Mason's second "feat".Let the teenagers of the same age be very disdainful.He actually refused to participate in the hunting mission of the young Aranti.Being selected by the high priest to join the juvenile hunting team is an affirmation of talent and courage, and it is the supreme honor of the teenagers.

The secret realm is rich in psionic energy, and naturally there are many rare magical creatures inhabiting it.Some ferocious beasts would harass the settlements of the Aranti people from time to time.Hunting magical creatures can also obtain valuable magic materials. In order to maintain the ecological balance in the secret realm, it is necessary to clean up some fast-growing rodents from time to time to avoid flooding.The crystal teeth of the crystal tooth mouse can be refined into high-purity top-grade magic spar, and the leather can be made into tough and soft leather boots.The fur of the Feilie rabbit can be woven into warm and light clothing, and it can also increase the spiritual power of the magic circle woven into it. It is the best raw material for making high-quality magic robes.Sending teenagers to hunt and clean up the forest on a regular basis can not only control the ecological balance, but also extract precious magic raw materials from these prey.Hunting prey and refining raw materials is also a kind of experience in itself.

Mason's blatant refusal to join the hunting party makes him the laughing stock of the teenagers again.

However, the high priest Libetas, who was always strict, did not punish him.

Lorca's memories of his long-term teenage years came back vividly, and he remembered the rare time when Mason took the initiative to find the hunting team.At that time, Lorca was leading a juvenile hunting team into the Doro Valley to hunt.

When the hunting team returned from the Doro Valley with a full load, the golden glow of the setting sun spread from the sky, and the beautiful lakes and mountains in the secret place were all plated with rose gold.The excited teenagers chatted happily about their day's harvest, breaking the tranquility of the Doro Valley.

At this moment, Lorca suddenly found Mason standing quietly by the roadside alone.I don't know how long I stood there.The magnificent sunset seemed to cover his thin outline with soft golden down.

When Mason saw that Lorca had discovered him, his round cheeks blushed, and his big lavender eyes shone with excitement.He pursed his lips, as if mustering up his courage, waved his hand in the direction of the hunting team, and shouted loudly: "Hi——! Loka——!"

When Lorca walked towards him, the archers behind him burst into laughter: "Haha, that coward,"

"Oh, the small handkerchief of the Wuli Giant Tree, oh-oh~~ help~~~~"

"The guy must be afraid of being bounced by his own bowstring and launched into the Wuli tree, ouch~~save~save~me~~~hahahahahaha"

Lorca was a little irritated by the noise. As he walked towards Mason, he raised his hand with his back to the noisy team members, and the noise behind him suddenly subsided a lot.

"Lorca, I have something important to tell you." Mason's childish face was serious.It made Lorca feel cute and ridiculous.


"It's about your coming of age trial, so be careful!"

Loka was even more funny in his heart, actually reminding him of this in a serious manner, without looking at who rescued him from those guys.

"Master Libertas said that the elders will have very high requirements for your trial. Not only must you pass it, but you must also take away a section of Wuli tree branch." Mason blinked his big bright eyes and looked at him worriedly.

Lorca raised an eyebrow, a little interesting.

"The Wuli giant tree is an ancient special magical creature. Its branches are indestructible and immune to ordinary magic attacks. Ordinary swords cannot fight against them..."

"Uh, I know that." Loka interrupted him quickly, otherwise God knows how long this little researcher will have to memorize.

"Well, I made... this, tempered with the thick juice extracted from the leaves of Wuli tree, increased the concentration by 50 times, plus... well, forget it, it should be useful. Try it." Mason handed it over dagger.The shape is simple and smooth, without too many exquisite decorations, but it is very attractive. Once you get close, you can faintly feel the energy fluctuations emanating from the magic pattern above.

Lorca took it, and as soon as he held it in his hand, he immediately felt the joyful neighing of the sharp blade in his soul.

"It's called Morning Dew."

Mason took out a small piece of pitch-black Wuli wood, which was as black as iron.Loka held onto Chen Lu and cut it steadily, the block of wood was divided into two sections, and the fracture was neat and clean.

"Last time, thank you." Mason smiled shyly, "Goodbye!" He turned and left, walking in a hurry and staggering.

Lorca wanted to catch up a few steps to thank him, but saw Mason's back shaking, and suddenly he fell to the ground.

Loka hurriedly stepped forward to check his condition, and the teenagers of the hunting team surrounded him with screams.Only then did they realize that they hadn't looked closely at the reflection of the sunset before. Mason was so haggard, his lips were as pale as his cheeks. Loka lifted him up, and found that his whole body was cold, and his breath was as thin as silk.

"Ah! It's terrible!" the girls exclaimed.

"He must be exhausted!"

"No! He is using too much spiritual power!"

"What to do, save him!"

Amidst the babble, Luoka picked up the unconscious Mason and rushed towards Huiyue Mountain.

The high priest Libertas had a solemn face, and personally performed spells on Mason in her Moonlight Temple.

The entire temple is brightly lit, and the main hall is covered with slender and delicate lampposts, each of which uses the sap of Soroya pine tree as lamp oil and burns blazingly.

In the center of the temple is a huge Moonlight Mie Rock, which is a fetish in the secret realm. Legend has it that it is the cornerstone of the secret realm and carries the original power of the ancient magic of Alanti.It has been very rare in the past hundred years.

This precious sacred stone was directly shaved by the high priest Libertas with great mana, just enough to accommodate the undersized Mason lying in it.Inspired by the surging magic power, the whole piece of divine stone was gradually smelted into translucent.

Loka stood silently on the stone steps in front of the main hall. Looking from a distance, Little Mason seemed to be lying quietly in an ice coffin.Make him worry about whether Mason will die?After a while, I believed that Lord Libertas would be able to save him!He looked at Mrs. Libertas, only to see that Libertas had a solemn expression in the light of the fire.Anxiety and relief battled more and more fiercely in his heart.

When the morning light of the next day filled the stone steps in front of the temple.All the flames in the hall were burnt out.Mason's round face had already returned to rosy, and he was carried into the apse by the maids in a deep sleep.All the Moonlight Mi'e rocks turned into powder and drifted away with the wind.

Loka had been restless all night, but at this moment he was completely relieved, his legs felt weak, and he fell down on the stone steps.Suddenly, he saw the high priest Libetas coming in front of him. He was about to struggle to stand up, but Libetas patted his head and sat down on the stone steps.

Libertas showed a trace of fatigue but comforted him: "Good boy, Mason is fine now. Thank you!"

Loka thought of something, and mustered up the courage to confirm it. He took out "Morning Dew" and handed it to Libertas.

"Lord Libertas, Mason gave me a present. It's called 'Morning Dew'."

Libertas took the "Morning Dew" and held it in her hand for a while to sense it.Exclaimed, "That's how it is!" She glanced at Loka, "It's for your coming of age trial."

She caressed "Morning Dew" and stood up, injected a little spiritual power and waved towards the open space at will, unexpectedly slashed a wind blade in the air, and flew straight to the distant woods. With a "click", a big tree was chopped off in the middle.

Lorca was speechless in shock.

"The use of these magic patterns is close to the level of the Book of Gaia." Libertas was amazed. "What a rare genius!"

Loka knew that the Book of Gaia was the supreme classic of the Aranti tribe, and the ancient pattern in it could only be controlled by the purest blood.Unexpectedly, Mason not only read a lot, but also refined magic weapons so well.

"Dare to draw such a pattern with mid-level spiritual power and forcibly refine it - you will pay the price of overdrawing your soul power! Even if you do this, it is not guaranteed to be successful. It seems that Mason also has a good talent in luck." Betas smiled wryly.

Lorca understands that Mason risked his life to do it for him.I was very moved.

Libertas returned the "Morning Dew" to Loka, "Mason must be thanking you. Loka, I also want to give you a small gift." She patted Loka on the shoulder, "Your adult trials must be It's going to be wonderful, don't be afraid, there's a trick to dealing with those big stakes."

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