Loka was walking in the Soloa pine forest filled with light white mist. After walking for a long time, he gradually realized that something was wrong with all this, but he couldn't remember what was wrong.He was walking in the Soloa pine forest, and gradually, he remembered that something was wrong——

I haven't come out after walking for so long, and the same scene is everywhere.He had a strange feeling that he seemed to be "trapped" here vaguely.

Loka looked up at the lush canopy.Where will this be?Everything is so real, and everything makes him feel wrong.

He subconsciously touched the "Morning Dew" on his waist again, but failed again.This made him feel lost, and he kind of missed this very handy dagger.Not only is it exquisite and sharp, but it is also a very spiritual magic weapon. It has followed him for many years and accompanied him on many dangerous missions.It was specially made for him by his good friend Mason before the coming-of-age ceremony trial.After so many years, when Loka broke through to the realm of high-level priests, "Morning Dew" also grew up with his advancement.

There are specialized craftsmen in the secret realm who have been engaged in the creation of various utensils for generations, but I don’t know when it started, the large and small equipment that Lorca needs are all refined by Mason, and the habit is as natural as the air without being aware of it.

At this time, he thought of the teaching of the high priest Libertas: If the heart is confused, it will be chaotic.Just meditate quietly and breathe with nature.

What better place to meditate than here.

Loka decided to ignore this enigmatic world. He closed his eyes and entered into a state of meditation. Soon he calmed down.He felt himself melting into the breath of the Thorau pine forest.The whole of this world is the Soraya pine forest.

In deep meditation, he sensed that "Morning Dew" was nearby, and seemed very close, but "Morning Dew" was not in this world.Many memories lit up in the silence of meditation, and Loka just quietly let these floating lights float and flow.Perhaps affected by the weak induction of "Morning Dew", the memory of Mason became clear in Lorca's meditation.Entering the memory of personal experience again, I discovered many details that I hadn't noticed in the past from the perspective of a third person.

Mason has always lived in isolation.His peers kept him at a respectful distance, and were even a little afraid.His appearance is quite unique among the Aranti.The hair color of the Alanteans is mostly golden or silver gray, and they generally have beautiful blue or emerald green eyes, and both men and women are tall and handsome.Mason, on the other hand, has black hair and dreamy lavender eyes.It was heard that his childhood life was extremely miserable, and the high priest Libetas even took him by his side to take care of him personally.Mason still maintains a round baby face until he grows into an adult, and his stature and physical strength are also slightly inferior to ordinary Aranti.

Lorca heard his father and mother talk about Mason when he was a child.Mason has been haunted by tragic childhood experiences.Let Lorca feel extremely sympathetic.

When Mason had a sudden attack, he trembled like a leaf in the wind, as if he would be swallowed by a terrifying demon that only he could see at any time. Loka felt that little Mason was suffering from boundless despair alone.This made Loka feel extremely pitiful, and couldn't help but want to protect him and pull him out of the quagmire of fear.Loka always yelled loudly, wanting to call back his reason, telling him that the world had not abandoned him, that he was in the beautiful and peaceful Aranti secret realm, and no one could hurt him again.Although Lorca's persuasion was useless most of the time, Mason was still trembling violently in this state, whether he was calling out to him or shaking his arms vigorously, and he was still trembling violently, muttering quickly Mumbling to himself, immersed in fear without realizing it.

The young Lorca remembered that when he felt scared, his father and mother always hugged him. Their comforting quickly dispelled the panic and made him feel at ease.So he imitated his father and mother and hugged the trembling Mason tightly, comforting him until the arrival of the high priest Libetas.

When Lorca grew up, he learned from the high priest Libertas to use spiritual power to appease Mason's mental state.Whenever Mason had a fit, Lorca was quick to calm him down.Mason's phobias seemed so draining that he often ended up falling asleep exhausted in Lorca's warm, firm embrace.

Loka has always been curious about what Mason experienced when he was a child, but neither his parents nor the high priest Libetas would tell him.He just said: "You will know when you grow up, become powerful, and enter the elders' council to protect Alandi."

So little Roca made up his mind to join the Presbyterian Church when he grows up, so as to protect Alanti and such unfortunate children as Mason.

As Mason grew up, perhaps because of the careful treatment of the high priest Libetas, he rarely had seizures.Occasional seizures can be resolved quickly.

Mason usually likes to stay in the high priest's library.Luoka remembered that this library was built deep in the mountainside of Huiyue Mountain. Only through a long corridor can one enter the suddenly open grand cave hall. Precious books, materials, manuscripts, and various precious magic materials handed down from Alandi are stored in an orderly manner.

Lorca found that Mason often had unique insights into magical theories.He felt that Mason's magical attainments were much higher than those of his peers, and his thinking was far more profound than that of his peers.Lorca often likes to ask him to discuss those ancient and complicated magic circles. Mason not only has a thorough understanding of magic theory, but is often full of original ideas.His novel and unique point of view can bring Loka a lot of inspiration every time.Let Lorca admire very much.

Lorca knew that Mason was actually a genius.Perhaps because of his tragic life experience, Mason has been plagued by childhood trauma, which made this genius timid and even clumsy in his daily actions.This made Lorca feel more pity for him.He remembered looking for an ancient spell book once, and saw Mason sorting out the books on the top of the bookshelf near the dome.Lorca just greeted him casually, but Mason was so startled that he couldn't stand still and fell down, and a large piece of books and papers fell down, which startled Lorca, but luckily Lorca flew over to him Holding it in his arms prevented him from blowing his head.

Every time he saw Mason, he was mostly immersed in the tomes that were as thick as the stone steps of the temple, and sometimes stared blankly at the geometric figures graffitied on the desktop.His appearance of being immersed in thinking and forgetting himself is completely different from his usual shyness and shyness, and he suddenly has a mature and profound temperament.It's just... Whenever Lorka "woke up" him from his contemplation with a light cough, he would immediately return to his original form.

Mason has always lived in isolation, living in a secret realm with an extremely weak sense of existence.But because of an extremely "daring" incident in his youth, he became the talk and joke of the teenagers after drinking. It is hard to imagine that such a timid, weak, and weak Mason would do such a feat as breaking into the forbidden forest alone.

For some reason, Mason sneaked into the forbidden area alone.The extremely boring Wuli Giant Trees pretended not to notice him, and waited for the poor curious baby to go deep into the hinterland before showing their true colors one by one, rolling up the poor guy and tossing it back and forth.

From a distance, I saw Mason being tossed around like a sandbag by these Wuli giant trees, and screaming tearfully in mid-air.Luoka suddenly passed a crowd of spectators and rushed straight into the forbidden forest.Leaving an exclamation behind.

When Loka rushed into the hinterland of the forbidden forest, the Wuli giant trees were having fun, but no tree noticed him.He saw the little Mason being thrown high again, and the vine-like roots under the tree were spreading, happily waiting for the crying free-falling body to approach the earth infinitely, and then whip him up into the sky.Lorca rushed up quickly, jumped up in the air and grabbed Mason before the eager tree roots, and fell to a nearby open space.He shouted loudly: "Stop!", and at the same time held up a magic gem with one hand, injecting spiritual power into it and instantly blooming a dazzling red light.

The light of the magic gemstone was only excited for a while and then put away.The towering giant trees slowly gathered towards the open space, silently looking down at them.Lorca felt the heavy pressure from the top of his head and surroundings from all sides, and his heart was slightly suspended, secretly praying that the moment just now could temporarily pass as the magic key.But he still tried his best to hold his head high and stand upright, protecting Mason like a mother animal protecting its cubs.The surroundings became quiet, so quiet that Mason swallowed back his crying. Lorca looked up to the giant trees and said righteously: "By the order of the high priest Libetas, bring back the trespassers for interrogation! You are all scattered!" Bundle."

Then he waved his hand casually, grabbed Mason's collar, and strode out, Mason was led to stumble and trot along the way.After walking more than 20 steps, Luoka suddenly picked up Mason and carried it on his shoulders, and he seemed to run wildly.

The canopy of the giant Wuli tree clattered and whispered to each other,

"Well, it's strange, this magic key warrant seems a little different?"

"Is there? Ah, it's this red light every time."

"Hmm, it seems that the energy fluctuation is a bit different."

"Ah, it's really different, it's a fake!!! It's not a magic key!!!"

"Aww, he lied to us!!"

——Loka ran and jumped all the way without looking back, the ground under his feet trembled, and the bang was getting closer and closer.He jumped up suddenly, and the ground he just left was smashed into a big hole by a black giant fist. Amid the scattered smoke and dust, Loka and Mason rolled down to the grass outside the forbidden forest in embarrassment.

The forest outside the forbidden area was quiet and solemn, because the elders and the guards all arrived, the high priest Libetas's face was livid, and he took Mason away without saying a word, and he didn't know what punishment he received later.

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