Yagasha bit Bell's shoulder fiercely, and immediately scales splattered, dripping with blood.Bell also showed no sign of weakness, and flicked their tails on Yagasha's body with a snap. They made deafening roars of anger, the rocks fell down, and the ground shook violently.

Both sides showed their fangs and sharp claws, their tails danced wildly, their wings were raised high, and countless scales were torn off. Yagasha pressed Bell under her body, locked Bell's throat with her teeth, and Bell raised his hind legs and slammed They kicked Yagasha's abdomen hard, and they rolled around and fell from the top of the mountain.Noah quickly looked down and found that the two little black dragons were still fighting in mid-air, maintaining a precarious balance with their wings, and the blood fell to the ground, like a rain of blood.

All this happened so quickly, Noah's head slammed, and the other little black dragons around didn't feel anything, they usually fight on this scale.

Noah said loudly: "Oman, let's go down!"

Oman flew down with Noah and ran straight towards Bell. It stopped Bell with its huge tail. Yagasha's eyes were red, and she continued to rush over while roaring. Noah hit her on the head with a chain hammer and flipped over. Two somersaults landed on the mountain wall, making a loud noise.

"What happened?!" Noah decided that he couldn't tolerate it anymore. He stood on Oman's shoulder and looked down at Bell: "You shouldn't insult your companion's mother!"

Bell raised his head and said sharply: "What I said is the truth! Its mother..."

Before it finished speaking, Yagasha rushed over again and hit Bell hard with her sharp horn. Bell let out a painful cry, and Yagasha said triumphantly: "You half-blood dragon! Your father said It might be a red dragon! You will never be my match!"

"You dye your own tail!" Bell rushed forward.

"You still wet the bed when you were a hundred years old!" Yajiasha was not to be outdone.

"You still need milk when you're 70!"

"You robbed Oman's gem!"

"You cheated Oman!"

"You spread the secret that Aman likes you!"

The battle escalated further, and the two little black dragons fought fiercely, digging out all kinds of black histories of each other from ten to three hundred years old, scolding each other, and the dust was flying.


It froze for a moment, looked at Bell and Yagasa in panic, and then at the little black dragons on the top of the mountain.Those little black dragons were excited to watch the battle, and now they are watching it with curious eyes.

"Does Oman like Bell?"

"I already knew that!"

"I thought it liked Yagasha!"

"Does Oman want to play with Bell? It also wanted to give Bell a tree last time."

"Like what?"

"I like my mother too!"

It seems that the maturity of these little black dragons is not the same, but yes, this group of little black dragons range from 50 to [-] years old, and the difference is quite large.

Patriarch Bartholomew once expressed emotion to Noah, the little black dragon looks the same every year, and it grows up in the blink of an eye, which really makes the black dragon feel emotional.

Aman completely collapsed amidst these discussions, and two groups of tears quickly accumulated in the eye sockets. It retracted itself and stammered: "Everyone, all...you know..."

Noah could feel that its body temperature was rising rapidly, and the little black dragon's claws contracted nervously, and its tail was tightly attached to its abdomen, forming a defensive posture.

"It's okay, Oman." Noah stroked its scales, and he turned around and hugged the little black dragon's neck: "I'll let them calm down now."

Noah stood up from Oman's shoulder, then took out the chain hammer, silently accumulating strength.

The light breath is shielded here, the magic is useless, and the black dragon has the talent of magic immunity.Of course, even if he could, Noah didn't want to use those taboo magic to deal with the little black dragons.

Noah jumped towards Bell and Yagasha, he raised the chain hammer in the air, and his figure fell between the two little black dragons like a bolt of lightning.

[Speed], [Penetration], [Sunder Armor], [Heavy Attack]...

Yagasa and Bell were hit with a hammer respectively, and the rest of their strength hit the ground. With Noah as the center, an arm-wide crack appeared on the ground. With disturbing sounds, the crack became bigger and bigger, and finally It becomes a trench that can accommodate two people lying side by side.

"Okay, you can calm down for a while now." Noah stood in the middle of the crack, and the chain hammer was briskly retracted on his wrist.

Yagasha and Bell stood on both sides, looking at each other rather embarrassedly, continuing to fight with their eyes.

"The cause was an air race?" Noah raised his head and asked, "Who can tell me what happened, huh?"

Yagasha and Bell looked at each other and snorted at each other.

Oman flew down, squatted obediently beside Noah, and said: "During the flight practice, Bell and Yagasha said that they would have a flight competition, and then there was a conflict for some reason. When I went to persuade..."

"Come on, that's not the case at all." Yagasha said, "I just don't like Bell all the time."

"We should have had a fight long ago," Bell said savagely.

Noah nodded: "In this case, do you apologize to Oman instead?"

Yagasha and Bell were stunned for a while, then looked at Oman, and turned their heads at the same time.

Aman whispered: "No need..." It scratched the ground with its paws, as if it was the one who did something wrong, and wanted to get into the ground.

Yajiasha suddenly said loudly: "Aman, I'm sorry! We still..."

In the middle of its speech, it suddenly stopped, opened its mouth, and looked towards the sky in a daze.

"Then, what is that..."

"When did you stutter?" Bell sneered, then raised his head, and then froze.

Noah saw a shadow covering himself, and the shadow of an adult dragon gradually grew larger. He felt uneasy and suddenly looked towards the top of the mountain.

Five adult green dragons flew towards them, their huge bodies covering the sky, their yellow eyes staring viciously at the little black dragons.The black dragon cubs on the top of the mountain screamed in panic, and then jumped down one after another. Regardless of whether they had learned to fly before, they spread their wings recklessly and ran away.

It's not a good thing to see adult dragons of other races at this time!The black dragons are fighting with the green dragons!The gap between different dragon races is no less than the gap between humans in different countries. They are definitely not here to care about black dragon cubs!

The green dragon opened its huge mouth, and the poison sac was compressed several times, and then the green mucus was shot out. The little black dragon touched by the venom screamed in pain, its wings twitched continuously, and it fell weakly to the ground.

This is the venom of the green dragon!It is also their fighting weapon!

Somehow these green dragons ran to the black dragon's territory, and they actually targeted the little black dragons.

Noah has heard that the current situation on the battlefield is that the black dragons have the upper hand. Through various means, they have united the blue dragons and silver dragons to suppress the red dragons, leaving only the green dragons to resist.It seems that this is the plan of the green dragon clan. If they kidnap the black dragon cubs, the outcome of this battle will be completely reversed!

No matter which dragon clan, they all attach great importance to their cubs.This kind of attention is not just the family affection of the elders to the younger generation, but a kind of strategic importance.

Oman flew forward and caught the fallen companions.Yajiasha and Bell are not to be outdone, they are the best flying skills among the little black dragons, the oldest, and the highest fighting ability.

"Get out of the way! This is mine!"

"Then you can hurry up, Bell!"

Yagatha and Bell were still arguing with each other, and the green dragons rushed into the crowd of black dragon cubs, spraying their venom everywhere, they laughed and watched the little black dragons flee helplessly.

The little black dragon has no chance of winning against the adult green dragon, and the difference in size alone makes people feel hopeless.

"Kill the two little black dragons, and take all the others away!" The leading green dragon shouted, "Let Bartholomew pay the price!"

"Wait, there seems to be another smell here." One of the green dragons sniffed its nose and said, "Captain, do you smell it?"

"There's nothing here but the poor little black dragons. What made you stop, we must speed up, Bartholomew will find something is wrong."


At the same time, Noah jumped on Oman's back, the light breath was blocked, and he took out the "Bright Holy Book" that had been hidden on his body.

With his hand on the parchment depicting the magic circuit, he yelled, "All little black dragons, come behind me!"

The little black dragons were in a state of confusion, they heard the familiar voice of order, and at the same time felt a faint pain in their foreheads.Usually Noah often ordered them like this, if they were not obedient, they would hit their heads with a chain hammer.They subconsciously flew towards the source of the sound. Yagasha and Bell dragged their companions with injured wings. The scales on their bodies stood up, obviously angry and frightened.

The green dragons only noticed Noah's existence at this time, they opened their eyes wide in surprise, and asked one after another: "What is that?"


"The black dragon actually listens to humans!"


Noah suddenly tore off the magic circuit in his hand.

The gate of the abyss!

A black door opened above the green dragon's head, and a strange scream came from inside.One of the green dragons was sucked into the door by a powerful and irresistible force. It flapped its wings in panic, but could not break free from the power of the abyss door.

"What are you doing?!" the leader of the green dragon shouted, it rushed to bite the green dragon's thigh and dragged down.

Behind it, another black door slowly appeared, as if there was a call from the god of death inside the door, a total of five abyss doors opened at the same time, sucking the green dragons into it, and then slowly closed.

Noah's face was pale, he had a splitting headache, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, and he sat slumped on Oman's body, almost without the strength to move his fingers.He overdrawn his mental power and used five magic circuits in a row, which was absolutely impossible before. During the time in Mojacher's Spine, his strength grew very fast.

"Are you okay?" Aman asked softly.

Noah shook his head wearily. At this moment, there was a loud tearing sound from the place where the abyss door was closed just now. A green claw tore open the crack, and his whole body was bloody. The green man lost his horn and half of his tail. With blood-red eyes open, the dragon crawled out from the gate of the abyss.


Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: SaraC1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of XD Qipajun, Mo Xiaoyu; 10 bottles of desserts; 3 bottles of double-faced people; 1 bottle of Yu Qianfeng;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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