After getting off the plane, Li Chuo went to the bathroom to wash up a bit embarrassedly, changed into a whole set of school uniform, and threw the body that was vomited up by himself directly into the trash can in the bathroom.

The strong turbulence just now was just a false alarm, but it completely summoned the prehistoric power that the child had suppressed for a long time. According to other students at the scene, it was simply a whale spout.

"Teacher, I'm sorry." After arriving at the hotel, Li Chuo was led into his room by the team leader. After hesitating for a while, he decided to put down the emperor's burden and apologize.

"It doesn't matter, anyone will be affected by such a violent vibration, and your physical condition is quite special." The teacher who led the team smiled very kindly, arranged for him to stay and went out, and rushed back to his room to take a shower went.

Li Chuo also took a shower himself, turned on the TV and watched for a while, all of which were chirping birdsong. Li Chuo's English level is not bad, especially after Wang Dun expanded his capacity, listening, speaking, reading and writing were not a big problem, so he quietly I sat on the bed with my knees hugged and watched for a while. It seemed that the travel channel of this small western European country, which was similar to the imperial capital, introduced many local beauties.

The scenery here is good, the air quality is quite good, there is no heavy industry, and the sky has already darkened, and Li Chuo can see the distant Milky Way when he looks up through the slanted floor-to-ceiling windows.

He remembered that the teacher had told him before coming here that there are several famous research institutes in Europe, and some seniors and sisters who ranked well in international competitions chose to continue their studies in a research institute of a certain university here. Some eventually immigrated and stayed in their home countries.

Li Chuo had never thought of leaving the imperial capital before, one Zhang Tao was enough to crucify him there for the rest of his life, but now.

He walked to the full-length mirror in the room, slightly opened his neckline, and looked at the bright red quatrains.

How fragile human life is, he is used to hearing the cry of long live, long live, long live, and he really regards himself as long live.On the plane just now, the children were crying and the adults were shouting, and some were trembling and began to write their wills. Their faces were all pale with fright, and the people in the first class were screaming and wanting to take refuge in the back. How could there be any wet clothes? step gentleman.

Bajun travels [-] miles a day, so why doesn't King Mu come back again?

Because King Mu is just a humble human being, he fell in love with the Queen Mother of the West and made an appointment for another date, but he never thought that he could not escape the dimension of time like his girlfriend, and was finally crushed by it ruthlessly into an insignificance in the years dust.

He and Zhang Tao will eventually do the same.

Although his body's metabolism is slower than normal people, his body that is still developing in adolescence cannot be fooled. In the past, he would use the attitude of a boy to compare his size with Zhang Tao when he was under the covers. He knew that Every part of him is still slowly developing, and the complacency at that time has only now been discovered to be a slow and cruel truth.

He finally understood why Zhang Tao beat Guizi Liu so hard that even Wang Dun couldn't bear to criticize him. In fact, it might not be because Guizi Liu had warned him and strangled his neck. Maybe Zhang Tao himself didn't He must have figured it out, because Guizi Liu pierced this layer of window paper, he would die eventually, and he would leave Zhang Tao's incalculable rest of his life in this irreversible way.

Li Chuo remembered that when he was the emperor, as a wise ruler, he actually encouraged court disputes, but whenever a minister exposed something to his face, he knew it in his heart, but he didn't really want to face it. Sometimes, it is often these unlucky bastards who are not very good at observing words and expressions.

Guiziliu may not be able to observe words and expressions, maybe it is the friendship he grew up with that made him want to remind Zhang Tao of the unbearable ending he will face in the end when falling in love with an ordinary person.Wang Dun also said that he had seen Zhang Tao's unrepressed anger, and he said that he never wanted to see it again in his life.

Losing him, what kind of distorted character will Zhang Tao become?As a boyfriend, it's not that he doesn't want to know, but as a man who once protected the whole world, he doesn't want to know at all, and he doesn't want the descendants of those he protected to experience this unknown disaster.

Buckle buckle.

Just when Li Chuo was recalling his great achievements in the first half of his life, an untimely knock on the door interrupted his memory of bitterness and sweetness.

"Student Li, your roommate is here." The voice of the teacher leading the team rang outside the door.

By the way, I said before that students from another high school in the imperial capital will also come to participate in the competition. They will come on the next flight. If they can't live there, they may be interspersed with arrangements. I didn't expect to arrive so soon.

"Oh, please come in." I don't know why, Li Chuo, who always likes to be alone, is quite willing to accept a new roommate at the moment. It might be better if the people are more lively.

"It's you?" The boy who was brought in by the teacher kept his head down, but now he took off his baseball cap and saw Li Chuo, he was immediately stunned.

"...?" A bunch of black question marks appeared on Li Chuo's face, he didn't quite understand the new roommate's magical way of striking up a conversation, but he has been emperor for so long, and he has met too many people, he is a bit blind to think Can't remember where I've seen this one.

"I went to your food stand for breakfast, and you said to me, 'Sit down, serve two drawers of buns first, the wontons are cooking broth, I haven't got it yet, I owe a bowl.'" The boy's face was flushed, and he was recited backwards. .

Well, no wonder he also represented their high school in games, his memory is really good.Li Chuo looked at the sports boy up and down. The other contestants in their group were all nerds. Some people would believe that if they had a little beard and said they were [-], it was rare to see such a sunny boy in this kind of competition. .

"Oh, so it's you." Li Chuo nodded lightly, expressing that he remembered.

After seeing off the teacher, the child gave a brief introduction to the indoor infrastructure construction to the new roommate. After taking a bath, the healthy boy had no intention of doing exercises, so he sat on the opposite bed and chatted with Li Chuo. opened the chatterbox.

This boy is really talkative. In ancient times, he was a material for a poison-testing eunuch. Li Chuo looked at the boy's upper lip touching his lower lip, chattering away, and really wanted to pick up a piece of palace dessert. into his mouth.

"By the way, how did you come to my room?"

Li Chuo listened gracefully to the boy's chatting, from his grandfather to his father, from his father to his elder brother, more or less like a son of an aristocratic family showing off his lintel, and finally couldn't help but interrupted Li Chuo thought to himself, if you want to talk about family history, I will tell you the family tree to scare you to death, little frozen cat.

"Ah? Oh..." Jian Qi Cannon Fodder also seemed to realize that he was talking too much, so he quickly shut up and changed the subject.

"I looked at the list in the hands of the teachers. It should be arranged according to the grades. You are the first in points, and I am second. Arrange us together so that we can do exercises together. It means helping each other." Cannon fodder came I was still a little unconvinced before, and I wanted to see who Fang Shengsheng not only tied with him but also overtook him in terms of points this year, but after seeing Li Chuo, this competitive mentality disappeared without a trace Without a trace, my mind is full of the bells in the church and the blessings of relatives and friends after the technical immigration. Anyway, the second cancer has spread in my belly.

"Then let's do some exercises, it's still early anyway." Li Chuo looked at the clock, and there was really no common language with this kid. He suddenly thought of Zhang Tao, and found it incredible that he was someone who could make him talk all the time. Forced to talk about the man who was looking for a topic, he realized that not every man in the world is so easy to chat with.It is also true that in the first half of his life, he hardly had a playmate who could give him heart and soul. Everyone played a part in his life, but no one could completely become his whole.

"Oh, yes." Although the cannon fodder boy still wants to chat, but the children from rich families are more or less able to observe the situation, seeing that Li Chuo's mood is waning, he has no choice but to take out the exercises from his schoolbag set.

The two were doing the questions relatively silently. Li Chuo's speed was faster and his accuracy was higher, which successfully aroused the impulse of the boy opposite to mark him as a male god.

"You are so fast at solving the questions. Since when did you start paying attention to the competition?" During the intermission, the boy looked at Li Chuo's mock paper with almost perfect marks, and asked with a pale face.

"I haven't paid much attention to it. It was all arranged by the teachers." Li Chuo said honestly, if it weren't for Wang Dunqian's exhortation, he would have kind of wanted to tell the other party that his memory stick had been redeveloped. I turned out to be the face of a defective product in the hands of God, and Li Chuo felt quite pitiful.

"I'm going to the bathroom, let's rest for a while and do another set before going to bed." The boy seemed a little sleepy, but the competitive mentality unique to teenagers still urged him to compare himself.

Li Chuo nodded, watched him walk into the bathroom, suddenly felt a sense of tiredness and relaxed, and leaned on the sofa without moving.

Zhang Tao is also competitive, but he is very good at taking care of others. Sometimes the two of them nest together. As long as Li Chuo yawns, he will turn off the phone and go to bed without hesitation, and sleep with him. He doesn't care about Wang Dun at all. They clamored for the name of pig teammates in the game.

Buckle buckle.

The knock on the door interrupted Li Chuo's delusions. He rubbed his forehead, stood up slowly from the sofa, and subconsciously said in Chinese: "Who?"

"." The other party's Niaoyu words were correct, which made Li Chuo a little embarrassed. He forgot that he was abroad, but why is there room service at such a late hour? Maybe the teacher who led the team knew that everyone was brushing the questions. Give a little bonus, mostly chocolate cake or chicken wing platter or something.After dealing with that cannon fodder boy for a long time, Li Chuo was physically and mentally exhausted and really hungry.

"Come in, please." Li Chuo agreed and opened the door.

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