For several days in succession, although Loka, Libertas, and Cuista took turns treating Mason with spells, Mason showed no sign of waking up.

"Lord Libertas, it must be that the shackles restrained his vitality before, so he couldn't resist the attack of phobia." Loka's voice was passionate and indignant, "From now on, he can't be put in shackles anymore. You know, Mason is Innocent!"

Mason became anxious, he was worried that Lorca would accidentally reveal the secret under excitement.He tried hard to wake up, but his eyelids were heavier than lead.

Fortunately, Lorca's words were interrupted, and Mason realized that Custa was there.He knew that Custa must have stopped Lorca.He felt relieved again.

"I will find a way to improve the shackles. Mason is safer only in shackles." Libetas's voice was as severe as ever.

"Mason's vitality is so weak, we can use the Soraya liquid to save him!" Loka's voice was full of confidence.

"No!" Libertas snapped.This was also the fierce answer in Mason's heart.

"But only a little bit is enough!" Loka insisted.

Fool!Not at all!Mason was extremely anxious.He was worried that Lorca would act impulsively, and he was eager to wake up soon.He sensed the atmosphere of confrontation in the air.Mason knew that if he continued to fall asleep, Loka would definitely take a risk.Stupid Lorca, don't be impulsive!

Finally, the strong thoughts broke through the shackles of darkness, and Mason opened his eyes with difficulty, and what came into view was Loka in a white robe. This scene shocked Mason and almost passed out again.

Mason tried to make a noise, and finally got their attention. "Mason is awake! He is awake!" Mason sensed that the surrounding air was instantly filled with joy and surprise.

"Great! Mason! You're finally awake!" Lorca threw himself on the bed and shook Mason's arms excitedly. Mason felt that he was about to be shaken to pieces.Fortunately, Cuista gave Loka a bunch of chestnuts to stop his recklessness.

Mason saw Libertas with red eyes, and Roca and Trista also looked haggard.He thought for a while, and said with difficulty, "It's...Yimihua''s...passed, I'm...well."

Mason doesn't look "well" in any way.But they all understood Mason's intentions.Libertas felt sore.After that she was determined not to let Mason wear shackles again.

Without shackles to restrain his vitality, Mason's recovery speed is very fast.Now there is no special guard in the small courtyard, but Loka did not dare to speak casually when he visited Mason.Yimihua's influence on Mason is really terrible, and he feels that Mason may be even more vulnerable now than in the cell.He worried about stimulating Mason's mental state.Although he had countless doubts in his heart, he could only endure it.

Since Mason deliberately remained unresponsive, Loka could not determine how far Mason had recovered.A few days later, he brought Mason the game of checkers, which he used to play as a teenager, to amuse him.

Loka arranged the chessboard seriously, "This is the king, queen, high priest, chariot, knight, soldier..."

Mason stared blankly at the black and white checkered chessboard. Lorca had arranged the oak pieces one by one and was patiently explaining the basic rules.

Lorca, you idiot, I just don't want to talk to you, and you think I'm mentally degraded.Mason was about to pull a sarcastic smile, but then held back.Loka looked at Mason's blank face, and felt pity again in his heart. Mason had always been a master in the past, but now he was so slow to even lay out the chessboard.Psychotropic drugs are really harmful.

"Mason, do you remember how to play? You see the rules are very simple." Lorca's tone sounded as if he was coaxing Mason when he was seven years old.

Hmph, of course it's easy, never have you been defeated by me.Mason remained indifferent.He pretended to be hesitant, and picked up the beautifully carved "Knight". This chess piece was made by Luoka himself. "Knight" is Luoka's favorite shape.

"Well, let's try the next game, shall we? It doesn't matter, I will let you." Lorca's voice was full of obvious expectations, and he obviously wanted to take the opportunity to "bully" Mason.Throughout their teenage years, he hadn't won against Mason.

Every move of Mason's chess is very slow, with a serious expression on his face, he secretly ponders in his heart, how can he lose chess in order to logically meet his IQ state in Lorca's mind?

Loka's chess style is still so sharp.

After Mason tried a few more "reasonable" losses, he found that Lorca enjoyed the feeling of "bullying" himself.

Mason pretended to be in a panic and put the "knight" on the route of Lorca's "queen". Seeing Lorca triumphantly knocking down his "knight", Mason couldn't help but smile.Luoka thought pitifully, Mason is so pitiful, he was tortured abnormally by Yimihua, and he was still laughing when he was about to lose.Although he sympathized with Mason, his subordinates did not show mercy and immediately knocked off Mason's "guard".

"Lorca, why do you wear priest robes every day? Didn't you hate wearing them before?" Mason asked casually, picking up "Queen".He lowered his eyes and pretended to be watching the chessboard to hide his anxiety.

"Well, I don't know why, but it's not too annoying now." Loka replied casually.His legions are closing in on Mason's "King".

Mason couldn't help but suffocate, he didn't hate wearing robes anymore, did those days still affect him!

"I still don't like it, it's too cumbersome. But recently, for the ceremony of 'preparing the elders', Lord Libertas asked me to meditate in the Soloa pine forest every day, sensing the 'light of Hecate' in the holy well. She said It must be worn loosely, but the runes on the priesthood robe will cause magical interference, so let me only wear the inner robe." Loka's men kept knocking off one of Mason's "guards".

Next, Loka explained the so-called "preparing elders" ceremony.He believes that as long as he communicates with Mason more, Mason can recover as soon as possible.There are countless doubts in his mind that Mason needs to answer.

In fact, he didn't need to explain in detail, Mason also knew the meaning of the so-called 'preparing elders' ceremony.

Before each elder is officially awarded the Palech Scepter, he needs to fully cleanse his body and mind with a large amount of Soraya's divine liquid.This is different from the soft spiritual atmosphere of the national festival. The 'Preparation Elder' must use his own physique and spiritual power to withstand the training of a large amount of high-concentration divine liquid, and completely remove the impurities in the blood, so that he can fuse the power in the blood.If the spiritual power is not strong enough, it will not be able to bear this huge pain.

Now the secret realm has suddenly undergone great changes, and the Soloa pine forest is almost withered.It is impossible for the Council of Elders to use the only high-concentration liquid in the treasury on just one person.These divine liquids are the hope of restoring the vitality of the entire Soloa pine forest in the future.

Fortunately, the Soloa pine forest has grown for thousands of years. Although most of it has withered, this woodland still has a strong atmosphere of the Soroa pine forest.The concentration is equivalent to half of the spiritual effect aroused in the National Festival.So the elders came up with this compromise strategy. Although the effect was slow, it was better than nothing.

Mason thought, what an unnecessary move, Lorca doesn't need these at all now, his body has reached the purest and perfect level.He is my perfect work.

Mason just pursed his lips.Moved the "chariot" a few blocks towards Lorka's "high priest".

"Hey! I still don't like robes. It's not convenient to run and jump at all!" Loka complained, "What do you mean that wearing loose clothes won't restrict your body sensory? If you don't have any restrictions at all, it's better to wear nothing at all."

"Patta" the chess piece in Mason's hand fell to the ground.Roca's graceful and well-proportioned physique appeared in his mind, and Mason couldn't help being a little dizzy, and the sea of ​​spiritual power stirred up.

With a wave of his hand, Loka handed the chess pieces that fell to the ground from the air and handed them to Mason. His warm and thick hand touched Mason's cool fingers, and Mason couldn't help trembling slightly.

Mason moved the position of the chess pieces restlessly, and killed Lorca's "king" inadvertently, which caught Lorca by surprise.

"Well, Loka, can I eat you?" Mason picked up the chess piece carved with a delicate crown, and rubbed it curiously. He tilted his head slightly, and looked at Loka with big, pure eyes like a child. "Innocence" asked.

"Uh, according to the rules, this is the way to win." Loka explained awkwardly. "En! Yes! This is a demonstration, you can see that winning chess is like this." He added unwillingly.

The author has something to say:

The game of checkers played by Lorca and Mason is borrowed from real chess

The chessboard consists of 64 black and white grids, with 16 pieces on each side.

King Queen Castle (Chariot) Bishop (Preacher) Knight Praetorian Guard In order to adapt to the political system of the Aranti tribe, "bishop" was changed to "high priest" in the text, and the guard was changed to "guard"

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