Gluttonous canteen

Chapter 148 Blood Tofu

Chapter 10. Lang Guan

"do not want!"

Li Chuo yelled, and a carp jumped up from the ground, but halfway through the jump, he found his body entangled in a bed, and fell down again, sitting on a buttock.

"Ouch." Li Chuo groaned slightly while clutching his old waist.

"My lord, are you all right?"

It was dark all around, only Xiwei's lights came from behind, Li Chuo squinted his eyes and looked, he was currently lying in the bed on the porch, the voice came from under the steps, it looked like it might be a night watchman of the Imperial Army.

"No, it's okay, let's go." Li Chuo stumblingly responded, and suddenly found that his voice was hoarse and deeper than usual, as if he was in the period of voice change, and he was going through the period from boy to man. ambiguous period.

Why does my voice sound so familiar?This is Zhang Tao's voice!Li Chuo was frightened, and watched a group of patrolling guards walk away, and fell down on the bed.

Is this the already worn rhythm?Let me see.Li Chuo rubbed his hands secretly and put his hand into the place where it shouldn't be. Yes, it belonged to the big cat. Since there is no mirror now, he had no choice but to follow the method of identifying each other in the dark.Li Chuo comforted himself with the zombie's behavior just now, and was quite satisfied with his new body.

That's right, with a baby face and big eyes, a tall and tall figure, and outstanding lethality, she can star in a Marvel movie.

"Who's outside."

Li Chuo's familiar voice came from the Nuange study room, yes, it was his own voice, so young, it hasn't changed yet, ah, I also had a period of youth.

"The last time I followed the saint, it was the patrolling imperial army passing by." Zhang Tao's voice came out by himself.

Oh, it turns out that the scripts are all ready-made. Zhang Tao's voice is really nice when he is serious.The child grumbled secretly, the big cat always had a playful smile in modern times, and rarely talked to him like this, his voice was full of awe, and a little bit of intimacy that was almost imperceptible.

"Really? They walked again, that's the second watch, um." Li Chuo's voice came from inside, the first half of the sentence was still very dignified, and the latter um, a little bit of what was left of the teenager Childish, it should be stretching.

So cute, wait, why am I cute myself, I feel like I need to see a psychiatrist when I go back this time, I’m not crazy.Li Chuo scolded Zhang Tao a hundred times in his heart. He knew that he was a generation of rice dumpling king and dared to serve bloody tofu. Now it’s all right. The whole narcissistic cut caused a lot of psychological trauma, okay? ?

"Is the bed warm?" The cute little emperor spoke.

"Warm, warm." Zhang Tao got stuck, and Li Chuo's heart skipped a beat.

"That's good, it's new cotton, let someone dry it, so as not to freeze and damage your night watch."

"Thank you, Lord Long En." Zhang Tao knelt down in a very orderly manner, and reasoned, why did I kneel down for myself? Li Chuo suddenly remembered the World War II comedy he had seen. When the Führer came out, all the Nazis shouted hi Hitler, the Führer readily responded by saying hello to myself →_→.

Fortunately, after Li Chuo finished speaking, there was no sound, otherwise the children would not know how to chat with him.

Li Chuo cosplays Zhang Tao and stands outside the door for a long time, there is no movement in the Nuan Ge study, the child continues to entangle himself in the bed bored.

It turned out that the ancient winter was so cold. Li Chuo huddled under the quilt and rubbed his palms. He never stood outside in the cold wind in ancient times. There were earth dragons buried in the room, and the burning was even worse than the current earth heat. Nothing worse than that, the flowers are blooming all year round, except for a short time in the morning and evening when Dingxing is exposed to the air, he has no chance to breathe the cold air outside, so that he still thought it was fun to snow My son, I don’t know how hard it is for people who need to be exposed to the cold wind for a long time because of their work in ancient times when there was no heat island effect-such as myself now.

"Haaaaaaah...q!" Li Chuo felt a little cold and wanted to sneeze, but Zhang Tao's body pinched his nose and slipped into the bed and suffocated it alive, making the child burst into tears , don't mention how uncomfortable it is.

Zhang Tao didn't want him to know that he was cold, did he?

The child's eyes were wet, and he couldn't tell whether it was because of the sneezing just now or something else. He was shivering from the cold, and there was no heat in the bed, so he couldn't warm himself up, so he stood up and walked around the corridor, exercising like this, A young and vigorous body really produces a lot of heat energy.

Li Chuo's figure was reflected on the window sill, and the child looked eagerly at the self who could do homework in the warm room, and made up his mind to study hard when he went back, and absolutely lived up to such good lighting and warmth conditions qaq.

Zhang Tao's body walked around a few times, and stopped in front of Li Chuo's window. His body swayed slightly, but he didn't know what he was doing.

What is this thing for?But then again, my profile silhouette is so handsome, um, it looks a bit like actor Jin Wenling, why don't I go to the Imperial Film Academy in college?The career of an actor can be regarded as a turning serf and singing. As long as he can make his debut successfully, the money will be greatly reduced.

Li Chuo was thinking, a little wanting to compare his current silhouette and his body, which one is more handsome, he subconsciously glanced at the ground, only to find that his shadow overlapped with the silhouette projected on the ground on the window sill Together, like that - as if they were kissing.

!Narcissus!Let go of me!Li Chuo's memory was competing with Zhang Tao's body, and the shadow on the ground was still kissing inextricably.

Zhang Tao, a fanboy, is simply the ancestor of Fantou. Even if you can imagine this kind of idiotic behavior, you will lose.Li Chuo gave up the contest and looked at the shadows of Narcissus underground with complicated emotions.

That's Zhang Tao kissing him, it's really beautiful.


Zhang Tao didn't sleep until the morning shift came to change shifts. He just stood there in the cold wind and guarded the door for Li Chuo. I didn't sleep all night, and the silhouette was always on the window lattice, probably because I was reviewing the memorial all night.

Oh, what a good boy, if I were a shou, I would have fallen in love with me a long time ago. After a night of torment, Li Chuo's logical thinking has almost gone crazy. Chaofang slept on all fours.

"Haven't I heard that the former dynasty is arguing again."

"No way, I think that although our sage is young, he is a ruthless character who can hold the stage. Why do those old things dare to challenge him?"

"It's said that it was the previous dynasty, and it was not the order of the harem. It has been a while since the election. Today I say that the Zhang family is good, and tomorrow I say that the Li family is handsome. How can the sage not spit it out? The queen mother is afraid of being in charge of politics I didn’t persuade you too deeply about the false name, but after all, when a person grows up, he will marry a wife and have children, and this is the case for ordinary people, let alone today’s son, otherwise how can the people of the world be stabilized.”

In Li Chuo's sleep, he heard some gossips. The ancient old leftover man suffered a critical blow of [-] points. A carp jumped up and waved his hand to announce that he would be pulled out and chopped.

But when the words came to his lips, they became: "Brothers, you got up early."

"Master Zhang has worked hard." Lang Guan, a few colleagues, hurriedly greeted him, as if he felt a little embarrassed for waking him up.

"What did you just say?" Li Chuo asked knowingly, and carefully looked at the faces of these Langguans, wow, it really is the ancient national flag class, handsome, I have heard that Langguans are all born The handsome young man in Wuling deserves his reputation when he sees him today, but none of them seem to be better looking than Zhang Tao. No wonder his guard point is closest to him. It seems that appearance is justice. also.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, we're on duty, you can take a rest." Several colleagues ran away laughing.

Well, it seems that these people should know that Zhang Tao can talk to themselves, so they hide what they say, maybe they are afraid that Zhang Tao will reveal something to him.

Li Chuo couldn't remember it. He still remembered some symptoms of pre-marital anxiety, which somehow disappeared later, but everything that happened in the middle was a mess, but now that I think about it, I feel that the big cat is very suspicious.


The moon is dark and the night is killing, and the wind is high and the sky is set on fire.

As usual, Li Chuo counted the stars in the bed, and he didn't know how long the effect of blood tofu would last. Alas, it's been two days, and I miss home, and miss Zhang Tao's noodles.Li Chuo swallowed his saliva secretly, looking at his silhouette reflected on the window lattice, he seemed to be in a daze with his cheeks on his hands.

This guy is actually fishing during working hours, wake up, hey, a whole country is waiting to eat Hey, now is not the time to fish!


There was the sound of a brush being thrown in the room.

No way, did you accidentally speak your heart out?No, now that I am Zhang Tao, will the inner me cut off the outer me because of my complaints, then the question is, if the outer me is cut off by the inner me, will the inner me disappear?Will the outside me return to the real world after being hacked, or will it disappear in this memory forever?Now I realize whether I am the ego or the superego, no!I am not crazy!

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