【Western Fantasy】City of Light

Chapter 13 The Heart of the Goddess [End] (1)

Yarlin remembers that as a child, he followed his family to the church in Hampton countless times to pray.

The church in Ampton is a building made of white marble. It is solemn and beautiful. Every inch of window lattice, railings, and floors are refined, pouring people's reverence and awe of the gods.

There are long oil paintings drawn on the huge dome of the church. The artist used soft and quiet colors, and the huge scrolls are endless above the heads of the believers.Arlin would lift his head, staring at the ceiling in fascination until his neck ached.

At that time, he felt that his young heart seemed to fly into a beautiful painting, playing and resting happily in heaven with the angels in the sky.

His parents would not look up at the painting, they always bowed their heads piously, and knelt down in front of the tall statue of the goddess to pray silently.

What are they praying for?Arlin didn't know.

When he was young, he always thought that his parents were the most responsive gods in the world. Whether it was a little sword or a pony, as long as he asked, his parents would always meet his various requests.Therefore, he couldn't think of anything that his parents couldn't do and needed to pray to the gods.

When praying, he would secretly raise his head and look at the statue of the goddess in bewilderment.It was a lifelike marble statue, and the tall and tall Aurora stretched out her arms naturally, embracing all the people in the world.With a beautiful face and long flowing hair, she is the goddess that everyone imagines.She lowered her eyes, watching the mortals on the ground with kindness and compassion.The adults will kneel and pray for a long time before her eyes, praying that the wishes in their hearts will come true soon.Then, they would line up one by one and respectfully kiss the back of the young priest's white hand.

Little Yarlin never thought that the well-known priest Ansel was anything special, obviously he was just a child just like him.However, his noble parents were so fearful in front of him, as if he was the incarnation of a goddess.

In front of this group of adults, Ansel was always so polite, neither humble nor overbearing, perfectly playing the role of priest, as if he was just a moving marble statue.

Facing Ansel like this, Yarlin suddenly had a thought in his heart.Once again, when he was kissing the back of the priest's hand, he used his sleeve to cover up and squeezed the back of the boy's hand hard.

At that moment, he felt the back of Ansel's hand tremble and he gasped.Yarlin raised his head, proudly seeing the beautiful young man staring at him in surprise with slightly widened green eyes.

It was as if a statue had suddenly come to life. Yarlin had never seen such a vivid expression on Ansel's face.

So he is not a moving statue, Yarlin thought, he has a human heart too.

Stories in the world always have strange developments. This little accident narrowed the distance between the two miraculously. The son of the lord and the boy from the church gradually became good friends.Lord Barnett attaches great importance to the friendship of his only son, and he has solemnly warned Arlin many times to respect Ansel, obey Ansel, and never offend him.

In the beginning, Yarlin followed his father's instructions very carefully and treated Ansel with the etiquette he would treat an elder.But later, he discovered that this young man appeared noble and indifferent, but in fact he had a very docile temper.It was as if his hand was twisted suddenly, and he didn't think about twisting it back, but just stared at the other person with wide eyes, as if asking "Why did you do this?"

Even though Ansel's divine power was extremely powerful, Yarlin still felt a sense of justice and a desire to protect.

Ansel was too gentle towards his friends. If one day he was bullied by an acquaintance, he would probably just bear it silently, and maybe even excuse him.

He has always been careful to protect Ansel like a knight, but later, he found that he was too worried.

Because apart from him, no one dared to get close to the noble Ansel.

Ansel grew up alone like this. He always stayed alone in the quiet and elegant church, watching people coming and going in front of him, kneeling and praying, without any obvious emotions all day long.

If Yarlin didn't come to play with him, he probably wouldn't even have someone to gossip about.

Therefore, when the seniors of the Palace of Paladins fell in love with Yarlin and wanted to take him to study in the capital, Yarlin immediately thought of his friend.While the senior knight was discussing the details of his studies with his parents, the red-haired boy ran to the church overnight to find friends.

At that time, Yarlin hadn't visited Ansel for a while because the family was busy receiving distinguished guests.

The apse of the church is the living area of ​​the priests. Yarlin came to Ansel's room with ease, but found a lot of medicinal materials and books piled up at the door of his friend's room, and the sound of children crying came from the usually quiet room.

Pushing open the door, Yarlin was even more surprised to see that Ansel was holding a dark-skinned little boy.He gently patted the child's thin shoulders and hummed a hymn softly to lull him to sleep.

Ansel was only a teenager, and he felt strenuous after holding him for a while.Seeing that the tear-stained child had fallen asleep and even snored lightly, Yarlin helped Ansel put the child on the bed.Unexpectedly, as soon as Ansel let go, the child seemed to sense something.In his sleep, he stretched out his hand and tightly grabbed the priest's collar, as if grabbing a life-saving straw.Ansel had no choice but to lie down on the bed, and the child rolled into his arms, like a clingy puppy.

Yarlin was shocked by this kid's audacity, but Ansel gently stroked his short black hair and explained the child's origin.

It turned out that the child had a miserable life experience. He was abandoned in the wilderness outside the city to die, but the hunters picked him up.Old Toby, who owned a restaurant in the city, took him in and named him Alai.Since entering the city, Alai has been sleepwalking all night long, which really exhausted the old man, so he sent him to the church to ask for help.Among the priests of the church, only Ansel knew the magic to cure somnambulism, so the boy naturally shouldered the heavy responsibility of taking care of Alai.

The casting process is very fast, but Alai is very easy to wake up after falling asleep, and he can only fall asleep peacefully by staying with Ansel.Ansel felt it was his duty to take care of the child for a long time.

Arlin found it inconceivable when he heard this, that a dignified priest would actually waste his divine power on a sleepwalking child, which is really overkill.But Ansel retorted that the world had been at peace for thousands of years, and he had nowhere to use his supernatural power, so he might as well take care of the children.

Due to the lack of sleep for many consecutive days, Ansel's eyes were already slightly bruised.However, Yarlin noticed that his friend looked at the child with soft and loving eyes, as if he was his younger brother or relative.

Yarlin suddenly realized that not only Alai needed Ansel's care, but Ansel also longed for Alai's company.

Umpton finally had a second person who was willing to be close to Ansel, and this one depended on him wholeheartedly.Yarlin used to think that his best friend was like a person in the sky, who would disappear anytime and anywhere.But that young life was like a delicate branch, gently and forcefully resting on Ansel's shoulders, making him stay in the world willingly.

That's not bad, Arlin thought.

Later, he obediently followed the seniors of the Holy Knight Hall to the capital.

This trip is like a sea of ​​water.

The capital has been firmly controlled by the vampire queen. After Yarlin and his party escaped from the palace, they rushed towards Ampton without stopping.Days of exhaustion exhausted Arlin physically and mentally, and the uncertain journey made him extremely anxious.

Originally, he thought that as long as he found Tiana, all problems would be solved, but the reality was far more complicated than he imagined.The mad queen, the dark capital, the powerless church... everything indicates that the millennium-long peaceful years are about to be broken, and the huge dark conspiracy will engulf every tiny soul.

Yes, tiny.

For the first time, Yarlin felt his insignificance.

The vastness of the world, hundreds of millions of time, how insignificant a mortal is in the face of a huge power higher than human beings.They are like fragile butterflies trapped in a spider's web, struggling in the big web called fate.They don't know the past, the future, or the present.They cannot even comprehend human beings themselves, the cycle of cause and effect that surrounds them.

The sky, the ocean, the mountains, the fields... When did they appear and when will they disappear?

Mortals, beasts, trees, flowers... where do they come from and where are they going?

Human beings come to the world with countless questions, and leave quietly with countless regrets.A long time will wear away all traces left by life. If the focus of life is the destruction of nothingness, then what is the meaning of life?

The gods in the sky silently watched the struggling mortals, never giving any response.

The gloomy thoughts seemed to be trapped in an endless loop that could not be escaped. Yarlin's fighting spirit became more and more depressed, and he often buried himself in the road for a long time without saying a word.

Tiana noticed that something was wrong with him, but under the urgent situation, she didn't have more energy to take care of Yarlin's mood.She cast a light-footed acceleration magic on everyone's horses. Even so, it was already half a month later when the group returned to Ampton.

Hampton, the former city of light, lost its vitality little by little, and turned into a rapidly withering rose.

When Tiana and Yarlin's party entered the city, the city fell into boundless terror because of the shadow of vampires.

No one knows how many vampires infiltrated Hampton that night on Midsummer's Day.These dark souls hide in the dark and wait for an opportunity to move. Citizens are brutally attacked every day, resulting in death, injury, or even insanity.More people disappeared suddenly and completely, disappearing from people's lives forever.

Are they still alive?Are they still human?No one has an answer.

Everyone is doubting each other's identities, and everyone is afraid of each other's interactions. Only by shutting themselves out and trapping themselves in a cage can they get a chance to breathe.

Yarlin and his party cautiously passed through the city gates and slowly entered the city.

All the doors of the shops on both sides of the road were closed, and there was no passerby in the street. The dead atmosphere made one feel extremely suffocated.When outsiders heard the rumors of vampires, they dared not approach this dead city for a long time. The citizens lost their enthusiasm for life and lived in fear all day long.

Yarlin's heart was getting colder and colder. When he passed the central square, he had a quick glance. The joyous atmosphere of the summer festival had long since disappeared. The once bustling grand square was empty and empty, and the scorching sun made it hard to look up.

On the ground in the center of the square, more than a dozen piles of black-gray powder were piled up in a mess, which seemed to be the ashes of some living thing.The scene was abrupt and dazzling, Yarlin roughly counted, there were about thirteen piles of ashes.

Who was burned to death?

Of course no one answered, but Yarlin felt a bad premonition.He quickened his pace through the square and led the crowd to the church.

At the beginning Ansel arranged for several priests to stay and guard the city, but now only one person is still alive.

The priestess named Elizabeth was in a trance, her white robe was filthy, and her long hair was greasy and tangled on the top of her head.No one knew what happened to her, maybe she was attacked by a vampire during her inspection, or maybe she witnessed the horror of her companions being torn apart by the enemy, this lively and cheerful young woman went completely crazy.

But she still stubbornly stayed in the church, guarding the vows that had already collapsed.

Elizabeth's eyes were distracted, and she kept whispering. Tiana leaned forward to listen carefully, but could only vaguely recognize the fragmented attack magic spells.The mad priest couldn't answer any of Tiana's questions, and the empty church couldn't provide them with any supplies.

Yarlin had no choice but to take everyone to the mayor's house.Master Barnett entertained everyone with all he had. Hearing that Tiana intends to send troops to the Summer Palace, he also sent people to run around the city to tell the news, and finally sent out family soldiers, barely gathering a team.

Before setting off, Tiana looked extremely heavy.She put on the battle armor and spear herself, and tied her long hair tightly behind her head.Yaerlin silently followed behind her, and all the priests from the king's capital also dispatched. This uneven army came to the summer palace outside the city in a depressing atmosphere.

Returning to the Summer Palace again, Yarlin's mood was no longer as full of fighting spirit as last time.This royal palace is probably a fortress specially built by the little queen to besiege Ampton. The thorny jungle around the palace looks dark and terrifying, which makes people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts.

He underestimated the enemy's strength then, but this time, he underestimated Tiana's strength.

Tiana possesses the body of Aurora, making her almost a demigod.She ordered the army to station outside the summer palace, and took only a few trusted priests and Yarlin into the jungle.

With the experience from last time, everyone carefully searched for the blind spot of the black magic circle this time. The archbishop used his divine power, his emerald green eyes flashed with brilliance, and all the magic marks and spells could be seen in her eyes at a glance.Tiana carefully searched for a safe path and led everyone quietly through the thorns.

The Xia Palace was clearly close at hand, but in order to avoid the trap and turn left and right, it took them three hours to reach the gate safely.Because of this, their whereabouts have long been seen by the earl by the high window of the palace.

It happened at this troublesome time...

Harriet lowered the curtains irritably, and quickly walked to the hall of the summer palace, where a teleportation magic circle leading to the foggy forest was being built.As the most important captive, Ansel has long been bound beside the teleportation array, and the little wolf guards him every step of the way.

When Harriet arrived, the teleportation magic circle in the center of the hall had begun to faintly emit purple light, and several black mages were sitting around the circle, continuously injecting magic power into the circle.

The count anxiously paced behind the black mage, and asked loudly, "Are you alright?"

Because the magic power was almost overdrawn, a black mage was pale and his forehead was covered with fine sweat.He replied: "It's too late, I can only send two people to the foggy forest at most."

Tiana and the others had already entered the interior of the summer palace. There was a fierce sound of weapons colliding from the front hall, and chaotic footsteps were approaching here.

The situation is at stake, if Ansel falls into their hands, all the painstaking efforts will be wiped out!

"Damn it!" Harriet bit his lip angrily, grabbed Ansel and stepped into the center of the magic circle, "Run the magic circle! Send the two of us away!"

The little wolf swiftly rushed into the center of the magic circle, and stuck tightly to Ansel's side.

The black magician gritted his teeth and raised his hands to release more magic power: "You can only send two people away, if there are more, the magic circle will not be able to bear it!"

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way!" The count kicked Alai fiercely, and the little wolf bit his boot tightly, unable to shake it off no matter how hard he tried.

Ansel hurriedly said: "Don't kick him!" Just as he finished speaking, Harriet grabbed his neck!

The Vampire Earl held him in front of him, and said with a ferocious face: "Alai, think carefully, if I can't take Ansel away, then I would rather kill him than let him join Tiana!"

"Let him go!" Alai's hair was blown up, and his silver-gray one-eyed looked irritable and terrifying.

Harriet's fingertips on Ansel's neck immediately tightened inward, and there were five blood holes on the fair and well-proportioned neck.Ansel's hands were bound, and he could only retch and cough in pain.

"Let him go!" Alai howled angrily, circling around the two of them, looking for the earl's weakness.

The vampire bared his fangs and threatened, "Get out!"


Alai withdrew from the circle resentfully, staring at the count with his silver-gray left eye.

The locked wooden door of the hall was attacked by light magic, and Aurora's spear mercilessly smashed the iron chain that locked the door.

Enemies are coming in!The black mages desperately urged the magic circle, and the whole hall began to tremble slightly amidst the powerful flow of magic power.

The count stood in the center of the formation, his right hand was still pinching Ansel's neck tightly.He raised his chin and issued a cruel instruction: "Alai, as the master, I order you to use your life to protect the teleportation circle. If Ansel and I cannot reach the foggy forest, then I will definitely kill him !"

"Don't... Alai..." Ansel's pale cheeks showed an abnormal blush due to lack of oxygen, and his voice sounded fragile and pleading.

"Woo..." Alai let out a low whimper. He cast a vicious glance at the vicious vampire, gritted his teeth, turned his back, and made an attacking posture to protect the magic circle.


The loud noise of the door crashing down made everyone's scalps tingle, and a female warrior in silver armor stepped on the door and broke in.

She took off the helmet neatly, and threw it aside. The helmet rolled on the floor a few times and quickly stopped.The female warrior brushed back her slightly disheveled blond hair, revealing a beautiful face very similar to Ansel's.

A dense purple fog rose from the magic circle, and the huge round charm began to rotate slowly.Through the strong demon energy, Ansel's eyes became hot, and he shouted: "Sister!"

Ansel, here I come!Tiana raised the silver spear in her hand and made a throwing gesture. The monstrous waves of divine power were poured into the silver spear made of fine iron. The sharp tip of the spear began to tremble excitedly, eager to pierce the enemy's chest.

Tiana's eyes were extremely focused, she stared at the teleportation circle, and after taking a few steps to run up, she vigorously threw the spear.The silver spear turned into a bolt of lightning piercing the sky, and with great power, it quickly and accurately stabbed at the black mage guarding the magic circle!

Unexpectedly, a healthy black wolf suddenly appeared from the slanting thorns!

The little wolf jumped into the air with all his strength, using his body as a shield, and slammed the spear away from the target.

"Huh?" Tiana frowned and raised her right hand, and the spear that had just landed flew into the air as if alive, and returned to the palm of the master.

"Huh...huh..." The flying spear knocked the little wolf dizzy and bleeding profusely.He fell to the ground and gasped in pain for a moment, struggling to raise his head, but his narrow vision was blurred by blood.

Ansel, Ansel... The little wolf recited the name in his heart, endured the intense pain in his limbs, and staggered to his feet again.

Tiana stood the silver spear in front of her body, and with her left hand volleyed in the air, she drew a gleaming attack magic spell with her ten fingers flying.

The pup snarled angrily, then he ran with all four paws as fast as he could, heading straight for Tiana.

Tiana frowned, not paying attention to the little wolf at all.She continued to draw the magic circle with her left hand, and when the little wolf was about to approach her, she picked up the spear and stabbed it casually without looking at it. The little wolf couldn't dodge in time, and was stabbed right on the left shoulder blade.

The hideous wound was bloody and bloody, and the surrounding black wolf fur was sticky and sticky with blood, and the bones of the bones could almost be seen.However, the little wolf stubbornly got up again and stumbled towards Tiana.His vitality is extremely tenacious, and his courage is extremely amazing.The little wolf bit the armor at Tiana's ankle, preventing her from destroying the teleportation circle.

Tiana was so annoyed that she pinched a ball of light in her hand to end the little wolf's life——

"--don't want!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the center of the magic circle, that voice was extremely familiar to Tiana, and it contained all kinds of soft emotions such as worry, fear, and reluctance. Tiana's heart trembled, and she stopped her movements like a conditioned reflex.

The little wolf was overturned to the ground by the unformed ball of light, and his thin body quickly slid out along the marble slab, leaving behind a shocking scarlet bloodstain.

A dazzling black light erupted in the center of the hall, and the teleportation circle was successful!

hateful!Just a short moment of stupefaction and missed the last opportunity, Tiana could only watch helplessly as her brother disappeared before her eyes, and then Arlin who came over couldn't believe it: "Where did they go?!"

"Foggy Forest." It was impossible for the vampires to escape to the second place.Tiana's face sank, she couldn't waste her divine power to create another teleportation circle, so she could only hurry over it.

After finishing off all the weak black mages, Tiana found that the little wolf had disappeared.

Blood trails snaked across the marble floor, leading intermittently to a French window.

Tiana walked to the window, the thorns outside were sharp and hard, and the cool wind made her feel chilly.


Ansel's emotional call rang in his ears again. Although she didn't know the identity of the little wolf, Tiana vaguely sensed that her younger brother didn't want the little wolf to be harmed.

Fortunately, it was stopped in time.

Tiana looked worried. The little wolf ran away with such serious injuries. Does it still have any hope of survival?

Yarlin also walked to the window and asked worriedly, "What should I do?"

Tiana withdrew her gaze, her beautiful facial features were cold and determined: "Go back to Ampton immediately, and send all messengers and carrier pigeons to inform the lords of the empire's major cities and manors, as well as all noble children with titles: Dark forces have once again invaded the human world , the royal capital has fallen, and the mainland is at stake, we must gather together to defend our homeland together."

She looked up at the blood-colored dark sky, and whispered: "The war has begun again."

Yarlin's young facial features were extremely dignified. He didn't ask Tiana why she "started again", but turned around silently, and left the summer palace with heavy and firm steps.

For a long time, the Misty Forest on the border of the Empire has been a place of horror and inaccessibility.

This is an evil dwelling that harbors filth and evil deeds, where countless dark creatures that are loathed by humans have gained space to live.It exists in maps and history books, in children's nightmares.If Hampton is the city of light, this is the kingdom of darkness.

The teleportation circle sent the earl and Ansel to a gorgeous but eerie castle.

After the purple mist dissipated, the earl let go of the confinement.Ansel coughed and fell to the ground, his beautiful eyes were filled with crystal tears, and his fair neck was stained with blood.

A majestic silver-haired vampire stood in front of him. Earl Harriet performed a noble etiquette to him and said solemnly: "Father."

The prince nodded, and turned his gaze to Ansel.

Ansel's eyes were loose, as if he was still immersed in the brutal battle scene just now.

It was said to be a fight, but it was actually Alai who was beaten unilaterally.He was not Tiana's opponent at all, but because of the count's threat, he foolishly confronted her head-on!

This fool!

If, if he dies...

The prince coughed lightly, trying to attract the priest's attention, he adjusted the bow tie around his neck and said, "I am Prince Harriet, it is an honor to meet you, Ansel Sadner, my son must have told you Our plan."

Ansel looked up at him, with sad and compassionate eyes, as if looking at a sympathetic wretch.

This look made Prince Harriet feel very uncomfortable. He looked at the priest carefully for a while, and suddenly raised his voice in surprise: "You have recovered your divine power?!"

"How is it possible?" The count refuted his father's remarks in disbelief. "If he regained his strength, how could he obediently follow me under such circumstances?"

The prince squatted down in front of Ansel, stretched out his hand and pressed heavily on the top of his head.Ansel raised his chin, but did not resist.

"You really recovered your strength..." The prince withdrew his hand in surprise, and his attitude became a lot more respectful. "I am afraid that the lost divine power returned to your body while the teleportation circle was activated? The situation must have been very serious at that time." Urgency, you were greatly stimulated, so you regained your divine power."

Hearing this, the Earl couldn't help recalling the situation at that time.He suddenly realized something and snorted coldly.

It must be because of that damn little wolf.He tried so many methods but failed to help Ansel recover his divine power, but seeing that Alai was dying, Ansel easily regained amazing power.

However, it was too late.Unless Ansel used the teleportation circle again, he couldn't turn back at all.Even if he went back, he could only see the body of the little wolf.

This time, the little wolf was killed by his sister himself...he couldn't even take revenge!

The earl's handsome features showed a distorted smile, Ansel stood up, and gently patted off the dust on his body.

The prince on one side didn't know how to face this clone of Aurora. After thinking for a while, he suddenly suggested: "Ansel, do you want to take a look at Cynthia's body?"

"Father?!" Earl Harriet looked at the prince in disbelief.Although Cynthia's divine body can no longer be used, it is the symbol and dignity of a goddess. How can she easily show it to the enemy?Besides, the little queen is resting beside her divine body now, how can Ansel see that weak state?

Faced with his son's objection, the prince waved his hand gracefully, and said lightly, "It's okay."

He stared at Ansel, and issued another invitation: "Ansel, you have been serving Aurora loyally since birth, don't you just want to take a look, what is the so-called god?"

Ansel was silent for a moment, then nodded.

The vampire's castle is dark and gorgeous. There is a long red carpet in the corridor, and portraits of various family figures are hung on both sides of the walls, and there is no end in sight.

The prince sent his son away, and led Ansel alone to the room where the divine body was stored, which was the highest room in the castle.As soon as the door of the room was opened, a gust of cold air rushed in.This is a room full of ice cubes, transparent to bluish ice cubes everywhere.

Ansel couldn't help shivering, but the prince walked straight to the ice bed in the middle of the room as if he had gotten used to it.Curiosity made Ansel couldn't help following up. He mobilized his divine power to maintain his body temperature, and the white mist in his breath gradually faded.

Lying on the ice bed were two young girls with similar faces.

The girl lying in the middle has long silver hair like seaweed. Her skin is pale, her eyes are closed tightly, and her eyebrows, eyelashes, and lips are covered with a layer of frost. She is already lifeless. She is probably a divine body that has lost its soul. .Beside her, there was a petite girl.She was wearing a gorgeous palace dress, and she seemed to have fallen into a horrible dream, her whole body was shaking violently.Her red lips were parted, and she was muttering a name, and it should be the mortal body that Cynthia's soul possessed.

What a strange picture of a separated soul and a body that cannot return.Is this... the face of a god?

Ansel lowered his head and carefully observed the facial features of Cynthia's divine body.

Cynthia's facial features are strange and glamorous. If she could open her eyes, she would have beautiful pupils of what color.To Ansel's surprise, Cynthia's temperament was not evil and depraved, but had a strange holiness, vaguely similar to the sculpture of Aurora in the Temple of Light.

Beside the ice bed, the prince sighed infinitely sadly: "Cynthia's soul has reached its limit, and if there is no suitable divine body, her soul will disappear completely."

Ansel asked, "Will the gods disappear too?"

The prince nodded and said, "Sometimes, I feel that gods are no different from ordinary people."

For a vampire with eternal life, such a statement is not presumptuous.Ansel was silent for a while, and the prince couldn't help asking: "Ansel, now that you have recovered your strength, do you feel that Aurora's soul in your body is waking up?"

Ansel hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

In the teleportation magic circle just now, Ansel felt his heart was torn apart when he saw the little wolf drenched in blood and pounced on his sister again and again.Just when the little wolf's figure was covered by the purple mist of the teleportation circle, a huge force re-injected into his body like overwhelming mountains and seas.

At the same time, the soul core dormant in the body also awakened.

It was a mysterious feeling that had never been experienced before. Ever since he was a child, Ansel had never felt the existence of other people's souls in his body.But once it really wakes up, everything is so natural, as if it has been in that place from the beginning and never left.

The prince knew that there was no way to force Ansel to cooperate with his plan now.If Earl Harriet faced such a situation, he might have to give up, but the prince is different.

Thousands of years ago, he was a bystander of the Goddess War. He saw Cynthia's infatuation, Aurora's hesitation, and the later breakup between the two and Aurora's determination.Even the reason why Aurora chose to become a human after a thousand years, the prince also had a certain guess in his heart, but he never told others.

The prince raised his head, looked into the distance and said, "Ansel, I don't intend to force you to do anything. But please think about it carefully. Thousands of years ago, why didn't Aurora kill Cynthia completely? Thousands of years later, she Why did you abandon your own memory and come to the world?"

The priest remained silent. He stared fixedly at Cynthia, who was moaning in pain and delirious on the ice bed. He clenched his fingers a little bit, as if the strange soul core in his body was mourning.

The prince said: "You know the answer, don't you?

My son doesn't know the inside story, and many people don't, but I can tell you.That is, Aurora regretted it.In order to let the light of the mainland last forever, and to allow human beings to multiply and live freely and peacefully, she shot and defeated Cynthia.But the millennium had made her realize that she might have made a mistake.Therefore, she chose to come to the world, wanting to see this world with her own eyes, to see whether her choice was right or wrong.

But whether it is human beings or gods, they are all fools who make mistakes again and again.Aurora was worried that she would repeat the same mistakes, so this time, she chose to throw away all her memories and create a clone, so as not to be blinded by the common sense and prejudice of the past. "

"Ansel, tell me." The prince said in a low voice, "tell me the answer you found."

Ansel lowered his eyes and said lightly: "In this world, pure light will never exist."

Yes, no one can walk in the light all his life, and no one can be blinded by darkness forever.In the world, only when day and night alternate and seasons change, all things can prosper.Those who bathe in the light are extremely cold, while the lonely souls who desperately survive in the dark can temper the purest love...

"Ansel...Tianna is the body of the goddess. She didn't find the answer, but you did!" The prince sighed with emotion, "I've been thinking, did Aurora give you that part of her soul? I now understand that what you possess is the heart of a goddess."

After a pause, he said cautiously: "So, are you willing to help us?" He waited patiently for a long time, and just when he thought he would not get a reply, a light reply came to his ears:

"it is good."

Seven days later, the border of the empire.

Umpton's urgent letter was quickly delivered to all corners of the empire as if it had grown wings. The human army quickly assembled, and all the forces on the mainland that yearned for light gathered under the command of the archbishop.Tiana and Yarlin stayed up all night, leading a mighty army to the Misty Forest.

The sun in the sky was covered by dark clouds, and a blood-red waning moon rose in the distance, casting an ominous sky above people's heads.

Creatures hidden in the darkness moved in full force, and the strange-shaped orc army wielded a steel sledgehammer, and they roared endlessly, almost shaking the sky.The human army is fearless, the flags of various families flutter in the wind like sparkling waves, and the knights in armor form neat square formations, marching towards the enemy calmly.

A huge circle was set up in the center of the battlefield, and the prince placed Cynthia in the center of the circle.She is already delirious, and her soul has been weakened to the point where it is about to break.Ansel stood in the center of the circle, quietly waiting for the arrival of the human army.

Tiana is at the forefront of the army, she is far

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