[Yalanti Secret Realm Huiyue Temple Square]

The huge space fission in the Wenti Basin gradually closed under the dual protection of the hexagram array in the air and on the ground.The violent wind that ravaged the entire secret realm also gradually subsided.Although the day and night in the secret realm were dark and gloomy at this time, people still celebrated the joy of victory.Alanti, who has been perplexed, lost, and pessimistic for the past few days, urgently needs good news to cheer her up.

When Luoka followed the elders and high priests back to the Temple of Huiyue, the priests and guards under his rule surrounded him to welcome his return. Most of them grew up together through various trials when they were teenagers. They shouted "His Royal Highness Loka" eagerly and joyfully welcomed the return of the heroic Highness Loka, and the surprised and enthusiastic crowd threw him high again and again.Temple Square is like a festival.

The elders and high priests looked at the people cheering and celebrating in the square, full of joy and joy.Lorca is indeed a well-deserved hero.The suppression of space fission had reached a critical moment at that time, and when there was a sudden change and everyone was at a loss, if he hadn't immediately filled in the vacant corner of Absolon and quickly stabilized the formation, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

What's even more astonishing is that Loka can control Palech's Scepter!

The Palehe scepter presiding over the big six-pointed star array is the artifact of the Huiyue Clan of Alandi.Only by fully awakening the power in the blood of the Alanteans and reaching the state of being able to sense the oracle of the Book of Gaia, can one gain the ability to control the artifact.Although all Alanteans are born with various magical talents, only a few can fully awaken the power in their blood.At present, only the ruling king, the Presbyterian Church and the three priests in the entire secret realm can achieve such an achievement.This means that Loka has advanced by leaps and bounds and broken through to a higher level in just a dozen days.

The carnival crowd in the square was once again in a turmoil. When Princess Cuista arrived, the crowd parted ways. She ran all the way with unbelievable surprises and threw herself into Lorca's arms.Loka hugged her passionately, and they couldn't separate for a long time amidst the cheers of the crowd around them.

[Huiyue Temple Meeting Hall]

The ruling king, Augusta, sat at the head of the long table. The successive crises in the past few days made him even older.The surprise of Loka's return to save the crisis made his majestic face show a relieved smile.

Loka reported his experience from the Doro Valley all the way to the Wenti Basin, and the elders and priests of the Presbyterian Church also breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that Loka was swept so far to the Doro Valley by the storm. No wonder he couldn't be found in Yimeiji Luoshan.

The Presbyterian Church has secretly verified that Loka was also witnessed by the high-level priests who were ordered to guard the psychic mutation when he went down the river from the Doro Valley and entered the Wente River.The high-ranking priests guarding below the Wenti Basin even witnessed the heroic appearance of Luoka leaping over the fault waterfall.

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the Mason captured in the Imeki Rock Cave.

It seems that their guess before was too turbulent, and a little change would cause chaos.

"Your Highness Loka, are you in good health?" Elder Abelson asked suddenly.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine." Loka bowed slightly to Elder Abelson to thank him.

The ruling king Augusta, the elders, the high priests, and everyone present looked at him carefully with all kinds of thoughts. The slim and neat royal blue inlaid gold-rimmed priest's uniform set off the handsome and tall Lorca. As for Yingwu, I haven't seen him for a few days, and Luoka in front of him is even more radiant and heroic.

Just as Elder Abelson was about to speak again, he forcibly shut his mouth under the gazes of the elders and high priests.

The high priest Libertas snorted coldly with disdain.

Palmer pondered, "Why did you go to the Doro Valley?" He looked at Lorca deeply and probingly.

Altai said: "We are worried about the safety of His Highness. Everyone is looking for you every day at Yimeiji Luoshan. What happened to you? Why are you in the Doro Valley?"

Loka's sword-like handsome brows slightly frowned, and he pondered for a moment and said, "I only remember the scuffle with the flame lizard, and I don't remember it later." The long scar made his grim face even more sinister. "Master Altai, thank you for your hard work. You haven't recovered from your injuries in order to find me these days."

Perhaps because of the pain of the wound, the muscles on Altai's face twitched.

Under the treatment of the priests of Alandi, a small scratch has not completely healed after more than ten days.Obviously, it comes with a powerful and profound magic attack.

Loka looked at his twitching face, his eyes became sharp instantly.

Palmer asked anxiously: "Why did you have a scuffle with the Flame Monitor? Could it be exposed? We don't know anything about your situation." His eyes still lingered on Lorca reluctantly.

While Lorca knew that such a high-profile comeback would draw attention, he still felt uncomfortable being stared at by Palmer like this.

When Loka walked into the temple surrounded by the crowd with Custa on his arm, no one noticed that Custa whispered in her ear with a reluctant kiss.

Loka remembered the sudden sound of sharp arrows piercing the air in the habitat of the flame monitor lizards, which instantly disturbed the monitor lizards and exposed his position.

Who will shoot that arrow?

"I don't know who was too nervous, so he shot an arrow in advance." Loka said calmly.Inadvertently, he quickly inspected the high-level priests and high-level guards present.Perhaps it was a deliberate arrangement by the elders, all the people present were members of the investigation team that day.

They whispered, some were filled with righteous indignation, some looked puzzled, and some were thoughtful, "Which bastard is it?" Eric, the high-ranking guard, was furious. "Mike, it won't be you, you kid is always impatient."

"Of course not!" High Priest Michael defended in panic, "I, I, I'm afraid of heights. Your Highness asked me to lie in ambush in a lowland ravine and sneak attack on the abdomen of monitor lizards passing by."

The veins on the forehead of Chief Guard Altai throbbed uneasily.

The ruling king, the council of elders, and the high priests were also quietly observing the crowd.

Loka grew up in a peaceful secret environment since he was a child. He has never seen the sinister heart. His world has always been full of integrity, friendship, inspiration and honor.Lorca never thought that one day he would need to face the friends, colleagues, and subordinates he was familiar with with precautions and temptations.I can't help but feel sad.

Lorca and Cuista looked at each other, and Cuista's encouraging gaze made him cheer up again, then he gracefully raised his hands to the buzzing crowd and pressed down slightly, his majestic gesture made people Quiet quickly.

"Fortunately, everyone is safe and sound." Loka's calm and clear smile made everyone feel as if they were bathed in the morning sunshine. He turned around and bowed to the ruling king Augusta. The mission of the society. This is my fault alone, I implore Your Majesty to punish."

Naturally, the ruling king, Augusta, would not punish him.He comforted and encouraged Lorca.In fact, the elders of the Presbyterian Church have even secretly discussed whether to let Loka join the Presbyterian Church after Absolom's funeral.

Elder Abelson suddenly asked: "Your Highness Loka, have you met Mason?"

Loka felt a sudden silence around him.At that moment, he had the illusion that he was being interrogated.

"Mason? I haven't seen it before." Lorca was puzzled.He didn't understand why Elder Abelson suddenly mentioned him.

"Mason is also missing, did you know that?" Although Elder Abelson's tone softened, Loka still felt the coercion of the interrogation.

"What? Isn't he always in the library?" Loka looked at High Priest Libetas in surprise.

Under the sudden question, Lorca's surprise and worry were undisguised.The elders silently exchanged glances with each other and nodded slightly.

Elder Abelson wanted to ask again, and the ruling king, Augusta, immediately knocked heavily on the table to remind him, lest he slip up.

The history involving the Kedile San Miluo religion is too cruel, and there are not many Aranti people in the secret realm who know that history.Only high-ranking priests who have experienced outside the secret world know a thing or two.

The previous speculation about Mason's identity was too scary, and there was turmoil everywhere in the secret realm. In order to avoid causing more panic, the high-level officials strictly prohibited the disclosure of the details of the theft of the treasure house.Although there are rumors everywhere, the official statement is: Mason disappeared during the search and rescue operation for Loka, and the psychic turmoil in the secret realm has affected his spirit. Maybe he will become unconscious and hurt Loka instead.So please search and rescue teams also pay close attention to the whereabouts of the missing Mason.

Everyone knows that Mason has been acquainted with Lorca since he was a child. He has always been mentally abnormal, so he naturally pays more attention.Now the outside world only knows that Mason has been found, but does not know that he is currently being held in a dungeon under strict control.

Seeing that Elder Abelson was still dissatisfied, the high priest Libetas said meaningfully, "His Royal Highness Loka can command the Palech Scepter because the Palech Scepter chose him."

Anyone who experienced that war back then knows that the two evil heads of the Miros, French and Farr, used secret spells to control all the Miros, and the Palech Scepter was the nemesis of the Miros, and all the Miros's Mana was suppressed by the divine power of Palech's scepter.The Miluo believers who had been under the spell were suppressed and unable to move even as soon as they approached the divine scepter.

Augusta, the ruling king, said kindly: "I'll talk about Mason later." He stood up, "Alandi survived the crisis smoothly, in order to welcome our hero back. Let's celebrate at the Temple of the Moon tonight!"

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