Gluttonous canteen

Chapter 149 Blood Tofu


Xiao Ran's sigh came from the Nuange study, saving Li Chuo from the quagmire of schizophrenia.

This is my own voice, that's right, um, yes, after living in modern times for so long, Li Chuo almost forgot that his adolescence had ended before it even started.

The moment he was born from the mother's womb, he had already been fastened with a golden lock of great weight, crushing the baby's delicate body into a meat paste, and his pieces were gathered together again to form a golden body. Frowns and smiles are all painted in advance with oil paint. From birth, he is a decisive vs. gentle and honest essence. How can there be a little bit of joyful world of teenagers.

It was Zhang Tao who turned him into a douchebag, and Li Chuo hated Zhang Tao for making him live the way a douchebag should be, but he was also convinced, because his boyfriend was capable of covering up a douchebag like him. For example, even if he pokes a huge mess outside, Zhang Tao will imitate Empress Nuwa and make it up again, and he will never complain about him.

Alas, homesickness.

"Qing, are you asleep?"

Li Chuo's voice came from the study room in the warm pavilion. The young monarch seemed hesitant to speak, and there was hesitation in his solemn tone that others could not detect.

Qing?Fuck, I was good at flirting when I was young, why is this skill gone now?Oh, by the way, if you continue to flirt, your butt can't stand it, and a big cat who doesn't flirt is still seven times a night. If you flirt, I'm afraid it will go to heaven long ago.Li Chuo secretly lamented his flirtatious skills when he was young, and made a fuss in his mouth.

"My lord, I haven't slept yet, and you haven't rested either?"

"Not yet, tell me, what are the major national affairs?" Li Chuo's voice sounded muffled, as if he was worried about something. His voice was not tense in front of him, and there was a little childishness before his voice changed completely.

"The important affairs of the country are the sacrifices and the soldiers." Zhang Tao's voice came out of Li Chuo's mouth, calm and mellow, and it was indeed the attitude that a man should have.

Fuck, abstinence big cat!The child's heart has melted. I don't know that the self-employed person who usually looks full of sternness still has such a serious moment. He is really a scheming boy. What should I do? I want to touch him, but is it a little bit...

"You're right." Li Chuo nodded inside and remained silent for a long time.

Just when Li Chuo was in the midst of the battle between heaven and man, whether he really wanted to wonder for himself, the little emperor's words sounded like he was talking to himself again in the study room of the Snape.

"Sacrifice and Rong are two embarrassing things."

"The sage has been working hard for a long time, and there is nothing wrong with it, and it is not difficult to say." Zhang Tao's voice is like a spring breeze, and the child's heart is warm. It turns out that this guy is very reliable when he is serious.

"Governing the inner palace, the rules and regulations are strict, and the sacrifices to the ancestors of the heavens are punctual and respectful. As for fighting outsiders, since the Holy Majesty ascended the throne, he has won several battles by the emperor's personal conquests. Not only has the territory expanded, but the population and horses have also cultivated literature and virtue. The following is a common saying, Once you come, you will be at ease, the sage is talented and intelligent, so you don't need to talk about it."

Emma, ​​is this still Zhang Tao?Is this a big cat?This is an article about the monarch and ministers of the abstinence system!What should I do? I'm hard on myself, I'm hard on myself, no, I'm hard on me, it seems wrong to say anything, ten thousand grass and mud horses gallop past Li Chuo's heart.

"You are quite understanding, but that's not what I'm talking about." The little emperor in it uses intimate words. Although he doesn't have to call me at any time when he gets along with his relatives and friends in the inner palace, he doesn't treat his ministers privately. I can see that the little emperor has a relatively close attitude towards Zhang Tao, and regards him as his neighbor.

Oh oh oh, come on, you sycophant, a blue-faced evil spirit, Li Chuo waved the flag to Zhang Tao in his heart, he knew that this big cat was made hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the newly discovered old attribute of the cute child is bleeding in his heart .

"Isn't it important to pay attention to the knowledge of the gods in the sacrifice, and it is for people to eat. There are no descendants. No matter how much sacrifice is, it is just a passing incense. I am afraid that the ancestors will not like it." The voice of the little emperor revealed a lot of helplessness. Li Chuo Suddenly he felt a little pity for himself in that time and space. He had no friends at that time, and it was inconvenient to talk about many things with his parents and brothers. He still remembered the day when Emperor Long Yubintian of Dahang held his hand and said Words: "The emperor's mind, you can't say it."

However, at this moment, he told Zhang Tao as if he was talking about family affairs, how much weight does he have in his heart.

"Your Majesty, are you worried about things after the election?" Zhang Tao's voice was as calm as water, and only Li Chuo in his body could feel the little waves in the water. In the little emperor's ears, it has already dissipated in the icy cold wind outside.

"Well, Zhang Qing, do you have a wife?" The little emperor's voice finally came out after a while.

"The family is poor and has no wife."

Bah, Zhang Tao, this is the crime of deceiving the emperor. How do you explain those golden camels, golden horses, little silver men, and cornucopias? !Li Chuo in Zhang Tao's body roared loudly, but he couldn't get out to warn his current self not to be fooled by this beautiful boy's rhetoric.

"That's right, Lang Guan's salary was a bit lower at the beginning, but you are from Wuling, and the day when high-ranking officials have to ride horses and horses is just around the corner." It was rare for the little emperor Gao Leng to reply with more than fifteen words.

"I am happy to be your Majesty and a Langguan. I eat with a basket and drink with a ladle, and I don't change my pleasure."

Ouch, Zhang Tao, you are a provocative maniac, but you were so strong back then that you didn't rush out to kill him under the quilt under the cold eaves even after being teased like this.Li Chuo thought to himself.

"Heh." Sure enough, the little emperor was coaxed into a laugh.

"But you always want to start a family, right? Young unmarried men will be the man in charge, and you don't know when you will be leaving... Well, you said, when you marry an illiterate girl, you usually have to chat what?"

The little emperor seemed to be in a dilemma, and he really regarded Zhang Tao as a buddy of the same age, just like the old leftover men complaining about their bitterness when they have dinner together, discussing the countermeasures for the future.

By the way, Li Chuo remembered, because when the country was founded, the cause of the former dynasty's subjugation was attributed to the chaos of the female lead, so the choice of concubines in this dynasty has become a lot tighter, and it does not favor aristocratic and powerful backgrounds. On the contrary, they tend to be the type of Xiaojiabiyu girls who are virtuous without talent. I heard that most of the people who have been inquired by the court recently are also of this type. Li Chuo is a young man. Queens with a little common language are really enough to drink a pot.

"Here, let's talk about some firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. We can't just be romantic all day long, right?" The old concubines persuaded him similarly. Didn't this duplicitous big cat pose for a shadow kissing scene yesterday?It's not his style to give up so quickly.

Hearing this, Li Chuo was really awkward. Sure enough, the little emperor in the study room of the Nuan Pavilion also fell silent, as if he was not very satisfied with Zhang Tao's answer.

"The day is approaching. Your Majesty might as well take a look at the portraits to be selected first. It's okay." Zhang Tao didn't know what medicine he had taken wrongly, but he actually spoke in the same tone as those three aunts and six wives in TV dramas who babbled to persuade people to get married. Well, going out to eat and have a blind date can also broaden your horizons, don't always stay at home and be an otaku, isn't that what it means in translation?


There was a brief scolding sound from the Nuan Pavilion study room, but the fury of the thunder quickly subsided. Li Chuo is a person who can bear it. If he can't hold his breath, he will not stand out among the princes of this generation. , but in fact, he didn't need to hold back his anger for a small Langguan. It seemed that his relationship with Zhang Tao was already relatively close, maybe because he regarded him as a friend who could talk a few words.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. If you don't want to talk about this, why not tell your ministers about Si and Rongli? Your Majesty has returned triumphantly from his personal expeditions several times. What is there to worry about?" Zhang Tao's voice was still tense. It was very tight, and it appeared to be gentle and gentle. It didn't have the fearful reaction of ordinary ministers after being reprimanded by the emperor, and seemed very calm and self-sufficient.

Zhang Tao, the big cat, has become a master. I won’t be angry if you scold me. I will continue to make plans for you. As the saying goes, it’s hard to beat a smiling face with a fist. With such a white lotus, after a long time, I really thought he was just a fool.Li Chuo was shocked, and felt that the number of times he had been cheated must have been far more than the times he realized that the big cat pretended to be sick and pitiful.

"Oh, that."

Li Chuo's voice was actually calmed down by Zhang Tao. No matter how deep the city is, he is still a teenage child. Compared with the thousand-year-old cat demon, he is still young.Li Chuo, who was inside Zhang Tao's body outside, shook his head and sighed and made a ╮(╯_╰)╭ gesture: Wake up, my lord, he is the man who will trick you into bed with sweet words in the future, and let you read the scriptures every day, eh, But the hen's text is really beautiful.

"That's another thing I'm worried about, the imperial mausoleum." In the study room of the Nuan Pavilion, the voice of the little emperor echoed in the empty hall, looking very lonely. A teenage child, all right, remembered what was behind him. Even this matter is not something he can decide on his own, and it has to be linked to border defense. He was too tired in the past few days.

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