【Western Fantasy】City of Light

Chapter 12 The Queen and the Knight

Alyn Barnett waited anxiously in the hall.

To be honest, Yarlin is more familiar with the capital than his hometown of Ampton.He came to the Palace of Paladins to study in his youth, and has been living in this queen's city ever since.The queen loves to have fun, and as a noble young master, Yarlin is often invited to the palace for pleasure.Not long ago, he heard that there seemed to be vampires in his hometown, so he returned home just in time for the Midsummer Celebration.

Counting it, he had not left the capital for a few days, but he did not expect the palace to turn into this appearance.

The doors and windows of the queen's hall were tightly closed and airtight. Yarlin was dressed in heavy paladin armor and held a huge long sword in his hand.In the suffocating atmosphere, he knelt on the ground for a long time, feeling that he was about to lose his breath.

What the hell is the queen doing?

Earlier, Yarlin desperately rushed to the capital to deliver information, but was forcibly taken away by the Queen's soldiers at the gate of the church.Obviously, it was the captain of the bodyguard who said that the queen had summoned him, and Yaerlin had no choice but to enter the palace.Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the palace, he was taken to the reception room and put under house arrest.It was not until Bishop Tiana asked for an audience that the queen ordered him to be brought to the hall.

Tiana hadn't arrived yet, and Yarlin knelt alone in the center of the hall.The queen said nothing, and did not intend to pay him any attention at all.

A drop of sweat slid down the paladin's heroic face, and dripped silently on the floor.

Yarlin loosened his collar uncomfortably.He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, and couldn't help but look up at the scene on the throne.

Looking up, Yarlin was a little dumbfounded.

I don't know what day it is today, but the little queen dressed up very grandly. She wore a newly made royal blue palace dress, which is a dreamy style that is loved by noble ladies nowadays and is as gorgeous as possible.The slender hands and neck are even wearing valuable pear-shaped diamond jewelry.

The noble silver curly hair was braided high, and the braids were dotted with jewel-encrusted rose branch hair ornaments, which set off the little queen's fair to almost transparent skin and delicate red lips.

When Yarlin looked up and peeped, the little queen was holding an ivory mirror and looking at herself, completely immersed in her gorgeous appearance, and did not even look at Yarlin who was kneeling on the ground.

Arlin is a paladin conferred by the queen herself, and his family has sworn allegiance to the royal family for generations.Because of their status as monarchs and ministers, if the queen did not take the initiative to ask questions, Yarlin would not be qualified to speak first.

It's obviously just to meet the bishop and the paladin, so is it necessary to dress up so fancy?It's almost like meeting a lover!

The young and energetic paladin lowered his head irritably, a burst of anger rose in his heart!

He was born in aristocratic family, had a hot temper since he was a child, and had never been despised by others.At this moment, he encountered an urgent and dangerous situation that he had never encountered in his life, and he was even more furious because of the queen's cold treatment.

After escaping from the black magic circle in the summer palace, he rushed to the capital almost without sleep, and countless horses died of exhaustion on the way.

He was well aware of the queen's willful and reckless behavior style, and when he came, he imagined various situations that might be encountered when borrowing troops.It's just that he never expected this little girl to be so hateful, and now she doesn't even give him a chance to speak!

Ansel has already fallen into the hands of vampires, and he has suffered a lot.As long as Yaerlin thinks of his friend's situation, he feels his blood rushing up and boundless courage is born in his heart!

With a sound of "pa--", Yarlin slammed his long sword on the ground.He stood up and straightened his back, boldly looked directly at the queen's throne and said, "Your Majesty, I have something very important to report to you now!"

Hearing the sound, the little queen frowned, and put down the mirror displeased.

She looked sullen, staring in disgust at the knight who had interrupted her good deed.

With a brave momentum, Yarlin ignored the Queen's emotions about to explode, and fluently stated the speech that had been conceived countless times.He spoke earnestly and emotionally, and reported the changes in the Midsummer Celebration in Hampton in the shortest language, and stated to the Queen the necessity and urgency of sending troops urgently.

When the paladin spoke, the little queen unceremoniously raised her legs, her left hand rested on the wide armrest of the throne to beat, and her right hand boredly supported her small chin.

When Yarlin finished speaking dryly, she gave a faint "Oh", as if what the paladin said was just something insignificant.

Wait, what's the reaction?

Arlin couldn't believe her indifference, and asked in a suspicious tone: "Your Majesty, do you already know about this?"

Impossible, after something happened, he rushed over at the fastest speed, even the pigeons in the sky could not be faster than the horses of the paladins.

But the little queen thought of something, and suddenly changed the subject: "Hey, do you think my dress looks good?"

When she said this, the little queen stood up and walked around in a circle, letting Yarlin see every detail of the newly-made palace dress.

This royal blue silk skirt used the best material in the city, reflecting soft and deep light faintly in the dark.The wide and complicated skirt is embroidered with crystal gems, just like the clear Milky Way in the summer night sky, which is very commensurate with the delicate appearance of the little queen.

"Your Majesty!" Yarlin was about to go crazy with anxiety, his voice became extremely loud, "What time is it, it doesn't matter which skirt you wear!"

The angry roar of the paladin echoed in the empty hall, the little queen's face sank, and her delicate face became distorted and terrifying.

At that moment just now, her pupils turned a terrifying blood red!

Yarlin froze and couldn't believe his eyes.When the paladin took a closer look, the queen's pupils turned back to normal blue.

What's going on, did you read it wrong?

Yarlin widened his eyes and carefully observed the Queen's pupils. They were indeed blue eyes of pure blood and belonged to the royal family...

Could it be that he was so anxious just now that he mistook the ruby ​​hair ornaments on the queen's temples for eyes?The queen's hair is dotted with delicate red rose hair accessories, which may indeed be mistaken at a rough glance.

However, Yarlin couldn't help feeling suspicious.

As the saying goes, suspicion breeds darkness. Once he looked at the queen with suspicious eyes, Yarlin felt suspicious no matter what he looked at, and calmly pressed his right hand on the sword at his waist.

Something must be wrong!

On the high throne, the little queen was really irritated.

She lifted the heavy and gorgeous skirt and angrily stepped off the throne.As she walked, she reprimanded in a shrill voice: "You bastard from the countryside, you stupid fool with no manners! How dare you offend me? See if I won't tear you to pieces!"

Yarlin would not be afraid of the little girl who was not taller than his chest. He grabbed the hilt of the sword and stuck his neck and retorted: "Your Majesty, you are the queen, and you have the responsibility to protect the empire! You can't just enjoy yourself and do nothing every day. Listen to Hampton, they need you!"

The little queen rushed in front of Yarlin aggressively, and the white fangs flashed past her scarlet lips.

"Really? They won't need it anytime soon!"

Yarlin was taken aback when he heard the words, but before he could understand the deep meaning of the Queen's words, the little queen suddenly jumped into the air, clawing at Yarlin's face with all five fingers!

The situation in the hall turned sharply downwards, developing in an unpredictable direction.

The little queen's attack was fierce and sudden, and it also contained a wave of evil force rushing towards her face.Yarlin never expected that he would be attacked by the Queen's murderous intent, so he hurriedly drew his sword to block in front of him.

The sword collided with the queen's slender fingertips, and there was a crisp collision sound!

The tall and burly Yarlin was knocked to the ground by the domineering force, and the silver armor fell heavily on the carpeted marble floor.

For a moment, the young paladin felt dizzy and struggled to stand up with his long sword on his hands.

Unexpectedly, countless cracks appeared on the edge of the sword in his hand, and the moment the tip of the sword touched the ground, it shattered!

Yarlin was taken aback. The queen smashed the sword with her bare hands. What kind of terrible monster is she? !

Not far away, the little queen was also bounced back under the throne by the force of the collision between the two.

Unlike Yarlin, she landed nimbly and steadily on the ground. The gems embroidered on the hem of her gorgeous skirt collided with each other and made crisp sounds. Layers of strange bright light and shadow.

"Hahaha——" the little queen raised her face and laughed wantonly. The crazy laughter echoed in the empty hall for a long time, making one's hair stand on end!

She stretched out the tip of her small tongue, and licked the intact five fingertips very seductively, her scarlet eyes were cruel and excited.

This time I was not mistaken!

Yaerlin decisively threw away the damaged long sword, drew out the dagger at his waist and said in surprise and anger: "So you are a vampire!

The little queen showed the iconic fangs of vampires without any shyness, and her charming smile revealed boundless evil.

"Don't compare me to a vampire."

The little queen appeared in front of Yarlin across the distance of more than half the palace in an instant:

"I am your god——!!!"

Yarlin aimed at the little queen's throat, and thrust out the dagger with his backhand.That attack condensed the power of the paladin's whole body, containing the exquisite force and powerful strength of the peak of human beings, but stabbed an ethereal phantom.

The little queen's laughter suddenly sounded terribly from behind, Yaerlin hurriedly turned around, but it was already too late!

The little queen's sharp fingertips grabbed Yarlin's back like eagle claws, and the silver knight's armor burst under her hands like linen.

The moment she was about to take out the paladin's heart with her bare hands, a huge light ball suddenly appeared in the bodies of the two of them.

In the next second, the huge ball of light with infinite divine power exploded, bursting out with an incomparably dazzling beam of light!

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the little queen abruptly reversed her direction in the air, bursting out with inhuman reaction speed and strength in a short time.

She pushed Yarlin violently, and her petite figure bounced towards the wall on the other side.Yarlin was pushed to the ground hard by her, and the dazzling light made his eyes burn and sting.

He exclaimed and quickly covered his eyes.That powerful light can actually penetrate the fleshy palm, and through Yarlin's closed eyelids, it emits a strong light that reaches the soul!

After the powerful light gradually weakened, Yarlin opened his phantom eyes, and saw a tall figure standing against the light at the entrance of the main hall.

It was the archbishop in fluttering white clothes!

"Tianna!" Yarlin, who was still in shock, shouted, "Be careful of the queen!"

Tiana exuded a reassuring aura all over her body, she nodded to the paladin calmly, and walked towards him quickly.

Candlesticks in the shape of cinnamon branches are inlaid on the high and wide walls of the palace. The little queen tapped her toes and stood firmly on the top of a golden cinnamon branch.

Because of the strenuous exercise, the gem hair accessories in the girl's hair fell to the ground, and the originally perfect hair looked a little embarrassed at this moment.

Tiana looked cold, but walked steadily and firmly.It seems that instead of going to the horrible and cruel magic battlefield, but stepping into the quiet and harmonious church, just looking at it makes people feel at ease.

With a dignified demeanor, she stretched her arms forward and drew a dazzling and huge light spell in the air.Accompanied by the muttered incantation, huge balls of light exploded on the floor one after another, and the dots were connected in a line. Countless balls of light formed a huge poisonous snake ready to go, quickly approaching the little queen's position.


The girl clenched her red lips in resentment. Holding her gorgeous skirt, her petite figure swayed slightly, and in the next second she appeared in the corner at the other end of the hall.

The ball of light immediately turned its direction and followed closely. The little queen quickly avoided Tiana's powerful and dense magic attack, her movements erratic like a ghost.

Tiana didn't care about fighting, and concentrated on controlling the little queen's course of action.With the cover of the magic circle, she forced the little queen to a corner of the hall, then quickly walked to Yarlin, patted the paladin on the shoulder and said, "Go!"

Yarlin staggered up with a dagger on the ground, and Tiana let him hide behind her. When the little queen was distracted by countless light magic attacks, the two returned the same way and quickly evacuated out of the hall.

In the winding corridors outside the main hall, a group of white-clothed priests and the Queen's personal guards were in full swing. The sound of weapons colliding and the lights and shadows of various attacking magics were chaotic, and some people fell down crying from time to time.

Seeing that Tiana successfully escaped with Yarlin, the loyal priests fought and retreated, surrounded by the bishop and the paladins, and fled outside the palace.

There were priests waiting at the gate of the imperial palace to respond, and everyone got on their horses and rushed towards the gate of the capital without stopping.

Yarlin knew that they would not be able to stay in the capital any longer. The queen had become like that, and the city might have fallen long ago!

Riding on the galloping horse, the elegant buildings with rich historical atmosphere on the left and right retreat rapidly.Yarlin suddenly found that the city was shrouded in a strong cloud, as silent as a dead city, making one feel chilly.

The pursuers behind him quickly caught up, and the priests in the rear reined in their horses and stopped.They bravely and selflessly built a line of defense with their lives and tried their best to stop the Queen's personal army.The power of weapons and magic stirred each other, bursting out countless dazzling lights on the streets of the city.

Yarlin wanted to fight, but Tiana didn't look back on the horse, and she didn't have the slightest intention to slow down and stop.

The paladin understands that getting out of the city is not such a simple matter, and necessary sacrifices are unavoidable.He had no choice but to grit his teeth and endure the urge to fight in his heart, and the imperial horse followed the bishop to move on.

The rest of the people broke through the defense line of the soldiers at the city gate, and after driving for several kilometers in the wilderness outside the city, Tiana signaled everyone to stop and rest.

At this moment, the steed under his crotch was neighing from exhaustion, and there were only a dozen or so priests left behind the bishop.

Yarlin rode on the horse and yelled unwillingly: "Who the hell is the queen?!"

Tiana dismounted from her horse, her white robe flipped like a blooming water lily, holy and beautiful.

Arlin didn't get any response, and asked again: "Is she a demon?"

Tiana's beautiful facial features were solemn and dignified, and her usual cold tone sounded a little uncertain: "I don't know, I... don't remember."

The resolute bishop actually showed a hesitant expression?Yarlin froze, and said sullenly: "No matter what, she must not be an ordinary vampire."

Everyone rested silently for a while, and Yarlin remembered something, and asked again: "Tianna, why did you close the church? I went to look for you as soon as I entered the city, but I couldn't get in no matter what, and the Queen people took away."

Tiana brushed the white horse's mane quietly, without answering.

A priest next to him explained: "The queen controls most of the nobles and ministers in the city, and she also tried to interfere in the affairs of the church. The bishop was alone and helpless, so he had to order a complete blockade of the church a few days ago, prohibiting people from entering and leaving, to avoid the infiltration of dark forces , That’s why I accidentally locked you out. In fact, after the bishop knew you had come, he immediately started to arrange troops and immediately entered the palace to rescue you.”

Yarlin nodded gratefully to the bishop, and then told the situation of Upton and Ansel again.

Tiana listened, her beautiful brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

After Yarlin finished speaking, she got on her horse neatly and signaled everyone to continue on their way: "The capital of the king has fallen. Since we have escaped, we should not go back. Now we are going to Ampton, and we must rescue Ansel." .”

Yarlin couldn't wish for it. In fact, the way they escaped was in the direction of Ampton. It is estimated that the bishop originally planned to escape from the capital and seek refuge with his younger brother.

Everyone rode their horses and whipped their whips, and galloped in the direction of Ampton.The horseshoes splashed the tumbling dirt and dust, covering the Queen's City behind them.

On the other side, the empire's palace was filled with a strong smell of blood.

In the magnificent and huge palace, the corpses of priests, soldiers, and palace servants were piled up in disorder.These human beings brutally killed each other because of their different positions.After death, their bodies leaned on each other and accumulated, and the scarlet blood flowed together, which was extremely dazzling.

In the empty hall, the orange candles on the candelabra swayed with the wind.The gorgeous hall looked dilapidated because of the indiscriminate bombardment by the powerful light magic.

The little queen was sitting on the carpet alone in despair, holding in her hand a jeweled hair ornament that she picked up from the ground.Her brand-new luxurious palace attire was scrunched up, and her well-groomed hairstyle was completely untied, draped messily over her petite shoulders.

A silver-haired and red-eyed vampire appeared behind her. He wore the noble uniform of a noble prince. His facial features were vaguely similar to Earl Harriet's, but his demeanor was more calm and restrained, making it difficult for people to see through his thoughts.

The prince stood still behind the queen, and reported in a deep voice: "My lord Cynthia, Tiana and the others have escaped from the royal capital."


Cynthia clenched her fangs resentfully, her slender fingers tightened suddenly, and the ruby ​​hair ornament in her palm shattered, turning into dense fine crumbs and slipping from her fingers.

Suddenly, she raised her arm and used her fingertips as a pen to quickly draw a huge dark magic circle in the air.

The silver-haired vampire saw Cynthia's intentions, immediately hugged the petite girl by the waist, and seriously dissuaded: "With all due respect, you must conserve your strength now, teleportation magic consumes too much mana!"

"Let me go—I'm going to Hampton to find her—"

Cynthia screamed loudly and struggled desperately, her limbs kicked in the air, but the prince's arm was motionless, tightly restraining her violent emotion.

After a while, Cynthia's resistance gradually weakened.

Despite the prince's blocking posture, she lowered her proud and beautiful head, with unwilling sobs rolling in her throat.

The sleeves were soaked with some liquid, the prince was startled and looked down.

Cynthia bit her red lips stubbornly, and big tears welled up in her bright red pupils.

"What are you looking at... let me go!"

The prince had to put her back on the ground.Cynthia sat on the carpet without any image, crying sadly.

The vampire prince stood helplessly behind Cynthia, waiting for her to vent her emotions completely.

He knew that, in order to meet Aurora, Lady Cynthia had dressed herself up very carefully today, hoping to make her beloved take another look at her.

Unexpectedly, after entering the palace, Aurora raised her hand and unleashed a powerful attacking magic. She didn't want to say a word to Cynthia, let alone appreciate her new look.

The goddess who has always been arbitrary and domineering cried so heartbroken that the vampire prince would neither leave nor stay, so he could only bite the bullet and persuade: "Master Cynthia, Tiana is not Aurora's complete body after all—she is not I remember you. The real Aurora will not return until the souls of the twins are fused. Once she recovers her memory, she will definitely think of you."

Having said that, the Vampire Prince knew well that even the former Aurora, when faced with Cynthia's fanatical pursuit, she only responded with a cold attitude and did not exceed the rules.

Mortals in the world often sing praises of Aurora's compassion and kindness, and the portraits and sculptures created for her all have gentle smiles, but those are all delusions of mortals.

Who would have thought that this goddess who controls the light in the world is actually as cold as a glacier in the ocean, and her beautiful facial features have never revealed any clear emotions.

It is such a cold and stern goddess who has gained Cynthia's strong love.The God of Night follows the God of Light day after day.The so-called Goddess War is actually just Aurora's unilateral tearing of the relationship.

Even at the last moment of fighting each other, Cynthia didn't believe that Aurora would really attack her.It wasn't until the Goddess of Light transformed all her divine power into a huge spear and pierced deeply into Cynthia's chest that she opened her scarlet eyes in disbelief.

The spear pierced through the body, tearing open a terrifying wound, boundless divine power escaped like flowing water, and Cynthia felt chills all over.She clutched her chest tightly and knelt down in front of Aurora stiffly.

Just when her soul was about to fall into a long deep sleep, Cynthia held back the great pain and struggled to raise her head.

Aurora's face was cold, but a tear was falling from her beautiful green eyes.

It turns out that you will be sad too, Cynthia thought in a daze.

The next second, she closed her eyes and fell into an endless sleep.

The sleeping soul is constantly repairing the wounds of the divine body.Thousands of years later, Cynthia gradually woke up from her sleep.The divine body is still unable to move, but it doesn't matter, nothing can stop her from going to Aurora's side.

Cynthia desperately released a trace of divine power, went to God's Domain to find Aurora, and wanted to see her current appearance.

Unexpectedly, the realm of the gods where the two used to live together is now empty, and Aurora actually came into the world more than ten years ago.

Without much thought, Cynthia immediately used her divine power to force her soul out of her body, and followed Aurora to the human world.

The mortal Aurora is still so beautiful and powerful, which makes Cynthia crazy obsessed.

However, she did not remember Cynthia.

She split her soul, discarded the memory of the gods, and completely became a mortal.

She doesn't remember me, Cynthia thought sadly, she has abandoned me.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as I help her restore her damaged soul, she will definitely think of me.

That's right, because light and darkness are originally lotus flowers born side by side.In this world, only you and I are the same as each other.Without you, I don't know how to walk alone in this vast universe...

So, Aurora, please, don't abandon me again!

I will definitely help you recover your memory, and then, please come back to me...

In a messy and empty hall, Cynthia, choked with sobs, touched her pretty face, her wet scarlet eyes looked sad and crazy, "As long as Aurora thinks of me...she will fall in love with me..."

This time, I will never allow you to leave me!

The girl wiped her eyes fiercely, her pretty face flushed red: "How is my body?"

The prince hesitated for a moment, and replied: "...It's still the same."

"Damn it!" Cynthia stood up and said angrily, "Could it be that I can only use a human body in the future!"

The prince observed her expression, and carefully suggested: "Actually, as long as Aurora recovers her complete soul, then her divine body..."

Before the loyal prince could finish speaking, he was thrown to the ground by Cynthia!

The petite girl pinched the Vampire Prince's neck fiercely, and said condescendingly, "Who allows you to have her idea?"

Facing the goddess's full of anger, the prince lost his graceful aristocratic demeanor. He coughed violently, "Everything I do is for you and our people!"

In an instant, Cynthia's face became extremely hideous, her scarlet pupils dilated, and her eyes were extremely terrifying.The sharp nails dug into the prince's skin, and ferocious blood flowed from the five wounds at the same time!

"Can't you understand what I'm saying?" Cynthia growled angrily, showing her sharp fangs, "Don't do unnecessary things!"

Under the pressure of terrifying magic power, the prince felt that his soul was being brutally torn apart by a pair of big hands!

He closed his eyes with difficulty, and finally surrendered: "...This subordinate understands."


Cynthia threw him away and walked towards the door without looking back.

"Since Aurora has gone to Hampton, let's go there too. Isn't your son just in the Summer Palace?"

Prince Harriet staggered to his feet behind her, and hurriedly said: "My son will soon take Ansel back to the foggy forest. Lord Cynthia, why don't you go back to the west with your subordinates. Trust O Laura will definitely follow Ansel there."

Cynthia thought for a while, and agreed: "That's right. Then go back, just to see how my divine body is doing."

The prince watched Cynthia's petite back go further and further away, his eyes were as vicious as a falcon's.

The great Cynthia, the powerful goddess... You will understand that the so-called love is an impulse that disturbs people's minds. When I snatch Aurora's divine body for you, you will realize that I am right!

The author says:

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