Zhang Tao looked at the corpses of the pair of snakes, reached out and touched the glass filaments on the snake's belly, and followed the vines to the hinterland of the big lotus root. Fortunately, the clues were not broken.

Dare to swallow my husband, I think you, a thousand-year-old fetish, must be tired of life.Zhang Tao, who had a bit of compassion at first, was almost black after the child was devoured, and he was not polite to it. A pair of big claws tightly grasped the ground where the lotus root eye was squeezed out of the snake's corpse, and his arms were full of strength. After a struggle, Zhang Tao tore the entire piece of green land near the lotus eye with his bare hands.

"Hmph, do you know how powerful I am? Spit out my majesty." Zhang Tao played the piano to lotus root, but no one paid any attention to him.

"Damn it, huh? What the hell..." Zhang Tao finally found the thing buried in it after picking up a lot of mud from the torn ground. It turned out to be a bubble smaller than the one just spit out. It was just formed, and inside it turned out to be a nest of eggs.

"Is this lotus root even stealing eggs? No, this is..." Zhang Tao carefully pulled out the air bubbles from the mud in the ground and looked at them. It turned out that they were not eggs, but a smaller and rounder one.

"Snake eggs?!"

Zhang Tao looked back at the two snakes whose tails were entangled and had died for a long time, and suddenly felt that his three views were shattered.

Is this... feeding?

Things that plants trap and eat animals happen from time to time in nature, but has this big lotus root, worthy of being a magic weapon, become refined?It turned out to trap animals of different sexes and raise them up so that they can give birth to offspring and continue to feed themselves?It's a zombie siege.

Wait a minute, something seems wrong, am I overlooking something important.Well, if the big lotus root feeds different animals to absorb the nutrients from them before discarding them, then why did it arrest Li Chuo? Could it be...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! .

"Come out! Come out! Give me back my boy ticket!"

Zhang Tao raised his head to the sky and screamed, his fleshy claws grew bigger and bigger, tearing the vegetation inside the sandbar like flying, one after another, he completely overturned the lotus root eyes from the inside, all kinds of entangled and paired The plants were flipped out in a daze, and some of them were still alive, so they hurriedly fled with their families. For a while, it was like the full-staff version of Jurassic Park. wall.

"Li Chuo! Where are you, Li Chuo?!" Zhang Tao turned red-eyed, and almost turned over the entire land inside the sandbar, but there was still no sign of the child. He shouted loudly, and the high pitch reached the end It was no longer a human voice, and the sound waves spread out from the inside of the sandbar, rippling on the surface of the river like mountains and seas, and there was a stormy sea!

"What the hell are you screaming about?!"

Just behind Zhang Tao howling in despair, suddenly he was hit with a chestnut on the back of the head, which made him a little confused.

"Li Chuo?" Zhang Tao turned around and found Li Chuo standing behind him with a flushed face and disheveled clothes. Behind him was King Qi Min holding a big bird whose beak was almost smooth. , rolling their eyes and foaming at the mouth, it seems that they treat others like woodpeckers, and it can be regarded as burning the zither and boiling the crane.

"Are you okay, baby? I'm worried about you, let me pinch you." Zhang Tao jumped up like a cat, stroking Li Chuo all over his body, checking over and over again if he was hurt.

"Come on, you obviously want to ask yourself if you are green?" Li Chuo stretched out his hand impatiently and pushed Zhang Tao's paw away, watching the big cat shake his head as frequently as if he just took a bath .

"I can hear you from below, okay? If you scream a little louder, you can go through the center of the earth and go straight to the United States!" The child blushed and stretched out his hand to poke the big cat's meat pad.

"Well, that's... because I saw this lewd lotus root feeding creatures, so I was worried about you." The big cat withdrew its paws, preventing the child from playing with his pads, and said a little embarrassedly.

They are all men, Li Chuo will know that Zhang Tao cares about such things, but he never asks him any embarrassing topics in front of him, and he never even asked him if he likes it. He was suffocating like a puffer fish about to die of anger.

"Green, old cousin, Lu, how can I let you be green by myself? Do you fuck yourself?" Li Chuo pointed to the bubble that had just escaped. It turned out that Da Ou had only had time to catch him alone.

On yourself, on yourself, on yourself, on yourself.

Zhang Tao couldn’t hear the other words of the child’s golden mouth, and he just kept repeating Li Chuo’s dreamy words in his mind, and automatically matched the picture, and then turned it into a moving picture. At the end, the car started when there was a disagreement The little train drove away in a dirty way.

"That's why I cut off this piece with my saber... Mrs. Zhang! Are you listening to my instructions?!"

Li Chuo was fiddling with the lotus root slices he had dug up in his hand, and was telling Zhang Tao about his adventures of lotus root, but he didn't expect this guy to roll his eyes and foam at the mouth, and it looked like he was starting the car.

"Hi?" Zhang Tao seemed to have done something satisfying in his heart, and his eyes lit up as if he had done it, and he stopped his delusions refreshedly.

"Let's go, go back." Li Chuo grabbed the big cat by the neck, jumped up the tree, and used his peerless lightness kung fu to shuttle between the jungle bushes. The classic scene after the attack.

"My lord, can we go out slowly, don't we need to be in such a hurry?" The child asked with great physical strength, and Zhang Concubine was dragged by him to fly, floating in the air like flying a kite.

"Of course it's urgent, I want to get on the boat."

"Uh, what are you going to do?"

"You'll know when you go back."


"Oh, Master Zhang, you were very energetic when you came here, why did you get seasick for no reason on the return trip?" The boat owner hired trackers to go around the big sandbar and take everyone to go around the famous mountains and rivers. The class teacher returned to the court, but in the past few days, he saw Zhang Tao basking in the sun on the deck every day. The standard Ge You was paralyzed, as if he felt his body was hollowed out.

"Aha, there are unpredictable things in the sky." Zhang Tao dealt with it with a haha, nonsense, you come to bed several times a day and try.

After the child was caught by the lotus root, he inhaled too much of the special gas in the bubbles, causing him to become licentious every day. I don’t know if he subconsciously felt that he had a lot of restraints on Zhang Tao. He unlocked countless new poses when he was lucky these days , although Zhang Bin is a holy family member, he can't help tossing about the pure plant blue pill. After the child has completely released the medicinal properties, he is almost a useless cat.

"Well, the moon is setting, the sky is full of frost, and Jiang Feng's fishing fire is facing Mianmian. The Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City, the midnight bell rings to the passenger ship." It was getting late, and the licentious little emperor barely slept enough. When he came out, his hands were so wet, Zhang Tao was paralyzed on the deck as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Haven't eaten in the past few days, okay? Why are you so skinny and out of shape?" Li Chuo stretched out his hand and pinched Zhang Tao's tender face. It didn't feel as firm as before. Concubine Zhang changed to some good skin care products to raise her. In the past, there were 3000 beauties in the harem, and the washing water alone could become the largest source of pollution in the imperial capital. Now it is unreasonable to always use cream for Concubine Zhang.

"You still have the face to ask me why I lost weight." Zhang Tao was tossed and didn't care about the courtesy of the monarch and his ministers, because he was afraid that the child would suddenly attack while the moon was dark and the wind was high, so he turned over and hid Ding Ding continued to paralyze with his buttocks pouted.

"Well, thank you for giving up your life to detoxify me this time." Seeing Zhang Tao's sallow and emaciated appearance, Li Chuo felt a little bit sorry, but since he has identified the big cat, he doesn't plan to marry another concubine. The heavy responsibility had to fall entirely on him.

"Hmm, do you still need it?" Zhang Tao said cheaply. Although he managed to open the door to a new world, with the strength of the big cat, as long as he smells catnip again, it will not be a problem to fight for [-] rounds.

"No need for now." Li Chuo sat down beside him, stretched out his hand to rub the big cat's neck, Zhang Tao obediently climbed directly onto the little emperor's lap and curled up, rolling around begging for petting.

Maybe this is what they will look like in the future. After they have completely developed the same way of life and are as familiar with each other's bodies as they are with their own, they may spend most of their time together in such a gentle way, not necessarily How exciting it will be if you tease it a little bit.

"Actually, this is quite good." Li Chuo watched the moon rise and set, and the natural stars gradually became clear. He touched the big cat on his body, and felt a sense of ordinary happiness.

"What is it like?"

"It's like this now, just plain."

"Well, it's good." Zhang Tao nodded and twisted on Li Chuo a few times.

"→_→" The child seemed dissatisfied with the male ticket's answer, and he said it was good. Generally speaking, shouldn't Concubine Zhang kneel down immediately and say that the concubine is still passionate about the emperor?Why did he agree instead? It couldn't be that he has been tossing him too hard these days, and he really has no interest.

"Your Majesty, take advantage of the autumn and winter seasons to do more maintenance. The most important thing is to exercise well. When it comes to spring, I think this situation will last for at least four months. If you don't prepare early... Hey? Where is the person?" Zhang Tao suddenly felt that his thighs, which were supposed to bear most of his weight, were suddenly taken away, and he slid headfirst down the sunbathing chairs on the deck and fell to the ground like a puddle of cats.

"Holy Majesty? Li Chuo?" Zhang Tao saw a figure sprinting up the mast, climbing directly to the highest point, and standing on it watching him in horror.

"Come down if you have the ability."

"Come up if you have the ability!"

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