Maya was trembling violently, and her voice was also trembling: "Why does he..."

—how did he die?

—what did you do to him?

The following words were stuck in her throat, and she couldn't bear to question her, but she knew that Lilith could hear her heart, even if she didn't say it, Lilith could hear these words.

Lilith stared at her blankly, like a sculpture without intuition, neither nodding nor shaking her head.

Maya's last hot thought was like pouring a basin of ice water.

"Maya! Lilith!" Yuesemona, who had regained her strength, rushed over here, followed by guards from the imperial army.

Lilith was stimulated by the sound, and flinched a bit.

Suddenly a strong hand grabbed her, Maya's face was determined: "Let's go!"

Lilith raised her head in a daze, her eyes were only in a trance, Maya grabbed her again, and shouted angrily: "Hurry up! Yimel is dead, Wei Ya will definitely kill you! "

"..." Lilith's pale lips moved, she stood up reluctantly, but immediately fell down with her legs feeling weak.

"Come up!" Maya squatted down, carried Lilith on her shoulders, and ran out from the other end of the maze.

She has played this maze countless times, and she knows that there is a wall at the back of the maze, which is not high, and she can easily climb over it, which was often used to cheat when playing in the past.

But at this moment, she still had to carry Lilith on her back, and she was more than a little shorter than Lilith, and after running a few steps, she began to pant heavily.

"Put it down... I, you go." Lilith whispered softly.

Maya gritted her teeth: "No!"

Her voice was close to the low growl of a beast, the blood of the dragon clan boiled at this moment, sharp sharp melons protruded from her fingertips, her five fingers became claws, she dug deeply into the brick wall, and then jumped , over the garden wall.

In the middle of the maze, Yuesemona was shocked by the scene before her.

She ran over to help Yimil, "Your Majesty!"

Yimil's body no longer had divine breath, his blood was still warm, and he died in just an instant, so fast that he didn't even have time to feel the pain.

She froze and felt dizzy, was she having a nightmare?What the hell is going on here?

Yue Simona hoped that when she opened her eyes, Camillo would have returned, sitting on the bench arguing with Yimeler, Lilith and Maya were playing in the garden, everything was peaceful and peaceful.

But there was clear thick blood in her hand, the doctor snatched Yimiler from her hand, and the noise of guards' footsteps could be heard beside her.

"Where are Lilith and Maya going?!"

"Search!" The chief guard roared fiercely, "Search, find them!"

"Immediately inform His Majesty that the God of Light has been assassinated!!!"

"Wait..." Yuesemona staggered up from the ground, "Let me find those two children and ask what happened, they must be terrified."

A sharp knife was thrown in front of her, and the chief guard of the imperial guards warned: "Miss, you can't go anywhere."

Yuesemona took a deep breath, calmed down and said, "When you find them, what are you going to do to them?"

The chief guard said coldly: "Give it to the Judiciary to find out the truth."

Yuesemona's face changed: "Judicial Department? What can those two children do! How do you investigate, torture?"

"They're not just children," the chief guard stared at her gravely, "they're wizards, just like you."

"Don't you forget that Maya is the princess of the northern border! Is it your country's diplomatic attitude to send this group of fierce guards to hunt down a princess!" Yue Simona said angrily, "It's okay to find someone, but in Ka None of you are allowed to touch her until Milo comes back!"

The chief guard smiled coldly: "No—? Where do you think you are now? This is His Majesty Wei Ya's palace. What kind of princess is not a princess? That little brat is nothing here!"

Yue Simona fixed her eyes on the head of the guard, her red robe fluttered in the wind, her whole body exuded a dangerous aura, she said in a low voice, "Do you really think you can stop me?"

A cold light flashed in her sleeve, a dagger slammed the opponent's weapon, and then she stepped forward quickly, grabbed the unicorn's reins, and slapped the knight flying with a powerful Reiatsu palm. He got on his horse and rushed out of the garden immediately.

The chief guard roared angrily: "Stop her!"

The guard on standby quickly drew the magic bow and arrows, and shot a round of arrows at the unicorn densely.

"Witchcraft? Diversion."

An invisible barrier appeared in front of Yuesemona, and all the bows and arrows disappeared the moment they hit the barrier, and then flashed from behind her, tying row after row in the open space.

Yuesemona continued to rush forward, and the imperial guards at the door were stunned. Just as she was about to hit her, she suddenly lifted the reins, and the unicorn raised its premise and leaped over the guards' heads.

The chief guard’s words just now woke her up like a bucket of ice water poured down. Now that Camilo is not here, and Amedeo is not here, no one can protect His Royal Highness Maya, and those guards who are good at fighting only need to use sensory pressure. The whereabouts of the two children were found within minutes.

Three days, three more days, before Camillo could return.

Wei Ya, who was overwhelmed by anger, could do anything, maybe he didn't dare to kill Maya, but... Lilith would definitely not survive these three days.

Now no matter what the truth is, she can't just sit back and let these two children be in danger, she must take Maya and Lilith out of the palace.

Yue Simona released a sensory pressure, but there is still no whereabouts of Maya and the others.

If you can't find it again, it will be too late.

Trembling and panting, she led the unicorn to a tree, and pressed her hands tightly on the bark, "Gaia, Mother Earth, if you still want your child to live, please tell me My Lilith's position!"

A line of guards rushed over not far away, "The red robe witch is over there! Grab her!"

Yuesemona had obtained the information she wanted, and immediately pulled the reins, driving the unicorn towards the south gate.How could Maya be there? The south gate is full of tall buildings and sentry towers. It is too dangerous for her to go in that direction!

"Drive!" She speeded up and rushed there.

At this moment, Maya was leaping over the roof of the palace with Lilith on her back, her left eye was slightly red, but due to the impure blood of the Dragon Clan, it was already her limit to be able to do this.

She had never run such a long distance with a person on her back, and even with the support of her blood, her physical strength was gradually exhausted.

"Found it, the murderer who killed the God of Light!"

Lilith trembled again when she heard the sound, and her complexion became paler.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you." Maya growled, jumped from the roof, and ran towards the south gate with all her might.

She had to send Lilith out of the palace, and at worst, she would come back to accept the crime. Even if Lilith really went berserk and accidentally injured Yimiler...she must not just sit back and watch her suffer any harm!

"Maya! Lilith!"

Maya was startled, it was Sister Mona's voice.

Lilith suddenly grabbed her collar tightly, trembling with fear, her voice was inaudible: "Don't...go..."

Maya gritted her teeth and was about to turn around and run away.

At this time, Yuesemona shouted again: "Maya, come down! There is a sentry tower ahead, and there are archers."

Maya stopped in her tracks, hesitating in her heart, she took a few steps back to the eaves.Yuesemona rode a blue unicorn and looked at her below, showing a gratified smile: "It's great, you are not injured, Your Highness, Lilith, don't be afraid, I will take you out of here !"

Lilith was terrified. She hugged Maya tightly and buried her head on her neck. She didn't believe anyone except Maya.

Maya comforted: "Father said, sister Mona is a good person."

At this time, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance, and hundreds of cavalry were rushing towards here. Yuesemona shouted anxiously: "Time is running out, ride up quickly, or none of us will be able to escape!"

Maya took another look at the densely packed pursuers, and finally felt relieved. She hugged Lilith tightly and jumped down from the eaves, landing firmly on the back of the unicorn.At this time, Yuesemona kicked the unicorn's abdomen hard, and the frightened unicorn rushed out in the direction of the south gate.

"Close the palace gate—!!!" The chief guard of the Imperial Guard roared loudly.

The palace gate to the south began to close slowly, and Yuesemona immediately drew out her dagger, cut her wrists and sacrificed with blood, "Witchcraft? Wind!"

A gust of wind suddenly blew up at the palace gate, rushing from the inside to the outside. The mage who controlled the palace gate tried his best to fight it, but the gust of wind still forced the gate that was about to close to open little by little.

Yue Simona shouted again: "Witchcraft? Explosion!"

A ball of fire ignited under the palace gate, and it exploded in an instant, screaming one after another, and many guards and mages were thrown out by the explosion, their heads bleeding.

At this time, the unicorn jumped high and rushed over the flames, and the red dress disappeared from everyone's sight.The guards of the Imperial Army rushed to catch up, but the flames suddenly jumped up due to the blowing of the wind, blocking their way and covering the palace gate in a sea of ​​flames.

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