Silent Lover

Chapter 166 A Warm Kiss

The rainstorm came quickly and stopped quickly. .

Jun Xuanxiao hugged Shen Yu tightly and gave him his body temperature. Although the rain had stopped, the night wind had finally subsided, and Shen Yu's wet body was blown cold. Jun Xuanxiao blocked the leak of the car curtain and used The robe wraps Shen Yu tightly. .

"Yu'er, can I take you home? Back to our home...

Jun Xuanxiao's voice was low and hoarse, and he looked down at Shen Yu's face. His thick eyelashes were like two cicada wings, quiet and obedient, as obedient as when he first entered the palace.

"You definitely don't want to." Jun Xuanxiao smiled wryly, talking to himself. .

In the past, Shen Yu was desperate, but now Jun Xuanxiao is wishful thinking. .

Jun Xuanxiao pressed Shen Yu's cheek, he felt very satisfied, at least Shen Yu would not leave him, nor would he reject him thousands of miles away. .

Jun Xuanxiao held Shen Yu's hand, he was at a loss and couldn't make a decision for a moment, he would definitely not be willing to take Shen Yu back, how would he deal with it after waking up? Jun Xuanxiao was very reluctant to let him go, and The Huns stared at him covetously, and the down-and-out Chu family alone might not be able to protect him.mouth

"Yu'er, Song Qing is going back to the Northern Territory, and he said he wants to find someone. I'm luckier than him, at least my Yu'er is still in front of me, right?"

Jun Xuanxiao lightly pecked Shen Yu's forehead. .

Shen Yu muttered in a daze, shrank a bit from the cold, then rubbed her face against Jun Xuanxiao's chest and neck, and wrapped her hands around his waist.

Jun Xuanxiao's melancholy dissipated a bit, and he was too surprised to move, for fear of disturbing Shen Yu. .

The rapid beating of the heart reminded Jun Xuanxiao that Shen Yu's every move could affect his emotions.mouth

Jun Xuanxiao made a decision in his heart.mouth

Don't care about deep hatred, don't care about dominance! As long as Shen Yu needs him a little bit, he will be willing to stick to it to the end. .

Jun Xuanxiao kissed Shen Yu's forehead, he was reluctant to let go, but he didn't expect that the person in his arms hummed, and took the initiative to stick his lips...


Shen Yu had a long dream. In the dream, he was walking alone in the dark and cold wilderness, and there was icy rain falling with knives. He didn't know how long he walked. Hungry, he staggered and fell.

Instead of falling to the muddy ground, he fell into someone's arms. .

The man's voice was as gentle as water, whispering something to him. .

It feels like going back to the past, when the bully was the King of Zhenbei, he often hugged himself like this, warm and reliable. .

Then a warm lip fell on his forehead, and then moved to his lips. Shen Yu was shivering from the cold all over, and greedily clinging to it, absorbing that bit of warmth.

The other party seemed to be sluggish for a moment, Shen Yu chased after him dissatisfied, and then got a warm response.

This feeling of interdependence between lips and teeth... coincides with a certain memory, Shen Yu is very familiar with it...


When Shen Yu woke up with a start, her hands and feet frantically moved to the side and grabbed the curtain on the bed.

Shen Yu looked up and saw Chu Ling's elegant and gentle face, and she was leaning in his arms. .


Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief, it really couldn't be Jun Xuanxiao, only Chu Ling could speak in such a gentle tone. .

But finding out that it wasn't Jun Xuanxiao, Shen Yu felt inexplicably empty. Shen Yu was surprised that he would have such a weird dream, which was even more bizarre than seeing a ghost. .

"Yu'er, are you having a nightmare? Seeing that you are covered in cold sweat, and you are still kicking with your hands and feet."

Chu Ling asked in a gentle voice, while wiping the fine sweat from Shen Yu's forehead and cheeks with a towel.

Um. ".

Shen Yu nodded, it's not a nightmare.

"This is where?"

Shen Yu remembered, he was chased by the Huns, the carriage overturned, the Huns wanted to insult him, he passed out......

"The posthouse, it's all right now." Chu Ling replied, "Yu'er, brother is not good, I've made you suffer."

Shen Yu shook her head and said, "I was the one who insisted on traveling overnight, Big Brother Chu, did you come here to save me?"'

Chu Ling's expression froze for a moment, as if he hesitated to speak, so he nodded slightly.

"Yu'er, you frightened me. When I carried you to the station, you were so cold. I was afraid that you would catch the cold, and your forehead would continue to bleed...

Shen Yu thinks so too, probably Chu Ling got rid of those Huns and rushed to rescue him,

After all, there were no other people in the wilderness.

So it was really Chu Ling who saved her, and the embrace in the dream was also real. .

But Shen Yu thought about it, at the moment he was leaning in Chu Ling's arms, it was obviously not that kind of feeling, but the feeling when he was unconscious was not accurate.

Shen Yu moved her body away from Chu Ling's embrace, with her hands awkwardly nowhere to rest, and touched the bandage on her forehead. .

"Thank you, Brother Chu."

Shen Yu suddenly remembered that since everything in the dream was real, then after that hazy kiss of his, Shen Yu became uneasy and his face was a little hot. At that time, he was in a coma and acted on instinct...

"Brother Chu, if something goes wrong when I'm unconscious...

Chu Ling interrupted him: "Yu'er, you don't have to be cautious in front of me, and don't think wildly."

Shen Yu didn't speak anymore, and she didn't know whether Chu Ling admitted or denied it, maybe it's best to pretend that nothing happened.

After all, Chu Ling is the elder brother. Although they are distant relatives, some things really shouldn't happen.

"By the way, several of the hidden guards sent by the clan have lost several times, so as to avoid another crisis, let this hidden guard protect you personally in the future.

Following Chu Ling's pointing, Shen Yu saw the tall, silent guard standing in the room. ;change

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