"It's okay, I'll take a look." Zhang Tao's tone became calm and serious, which made Li Chuo, whose eyes were red from vomiting, feel a little dazed. For a moment, he felt that the man holding him was not Zhang Tao.

Zhang Tao comforted Li Chuo, blocked him behind his generous back, poked his head a little, and saw "Dabai" eyes full of eyes.

It seems that just as Li Chuo imagined, the front wall of the side hall is only a few meters away from the back door of the bedroom, and the distance in the middle is only as wide as an alley.

"This is really... amazing." Zhang Tao looked at it, but didn't react too much. Instead, he turned his head to comfort Li Chuo, and patted the child on the back to let him catch his breath.

"Why aren't you scared anymore?" Li Chuo was also the master of the war, after the initial nausea, he took out mineral water from his backpack, rinsed his mouth, and asked Zhang Tao.At first, he was worried that the big cat's stress response would force him to yell through the roof. Unexpectedly, this time Zhang Tao behaved calmly and calmly, which in turn helped him stabilize his mind.

"I said you can adjust it manually." Zhang Tao didn't take it seriously. He changed it to that mode before so as not to hurt innocent people. Now that his boyfriend's stress response has appeared, it should be him who embodies the man. When you are in style.

Zhang Tao is a concubine who can observe words and expressions. When the child first arrived, he was very aggressive and flaunting his power. Since he has cheated others, he should be accepted. He must let the child have a dominant position in his heart, but now it seems that Li Chuo is shocked. Needing protection, he immediately took off his delicate concubine skin and put on a manly look.

"Is it so miraculous that I can still be transferred back?" Li Chuo was used to seeing Concubine Zhang act like a wronged little daughter-in-law, but he was very relieved to see Zhang Tao's manly side, and his mind became more stable.

"This is... another palace?" Now the child is no longer afraid, and finally mustered up the courage to face those Dabai. He probed out and finally saw clearly the structure between the bedroom hall and the toilet hall. A wide and narrow alley on the left and right of an alley is full of waxed corpses, which at first glance seem to be women.

"Another palace? Where is there a palace here?" Zhang Tao looked around, but found no other buildings between the two palaces.

"The reason why Biegong said it sounds good is actually the way between the palace and the palace. There is a saying in the history of the Ming Dynasty: "Concubine Yu Zhang, and Concubine Xi Zong also have a straight and strong personality. Guest and Wei are different from each other. They are secluded in other palaces. Diet. It rained, and the concubine crawled to drink and slipped to death.' is a nice way of saying, in fact, Wei Zhongxian and Mrs. Fengsheng did not imprison Concubine Zhang Yu in the cold palace, but a palace with a worse environment than the cold palace, that is, a few The passage between the walls of the palace. No matter how bad the cold palace is, there are still a few dilapidated houses, but the passage is exposed to the sun, rain and strong winds, and there is not even a place to hide."

clap clap.

In the empty bedroom hall, there was warm applause from Zhang Tao alone.

"Do you want to consider participating in the strongest brain or something?"

"No, the sages said that history books are for drinking, and I'm just imitating it." Although Li Chuo said it modestly, his little face was flushed with excitement after receiving the compliment.

"You use...Ming history for drinking?" Although Zhang Tao is illiterate and has never read the 24 histories, he doesn't need to read them. Those things are vividly imprinted in his mind and will not move. Those things about the Ming Dynasty It's a bit harsh, is it really good to drink with?As expected of the emperor, the brain circuit can actually be followed by ordinary people like me.

"I'm just talking. If I could drink, I wouldn't have vomited just now. Huh?" Li Chuo waved his hand to signal Zhang Tao not to take it seriously, and poked his head out to muster up the courage to watch those Dabai again, and hummed, It seems that something strange has been found.

"Look, is there something on those Dabai's necks? Is it a chain?" Although Li Chuo was not too scared anymore, Li Chuo still hesitated when he thought of the silky silkworm's slippery texture.

"Where do they still have necks?" Zhang Tao complained, and looked carefully in the direction of Li Chuo's fingers, isn't it? The place where a woman should have a slender and slender neck has swollen like a steamed bun. There is a tight circle around it, because there are too many waxy substances on both sides, which are almost embedded in the flesh. If it weren't for Li Chuo's sharp eyes, Zhang Tao really didn't notice it at the first time.

"There are so many big whites, it's impossible for all of them to live in the side hall and be in charge of offering sacrifices. They might have been criminals before they were alive?" Li Chuo stretched out his legs and kicked a few broken bodies on the ground, revealing a chain like an iron lock. It seems to be stuck, tied to the neck of a big white nearby.

"Sure enough, it's a prisoner, it's locked, ah..." Zhang Tao seemed to have remembered something, with a sad expression on his face.

"Didn't you just say that the other palaces are used to imprison and punish concubines who have made mistakes? Could it be that these people are... Maybe the water rose up and would soon flood the toilet hall and bedroom hall, but no one came to untie them. they."

Seeing the slowly rising water submerge every part of his body bit by bit, trying to stand on tiptoe to get another second of air, Zhang Tao couldn't help but shudder just by imagining that feeling of despair. With a shudder, he secretly rubbed his eyes at Li Chuo, the child was not as sad as he was.

Li Chuo is still a very hard-hearted person. As long as the intuitive scene does not cause him psychological harm, almost nothing can touch his heartstrings only by imagining. Maybe some people will feel that they have found such a boyfriend It was chilly, but Zhang Tao knew in his heart that he grew up in the emperor's family and lived in such fear almost every day. If he relaxes a bit, maybe the person who will be imprisoned in the other palace tomorrow to wait to die will be his mother, his mother, and others. His wife, he won't, and can't, be sad for such palace secrets, because he doesn't have that much emotion, and he can't be sad at all.

"What crime did these people commit?" Generally speaking, women who are imprisoned in other palaces have committed serious crimes. Concubine Zhang Yu, who was pregnant with dragon descendants and was about to give birth, was arrested because she did not give birth on time when the due date came. Charged with the crime of deceiving the emperor, imprisoned in another palace and starved to death, if it is just a general violation of palace rules, it is impossible to be treated so cruelly.

"By the way, let's see if they have sin clothes and skirts on them?" Li Chuo suddenly said as if he remembered something.

"What is a crime dress?"

"Have you never been in prison before?" Li Chuo asked back.

"Hmm." Zhang Tao thought about it, he must have sat there hundreds of years ago. At that time, he was a hooligan in the city, and he was caught because of gang fights, but as long as there is a pangolin like Lizi, he hasn't finished changing his clothes. It was fished out by the little guy who popped up from the ground. I really haven't seen what it looks like inside.

"It's been sitting, but the buttocks haven't warmed up yet. Don't we have carps in our house?"

"Oh yes, alas, it's not easy to be an emperor. After so many years of living under the majesty of the carp, it hasn't even been dug up." Li Chuo shook his head and sighed, thinking that when he lived in the palace, Zhang Tao's house was under the ground. There is really an indescribably weird feeling when the guys shuttle back and forth.

"I'm not afraid. Lizi is a pangolin with professional ethics. Every time the hole is dug, it will be backfilled regularly to ensure that nothing happens." Zhang Tao nodded to express that his buddy was very relieved.

"Oh, that's good." Li Chuo nodded, he didn't want to be sitting on the subway on the way to school, and suddenly he and his car fell into the deep pit dug by Li Zi.

"Well, Your Majesty, it seems there isn't one?" Zhang Tao nimbly shuttled back and forth among the Dabai people, but probably because of being soaked in the pool water, there was hardly a piece of decent fabric left in the entire corridor of the Biegong.

"Is there any particularity about sinful clothes and skirts? You have to find them." Zhang Tao persevered.

"I'm not very familiar with criminal clothes and skirts, but I heard that in the past, if a prisoner was wronged, he would quietly embroider his grievances on the prison uniform when no one was around. It can be passed on as a proof that if there is a day of redress in the future, it will be better than family members who have to bear the status of sinners and relatives." Li Chuo remembered that there was such a case of criminal clothes and skirts when he ruled, so deep impression.

"Hey? Although I don't have sinful clothes and skirts, I don't know if this will work." Zhang Tao is not too dirty. After manually adjusting his own stress response, he becomes less courageous than the first and second shifts, and shuttles between slippery and slippery places. Dabai was as dexterous as a loach, and he drew out a tile in a short while.

"what is this?"

"No, it's worn on a big white neck, and there are words on it, but unfortunately it's rusted, I don't know if I can still recognize it." Zhang Tao looked at the light for a long time, but he still didn't seem to see that it had already been written on it. The mottled handwriting comes.

"I can't do that, reach out and feel for it, whether it's inscribed or inscribed." Li Chuo reached out and took the card in Zhang Tao's hand, groping patiently with his slender fingers.

"The court lady... Yang's... on a certain date...the door was closed late...the concubine was caught in a turmoil...no pardon." Li Chuo was proficient in the inscriptions, and he deciphered the secrets above with a casual touch.

"A little maid surnamed Yang didn't close a door on time, hindering the way of some 'concubine'. Is this 'concubine' caught in the rain?" Zhang Tao stumbled and translated as if he had lost his blindness.

"That's almost what it means. It seems that these Dabai were all maids who offended this 'concubine' before they were alive, so they were imprisoned in the other palace of this underground kingdom, and they guarded the spirit of this 'concubine' all their lives. Before the oil ran out and the lamp dried up, I was buried under the water." Li Chuo sighed and shook his head.

"Well, here's another piece." Taking advantage of Li Chuo's explanation, Zhang Tao drilled in and took out another nameplate. This time he learned his lesson and touched it himself.

"Concubine Li Zhou...a certain year, month, day...to congratulate her on the date...the concubine knelt down in the hall, and there was no pardon for the overtime." After Zhang Tao finished reading, he looked at Li Chuo in bewilderment.

"What's going on here, they are all concubines, why should they kneel? Unless..."

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