Ye snorted and laughed: "Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with it."

The four people entered one by one, and saw that it was indeed a beamless dome, but it was different from the simplicity on the outside, but the inside was painted with countless colorful paintings, and the colors were bright.It's just that time is too long, most of the paintings have been peeled off, and the original patterns cannot be seen clearly.But the greater possibility is air.With air convection, these paintings are naturally difficult to preserve.

Xie Yi looked at the circular opening in the center, the outside wind was blowing from here.It seems that apart from the glazed platform, there is a second entrance to this tomb.

But, why open such a passage in the mausoleum?Isn't the designer of the tomb afraid that the excess air will make the body of the tomb owner corrupt?

But standing here is futile, and everything can only be known after finding the main tomb.

Two steps descended from the dome, one was at the feet of Shen Ye and the others, and the other was on the other side of the dome.

Looking down, it was dark.Different from the ever-bright lights in the corridor, there is not a single bright light here, which has a rather gloomy taste.

Shen Ye threw a flashlight to Xia Yize, and turned it on himself, but the moment he turned it on, he could hear a sound coming from below, the rustling was not clear.

Turn the flashlight down, and you can see neat square stones, and nothing else.

Shen Ye frowned, and shone the flashlight around, but unfortunately, the space below was so huge that the flashlight couldn't be fully included.

Wherever the light passed, the light intertwined with the long black shadows of the pillars, and every time it passed, it would change carelessly like a black snake.

"You guys, did you hear that just now?" Shen Ye didn't think it was just an illusion.

Sure enough, Xie Yi was also solemn: "Yes, it seems to be the sound of something moving."

Xia Yi nodded just like Le Wu.

What would it be if it could run away cleanly the moment the light appeared?The four couldn't help but wonder.

Mummy?Mummy should not be afraid of light.

Those vines from the forest earlier?They are obviously only afraid of fire.

Although he couldn't figure it out, Shen Ye smiled: "Interesting."

Xie Yi couldn't laugh, he looked at the almost invisible scar on Shen Ye's cheek, and felt that he would be uneasy all the way.

Sensing Xie Yi's gaze, Shen Ye sighed, this person was indeed as stubborn as ever.While Le Wuyi and Xia Yi were investigating the dome building, Shen Ye clung to Xie Yi's ear and said softly, "Don't forget, we are connected in life and death. If I die, I won't leave you alone."

Xie Yi was taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled slightly: "Yes."

"What is it?" Le Wuyi turned his head, just in time to see Shen Ye and Xie Yi staring deeply at each other.

Xie Yi coughed, and said somewhat unnaturally, "It's nothing."

"Oh." Le Wuyi did not doubt that he was there, but she was a little baffled by Shen Ye's stare.

Why did Grand Master stare at me so many times?

Xia Yi obviously knew what Le Wuyi was disturbing, he coughed and said, "Let's go down."

With the light of the flashlight, the journey is very clear.

As expected by the four, they were at the top of the tomb.The top of the tomb is round and the bottom is much larger.There are four pillars under the dome, and two aisles behind the pillars. The two sides of the aisle seem to be rooms, and I don't know where the end is.

Fortunately, there is no layering here, which saves a lot of trouble, but the doors are as tall as the city gates, which is not a good place to live.

The more you go down, the more sultry feeling becomes clearer, and for some reason, the air here seems to contain a certain smell, not like dust or carrion, but more like a mixture of various smells , There is an illusion of being in a garbage dump.

Le Wuyi couldn't help covering her nose: "Meow meow, where does this smell come from? It smells so bad."

Shen Ye also frowned, the flashlight shone everywhere, the almost desolate empty place seemed to permeate the whole space.

Xie Yi endured the stench, discerned it carefully, but was stunned for a while: "This smell..."

Shen Ye said, "Do you know what it is?"

Xie Yi was a little uncertain: "I'm not sure, but the smell is indeed similar to that of the sky lantern back then. It's just that the smell here is too strong."

Shen Ye was taken aback, the sky lantern Xie Yi was pointing at was naturally the sky lantern in Hu Hai's tomb last time.The sky lantern has been processed, so the stench of human flesh has been reduced a lot, but here...

When Le Wuyi heard Xie Yi's words, he was naturally taken aback: "Master, what you said is true? Human flesh?"

Shen Ye carefully identified it, and got the same result as Xie Yi: "It really smells like human flesh."

Le Wuyi didn't say anything.Such a large space smells like human flesh... just thinking about it makes one's hair stand on end.

Xia Yi searched around with a flashlight. In the empty tomb, is there really human flesh?He couldn't help poking the flashlight into the aisle, and saw that layers of rooms were spreading into the distance. The plain patterns and stone porch seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary.The light got farther and farther away, and then a pair of eyes whose pupils filled the entire eye socket broke into Xia Yize's eyes.It was a pair of indescribable eyes with round eye sockets and no whites. They were stuck close to a door at some point, looking at them without blinking.

The author has something to say: Why is no one guessing the foreshadowing?Guess there is a prize, there is really a prize┭┮﹏┭┮

It's rare for a certain field to be so generous (*/ω\*)

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