"Huanghu flies to build a chapter, feathers are solemn and staggering, gold is clothes and chrysanthemums are clothes, and lotus and chrysanthemums are used to go in and out of reeds; he cares about his meagerness, and he is ashamed of Jiaxiang." In the first year of Shiyuan, Huang Hu went to Taiye Chi, the emperor sings for this.That year, Liu Fu was eight years old, dressed in a yellow python, wearing a crown, and ascended the throne.That year, Huo Guang was twenty and six, assisting the young emperor, under one person, above ten thousand people.It was also that year that Liu Fu saw Huo Guang for the first time among the group of yellow swans startled in Taiye Pool. Thirteen years later, Emperor Zhaodi Liu Fu died of a sudden illness at the age of 13. (The timeline is misplaced. In fact, when Liu Fu was born, Huo Guang was also in his 21s. This is too cute, a teenage boy and a 40-year-old old man.. So I changed the age. Fan fiction, Don't mind everyone.) Content tags: Sadomasochism, Court Marquis, Revenge, Scumbag┃ Search keywords: Protagonist: Liu Fu, Huo Guang┃ Supporting role: Golden Reward
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