Silent Lover

Chapter 167 You Can't Say Chapters?

The dark guard was wearing a black night suit. Although he was tall, he didn't look clumsy, with broad shoulders and a narrow and strong waist.

Shen Yu felt a little familiar. .

"I probably saw it on a rainy night."''

Shen Yu saw four hidden guards at that time, but the night was dark and windy, how could he see clearly, he only had a little impression. .

The dark guard wore a gray-black iron mask on his face, showing the image of a ferocious ghost with fangs.

"Why is he wearing a mask?" Shen Yu was puzzled and asked. .

Chu Ling didn't hesitate and said: "This is a killer guard trained by the clan, so it's inconvenient to reveal his appearance. Those few yesterday also wore masks, didn't Yu'er see it?".


Shen Yu didn't ask, how could he see clearly what the dark guards who emerged from the rainforest looked like? They probably all wore the same mask. .

"Then when do we leave? I'm fine.

This post house is only a few dozen miles away from the capital, and it is easy for the wicked to find and take him back, so Shen Yu is eager to continue on his way. .

Chu Ling thought for a while and said, "There's no rush, we'll talk about it after you've recovered for a few days."

Shen Yu frowned: "I'm ready, in case the official

Bing found...".


"Chu Ling pondered, "I went to inquire this morning, and Jun Xuanxiao has already ordered the withdrawal of troops, so he probably didn't pursue us anymore. '.

"withdraw troops?".

Shen Yu opened her eyes in disbelief, then let out a long sigh of relief, with a weak smile on her face.mouth

"That's great, he probably has no patience."

Shen Yu's whole body relaxed a little. When Jun Xuanxiao was by his side, he was always tense. The bully was finally drained of patience by his cold face. .

fair enough. .

But...with Jun Xuanxiao's character of stalking and swearing until he achieves his goal, how could he easily give up and withdraw his troops?

Probably because of that secret book, I know his dark secret, so I have no face to face it.

Chu Ling looked at Shen Yu lost in thought, and asked: "Yu'er, are you happy to finally be able to leave him?".


Shen Yu blurted out. .

Um. "

Chu Ling nodded, thinking to himself, even Shen Yu himself didn't notice, he said he was happy, but there was no escaped smile on his face.

"Come, drink a bowl of ginger soup, to drive away the cold and warm up."

Chu Ling took a spoonful of ginger soup and brought it to Shen Yu's mouth, and Shen Yu took it.

"Thank you Brother Chu, I'll do it myself."'.

Gudong gudong finished drinking, he himself is a very independent person, very good at work, only after entering the palace, he was served by someone, and he began to gradually become inactive.Until later, Jun Xuanxiao almost raised him as a cripple, wishing to feed him with his own hands, but Shen Yu dared not refuse.mouth

Now that Shen Yu's life starts again, then get rid of those bad habits.

Chu Ling said in a low voice: "Yu'er, you don't have to be so polite with me."

Shen Yu was puzzled, and replied: "I'm not being polite, just do it yourself, don't bother others.".

Hearing "others", Chu Ling was silent for a while. .

"I am your elder brother, so I should do my best to take care of you, you can accept it calmly, thank you, but seem unfamiliar.

Chu Ling spoke with gentle eyes, with the kindness of an elder brother in his tone, and did not blame him. .

"I'm not that loyal...

"Then you will take care of Jun Xuanxiao as before, no need to thank you."''

Chu Ling saw with his own eyes how Jun Xuanxiao took care of Shen Yu, almost doting on him, and Shen Yu never said thank you, which is what happens to the closest people.

"That's different.

Shen Yu didn't know what to say, he didn't even dare to say a word when facing Jun Xuanxiao, and often lost his mind, how could he thank you.

"Well, it's different."

Chu Ling's eyes darkened slightly, then she touched his head with a smile and said, "I know, you just met me

soon.Yu'er, take a good rest, I'll rent a carriage from the post office, and we'll leave when you recover. "

Chu Ling closed the door, Shen Yu thought about Chu Ling's words carefully for a while, but couldn't figure it out.

Shen Yu didn't continue to sleep. He had been in a coma for so long, and he didn't feel much sleepiness. When he wanted to get up, his hands and feet felt weak, so he had to sit on the pillow. .

Sitting so that her back was sore, Shen Yu suddenly poked her head and looked at the motionless guard in the corner of the room.

The dark guard had been standing there, looking in Shen Yu's direction. If it wasn't for the slight ups and downs of his chest when he breathed, Shen Yu would have thought it was a stone sculpture.

Well-trained, Shen Yu couldn't help but sigh.

"what's your name?'.

Shen Yu felt that it was better to say hello, after all, his safety was placed on him, and he was born and died, so he was really dedicated to his work. .

Moreover, Shen Yu was bored by himself. Since he was learning to speak, he talked the most to Honglian and Bian Shishi. Sometimes he would talk to the cook, but after he was banned, no one dared to talk to him.

Now that Jun Xuanxiao has left, he is still eager to communicate with others. .

The dark guard didn't speak, and remained motionless with his hands clasped behind his back.

" don't have to stand all the time, sit down." o|

Shen Yu pointed to the stool. If he was allowed to stand like this, he would collapse on the ground in half an hour.

The hidden guard ignored him, and Shen Yu couldn't keep talking, probably because they had received strict training and were very cold-tempered


Didn't Song Qing have the same temperament at the beginning, she couldn't make a dull fart with a few sticks, and Shen Yu couldn't talk, and the two of them often stared at each other.

With a flash of inspiration, Shen Yu clapped her hands and said, "I know

Yes! You can't talk too?"

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