Chapter 130: Glass Terrace

The waterfall disappeared, as if all the flowing water had been poured down in an instant, and now that it has been accomplished, it has disappeared and has nothing to do with this world.

Shen Ye and the others were left alone, staying where they were in a bit of embarrassment.

They imagined countless possibilities, but they never thought that there is a reason for this waterfall to disappear.

The land within [-] meters of the altar has been washed very clean at this moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is spotless.It's just that those water marks will not disappear for a while.

Drops of water dripped from the ends of her hair, and there was a sound of water splashing when she moved her feet.Although the sun is warm, the clothes next to the body are cold.This feeling of being drenched from top to bottom, from the inside out, is really not wonderful.

But now is not the time to think about changing clothes. After the waterfall disappeared, the calm water in the pool finally moved.

Unlike ordinary running water that gradually descends, the solid liquid is like a slate, or a piece of cloth that has been torn in two, slowly moving from the middle to both sides.

As the sun set, there was light emitting from the pool.As the gap got bigger and bigger, Xie Yi couldn't help covering it with his hands—a burst of multicolored light suddenly burst out under the altar, dazzling to the point of glaring.

"Hmm..." Xie Yi narrowed his eyes, and when his eyes finally got used to it, he was surprised to find that it was a piece of colored glaze.

Five or six meters below the altar, there is a round glazed altar in front of you, which is dazzling.Whether it's the floor, the round table and stool in the middle, or the surrounding fence, they are all made of pure glass without any ornaments.

Le Wuyi felt dizzy after just one more glance: "Meow meow...these colorful..."

Shen Ye and Xia Yi looked at the glazed stairs under their feet, which spread all the way to the bottom of the platform—this was something they had never seen before when they were in the pool.

At that time, except for the goddess statue, they didn't touch any angular objects, but now there are sharp-edged utensils under their feet.

The round shape of the glazed platform is in line with what we saw before, but the stairs, the tables and chairs in it, and the hollowed-out fence around the colored glaze all tell that they were covered before, and they didn't even touch the real thing.

Shen Ye was already in a bad mood, but now it's getting worse.

Being deceived so easily, anyone who discovers the truth will only be depressed.

But now that he has found the entrance, Shen Ye is not in a hurry. It is not suitable to go to the ground when he is completely soaked.

He straightened Xie Yi's dripping hair, and facing Le Wuyi and Xia Yi, he said, "You guys, have you brought extra clothes?"

Le Wuyi and Xia Yi looked at each other in blank dismay.

The answer, of course, is: no.

The tools are fully prepared, but there is not much clothing.

Shen Ye and Xie Yiben had a drowned encounter. If Xie Yi hadn't been careful, they probably wouldn't have had any clothes to replace the previous time. As for the addition of Le Wuyi and Xia Yize now, this is really true: there are too many monks and too little porridge.

Le Wuyi obviously also felt uncomfortable. He took off his coat, and just twisted it, and the "crash" water flowed down in a column shape. In an instant, there was a puddle of water under his feet.

Le Wuyi: "..."

Twist again.


Facing everyone's helpless expressions, Le Wuyi said innocently: "Why don't we light a fire and roast it first?"

Although the proposal is good, it's a pity that the forest has been burned clean, let alone wood, even sawdust can't be found.

Le Wuyi was a little discouraged. Why did the time stagger the time when the drying opportunity was so good before?

Shen Ye put his hand on his forehead, but finally gave up and said, "Forget it, let's go in directly, go back quickly."

This ghost mountain is in summer, if you move fast enough, you shouldn't catch a cold easily.

"Oh." Le Wuyi nodded, then looked at the clothes in his hand and worried.

Do you still want to wear this?

The four dealt with it briefly. Except for Le Wuyi, the clothes of the others were more or less waterproof, so they could barely bear it.But Le Wuyi obviously wasn't like this, his coat would squeeze out a puddle of water after a while, which was quite horrible.

Xia Yi wanted to give Le Wuyi his coat, but was stopped by Xie Yi.Xie Yi took out his own clothes and handed them to Le Wuyi.

Although this coat has also been wet, it is still drier than Xia Yize's clothes.But the moment Xie Yi opened it, he was stunned.

"Xie Yi?" Shen Ye was puzzled, after seeing clearly what Xie Yi was holding, his complexion also changed - the clothes were already completely dried.

"Master?" Le Wuyi asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Xie Yi smiled, and passed the clothes over: "It's nothing, you can change it first."

Le Wuyi looked at the dry clothes, then at Xie Yi's still wet coat, and refused, "Master, you should wear it yourself."

Before Xie Yi could speak, Shen Ye simply said, "What are you talking about, don't waste time."


Le Wuyi was also surprised that Tai Shifu was willing to let Master suffer from the cold this time, and the next moment he saw the other party dig out his clothes, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked Xie Yi to change into them without any doubt.

Xie Yi naturally refused: "A Ye."

Shen Ye just looked at Xie Yi.

Knew it.

Xia Yi coughed at this moment, and whispered: "It's the same."

The joy of watching it with relish but not knowing it is no different: "Huh?"

Xia Yi was helpless, dragged Le Wuyi and left without any explanation: "Let's go down and have a look first." While speaking, he deliberately straightened Le Wuyi's body so as not to give the other party a chance to turn around.


Xia Yi smiled slightly, and said soothingly: "Be obedient."

Le Wuyi shrugged: "Don't make me look like a child."

However, for a moment, he really forgot about Shen Ye and Xie Yi behind him.

When Le Wuyi and Xia Yi reached the bottom, the feeling of being dazzled before became clearer.The surroundings are full of colorful colored glazes, as if there is only this beautiful but extremely chaotic color in the sky and the earth, how can one be dizzy.

Even the corners of Xia Yi's mouth twitched, the tomb owner's taste is really not flattering.

But when the glass is placed, it can be seen that the floor is engraved with patterns, and the fences, tables and chairs are all exquisitely designed.Just because it is made of colored glaze, it seems too exaggerated.

Due to the interference of colored glaze, those patterns could not be clearly seen after all, let alone which clan and dynasty they belonged to.

"Yize, look there." Le Wuyi said.

At one corner of the colored glaze platform, the colored glaze on the surface has been smashed, exposing the brown soil behind it, and a short and irregularly shaped hole.

With just one glance, Xia Yi frowned.


How could there be a robbery hole here?

At this time, Xia Yi suddenly remembered that the residents of that island had indeed said that several groups of people had searched for Ghost Mountain.

What he saw before made him think that those people had failed, but now it seems that this is definitely not the case.This robbery hole must have been left by the previous tomb robbers.

But immediately, Xia Yi discovered something was wrong again.

That goddess is the key to opening the passage. If someone succeeded last time, how could she still be complete this time?

"What's wrong?" At some time, Shen Ye and Xie Yi had already arrived behind them.

"It's just a little strange." Xia Yi subconsciously said.

He turned his head like Le Wuyi, and sure enough, he saw Xie Yi put on Shen Ye's coat.

The two couldn't help showing teasing expressions, for a moment they forgot about robbing the cave.

Xie Yi's face was already a little red, but Jian Le Wuyi and Xia Yi kept staring at him, not to mention that the bases of their ears were gradually turning red, even their complexions became uncomfortable.

Shen Ye looked at Xia Yi with displeasure, and gave Le Wuyi a look: "What are you doing here in a daze? Why don't you leave?"

"But..." Xia Yi looked at the robbery cave behind him, but saw that there seemed to be regular stones buried at the bottom of the robbery cave.

In order to hide his discomfort, Xie Yi stepped forward and swept away the dust on the surface.Seeing this, he was surprised: "It's a ladder."

The uniform and orderly stairs extend down layer by layer, and they will never be a temporary work of tomb robbers.

He turned his head to look at Shen Ye, and found the real entrance to the robbery cave by mistake.

"Alright, let's go now." Shen Ye said.

Xia Yi originally wanted to find the key to open the entrance, but thought that time was running out, and this point was not crucial, so he gave up with a sigh.

Due to the narrow space of the hole, the four of them could only enter one by one.

The descending stairs already existed, but this passage was obviously dug by later tomb robbers.Occasionally, shovelfuls of soil can be seen piled up on the stone steps, and looking up, there are also traces of digging.

It can be seen that the previous batch of tomb robbers just tried to clear the road as soon as possible in order to seize the time, and didn't care about the convenience of walking.Therefore, the further you go down, the narrower the space becomes. Fortunately, the four of them can walk with their backs bent, without having to climb down.

If you crawl along the stone steps, it will be strange if you don't break a layer of skin.

The further down they went, the stronger the sense of suffocation became for the four of them.

The flashlight can illuminate the robbery hole, but the air is obviously not circulating.The smell of dust gradually became stronger, and the air became thinner.

Could it be that the place below is a closed mausoleum?The four couldn't help but think.

But along the way, there was no corpse of the tomb robber.

Maybe there is something else going on below?

With this in mind, the four of them went down silently all the way.

The mud-covered stairs seem to be able to spread all the way to the distance.When Le Wuyi felt a dull pain in his waist and his neck started to twitch, Shen Ye, who was walking in the front, finally stopped.

Because of the narrow space, Xie Yi behind Shen Ye couldn't see the changes ahead: "A Ye, are you there yet?"

"Maybe." Shen Ye was noncommittal, and then said after a pause, "There is a door."


It is indeed a stone gate.The two arched doors were originally designed to be very delicate, but the thick soil still adhered to the outside, and dozens of scratches made it uneven and beyond recognition.

Looking down, fragments of large and small stones were scattered randomly, obviously caused by the smashing of the door.

Shen Ye couldn't help but see a group of tomb robbers beating the stone gate with all their might. Aren't these gouging marks just a sign of frustration?

Because Shen Ye turned his body slightly, Xie Yi behind him also saw this scene.

"A Ye, do you need help?" Xie Yi asked.

Shen Ye looked very calm: "No need."

But then he realized that it was too early to say this.

Pushing towards the deepest part of the gouging mark, Shen Ye found out after exerting all his strength——it couldn't be pushed away.


Try harder.

Shimen didn't move.

Shen Ye remained silent, looking back, it was Xie Yi smiling.

The smile was the same as usual, still gentle, but Shen Ye felt that his face was a little hot.

"Great Master, what's wrong with that door?" Le Wuyi's voice came over.Because there were two people in front of him, he couldn't see anything. He thought that Shen Ye and Xie Yi were looking for an opportunity to open the door.

Shen Ye coughed: "It's nothing."

As soon as the words fell, Xie Yi's smile became more gentle.


I lost face in front of my lover, and it seems that I should find some way to remedy it.This was the idea of ​​Shen Ye who couldn't open the door.

Such a master is very cute.This is the thought of Xie Yi whose inner joy is uncontrollable.

Why is Master not moving?Ouch, my waist... This is the thought of Le Wuyi who is tired enough.

Could there be some accident?This is the idea of ​​Hawaii who is somewhat close to the truth.

Brute force obviously won't work, Shen Ye coughed and said calmly, "Xie Yi, what do you think?"

The author has something to say: In fact, there is a very important foreshadowing, I don’t know if you have discovered it.

Then this chapter is written, I don’t know what’s going on, it’s all used to show affection, help (*/ω\*)

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Shen Xie Xia Le is sweet~(≧▽≦)/~

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