[Western Fantasy] The mystery of life and death

Chapter 55 Life and Death 1 Thought

Mason regained some consciousness slightly, he didn't know that it was already three days later.He had some faint perceptions, but he still didn't have the strength to open his eyes. He soon realized that the shackles on his hands and feet had been removed.He vaguely heard Libetas crying, heard her arguing violently with the elders.He also heard Lorca say a lot to him, his voice was so indistinct, as if it came from far away.He wanted to respond to Lorca, but he didn't have the strength to move.He also sensed that Custa had performed several healing spells for him.He felt their panic and sorrowful breath.

Their pain made Mason's heart tormented with regret. How much he wished that nothing had happened, so that Libetas would not be so sad. He is also Roca's best friend. After rescuing Roca, They can go back to the temple together, maybe they can also plan a wedding for Lorca, and he can stay silently by Lorca's side all the time, refining everything he needs for Lorca.He will still be Lorca's best friend.

And now—fortunately Lorca had no memory of those days.Mason thought, this is the best, and everything returns to the original.If he dies like this now, everything will remain the best in Luoka's heart.The thought eased his heart in peace, and he felt himself rising slowly, as if melting into a warm light.Loka seemed to be whispering something in his ear, but it became more and more distant.

After an unknown amount of time, Mason had more perceptions in this endless light.Mason felt warm hands covering his forehead, and then covering his chest for a while. Warm and soft spiritual power emanating from his palms carefully explored his body. It was an extremely familiar breath, and it was Luo. Card.This warm and amiable breath is full of the divine power of the source of life, but Mason senses the heavy sadness of Lorca in this familiar breath.Although Luoka didn't speak, he seemed to be able to hear Luoka shouting hoarsely in his heart: Mason, wake up!I beg you!Please don't die!

Mason suddenly became aware of his surroundings.He felt that he was not lying on the bed, but was held tightly in Roka's arms.There were regular fluctuations of magical energy around them, and he judged that it was a six-pointed star array, which gathered the pure and soft energy of many high-grade magic crystals.

Mason heard Pete's helpless report from the acting chief guard: "Your Highness, the elders will not allow us to receive top-grade magic crystals."

Loka's voice was a little hoarse, but calm, "Understood. Go down."

Suddenly Mason felt a coolness on his cheeks.It took him a while to realize that it was Lorca's tears that kept dripping down his face.

Mason wanted to comfort him, and raised his hand to wipe Lorca's tears away, but he had no strength at all.Mason clearly felt Lorca's growing grief.

Mason was a little worried, he knew Loka too well.Although Mason resolutely refused to admit that he rescued him during his disappearance, Lorca was not stupid, and he knew it well.With Lorca's integrity, it is very possible to take risks regardless of everything.

Mason knew that only by making every effort to recover himself as soon as possible could Lorca be prevented from acting recklessly.

Perhaps the relentless efforts to rescue him for several days finally paid off.When the last batch of high-grade magic crystals were exhausted, Loka checked Mason's situation again and found that his breathing became clear and stable, and his heartbeat became stronger.

By the time Mason was sent back to the courtyard, his condition had stabilized.Mason knew that Lorca had wasted several days of practice and stayed by his side day and night.Every day, Lorca helps Mason regain his vitality with spiritual power full of the sacred breath of the source of life.Surrounded by his warm and warm breath, Mason couldn't help but think of their skin-to-skin relationship in the underground cave.

If only, Mason thought, if he didn't lose control.This thought of remorse was like a swamp that Mason was stuck in and couldn't extricate himself from.He knew what he had done to Loka, and if Loka knew about it, it would be an indelible embarrassment and shame for Loka.Lorca will never forgive his best friend.Mason wanted to wake up as soon as possible, so that Luoka would no longer have to worry about him, and would not waste the important practice of preparing elders.But he didn't know how he would face Lorca after waking up.

In the underground cave, Mason had a brief sobriety before completely losing control.At that time, he had just experienced a sudden madness. When he woke up, he found himself lying on the ground with a heavy body on his back. He almost tried to break free with all his strength, but the weight on his back did not move at all. .He felt as if he had been torn apart, and there was no pain anywhere in his body.In the pain, he felt a little cold again. It turned out that the clothes all over his body had been torn off at some point and he didn't know where to throw them.The weight on his back brought him warmth in the cold cave.He turned his head and looked, Loka seemed to be asleep, still holding the person in his arms tightly in his deep sleep, rubbing his hair with attachment from time to time, like a child who is still refusing to let go when he falls asleep with a toy he loves tightly .

Mason suddenly understood what he had done to Lorca, and a big mistake had been made.In the warm embrace in the dark, Mason wept silently, tears of happiness and pain poured out endlessly.Such a tender longing that has been out of reach for many years is still out of reach at this moment, and it is getting further and further away.

He knew very clearly that he was not the treasure that Lorca wanted to hold in his arms.

They're just -- friends.

After an unknown amount of time, Mason vaguely thought that it would be great if Lorca could turn over.Then he suddenly felt a light on his back, Lorca turned over, and Mason was able to escape from the warm confinement.As soon as he moved, he couldn't help crying out in pain.The severe pain of tearing||cracking the spine from the tailbone to the above struck like lightning.Mason found sticky blood and unknown stains all over his body.

Mason curled up panting ||, a large area of ​​brown blood that had condensed on the ground made him dizzy, his mental power was ignited by the blood, and it burned more and more vigorously throughout his body and mind.

Mason, who was weak and somewhat confused, lost his sanity at this moment.Under the impact of this bright and dazzling visual, the rationality that has been restrained for many years completely collapses.He grinned, smiling silently and wildly.He slowly sat up straight, slowly loosened the chains wrapped around his arms, and his wild mental power set off a strong wind in the cave.

At this time Luoka also woke up, he half-opened his eyes, still in a daze, his whole body began to heat up again, and waves of hot wind collided with the strong wind in the cave to tear||twist|| entangled.He vaguely discerned Mason's direction, panting || crawled towards Mason.

Purple awns flickered in Mason's eyes, bursting with blazing desire.The corner of his mouth curved up in a strange arc, smiling as he watched Loka approaching little by little, like a hungry cheetah gracefully waiting for the long-awaited prey to get closer.

Come on, come on, my longing, my deliciousness, you are so hungry||thirsty, so thirsty for catharsis, the whole world can't fill your emptiness, let's burn together, burn up heaven, let's fill each other in In the boundless emptiness and darkness, let us become demons and enjoy this supreme bliss in the dark heaven, sink forever, never stop...

Mason's mental power surged like a flood, completely invading Loka's confused and empty spiritual world.

Loka's eyes are no longer frenzied, he still breathes thick||heavy but revealing an infatuated expression, his sapphire-like pupils reflect the purple light in Mason's eyes.He crawled to Mason's side and stared at Mason obsessively. He didn't know him, but he was obsessed with him. Under the guidance of Mason's spiritual power, the surging passion || was slowly released in tenderness.

Loka stopped being rough and rough, he reached out and caressed Mason's face clumsily, then embraced Mason in his arms, stroked and kissed Mason tenderly, from temple to earlobe, from cheek to neck, as if sipping Fine wine generally kisses everything about Mason, from head to toe, tender, fascinated|drunk and submissive.Mason is like a demon || a seductive sea monster, leaning in his arms to linger.In the increasingly scorching|hot and smoky breath exuding from Loka, Mason couldn't help murmuring drunkenly, and he suddenly threw Loka to the ground, in the dimness full of charm|| The two of them crossed their necks, intertwined to the utmost, day and night.

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