"Lack of virtue, this..."

Zhang Tao got up with a grunt and looked down. It was a stone man with broken limbs and arms. Only the head and torso were left in tatters. However, judging from the clothes and bun, it was obviously a statue of a palace maid. She The bun is neatly tied, and the strands of hair are clearly visible. I don't know what kind of carving technique they borrowed from. Although the clothes on their bodies are simple, they are also very flexible. The most amazing thing is the full head of jewels. A step shaker stuck on the head can actually shake back and forth with the movement of the statue, and it is about to fall.

However, the face of this maidservant's statue is so vivid and elegant that it can almost be real, but the part below the bright eyes is... blurred.

"When was this tomb repaired? The owner of the tomb is from the imperial capital. He was protected from smog every day during his lifetime. Do he have to wear a mask after death?" Zhang Tao squatted down and fumbled on the face of the statue of the palace servant, a little confused Be clear about the situation.

"You're the one who can shake your wit, right? Get up." Li Chuo came to squat with a migrant worker completely disregarding his image, pushed Concubine Zhang to the side, and squatted next to the statue of the maidservant for a closer look.

"This is a sacrificial figurine." Li Mingshou said after preliminary identification. He looked up and looked around the side hall, and found no human corpses or bones as far as he could see. Dabai who are in shackles or shackles, this shows that the character of the owner of this tomb is not so much cruel as it is more appropriate to say that he has a clear distinction between love and hatred. Although he has revenge, he did not use his innocent life as his own. martyrdom.

"There is no living person buried in the toilet hall. It seems that after serving the last meal, the personnel in charge of the sacrifice should have evacuated. Only these burial figurines were left for the talented ladies who originally lived in this toilet hall. But their Face..." Li Chuo stretched out his hand to caress the blurred face of the figurine, but he couldn't figure it out for a moment, he left the one beside him, and then walked to a deeper place.

"Hey, my lord, wait for me." Zhang Tao greeted and ran over, and the light became more and more dim as he walked in. Originally, there was not much light from the sky. There was not much refraction left, so Zhang Tao had no choice but to light a fire book with a wave of his hand to illuminate Li Chuo, for fear that the child would fall.

As a result, this ignited another world leading to the netherworld.

All they could see were hundreds of figurines of palace servants, all of which were the same height, dressed in different poses, and with lifelike expressions, but the lower half of their faces were blurred. Under the light of the constantly beating Huozhangzi, I survived strands of ghosts crawling out of the underground world.

"I said, are you emperors all lovers of figurines? Qin Shihuang likes to collect men, and this guy likes to collect women." Zhang Tao poked the child's waist from behind, and told his boyfriend what he was doing. Occupation expressed serious doubts.

"Get lost." Li Chuo didn't have the heart to joke with him, he was more concerned about the faces of these figurines now, the lower half of their faces looked blurry.

Li Chuo walked around to the back of a group of figurines, and then to the side, and found that there were two holes on the small and exquisite auricles of the figurines, but they were obviously larger than the ear holes, and they should not be reserved for wearing earrings and other items. location, then...

"That's right! It's a veil!" Li Chuo suddenly understood the key point and said loudly.

"The veil?" Zhang Tao looked closely in the direction of Li Chuo's finger, and only saw the two holes, but he still didn't understand what Li Chuo was talking about.

"These figurines..." The child hurriedly explained to him, his little face flushed with excitement from the great discovery he had made with his mind.

"They should wear a silk veil when they are buried. Judging from the holes in the ears, this is reserved for tying the veil. However, due to the long time of soaking in water, the veil All decayed and disappeared, and now they no longer exist, because these figurines were designed to look like they were wearing veils, so the parts that should have been covered under the veils naturally did not need to be carefully crafted, which saved the time. What a developed productivity." Li Mingshou's impassioned speech was impeccable.

"Baby, you are so handsome." Zhang Tao was convinced, and looked at him with a peaceful face.

"Look, there are still fibers left in some of the holes. It should be right." Li Chuo reached out and touched the inside of the holes. Sure enough, there were still some rough fibers left, which should be caused by the hemp rope that tied the veil back then. The remnants left behind.

"Well, the owner of this tomb is still very dedicated." Zhang Tao nodded and sighed.

"What's so special, your brain circuit is changing a bit quickly." Li Chuo didn't understand what he meant.

"What I mean is, in order to show his loyalty to the heroine, the owner of the tomb even covered the faces of the buried figurines and palace maids to show that he didn't eat what was in the bowl and look at what was in the pot," Zhang Tao explained. road.

"I'm really illiterate, I've been in the palace for so long, why don't I understand any rules in the palace." Li Chuo frowned.

"Because you didn't assign eunuchs and maids to teach the concubines." Zhang Tao spoke eloquently.

"I really can't tell you, listen carefully, in the palace, all the women—except the queen mother or the empress dowager and the concubines, and the princesses who live with their mothers who are not yet of age and cannot open a government office , all women belong to the emperor." Li Chuo rolled his eyes and explained to Zhang Tao.

"You, you, where's the integrity? Have you eaten it?" Zhang Bin roared at the court.

"What does it have to do with me? Are you the clearest about my physical condition?" Li Chuo snarled back.

"Uh, that's right, you game over before you have time to be lewd and innocent, touch the poor baby." Zhang Concubine's arrogant arrogance was suppressed.

"What I mean is that the ancient emperors absolutely didn't know what integrity was. How could they have such a concept? When I first settled in your house, I was criticized and educated by you and Lizi all day long. How long did it take to cure straight male cancer? Ah, not to mention this uncle who has been in office for an unknown number of years."

"Well, it makes sense." Zhang Tao nodded.

"And in ancient times, parents who paid attention to body, hair, skin, and skin could not change their original appearance at will. After girls entered the palace, they had to abide by the dogma that women should be pleasing to themselves. How can you be willing to hide your appearance without being picked up by the king?"

"According to what you said, why did you still cut your hair?" Zhang Tao didn't understand again, but he was a curious baby, adhering to the student creed of asking if he didn't understand, and asked Li Mingshou questions humbly.

"Nonsense, if there is a teaching director who is nagging in your ears all day long, and you can't stab him to death with Shangfang's sword like before, what else can you do but cut your hair!" Li Chuo shouted to the sky, Venting the tragic feeling of being cut into a hedgehog with black hair, to be honest, until now he doesn't think Zhang Tao has bleeding and spent hundreds of dollars to cut him. How handsome is this hairstyle, but it's just the little girl who handed love letters on the road There are more and more, alas, I don't really understand your modern aesthetics.

"If we don't mention the price, we'll still be friends ╮(╯_╰)╭" Zhang Tao said gloomily. It's all bad products from Wang Dun. He said he wanted to introduce a very good stylist to himself. , the design turned out to be quite good, and Zhang Tao was dumbfounded when he paid the bill. This is the income that can eat rice for half a year. No wonder that kid Wang Dun is so tidy every day.

"But since you explained it that way, why are these girls hiding their pretty faces from others?"

"In ancient times, covering up the face was not so much for the protection of men and women, but as a means of concealing shame. If it was just to avoid people, most girls would choose to hide behind curtains or screens. Instead of covering up part of the face, because it seems to be an expression of confession." Li Chuo said.

"Ah! It's like in "The Orphan of Zhao Family"?" Zhang Tao suddenly remembered the excerpts from the performance at Wang Dun's house. It is said that the theater troupe was invited by Hu Cheng's relationship. Beautiful, there is this plot in it. In order to avoid the pursuit of the enemy, the old couple who showed their own flesh and blood instead of the orphan of the Zhao family wore veils all day long, expressing that they were the guilty blades of life. The veil was removed from the face and the reputation was restored.

"You're right." Li Chuo nodded, expressing his relief at Zhang Tao's success.

"You mean, these girls wear veils to show a kind of guilt? But they are only maidservants, what kind of crime can they have? Just like you said, the owner of this tomb is a person who has a clear distinction between love and hate. Didn’t Dabai in the alley have already been executed? Since these girls are guilty, why should they be replaced by figurines instead of their bodies?” Zhang Tao looked at the group of palace maids standing quietly around him. , seemed to stand there quietly, waiting for another emperor's sentence besides the master.

"Perhaps this veil does not represent guilt, but an attitude of being unable to see others. Have you ever seen a picture of Fuxi and Nuwa mating in the late patrilineal society? Fuxi and his wife got married, so in the statues and paintings of the human-faced and snake-body gods, they covered their faces with light veils to show their shyness in meeting people." Li Chuo asked Zhang Tao.

"what do you mean……"

"These maids themselves did not commit any crimes, nor did they do anything that was inconsistent with the mainstream values ​​of society at that time. They were probably serving their masters to cover up their shame, and their masters may be the ones recorded on the nameplates. — Concubine." Li Chuo stared at the deep and dark corridor deep in the hall, who is this woman?

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