[Western Fantasy] The mystery of life and death

Chapter 6 The Secret Realm Crisis Intensifies

The Council of Elders and high-ranking priests were discussing the report of Chief Guard Altai, and Augusta, who was sitting at the top, frowned with thick brows, and deep worries were hidden in his eyes as deep as the sea.

Compared with the accident of the investigation team, what worries him more is the fate of the entire Aranti.

Augusta is the seventh generation ruling king of the secret realm of Aranti.Magical attainments have reached their level, and sometimes they can intuitively sense the fate in the dark.A thought suddenly crossed Augusta's mind, could it be that Aranti, who had been at peace for thousands of years, would suffer bad luck under his control?

Thousands of years ago, a scuffle between gods and demons broke out in the Navia continent, and all major races were involved in the flames of war.Although the Aranti tribe is the favorite of the gods.They are born handsome and noble, with innate magical talents.But it is very difficult to conceive offspring, and it cannot withstand the consumption of war.In order to avoid the scourge of war, the ruling king and the Presbyterian Church jointly opened the ancient secret realm and guided the tribe to move into the secret realm to escape from the world.

The secret realm of Alandi is not completely isolated from the outside world. The Seven Elders will send two elders in turn to guard the magic passage outside the secret realm every ten years.High-ranking priests can also go out to travel, learn about the situation on the mainland, and look for clansmen living outside.

In the secret realm, the three major priests and elders will assist the ruling king to govern this beautiful country together.

Under the joint rule of generations of ruling kings, elders, and leaders of the three major tribes, this secret place has become the extraterrestrial habitat of the Aranti tribe.This vast and vast secret kingdom, the lakes and mountains are beautiful and beautiful like a fairyland, and all the grasslands, forests, and valleys are scattered with rare species that are rarely seen in the mainland, and they are full of aura everywhere.

The entrance to the secret realm was actually sealed from the outside.At this time, the secret realm of Alandi has become a difficult place for one party!

Augusta knocked on the table suddenly, and the meeting hall fell silent.

A blade carved from moonstone was held in Augusta's hand.The veins on the leaf surface suddenly intertwined with light and shadow—the high priest of the Huiyue Clan, Libetas, sent a message: The withering range of the Soloa pine forest is expanding!

The Huiyue Clan is the oldest tribe among the three major tribes of Alanti. They have pure and ancient bloodlines and live in Huiyue Mountain.Most of the ruling kings and elders of the past dynasties also came from this tribe.It is also the duty of the Huiyue Clan to guard the Soloa Pine Forest.High Priest Libertas has been patrolling the Soroa pine forest for several days.The range of withering in the Soloa pine forest is slowly expanding.

Afterwards, Albina, the high priest of the Mirror Lake Clan, suddenly sent an urgent message: The spiritual energy fluctuations above the Mirror Lake suddenly became extremely intense, causing several small space tears, and she was guarding the scene with great mana.

Augusta immediately ordered, "Albina, I order the Jinghu people to evacuate from the lakeside habitat immediately. Retreat to the plain under Huiyue Mountain."

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Augusta immediately ordered Libertas, the High Priest of the Huiyue Clan, and Gabriel, the High Priest of the Gale Wind Clan, to rush to support Albina.

The atmosphere in the meeting hall seemed to freeze, and everyone looked at the ruling king Augusta silently and nervously.

Regent Augusta waved to the long table.The magic crystal mirror in the middle of the long oak table suddenly glowed with a white glow.A three-dimensional image of the sky over Mirror Lake is displayed above the long table.The chaotic breath emanating from it came to the face.Streaks of purple lightning intertwined into an irregular net, and the water surface of Mirror Lake under the torrential rain and strong wind was raging.

Albina, the high priest of the Jinghu Clan, volleyed through the gap between the lightning. Her figure appeared so small in the strong wind, as if she would be swept up and shredded by the violent airflow at any time.Albina walked calmly with a staff in hand, calm and dignified, not even the corners of her clothes and hair were wet.The images and breath in the mirror are very clear, as if they are right in front of them.The change of perspective perfectly presents the panorama of the vision of heaven and earth.It can even truly sense the energy vibration of space tearing.It made everyone at the long table faintly palpitate.The elders stood up in shock.

The wound on Chief Guard Altai's face also tingled, and the muscles on his face throbbed. He endured the pain, and his face was a little distorted.

Palmer was injured, and he couldn't bear the violent and tearing breath in the image, his face turned pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.But in such an occasion, in order not to affect the analysis of the situation by the elders, he had to close his eyes and support himself.

Everyone was engrossed in observing the image of the space fission, and no one noticed Palmer's discomfort. When he was almost unable to support himself, he suddenly felt a steady and solid force supporting him. It was the chief guard Altai who quietly held his arm , holding his back with one hand, he felt the spiritual power released from Altai's palm, warm and gentle, and his weakness suddenly eased a lot.Altai signaled him to change his position with his eyes, Palmer understood, he nodded and stood up with Altai's support, and sat down at Altai's position a little far away from the image, Altai stood in front of him, his burly back blocked him The terrifying aura that shook people.

Suddenly Elder Abu Sauron said "Huh?"

The ruling king Augusta pondered: "Could it be the child Custa?"

At this time, the traces of purple lightning in the image became sparse, and gradually only strong wind and heavy rain remained under the night sky.Libertas and Gabriel also appear in the video.The three priests tacitly quickly formed a triangle formation in the air.The berserk aura emanating from the image quickly weakened, and only a few waves remained on the surface of the mirror lake.Libertas cast an approving glance in one direction.

At this time, the blade sent back a message: the space shock has calmed down.But the three priests thought that they still needed to guard for one night.

"Albina, is Cuista there?" asked Augusta, the ruling king.

"Yes, Your Majesty! What a wayward girl!" Albina blamed and proud of her precious daughter, "Your Majesty, she has just evacuated all the people by the lake, and she suddenly came up to help. I asked her to use the Mirror Dream Crystal Zhu recorded the situation here."

"It's too dangerous, this child!" Elder Abu Sauron frowned worriedly.

"Good boy, this is so helpful for research!"

"Your Highness the Brave Princess!"

"Her Royal Highness Princess who is both beautiful and courageous!"

Cuista is the daughter of Albina, the High Priest of the Mirror Lake Clan, and Gabriel, the High Priest of the Gale Wind Clan. She not only inherited the magical talent from her mother's blood, but also the brave wind from her father.There are many admirers in the secret realm, among which Palmer, Altai, and Loka are the most enthusiastic suitors.But in the end only Lorca was lucky enough to get the beauty's heart.

The excitement, admiration, and comfort of everyone dilute the depressing atmosphere.However, everyone suddenly fell silent—Princess Custa didn't know the news of the disappearance of Priest Loka.They are about to get engaged.

Yimeiji Luoshan is just beside the mirror lake, and the habitat of the flame monitor is facing the direction where the spatial shock just happened.

Looking at the raging storm in the image, everyone couldn't help but think of the storm that the investigation team encountered during the day.Yimeiji Luoshan has never had such a climate, and the storm came unexpectedly for no reason.Could it be that there was a sign of space fission at that time?The Flame Monitor is extremely irritable and sensitive to the environment, and will become extremely manic if suddenly frightened.No wonder the sight of the lizard habitat is so grim.

If a small space fission had occurred at that time, Loka's encounter would not be optimistic.For a moment the faces of the elders were very ugly.

The elder Abu Sauron asked the chief guard Altai to cast a spell again and repeatedly demonstrated the images of the mutations they encountered during the day.Although the image cannot sense any breath, the picture is not clear.However, after repeated observation and comparison, it is very similar to the airflow storm caused by space fission.That bad guess became more and more obvious, and the ruling king Augusta and the elders all frowned.The atmosphere in the meeting hall was oppressive and dull, like the eve of the storm in the evening.

The ruling king Augusta nodded slightly to the elders. Elders Waldron and Washburn explained the situation of space fission to Prince Palmer, chief guard Altai and other high-ranking priests across the long table. and an analysis of Lorca's disappearance.

Perhaps because of the injury, Palmer was paler and more haggard than when he first entered the meeting hall. He asked, "If that happened in the habitat of the flame lizard, Loka... what would happen to him?"

The elders exchanged glances deeply, and Palmer felt that although the elders on the opposite side did not speak for a while, they were all sighing silently.

Elder Abu Sauron was the oldest, and although his hair was gray, it was always neat and unruffled. He comforted him kindly: "If His Royal Highness Loka also encounters a storm, he may be swept away to the nearby mountains. He is the most athletic among you, Has been alert. Should be able to protect himself. We can look around for possible locations. Maybe he can come back by himself." This seemed to comfort everyone and comfort himself.

Elder Waldron said: "If Loka hides in the cave of the flame monitor, with his magic cultivation, it should not be a big problem."

Palmer looked slightly relieved.They all knew Loka's strength, so Loka decided to sneak into the Flame Monitor King's property alone to steal treasures. At that time, both he and Altai agreed.In order to cooperate with Lorca, he also specially arranged for Altai as a support.

"Then...what if, what if..." Palmer was worried and didn't dare to ask any more.

Chief Guard Altai glanced at Palmer and asked, "What if Loka falls into the space fission?"

Palmer bowed his head and closed his eyes, as if awaiting the verdict.

The ruling king Augusta sighed heavily.

Elder Washburn said in a deep voice: "The most frightening situation, if you encounter a space crack like the one above Mirror Lake, if you get caught in it, you may be torn to pieces by space shocks, or you may drift forever in an unknown place. time and space."

For a moment, there was an oppressive silence in the meeting hall.Could it be that the most dazzling new star in the temple just fell away?Everyone couldn't bear to think that the general in the temple would never hear that hearty laughter again.

The handsome and unrestrained figure appeared in Palmer's mind again. Arantis are usually handsome and tall, with light golden and silver hair, but Loka is pure golden, which makes his handsome appearance even more eye-catching and shining.As he moved and jumped vigorously and nimbly, the blond hair flew up like a blazing sun shining into the bottom of his heart.That high-spirited smile seemed to fill his world with dazzling light but made him dare not look directly at him. Once he was close at hand, but how could it be, how could he never be seen again?Where is he?

Palmer was haggard as if he had been hit hard again.He hardly noticed how the meeting ended.It took all his willpower to maintain his usual demeanor.With Altai's help, he was able to maintain his former demeanor and slowly walk back to his bedroom.

He also didn't pay attention to how Altai left.Sitting alone in his bedroom, he ordered everyone not to disturb him.Extinguished all the lighting magic crystals, and submerged himself in the lonely darkness.

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