Three days later, Camelot returned to the capital of the Demon Realm.

Looking down from the back of the dragon, the entire capital is shrouded in pure white. The wide white gauze connects from one house to another, covering all the streets, including the high tower of the church, which is also decorated with white silk curtains. The Ghanaan River in the center of the city is covered with white petals. Although it is not ugly, it just feels inexplicably...


Camillo lazily said: "What is this doing? Is it some special festival custom?"

Amedeo frowned, and said solemnly: "This is a funeral ceremony."

Camillo guessed: "Oh, which nobleman died?"

Amedeo said: "No, it's higher than that."

Camillo rested his chin on one hand, and guessed again: "Your Majesty?"

Amedeo still said: "The level is higher than that."

Camillo's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, could it be... that Wei Ya died?Why is he still a little happy?

Amedeo looked at the pure white capital below, and his face became more solemn: "The demon world mourns the dead by hanging white veils. If the king dies, the whole city hangs white, but the church should not participate in this kind of ceremony, so... …this time the level may be higher.”

Camelot glanced at the white silk hanging high on the church, his face changed slightly. In this palace, who else is higher than the Demon King? He let Zero land in the middle of the courtyard of the palace, and it was not the ritual band that greeted them. , but an army of elite soldiers.

After flying for such a long time, Zero was extremely tired and his stomach was empty. When he saw the surrounding soldiers, he couldn't help roaring angrily. The tail slapped heavily to the ground, and the strong wind almost knocked off several guards.

Camillo patted its head, "Be quiet."

This faint sentence was not only addressed to Zero, but also to those guards who were about to move.

The chief guard of the imperial army walked up to him with a heavy aura, knelt down on one knee respectfully, and said, "Your Majesty the Northern Demon King, Your Majesty the Demon God, welcome back. Due to some changes in the city, please accept our inspection." .”

"Check?" Camilo squinted his eyes displeased, and jumped off the dragon's back with Figira in his arms. "A dragon, two gods, and a hostage. What is there to investigate?" He asked Impatiently looking around, he asked, "Where are Wei Ya and Yimeler?"

The chief guard of the Imperial Army was silent for a long time, and said, "...please come with me."

Figira was escorted by several guards and sent to the prison. She looked curiously at the demons around her, feeling inexplicably that the atmosphere around her was extremely sad and depressing.

Amedeo could have easily read the thoughts of these mortals, but there was a kind of resistance and anxiety in his heart, and he was instinctively rejecting the truth behind it.

What happened while they were gone?

The chief guard did not lead them to the main hall, but instead went to the shrine at the back. This is the place where Amedeo once lived, and it is the most sacred religious place in the entire demon world. It is often used to hold ceremonies and weddings...

And of course the funeral.

The front hall of the temple was dark, and through the skylight, the only solitary light slanted down in the center of the hall. The silver-haired emperor stood there alone with his back to them.

So this guy is not dead, Camillo thought to himself.

The chief guard lowered his posture and said softly, "Your Majesty, Camillo and Amedeo are back."

"Demon God, why did you come back now..." Wei Ya's voice was extremely hoarse, like a shell whose soul had been emptied.

Amedeo walked towards him, he suddenly stopped, his hands under the robe trembled, he looked at the blond man lying in the crystal coffin in disbelief, his face was still so calm and soft, as if he was asleep Normal, but out of breath.

Amedeo turned his head and said to Camillo, " dead..."

"What!!!" Camillo's eyes widened in an instant. They had chatted a month ago. How could such a thing happen? He hurried forward, but before he could get close to the coffin, Wei Ya suddenly rushed over. Grabbing his collar, his purple eyes bloodshot, he roared like crazy:

"Camilo, what did you do while you were away from the capital!?"

Camillo frowned and said, "You asked knowingly, I went to the Mengli Grassland and destroyed the formation of the Book of Century."

"Yes, you changed the prophecy..." Wei Ya sneered hoarsely, "You only changed your prophecy, why! Why did you survive, but Yimil died! Say! You What kind of agreement has been reached with Shenting!"

"Your Majesty!" Amedeo was obviously angry, he pulled Wei Ya back, and sternly shouted, "Camilo almost died in the battle with the people of Shenting, in order to lift the prophecy's mercy and let the God of Light Live! How can you say such a thing! We don't even know what happened to the capital!"

Wei Ya let out a heart-piercing cry, knelt down covering his face, his thin body was shrouded in shadows, tears kept seeping from between his fingers, and wet the blue floor tiles.

"It's not his fault," Camillo shook his head, sighed and said quietly, "It would be the same for me."

He walked to the crystal coffin, where Yimil was sleeping peacefully, with blond hair hanging over his heart, and his hands resting on his sides.He probed Yimil's body with the spiritual pressure of perception, and found a slender wound on his chest, the wound was extremely neat, obviously caused by a quick fatal blow.

He asked seriously, "Who did it?"

Wei Ya twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a slumped and distorted smile, and said, "Who else is there besides Lilith, who is beside him with strange power?"

Amedeo frowned and said, "How is this possible." Anyone in this world might want to kill Yimil, but Lilith couldn't, and Yimil was her only support.

"How can it be impossible!" Wei Ya roared, his shoulders trembling with depression, "That witch is usually not talkative, who knows what she is thinking! At that time only Lilith and Yimil were together in the garden, suddenly There was a powerful shock wave, and when the guards rushed over, Yimil was already dead, and besides Lilith, who else could erupt such a powerful force in an instant."

Camillo hung his palm above the coffin, and the dark element escaped from his palm and floated towards Yimil's chest. After a while, he said, "There is no divine breath left in the wound, that is to say, killing Yimil man is not God."

Amedeo was dumbfounded. In terms of ability, Lilith is not incapable of killing gods, not to mention that besides her, who else can kill Yimil with one blow.

Camillo raised his hand to support his forehead, exhaled a sour breath, and said, "Where is Lilith being imprisoned now?"

"Imprisoned?" Wei Ya smiled wryly, "Who can catch her, she ran away."


Wei Ya roared: "You don't understand what I'm saying! She ran away, ran away with your daughter Maya, and Yuesemona!"

Camillo turned around in shock, the churning emotions in his chest overwhelmed his reason in an instant, thousands of questions were stuck in his throat, and he didn't know where to ask them.

Suddenly his left hand warmed up, it was Amedeo who held his hand, the fingertips conveyed a calming divine power with soothing power.

Amedeo asked Wei Ya calmly, "When did they leave?"

Wei Ya put his hands on the ground and stood up unsteadily, "It was the afternoon of three days ago."

Amedeo asked suspiciously: "Three days have passed, could it be that the pursuers haven't found their whereabouts yet?"

Wei Ya has become numb to the numerous reports that have disappointed him: "You also know how difficult it is to find one wizard, let alone three."

As the saying goes, wizards are people who live in the shadows, and it is difficult to find them.

Camillo leaned against Amedeo's body, and let out a long breath almost as if he was exhausted. The guards did not find their traces, which at least shows that Maya and the others are still safe now.

"I will try my best to find Maya's whereabouts and bring the three of them back." He turned to face Wei Ya, the dim light from the skylight cast a shadow on him, "but you must order that the army not harm them anyone!"

The corner of Wei Ya's chapped mouth moved, and before he could speak, Camillo had already walked out of the hall.

"Are you kidding..." he roared behind Camillo, "It was Lilith who killed Yimil! I don't care if her power is not stable, I want her dead! I want her dead, do you hear that? !"

Camelot paused, and a cold voice came: "Although you can try to go against my will, before the matter is found out, no matter who hurts the three witches, the army in the north can attack south at any time. !"

Camilo then went to the prison to fish out Figira. She was also shocked when she heard about it. The God of Light, Yimila, actually died?

"No wonder the atmosphere is so depressing..."

Camelot glanced at her coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, I want you to find out the whereabouts of Yuesemona, aren't you very good at hunting her down!"

Figira curled her lips and said, "Three days have passed, you'd better not have any hope."

Camilo asked the guards to take them to the park where the incident happened. Figira prepared a handful of herbs and lit them in his hand, chanted a few spells silently, and then walked straight towards the labyrinth garden.

The guard was stunned. How did she know that Yimil died in the labyrinth garden?

Figira seemed to have opened her eyes. She walked through the maze effortlessly until she reached the central resting courtyard. There was still a trace of blood on the trimmed lawn, telling the story of what had happened here.

"A girl with light brown curly hair used to sit here," Figira said, pointing to a spot.

Amedeo immediately understood: "That's Lilith, a witch next to the God of Light."

Figira closed her eyes, and said after a while: "Then another girl ran over, she was much shorter and had brown hair, but the color was darker." She seemed to have received some kind of information in an instant, and turned around suddenly Looking at Camillo, "My God, that's your daughter."

Camelot closed his eyes: "Wei Ya said that Maya took Lilith away."

Figira nodded and said, "Yes, that kind child did indeed do that."

Camillo asked again, "Where is Simone?"

Figira said: "I 'saw' she came a little later, seemed to have moved hands with the guards, and then rushed out, probably to find the two children."

Figira described the original situation in detail, which was almost equivalent to reappearing the scene. The faces of the accompanying guards were getting worse and worse. The incidents they deliberately concealed, as well as the rough behavior, were all described verbatim by Figira. described.

Camillo glanced at the guards coldly, suppressed his anger for a while, and asked again: "What happened before Yimel died, and where are the three witches now?"

Figira extinguished the burning herb in her hand, sighed silently, shook her head and said, "Any information about the girl named Lilith has been blocked."

Camelot was stunned: "What!"

Figira's chest heaved deeply, she took a deep breath and said, "That witch is connected to Gaia, Mother Earth is protecting her, I can't see where that girl is, and I can't see what happened to her , as long as she doesn't want to be found by me, I can't find her."

Camilo gritted his teeth and said, "What about Maya, and Yuesemona?"

Figira still shook her head: "They are with that girl, and all information has been blocked."

With cold despair rushing towards his face, Camillo turned around with a roar, and slammed his fist on the low stone wall.

"Camilo." Amedeo called him behind him.

Camillo looked back at him, with a sad expression on his face, "I'm wondering what I did wrong," he said softly, "Maybe I'll be back two days earlier."

Amedeo walked to his side, held his hand with both hands, and said in a soft voice: "This time, Maya did it too impulsively. She has always protected Lilith, and it is reasonable to take her away regardless of the consequences." Among them, but at least they have Yuesemona to accompany them, that woman has a calm personality and rich experience, at least she can protect their safety."

Figira interjected: "That's right, Yuesemona's ability to escape was trained under my hands, and a few guards can do nothing to her."

Camelot glanced sideways at her, and at the moment he didn't even have the mood to beat her up.

"I want to go out of the city myself," he said in a soft but resolute voice, "to get Maya back."

The guard's expression changed, and he said falteringly: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I'm afraid it will not be so easy for you to leave the city now."

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