Noah sat on a rock and flicked the ink in the quill. After thinking for a moment, he wrote carefully on the wool paper:

"A letter is like a face.

Ode, long time no see, hope everything is well.

When I write this letter, I am playing a game of mountain jumping with a group of underage black dragons in Mojache's Spine, which is the dragon's abyss (they jump from a high mountain, spread their wings in mid-air, and practice flying ability).As to why this is so, that's a long story -- well, not a long one.There is a war in the Spine of Mojache, the red dragon and the white dragon are fighting, the green dragon and the silver dragon are also fighting, and the black dragon is involved. This is similar to those things that always happen to humans. irrelevant.I promised the patriarch of the Black Dragon Clan to take care of their children, and the patriarch would hand over the dragon crystal to me.The dragon crystal is what can make me understand the language of God. Back then, the legendary magician Job Garcia also got a dragon crystal. He had a feud with the red dragon for this. In comparison, my method is much gentler. . "

"I don't know what's going on outside now, I hope you all are going well, I've been in Mojacher's Spine for a long time. A lot has happened during this time, and I really want to share it with you. During the day I was surrounded by this group of The little black dragon exhausted his energy, looking at the stars and the moon every night, I always think of you..."

Noah looked at this sentence, frowned tightly, and hovered over the text with the nib of the pen. He wanted to cross out this inexplicable line of text, but it was indeed written by him according to his true thoughts. In the end, he decided No matter, continue to write:

"A black dragon's infancy is about three hundred years old, and then they will enter a very difficult, arrogant and awkward puberty. There is a long-standing proverb in the dragon clan, three hundred years old is a fight, seven hundred years old... ...I think so. I met a little black dragon named Aman here. He is obviously the oldest, but the least courageous. It seems that he was rejected by his companions because of his developmental delay. But then once, Aman was in a hide-and-seek game The little black dragons gradually began to play with it. In fact, the little black dragons are still very innocent, and they don’t intentionally bully a certain companion. Oman has become a lot more cheerful now, and I’m really happy for him He is a gentle and good boy. When I woke up one day, he put the carcass of a giant bull in front of me, saying it was a gift for me. The carcass was bigger than me, but the meat was really good. , I baked and ate it for five whole days. Speaking of this, I suddenly missed your cooking skills crazily... But I still advise Aman not to give me this kind of gift again, after all, every morning when I wake up, I have to face a bloody The corpse still affects the mood."

"When it comes to Aman, I have to say another little black dragon, Yajiasha. It is the opposite of Aman. It seems to be the type that can become the patriarch in the future. Yajiasha always likes to paint the tip of her tail in blue or yellow. Its My mother even left the battlefield and beat it... Later it cried and washed the color off its tail, which was a pity. Once I found a pink paint that faded quickly, and gave it to everyone The little black dragons are all painted on their nails and the tip of their tails, you should really see that scene, they are so cute. I took them to wash off the pink nails before the chief came back, but the chief looked just more Enlightened black dragons, although they have painted pink paint on the tip of their tails, they are still black dragons to the letter, a giant bull in one mouthful, without even chewing..."

"Yagasha has a strong self-esteem. It has a high reputation among the little black dragons. Although it is not the largest in size, it is the best at fighting. It also has the most treasures. I learned later That is the legacy left to it by its mother. But at the very beginning, it caused me a lot of trouble. It took the lead in provocation, disturbed the order, and even took the little black dragons to skip class... until I made it a nursery school. Squad leader, it must maintain order and assume the responsibility of the squad leader. As I said before, Yagasha has a very strong self-esteem, even if it is unwilling to do so, it is even more unwilling to be looked down upon. So it is now my little assistant , it makes my life so much easier..."

"You can't imagine what else I have experienced. I found that Yajiasha and Aman had a quarrel. In the middle of the night, Yajiasha came to me secretly. This is really not easy for her said that because Aman I fell in love with a beautiful black dragon, but that black dragon didn't like it. Yajiasha wanted to persuade it to give up. Oman felt that it looked down on him, so they quarreled... Oh, this kind of youthful pain happened in two The black dragon is really terrible. You don't know what happened when they quarreled. Half of the cave was knocked down by them. The adolescent black dragon is always very awkward and sensitive. Yajiasha hopes that I can tell Oman for it. Apologize, actually it doesn’t need to worry, Aman has already come to me and said that I feel very sorry for Yagasha, I hope the other party can forgive it... They are true friends, if they can muster up the courage to express themselves, they will not suffer It's been so long. When I see them, I also think of you, but this feeling is different, and I have made it very clear..."

Noah wrote here, smiled, and then hung the nib on the quill, he wanted to write: Aldridge, I will tell you when I come back... No, it is better to say this kind of thing in person, Noah made up his mind , with a quick turn of the pen:

"During this time, the black dragon tribe gave birth to a new cub, and the mother left after giving birth to a black egg, and it rejoined the battlefield. The black dragon patriarch asked me to hatch the egg... oh my god , I think the patriarch had strange expectations for me. During that time, I slept with the dragon eggs every day, and the little black dragons took turns guarding the guard. We also encountered other dragons who came to steal eggs, and a fierce battle broke out with them , but the little black dragons won, they are very courageous. But the black dragons are really strong. Although they are both demigods, the sea monsters tend to mind control and are not good at fighting, but the dragons are born for fighting. I compare At the beginning, I have become stronger (thanks to the training of these little black dragons), but it has become more and more difficult to face the little black dragons, and now it is difficult to use the chain hammer to make them obedient..."

Noah looked into the distance at the little black dragons that kept jumping down from the top of the mountain. Some successfully spread their wings, and some landed directly on the ground, making a loud noise with their faces facing the ground. More little black dragons were in the air Flying crookedly, occasionally bumping into the stone wall, causing their noses and faces to be bruised, but they never tire of it.

Everything he saw wanted to be shared with Aldridge. As time passed, he felt more and more the spread and crazy growth of his thoughts. After this year, he had already considered it very clearly.He hopes to get the dragon crystal as soon as possible and return to the ark. He is eager to see Aldrich.

Even if he had made up his mind, would Aldridge change his mind during this period of time?

Noah suppressed his thoughts and raised his pen gently:

"I don't know how your life is going... Time flies too fast, but I think I will be back soon. The black dragon clan has crushing strength. It seems that the Spine of Mojache is the turn of the black dragon to become the overlord. The Dragon Clan's attitude towards the Human Clan is a bit strange, I want to learn more about the legendary magician from the patriarch Bartholomew..."

The tip of the pen fell on the letter paper. Suddenly, Oman flew over from the top of the mountain. It landed beside Noah, lowered his head and asked, "Noah, what are you doing?"

"Write a letter to Aldrich." Noah put away the pen and paper.

"It's Aldrich again." Oman muttered, and it said anxiously: "Noah, come and take a look, Yagasa and Bell are arguing!"

Noah glanced at him in surprise, and thought to himself, isn't Bell the little black dragon you like.He asked solemnly, "Why are they arguing?"

"They are flying." Oman lowered his head and carried Noah on his back, and flew towards the top of the mountain.

"Why are there fights in the game?"

"It seems that there is no winner or loser." Oman said inexplicably, and it didn't understand what was so arguing about it, but after it went to mediate, the quarrel between Yagasa and Bell became even more fierce.

Noah soon reached the top of the mountain, where all the little black dragons gathered, and Oman folded his wings and stood behind Noah.Only then did Noah realize that Aman was almost the largest of all the little black dragons, and his scales and claws were also harder. The little black dragons silently made room for him.

This is not what it used to be, Noah thought silently.When they saw him approaching, Yagasha and Bell ended their quarrel, they glared at each other, their wings spread out in unison, as if ready to attack.

Noah had accumulated enough reputation among the little black dragons, so he sat on Aman's shoulder and asked, "What happened?"

"It's nothing." Yagasha said bluntly.

Bell was silent.

Noah didn't want to make things big, and since both parties decided to settle the matter, he didn't say anything.Everyone is a three hundred-year-old black dragon, and some things can be handled by themselves.

He said: "In this case, then take back the wings. Today's training is over, you..."

Bell suddenly whispered something.

Yajiasha was furious immediately, and she screamed, "Say it again!"

"Your mother is a waste! She was timid on the battlefield, so she wanted to escape, but was bitten off by the red dragon!" Bell said loudly, "You are a coward just like your mother!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Yagasha roared and spread her wings, "My mother was a hero who died on the battlefield!"

She rushed forward two steps, swung her tail and head towards Bell, Bell didn't show any weakness, the scales all over her body made a crisp sound, and the two little black dragons collided like this.

The author has something to say:

The third watch is over! !

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