"You know how to eat meat!" Li Chuo glared at Zhang Tao, but suddenly he felt that something was wrong. His sense of smell was not as sensitive as Zhang Tao's. It's not a good idea to raise his nose now. The vague aroma is really real. It seems to be a thank-you feast that Taotie Canteen invites neighbors from the street to eat in the store during New Years and festivals. The aroma of wine and meat is mixed together, making the little emperor who used to eat and eat in the palace feel unprecedented fireworks. It also smells good.

"Well, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Zhang Tao raised his nose and sniffed around, and quickly located the target on a jar next to the wine vessel.

"It seems to be here, um, it smells so good." Zhang Tao stretched out his hand and lifted the lid, poked his head inside, and his saliva was about to flow out. It was really the sauced beef that he had boiled with him in the cafeteria for two days and two nights. At one level, it shows how carefully the chefs cooked it back then.

If there is wine and meat, then it should not be breakfast and supper, but at least one of the two main meals. This is the testimony that the incense in this tomb has been cut off. After the last meal, it may be because of the war or the age is too long. After all, this place was forgotten by everyone in an isolated corner. After the vicissitudes of life, it was finally submerged in a deep pool. If it wasn't for finding ingredients, no one would ever know about it again.

"Be careful, don't smell it." Li Chuo reached out his hand to stop Zhang Tao's head, which was about to plunge into it, lifted him up to protect him behind him, quickly closed the lid, and pushed Zhang Tao back to a place far away .

"No, it's too evil!" Li Chuo shook his head and looked around vigilantly. What's going on?If it is said that the wine contains alcohol, it can be stored for a longer period of time, but this broth can survive for thousands of years without rot, which is simply an anecdote that has never been seen or heard.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Tao looked forward to Li Chuo stretching out his hands and stretching his neck, still looking a little unsatisfied.

"What's the matter? Have you ever seen a piece of meat that hasn't rotted after thousands of years?" Li Chuo said angrily. What time is it? This guy just wants to eat it.

"You." Zhang Tao pointed to the child concisely.

"You!" Li Chuo was about to get angry, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with thinking about it carefully. He suddenly remembered that when he was supervising the construction of the imperial tomb for his father, he heard the old Fengshui master say that from the emperor to the emperor, from the bottom Even rich businessmen and businessmen will deliberately choose places with a sense of immortality to build their ancestral tombs. The so-called sense of immortality is a relatively special topography. The things in it are not easy to perish, which is similar to the antiseptic effect of the golden jade clothes, but the earth veins are not human, but natural, so they are even more precious.

Could it be that this daughter-in-law mountain also has some other mountains that have no earth atmosphere, and can make the things buried in it last forever and never decay?

"No wonder it's called one of the three delicacies here. So it doesn't refer to a kind of food, but its fresh-keeping effect?" Li Chuo looked outside the door of the dormitory. Since they entered the dormitory, the road has passed quite a bit. The archway with carved beams and painted buildings is less. According to the gate, there are four or five entrances, let alone the way from the Shinto outside.

At the beginning of the Shinto waiter, there were still many stone men who had lost their heads or lacked arms and legs. After entering the bedroom, they found that the three pairs of six statues of gods and beasts were almost intact. The interior is even more glamorous and beautiful. Could it be that...

"Do you feel that time has slowed down?" Li Chuo suddenly turned his head and stared straight at Zhang Tao, which scared him into a frenzy and made him shiver.

"This... how can I feel it?" Zhang Tao thought for a while, reached out and touched his leg hair, but couldn't feel whether it was growing slower than before.

"Wait, I have an idea." Li Chuo pushed the unreliable big cat aside, picked up the bowl full of broth, and walked towards the door of the bedroom. He walked at a leisurely pace. Xu turned his head to signal Zhang Tao to follow.

As the two of them walked forward, the originally clear and fragrant broth in the bowl gradually became greasy. After passing through a few doors, the original mouth-watering meaty fragrance inside changed a bit. It's like an overnight meal that I forgot to put in the refrigerator in summer. It smells rancid, but it's still edible.

Li Chuo looked at the broth bowl in his arms. He had already reached the gate of the sleeping hall. If he walked further, he would return to the end of the Shinto. He looked at Zhang Tao, nodded, and raised his hand The whole bowl was thrown out.

Because the child has a lot of physical strength, the bowl draws a graceful arc in the air, and the broth inside splashes out in the air like a fountain. Visible speed volatilizes, and the green hairs growing from the soft and tender flesh inside have turned into maggots all over the ground by the time it hits the ground!

"Ouch!" Zhang Bin couldn't help retching twice, thinking about how she was still drooling just now, if she ate this thousand-year-old zombie meat, then... her iron stomach might not be able to keep.

"The so-called third freshness among the three earthly delicacies turns out to be like this. Time will pass relatively slowly as the tomb goes deeper, so the corpse buried in the deepest part may be able to..."

"Not corrupt for a thousand years?" Zhang Tao tilted his head to answer the sentence, but shook his head again to overthrow his own thoughts.

"But if the owner of the tomb already knew the characteristics of this daughter-in-law mountain, why didn't he just live in it? Didn't there used to be a saying that one day in the cave, the world has been around for thousands of years? If this mountain can really distort time If so, in principle, it can be kept fresh for an unknown number of years." Zhang Tao couldn't figure it out.

"You have never been an emperor. I don't understand. People like us would rather be a lion for one day than a sheep for a hundred days." Li Chuo shook his head and put himself in his shoes. If the little emperor chooses by himself, he would rather continue his studies in the world of mortals for the sake of the saints and bring peace to all generations. It is better than living a long but boring life like a mouse hiding in the depths of a deep and dark crypt.

"Is that so? I don't think it doesn't matter whether I'm a lion or a sheep. The main thing is to have a lion or a sheep as my companion." Zhang Tao said cheerfully with a silly and sweet face.

"Huh?" Li Chuo was a little stunned by his rhetoric, indeed... Since he had a boyfriend, he seems to have become a lot more careless, and there are no grievances that he could not bear or dare to think about before. What is it, he drank and sang and spent his days in vain, flying high and domineering, that kind of arrogance is getting farther and farther away from him, and he was buried in the world of mortals thousands of years ago, leaving only his wife and children on the kang. Life is no longer just poetry and distant places, but more time is left for the dog in front of me.

"What are you thinking?" At this moment, their Erha looked at Li Chuo's erratic eyes, and approached him very intimately, wagging his tail.

"No, it's nothing. Let's go back and see if there are any other clues. What is written on the menu? Are you looking for a spring called 'Red Spring'?"

"Well, yes, let's take a look inside again. By the way, Your Majesty, you looked at me so lovingly just now. What are you thinking?" Zhang Tao chased up from behind, and held Li Chuo's arm for him. A rocker kill.

"No, it's nothing." Li Chuo shook his head, trying to drive Erha out of his mind.


"This puppet is so delicately made." The two returned to the innermost place of the bedroom, where they used a life-sized puppet to wear the clothes of the tomb owner.Zhang Tao looked up at the puppet with blurred facial features, and found that his exposed cheeks, neck and hands were so delicately depicted that they could be realistic.

"Well, such dolls are rare. In the past, most of them chose a dress and a set of uniforms and displayed them directly on the sacrificial altar. It would be good if someone came to change the sacrifices regularly." Li Chuo nodded, maybe Because of the overly realistic depiction, he felt that the puppet looked a little panicked, and wanted to go around quickly, but Zhang Tao surrounded him with the look of a curious baby.

"Hey, now that I have clothes, can you tell the identity of the owner of the tomb?" Zhang Tao stretched out his hand and pulled the clothes on the doll without any taboo. Anyway, he couldn't tell what level it was, and he vaguely remembered that it was a kind of ordinary clothes. , there is no restriction on etiquette, just like underpants, everyone can wear them and know how to wear them.

"I'm not sure either. It feels like ordinary clothes. Although the materials are luxurious and well-tailored, it's not a symbol of status. It's strange. Why isn't there a set of dresses on display?" Li Chuo looked at the clothes on the doll. He condescendingly looked around at the layout of the surrounding furnishings. Except for the broth bowl that was removed by his own experiments, there were radishes placed there one by one, and they did not seem to have been moved by anyone.

"This person is so low-key. If it were in modern times, he would be an actor like Jin Wenling. He would change cars every time he went out, and he would wear sunglasses to hide his face from crazy fans. He didn't even have clothes that could identify his identity." I dare not wear it either." Zhang Tao sighed and shook his head, stretched out his hands and played with the sleeves of the doll.

"Stop playing, watch out for tricks, ha... Ha Qiu!" Li Chuo's cat hair allergy has not been completely cured, and when he came over to pull Zhang Tao, he suddenly sneezed, and the stones pierced the clouds and the waves cracked. On the shore, thousands of piles of snow are rolled up.

"Ouch, come and touch Mao'er, one hundred years old!" Zhang Tao hastened to smooth Li Chuo's hair according to the rules handed down by the elders, while turning out a tissue to wipe the child's nose.

"Wait for a while." Li Chuo pushed Zhang Tao away, this time he didn't take Zhang Bin's all-round three-dimensional service for granted.

"What's the matter, my lord?" Zhang Bin asked a little disappointed.

"Look, inside that uniform." Li Chuo pointed to the collar of the uniform that was blown away by his sneezing just now, and inside was...

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