Gluttonous canteen

Chapter 140 Blood Tofu

"Do you... know me?" Li Chuo looked at the big boy wearing bottle-bottomed glasses, and couldn't recognize him for a while, but he didn't have any relatives or friends here, and Zhang Tao occupied him as soon as he woke up. All my friends are friends from the same school. Could it be that this child is one of his many younger brothers, then he shouldn't be called the Holy One.

"Oh no, I..."

"Lu Han, what's the matter with you, don't be nervous, just speak slowly." Zhang Shu pulled the man to his side and reached out to pat him on the back.

Lu Han?This man is Master Lu, so young.Li Chuo remembered what Zhang Tao had said to him. Zhang Broadou was Lu Han's son Lu Li, so the gentle and handsome man in front of him was the public relations manager. I can't tell that he ranks first among the four judges.But this kind of explanation makes sense, judges don't look at people's appearance, they pay attention to hope, and there must be purple air floating in his head. Do you still have dragon spirit?Oh, it is not the rhythm of restoration hopeful.

"Um, I'm sorry to bother you today. I'm going to send my child home later and then take the mock exam. Let's go first. Thank you both." Thinking of the restoration, Li Chuo smiled like a flower, and stuffed the cinnabar into it. Putting it in the cat bag I brought, before the dazed man could react, he jumped on Erba Da and kicked it a few times before running out of the alley.

"Zhu Sha's parents are so energetic...By the way, what did you call him just now, Your Majesty?" Zhang Shu looked at Li Chuo's back, still a little unsatisfied, and the half day that Zhu Sha was at home reminded him that broad beans hadn't Parents are like this when they grow up. When children are young, they always look forward to growing up early, wishing they could grow a centimeter a day, but when they really grow up and leave home, start a family and start a business, but I always think back to the time when I changed diapers.

"Well, let's go in, let's go in and talk." Lu Han pulled Zhang Shu behind the screen wall, and then went back to look around from the door before closing the street door.

"What's the matter? You seem to be very nervous." The two of them went back to the bedroom. Zhang Shu looked at Lu Han and felt that he seemed to have something on his mind, so he gave him the warm milk for Zhu Sha.

"Hmm." Lu Han drank a glass of milk to calm himself down.

"This person turned out to be Zhu Sha's parent. I didn't expect him to be with Zhang Tao." After drinking the water, Lu Han jumped onto the bed and lay down, directly on Zhang Shu's lap.

"do you know him?"

"Well, it happened many years ago. We underworld took over a private job and took it in." Lu Han changed his posture and rolled on Zhang Shu's lap.

"Private work? It's normal for the underworld to open the door to accept people, isn't it business?"

"Ordinary people are on business, but this Li Zhusha's parents don't count." Lu Han shook his head and sighed.

"His lifespan was not yet over, and he died because of human intervention.'s not so much that he died, it's better to say that he was temporarily deprived of his life by the underworld. His lifespan is still there, just like it is in a bank."

"What? You mean, Zhu Sha's father is..." Zhang Shu was taken aback, no, it was clearly broad daylight when I was talking to him just now, and it seemed that there was a shadow on the ground of that pretty little boy, his face It is also rosy and healthy, not like a lonely ghost.

"It's not what you think. It seems that he has already got back the rest of his life span." Judges have ghost eyes, and Lu Han can tell whether Li Chuo is a human or not.

"I didn't expect the underworld to be lenient. When I was a child, I often heard people say that the king of Hades wants you to die in the third watch. Who can keep you until the fifth watch? The whole mess is a trick to coax children." Zhang Shu listened to Lu Hanxian Cracking his teeth, he inserted his slender fingers into the other person's hair, and gently massaged his scalp.

"Of course I can, otherwise how would I get you, a child-raised lover." Lu Han reached out and touched Zhang Shu's neck, wanting to lower his head and kiss him.

"It seems that there must be a lot of power behind the incident back then. Why did you want such a beautiful little boy to die?" Zhang Shu was obediently pressed down by him, kissing him one after another, still for the incident just now. feel curious.

"Well, I don't know the specifics, but there are not many people who use the aspect to pick them up in person. Alas, I am laid off now, so why do I care about other people's business?" Lu Han felt that Zhang Shu was a little absent-minded, and begged Kiss him as if paying attention.

"Is that boy pretty just now? Prettier than me?" Lu Han kissed for a while, stopped and asked him with a smile, wrapped his arms around Zhang Shu's neck, and dragged him into the quilt.


"Jiu Mi!" Zhu Sha returned home and only rested on Li Chuo for a while before running around the room. It seems that the function of the ground three delicacies is not covered, but this kind of food is too delicious, causing His Royal Highness After absorbing nutrients through Li Chuo's body, he was overly excited, and refused to get in no matter how coaxed he was.

"Ahhh!" Zhang Tao and Li Chuo chased and ran around the yard. Their exercise intensity basically reached the level of a triathlon, and they were more tired than the next Dou'er. In the end, Zhang Tao lost his patience and ate the prince alive with his mouth. .

"You!" Li Chuo was chasing the child to play a game, and suddenly saw this scene of human tragedy happening in front of his eyes, he couldn't see it, and puffed up his face at Zhang Tao.

"It's not my fault, the child doesn't care, if he doesn't fight for three days, he will go to the house to expose the tiles."

"Who is babbling about democracy and science in my ears every day? Why did you become the old man of a big feudal family again when you come here? Quickly spit it out!" In response, he grabbed his neck.

"Ouch, the unscrupulous and stupid king killed his wife and son!" Zhang Tao shouted loudly.

"Stop howling, and be careful to invite old neighbors around you." Li Chuo let go quickly. The last time he beat his wife in the yard, the neighbors saw him. Fortunately, they all thought he was Zhang Tao's brother, and the two had a quarrel. Just kidding, if he knew about the relationship, he would definitely sue him for domestic violence.

"It's okay, let me carry it, and I'll spit it out for you when Zhu Sha falls asleep." Zhang Tao patted his stomach, but it didn't seem to be bulging at all.

"Why was it a ball when it was in my stomach?" Li Chuo lay on Zhang Tao's stomach and listened curiously, as if he couldn't hear the sound of the fetal heart beating.

"My body is too big, so I can't tell from the outside." Zhang Tao said leisurely, shaking his stomach.

"How big is it, is it convenient to say?" Li Chuo has long been used to his godlike manner, but in line with the principle of not embarrassing concubines, even though Zhang Tao is a gentleman, he also knows how to be compassionate and cherish jade, and has never forced him to ask. Things he didn't want to say.

"Well, it's very big." Sure enough, Zhang Tao was still ambiguous, giving an adjective that can be generally applied from the official hut in front of his own house to the entire universe - very big.

"The cinnabar was eaten by you just like that, can you find out where the child fell?"

"I can find it, it's in your bedroom, don't worry." Zhang Tao said cheerfully.

"My bedroom? Now my bedroom has become a museum for everyone to visit. I have to buy a ticket to go in by myself. How can you get it?" Li Chuo said angrily, wait, this guy won't Did you really move the child to the museum?Cinnabar is a fetus, free of charge, it's hard to say if this stingy concubine will be able to do such a cheap thing.

"Oh, that, when we were first dating, I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to sleep with me and feel homesick, so I copied one in my stomach, well, I couldn't explain it clearly for a while, probably, just like A 3D printer is similar." Zhang Tao explained with gestures.

By the way, Li Chuo suddenly remembered that he had been eaten by Zhang Tao once before, no, although he had been eaten by him many times, but he was eaten only once, as if he really entered his bedroom, he thought It was a dream, but it turned out to be real.

"I didn't expect you to have this ability."

"Hmm, this baby has many benefits, and I will develop it slowly in the future."

"Hmm..." The child looked up at his harem, with a chicken thief smile on his face.

"What do you want to do to me?" Zhang Tao cautiously covered his chest.

"Can you let me go in and have a look." Li Chuo said secretly.

"Your Majesty, you are so harsh."

"What's the matter, of course, if you like someone, you will have the urge to explore the inside of his body." Li Chuo said as a matter of course. On the surface, the words sound good, but when you think about it carefully, you are still a little scared.

"Are you really going?"

"Well, I want to take cinnabar around my house and let him see the place where I lived when I was a child, okay?" Li Chuo's tone is rarely so gentle, and even a little humbled, which made Zhang Tao feel normal. Jumping wildly, although it is another sense of entering the body, it actually gave the big cat a sense of tension before the first time a new concubine went to bed.

"Okay! Then I'll pack up and let's go back to your house for a few days." Zhang Tao made up his mind.

"Wait for a while, I don't understand what you mean." Li Chuo was very happy when he heard his agreement, but suddenly he realized something was wrong—what do you mean if we go back to your house for a few days, Zhang Tao can also come back?how come...

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