"Don't embarrass me!" Li Chuo whispered, his shoulders dropped and his elbows dropped. A beautiful elbow hit Zhang Tao's stomach directly, almost knocking out the half bowl of wonton he ate just now.

"Hmm." Zhang Tao's face was livid, he clutched his stomach and shrank on the chair, keeping quiet for the time being.

"Well, because I heard that master, your white table craftsmanship is also quite good, so I was wondering if I could order a snack box."

The low-presence boy who had been silently watching the young couple play tricks finally spoke.

"Ah? You came here with the discount card in the store, just to eat snacks?" Zhang Tao didn't react for a while, and then looked carefully at the card on the table. He had scanned the QR code with his eyes just now, so it shouldn't be It's a fake, could it be that this kid picked it up from the corpse?

"Well, it's not dian (diǎn) xin (xin), it's dian (diǎn) xin (xin)." Jing Bai, the boy biting his words, explained, slowly raised his head, and looked at Zhang Tao calmly.I don't know if it's his illusion, but the panic and hesitation in the boy's eyes are slowly disappearing, replaced by a kind of almost cold anger, he pointed his finger at his heart, and made a one-size-fits-all gesture.

"Well, that one." Zhang Tao shivered all over his body when he saw it. He really can't be judged by his appearance, and the sea water can't be measured. The business is so ruthless. No one has ordered this dish for many years. It seems that the other party is also an out-and-out scum. He can't even kill his father, marry his mother or throw his child into the well. Forged such a big beam.

"That dish is not cheap, have you thought about it?"

"Hey, think it over, I know the rules." The boy stood up firmly, took off his coat, and started to unbutton the first button of his shirt.


After seeing off the little assistant, it was still dark, Zhang Tao asked Li Chuo to go back to the kang to warm up first, and he and Li Zi went out with the lamp to lock the street door, and then groped back into the main room trembling in the military overcoat.

"Oh, my ass is freezing, come and let me give you a hug, and hug my sister, and put my sister on the sedan chair." Zhang Tao sang while talking, and a horse jumped on him and On the big kang where the children sleep.

"Get out." Li Chuo stretched out his long legs and kicked him off his body.

"Ouch!" Zhang Tao rolled on the floor with a grunt, got up unwillingly, and looked at this scumbag who was going back on his word with tears in his eyes.

"Why don't you let me touch it again?"

"Nonsense, you just ate human flesh." Li Chuo thought of the scene just now, and still couldn't help feeling sick.

"That's not human flesh, it's a little bit of blessing, it's the fixed price for his dish."


"Well, I'll talk about that later, but this time the little assistant has spent all his money, and I don't know what kind of grudge he has with that young master."

He didn't say anything, but Li Chuo could tell a little bit. From the monitoring screen, the girl who came to fix Baishui sheep's head last time seemed to have only a little bit of flesh and blood eaten away, but this time the little assistant, Basically, all the flesh and blood on the chest was eaten by Zhang Tao, and it was not fully grown when he left.

"He has a grudge against that person? Then why do you want to send him a snack box by name?" Li Chuo was confused by him. At first, he thought it was a gift to a customer or something.

"Is there a word for dim sum in the official dialect of your dynasty?"

"Yes, I have tea and snacks every afternoon."

"Yes, your hometown must have taught you that when you say dim sum, the ending sound must be soft, not too loud, right?"

Li Chuo thought about it and shook his head.

"Oh, by the way, your father is the emperor and your mother is the queen. I don't have the time to teach you these things." Zhang Tao lowered his head and lamented that the class system kills people.

"Is there any difference?"

"The two pronunciations have different meanings. The folks are very taboo about this. Don't be wrong. Point (diǎn) Xin (xin) is a kind of food that is usually eaten with tea, and point (diǎn) Xin (xin) ) is a punishment.”

"What punishment?" Li Chuo grew up in the deep palace, rarely heard such rumors in the market, and now he was interested, and looked at him with his chin in his hands.

"Well, I can't say it." Zhang Tao shook his head, looking as if the matter was serious.

"Why can't you tell?"

Penalty is common for Li Chuo. Although he is not very old, he can basically reach the highest level with 24 punishments. Anyway, the nature of his work is like that, and he doesn't have enough mentality. Jianshe probably freaked out when he saw a pig, and he is a workaholic, and he would never allow this kind of twat to happen to him.

"Aren't you afraid? Oh, certainly not."

When Zhang Tao's dead house attribute broke out, he secretly dug out Li Chuo's biography from the history books and read it. It really was one. Besides Xiaobai, he is already a very mature politician in terms of administrative ability, so he will definitely not be afraid of these things.

"That's right. Didn't you watch Ling Chi? The kind who slices mutton on people."

"Hmm..." Li Chuo suddenly felt like vomiting, and quickly covered his mouth.

"Can you stop using such innovative adjectives and focus on it."

"Oh, isn't it three thousand knives? The three thousand knives are divided into three days and 72 hours. During the period, the prisoner's heart must be protected so that he can die at the last knife. Experience the most extreme pain..."

"Zhang promised! Tell me the main points!" Li Chuo really convinced this young man of literature and art. There are so many books in the cellar that are worth reading. Even chatting for a day can tell the picture so vividly. Originally, I saw it with my own eyes. The ones I've seen are not as disgusting as he described.

"Then here comes the important point, because the last knife must break the heart of the person in one fell swoop, so it is commonly known as point (diǎn) heart (xin), a knife point on the heart of a person." Zhang Tao's final ending sound is very deep, drawn very Long, echoing down and down in the main room of this old house, lingering endlessly.

"Actually, I wasn't afraid at first, but why does your voice always have a sense of sight in "Zhang Tao Tells Stories"." The child shrank on the bed, a little hairy, and stretched out his hands to grope on the floor, catching Caught Zhang Tao's thick arm.

"Do you want me to go up?"


Li Chuo never showed weakness to anyone in his last life, but now he is not shy about sharing his subtle psychological state. Although he has not been friends with Zhang Tao for too long, he has almost begun to confuse love and family affection In front of him, his self-esteem is not so strong. They can have sex, but at the same time they seem to be a pair of close friends who talk about everything.

"Then I'm going up, hey." Zhang Tao straightened his waist, jumped onto the kang, skillfully lifted Li Chuo's quilt and got in.

"You won't be afraid to sleep with your arms around you." Zhang Tao stroked Li Chuo's hair. The child's hair was very soft, but it looked like fine lacquer ink. Under the blue and white light of the dim oil lamp, it spread across the pillow. , although it was pitch black, shone like silk in the night.

"No...do it?"

"Don't do it, you are tired." Zhang Tao kissed his forehead.

He is not as anxious as ordinary young boys, and he is not even as active as Li Chuo. He looks like a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, but no one knows how old he is. After settling down, he became more relaxed, calm and gentle. Even Li Chuo didn't know what unique charm he had, which could arouse the unfathomable charm of this seemingly silly, sweet, but actually unfathomable man. Ming is already a blockbuster love.

Lying in his arms, he felt warm and safe, much warmer and safer than his East Palace and his East Nuan Pavilion. In that palace that belonged to him, it was cold everywhere, even though there were fire dragons buried in the ground, all Before going to bed, the brocade quilt was warmed with a gold-plated soup lady, which was also cold, and only warmed his skin, not warming his heart that was forced to mature prematurely, and it was difficult to move.

Only in this dilapidated courtyard hall can he eat happily and sleep soundly.Li Chuo thought wildly about the past and the future. While he was half asleep and half awake, he subconsciously squeezed Zhang Tao's hand. Zhang Tao seemed to understand his cuteness very well. He was pinched by him meekly. After a while, his palm There seems to be a pad of flesh growing out of it, which is soft and comfortable to pinch.

Li Chuo felt that he was flattering him, and he snorted twice comfortably, as if to respond to his understanding, and then pinched Zhang Tao's meat pad in a daze, almost falling asleep.

In a trance, Li Chuo felt that Zhang Tao's hand had indeed turned into the shape of a cat's paw, and it was getting bigger and bigger, bigger than the paw print he saw at the Meridian Gate last time.

He opened his eyes all of a sudden, and saw that Zhang Tao's back also became wider. He arched his body, and his body quickly turned into a cat.No, that's not a cat, not even a tiger, this beautiful animal is many times bigger than them, Zhang Tao's body is like a god standing between heaven and earth.

Li Chuo's vision gradually widened as he changed, and he saw Zhang Tao's body mass sitting in a deep blue background, magnificent, but soft and cute, round almond eyes with animal texture, as if Wearing colored contact lenses is as beautiful as eyeliner.

The beast is playing with a hydrangea in its hand. From a distance, it looks a bit like a gatekeeper lion at the gate of the Forbidden City. Li Chuo's vision is constantly zooming in, and he can't help but stare at the hydrangea in Zhang Tao's hand. The ball is very beautiful, most of which are It was a blue surface, and his vision sank slowly, approaching the sphere. He saw the sky, the ocean, mountains, hills, plains, and all living beings on it.

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