Lorca's world was completely filled with the white mist, and gradually he had some perceptions again, and he felt extremely comfortable in this mist.Gradually, the white mist faded away, and Loka followed the white mist aimlessly.Gradually he was able to see something clearly again, it was a dim world.Everything is hazy.

In this darkness, Loka could vaguely see something on the ground, and gradually he could vaguely discern a figure lying on the ground, whose whole body seemed to be covered by a white cloth.Messy blond hair covered the side of his face, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

A black-haired and black-clothed magician walked into this dim world. He staggered and knelt beside the figure.He leaned over the humanoid chest through the white cloth, as if listening to something.He listened for a long time, and Jude Loka thought he seemed to have fallen asleep lying on it.

The magician finally straightened up, and he lifted the white cloth with a bang, but the white cloth was actually a loose white robe.He raised his hand and threw the white robe aside.The human figure on the ground was no longer bloody and bloody, and it was just a clean gray-white body in the dim light.

Loka only felt that although this magician was very strange, he also had a sense of familiarity.He seems to have seen it somewhere.

The delicate and soft face of the black-haired magician, at this moment, has a bit of indifference. He seems to dominate everything in this dim space.His purple eye pupils became deep, and in the darkness, a raging flame was burning deep in his pupils, and even the air around him was burning with some kind of longing.It made Loka feel as if the whole world was dizzy from the heat around the magician.

The black-clothed magician stared fixedly at the body on the ground, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, smiling arrogantly.He is like a cheetah watching his prey quietly appearing in front of him gracefully and eagerly, and he is also like a diligent pirate staring at a treasure that has been longing for thousands of years.

At this moment, he could finally reach out and take the treasure in front of him for himself.

However, when those pale and slender hands were about to touch the body, his whole body trembled suddenly, as if he was being burned by something, and he seemed to be trying to restrain something, as if he was being torn by two forces, he burned The burning desire and the great restraint fought fiercely, and the passion and the pain of restraining the desire made him gasp violently.His frenzy and pain made the surrounding aura messy.The sleeves of his robe fluttered without wind.As if being hit by the huge tearing air current, the entire dark space became blurred and messy.Lorca felt that just looking at it from a distance, his world seemed to be torn apart.

The black-haired magician trembled violently, and gradually his breathing subsided, and his whole body became quiet.This dim space was instantly filled with a powerful aura.He became the ruler of this world again.

"You are here." The magician bowed his head and said

"You finally belong to me completely." He stroked the blond hair nostalgicly.

"Come on, it's mine forever."

"Stay here forever, only belong to me, one person."

When his slender fingers stroked the chest of the body, a glowing pattern appeared on the gray skin, which seemed to be a combination of some kind of writing and coat of arms.But it is not the words of Aranti in the secret realm.

"This is the mark I gave you, and it will always be one with you."

He bent down and sniffed the pattern lightly, then, his elegant lips pecked at the light of the pattern.

"You are mine, and no one can take it away."

He held the lifeless gray hand again, as if holding a peerless treasure, slowly lifted it up and stroked it.He pressed the gray hand to the side of his face, drunk and content, and then he brought the wrist to his mouth and bit hard, sucking on the wound for a while.The expression seemed to be drinking fine wine. After sucking for a while, he finally put down that hand, and a strange "ho ho" laughter came out of his throat.

The black-haired magician leaned down again, and he pressed his pale face against the ashen profile covered with messy blond hair.Whispered in that person's ear: "You are mine and will always be mine, and no one can take it away from you."

"Come on, come with me."

"I have nothing but supreme bliss here, never suffering."

"Come on, my love."

The black-haired magician knelt on the ground, and he gently lifted the man's lifeless body. The gray body was not stiff, but was held softly in his arms. The man's head was thrown back weakly, and the blond Sisi hangs down, revealing a handsome face, eyes closed, with a peaceful expression, as if dying, as if in deep sleep.

The black-haired magician licked and sucked the man's gray neck intoxicatedly, and gradually released the suppressed heat all the way up. The black-haired magician's pale fingers inserted||into the blond hair, lifted the back of the man's head, and he lowered his head to cover it. The man's lips without a trace of blood were greedily caressing, as if to devour all the vitality of this body.He effortlessly rubbed his lips and tongue to pry open those cold lips and teeth, venting the long-awaited rage.He even bit his gray lip, but no blood came out.

His breathing became heavier and heavier, like the breath of a wild animal.He ravaged||ravaged the gray body, as if he wanted to rub that body into his body.His movements seem extremely rough and protective, he seems extremely indulgent and extremely restrained.

Finally, he slowly let go of the body, and Loka felt a powerful aura emanating from his body, which made people feel scared and wanted to follow.

The black-haired mage exudes strange magic fluctuations all over his body. Loka feels that he is almost the god of this world, and he seems to be giving vitality to the body on the ground.

The pattern on the gray-white body's chest is looming.Disappeared again.

The black-haired magician said coldly, "Failed work." He was a little annoyed, "You're still not here!"

He giggled again, "You are mine, and I will get you back, my love."

The dreaded black-haired magician muttered to himself, and he began to chant some ancient spell.Whispering whispers echoed in this dim space, and the voices were endless. Loka felt that he was almost melting into the darkness, and just wanted to keep going back and forth with the whispers forever.

When the sound gradually became lower and farther away, Loka could vaguely see the dim world again.The magician seemed to have left for a while, and when he returned to this dark world, Loka found some bottles and jars on the ground, and the black-haired magician was kneeling aside again, this time he seemed to be concentrating on the body Drawing something, his fingers were dipped in silver powder, he was very focused on each stroke, and each stroke seemed to take a lot of effort from him.

Every time a rune was drawn on the body, the silver lines turned brown, like dried blood.Gradually, the chest and abdomen of that body were covered with these runes, which looked like many twisted snakes from a distance. Those lines were very vivid, as if they would dance and sway at any time.

Loka looked at these mysterious runes, only to feel that the whole world was dizzy.He instinctively didn't dare to look closely.The magician painted for a long time, and after finishing the front, he turned the body over with some difficulty, and continued to paint on the back. Gradually, the body was covered with weird runes from head to toe, front and back.

After finishing the last stroke, the magician seemed to be exhausted, and fell down beside the body.The ingested coercion of the entire space also disappeared.But those dense runes all twisted by themselves.Like countless tiny black snakes, twisting, twisting and jumping like little flames.The body seemed to be surrounded by countless small brown flames, as if it was being burned by countless brown flames.

After an unknown amount of time, when the mage woke up, all the runes writhing like little black snakes dissipated, or they all melted into that body.

With the jump of these runes.Loka felt the whole dim world spinning.He gradually got lost in this dark and spinning world.

The author has something to say:

The pure and ignorant Lorca didn't understand anything

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