【Dungeon of Huiyue Temple】

Through the long dark and gloomy tunnel, the five elders and the high priest Libetas led Lorca to the underground prison.

Along the way, they explained to him about the theft of the vault and the speculation about Mason.Of course, they all tacitly ignored the part about Mason's possible kidnapping of him.

"However, my lords have no direct evidence! How can you treat Mason like this!" Luoka strongly objected.He didn't know that period of history, and he was deeply puzzled that Mason was so seriously suspected just because of purple eyes.

He was answered with a heavy sigh from Libertas.

The secluded and quiet underground cell was a little more humanly angry because of their arrival.The elders cast spells at will to brighten the magic crystals on the four walls, illuminating the dark world.

Mason curled up quietly on a thick carpet in the center of the cell, his black hair was disheveled and covered his face, and his body was covered with a soft blanket made of velvet rabbits.Such treatment made High Priest Libertas feel a little relieved.

"Mason! Mason!" Loka stepped forward and shook him gently, calling him eagerly. "What's wrong with him?" Loka turned to ask several elders.

Elder Washburn immediately explained to him that the special shackles only slowed down his vital functions, and he was just hibernating now.

Loka gently brushed aside the messy hair that was hanging over his face, and saw that Mason was blindfolded by a thick black cloth, half of his face under the black cloth was thin and pale, not like a living person.The pale pink lips that were soft and moist in the past were chapped and bloodless, as pale as his face.If it wasn't for the slight trembling that seemed to be silently muttering to himself, Loka would almost have thought he was dead.Loka felt something was wrong, he felt Mason trembling slightly under the blanket.

Loka hurriedly lifted the blanket to check, and felt cold with his tentacles.He checked quickly, and said in a deep voice, "Master Libertas, he's sick again. It's worse than before!"

The high priest Libetas was shocked and hurt in her heart. She immediately used her spiritual power to investigate carefully, then turned around and asked the guards sharply, "What's going on! What did you do to him?!"

The guards knelt down on one knee in panic, and one of them carefully reported: "Master Libertas, we are only guarding outside. Since Mr. Altai came to visit, no one has come. Mr. Altai is impatient, and he is a little harsher. "

The entire cell was immediately filled with the pressure of Libertas' anger.

The guard summoned up his courage and continued to report: "Later...later...Prince Palmer ordered his subordinates to treat him."

Libertas looked pale.Seeing that Roca had helped Mason up a bit, she immediately worked together with Roca to perform the healing technique.

For a long time, but still no improvement.Mason was still unconscious, his head was powerlessly tilted in the crook of Lorca's arms, his whole body trembling involuntarily, and his whole body was still as cold as a corpse salvaged from under the ice.You can feel the chill through your clothes.

With Lorca's mana close to that of the elders and High Priest Libetas working together, there was no improvement for a long time. Libetas received the healing spell, her face was sad, and her eyes were red.

"Mason! Mason! Wake up! I will protect you! We will all protect you! No one will hurt you again!" Luoka still refused to give up. He hugged Mason's trembling cold body tightly, hoping to use his own Body temperature to warm him.Just like countless times when I was a child.

Libertas sat slumped, could it be that this time... really can't be saved?She thought of the night of the resurrection ceremony, the regretful mood.Little Mason has not collapsed after suffering in the Devil's Nest for so long. He has survived countless times of torture since he was a child, but now because of the misunderstanding of his compatriots... he has completely collapsed.Grief and anger were concentrated, and she didn't even realize that the ground under her fist had cracked.

The elders looked at each other.Everyone is guilty.The entire cell was filled with Libertas' bitter anger and heavy sadness, and no one dared to say anything for a moment.

Luoka still refused to give up, and was still applying healing techniques. He accidentally touched the hard shackles, and suddenly understood, "Master Libertas! These shackles!"

Libertas suddenly realized, waved her hand, and the shackles came loose with a clatter.

No longer bound by shackles, Roka's healing technique took effect quickly, and Mason calmed down and stopped shaking.

Regardless of the exclamation and opposition, Luoka suddenly took off the black cloth blindfolded and threw it away.

Mason's eyes remained closed.

Loka took out the high-grade magic crystal that he carried with him and put it in Mason's hands.He tightly held those cold hands and pressed the magic crystal to Mason's heart.With the surge of thick magic energy, the magic crystal turned into powder bit by bit.Mason's whole body gradually returned to normal temperature.

Finally, Mason woke up leisurely in Loka's arms, slightly showing a line of purple eyes, but his eyes were confused and unfocused.He seemed to feel a familiar warm embrace, rubbing against Loka's chest.

"Mason! Mason! Can you hear me?" Lorca called out.

Mason seemed to be trying to identify the person in front of him, and finally his eyes became clear and clear, like the morning dew reflecting the rising sun.There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if the lifeless wasteland was instantly covered by spring, full of vitality.

"Mason! Mason!" Loka called eagerly, but the brilliance in Mason's eyes flashed like a shooting star and disappeared in his sad purple eyes.His eyes became indifferent again.

Mason closed his eyes again, with long tears dripping from the corners of his eyes.

"Okay, everything will be fine, you will be fine." Lorca comforted him.

Libertas looked at Mason and Roca thoughtfully.

Seeing that Mason had recovered a bit, Elder Abelson couldn't help but said, "Mason, can you explain..."

"Enough!" Libertas snapped him off.Abelson shut up embarrassingly.

Libertas said: "Lorca, talk to Mason." Then she stood up and walked out, and everyone followed her out with satisfaction.

But these people can easily hear them even if they are separated by a wall.

Lorca let Mason lie back on the carpet and covered him with a rabbit wool blanket.But after a while Mason began to tremble again and muttered to himself.

Lorca had no choice but to hug him up again, and Mason quickly calmed down in his arms.

I only heard Loka in the cell comfort him for a while, and asked, "Mason, what happened to you these days?"

Mason just closed his eyes and wept silently.

Loka comforted again: "Who bullied you? Tell me, and I will teach him a good lesson. You don't have to be afraid anymore."

Lorca hugged him while exerting a small amount of spiritual power to comfort him.He has been like this since he was a child, and he is extremely skilled.

"Is it more comfortable now? What happened to you? Say it and Libertas and I will help you, we will protect you, don't be afraid. Let us help you?"

Mason's eyes were closed tightly, and he mumbled some sentences with tears in his eyes, muttering to himself indiscriminately.

Loka tried hard to distinguish for a long time, "Terrible..." "They..." "Cave..." "Black..." "Cold..." "Pain..." "Imekiluo..." "Cave...I found it..." "Imeki fell... mountain... cave... found..."

"Mason, what did you find?"

"The cave... so dark... found it..."

Lorca watched Mason repeating nonsense, feeling infinitely sad.

Mason talked nonsense for a while, then fell asleep exhaustedly in Loka's arms.Breathe steadily and sleep soundly and soundly.

The author has something to say:

Altai, wait to bear the wrath of your good friend

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