Silent Lover

Chapter 147 Bathing

"What's the matter? Is Yu'er unwilling?".

Jun Xuanxiao asked sincerely, with an extremely upright attitude, but he had no intention of moving away. .

Shen Yu shook her head, of course she didn't want to! Who would want to live with a bully in this isolated place?

"Ah, it's fine if you don't.

Jun Xuanxiao said naturally. .

Shen Yu was so anxious that he suffocated his breath, he shook his head, that's not what he meant!.

However, Jun Xuanxiao didn't know whether he didn't see Shen Yu's blushing face, or changed the subject on purpose.

Everything is arranged, Yu'er, which room do you like?".

Shen Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there are many houses here. If the two of them live separately, they will not be so jealous. At worst, they will pretend that this bully does not exist. .

Shen Yu randomly pointed to a room. He didn't have high requirements for living in it, and these rooms all looked similar, elegant and transparent. .

"This room? It's very nice. It backs against the flower garden and faces Nanyang, and the row of cherry trees blocks the north wind. Yu'er has a good eye." Jun Xuanxiao praised without hesitation, "Then let's live here One room!"

Shen Yu: "

The dinner was cooked by the imperial chef brought from the palace. Jun Xuanxiao couldn't stop serving dishes for Shen Yu. Shen Yu had been running around for a day, and his appetite was so great that even Jun Xuanxiao didn't care to eat it, but occasionally saw Jun Xuan With a satisfied smile on Xiao Xiao's face, he felt a little nervous.

I always feel that I have been fed fat and will be eaten up by this bully tiger. .

"Yu'er, you are also tired today, I have added hot water for you, go take a bath.

After digesting the food, King Zhenbei had prepared the bath water graciously, and Shen Yu still felt weird sitting in the steaming tub.

A hand suddenly slipped into the water against Shen Yu's back, and Shen Yu's hair suddenly rose, looking in horror at Jun Xuanxiao who sneaked into the bathroom at some time. .

"Don't be afraid, I'll just test the water to see if it's cold, alas, I can't do it with only two maidservants, so I have to do this kind of thing myself."

Jun Xuanxiao said regretfully, rubbing his hands, thinking about Shen Yu's smooth and tender skin just now. .

In fact, Jun Xuanxiao has been watching Shen Yu's back for quite a while. Shen Yu's carcass is looming in the clear water, and his skin is as white as a lotus. Jun Xuanxiao swallowed, and couldn't help it. touch....

Sure enough, Jun Xuanxiao felt so comfortable, it was exactly the same as in memory, no, it was even more wonderful than before.

Shen Yu puffed his cheeks, with Jun Xuanxiao around, how could he take a bath comfortably?

He felt that he couldn't let this bully tease him at will anymore. Although he was still a little apprehensive towards Jun Xuanxiao, but blindly shrinking back would only make Jun Xuanxiao make progress. .

So Shen Yu stood up, scooped up a ladle of bath water, and poured it on Jun Xuanxiao. Jun Xuanxiao was still immersed in the skin-to-skin relationship with Shen Yu, and didn't want to dodge. He was drenched thoroughly, and his hair and clothes were wet up. .

Seeing Jun Xuanxiao's distressed appearance, Shen Yu finally laughed out of revenge. .

Smile and Shen Yu froze again, Jun Xuanxiao's face was expressionless, his appearance was terrifying, it's over, he annoyed the bully,...

Jun Xuanxiao walked over, and suddenly grabbed Shen Yu's shoulder emotionally. When Shen Yu was apprehensive and timid, Jun Xuanxiao pulled him into his arms. .

"Yu, Yu' finally smiled at me...

Jun Xuanxiao's voice was choked up, but he was happy. .

Shen Yu's face was pressed against Jun Xuanxiao's chest, and he didn't react for a while, only feeling Jun Xuanxiao's hug was so hard that he almost couldn't breathe. .

It took a long time for Jun Xuanxiao to let go of him, and there was no anger on his face, but surprise and doting on his face. .

"Yu'er, I knew I could wait until this day...

Eh? Will he not be punished for this? Isn't this tyrant's temper irritable? Shen Yu blinked in a daze. .

Silly Yu'er, don't you feel cold standing naked...

Only then did Shen Yu realize that she was fully exposed to Jun Xuanxiao, her cheeks flushed with shame, and she wanted to hide in the water, but was scooped up by a pair of big hands. .

"The water is cold."

Jun Xuanxiao carried Shen Yu out of the water, wrapped him in his clothes to form rice dumplings, and only showed his blushing face, and helped him wipe off the water stains. .

Shen Yu leaned against Jun Xuanxiao's thick chest, Jun Xuanxiao was reluctant to let go, although Shen Yu just smiled and did not let go of his guard completely, he felt that everything he did was worth it. .


Shen Ruofei waited in the palace for a whole day, and walked out of the palace to take a look from time to time, but she never saw Jun Xuanxiao. .

When the evening approached, King Zhenbei's carriage returned to the palace. Shen Ruofei was so excited that the deer bumped wildly, and ran over regardless of the gentleness.

My lord! My lord! Shen Ruofei's face was full of joy, "Your lord is exhausted from traveling and traveling, and my concubine specially prepared wine, food, dance and music in the palace to welcome you back to the palace!"

The groom bowed and said: "Shen Concubine, the prince is not in the carriage.

After speaking, he had to drive the horse back to the stable. .

Shen Ruofei hurriedly caught up and stopped in front. .

"Wait! What do you mean the prince is not here? What about others?

"Of course I'm in the villa with Concubine Yin, so I'm sure I won't be returning to the palace today."

Shen Ruofei was stunned, and asked in disbelief: "What?

What do you mean? Your lord is going to stay overnight at the villa tonight?!".

The groom nodded and said: "It's not just tonight, the prince bought a set for use, and I'm afraid he will live in the villa forever."

Long live long one by one?!?!.

Shen Ruofei was like a bolt from the blue. .

"How could this be? Didn't the prince just send him outside the palace?"

'Then it's not the servant's business to ask.After finishing speaking, the groom rode his horse and left. .

Shen Ruofei stayed where she was for a long time without moving.

She finally persuaded King Zhenbei to drive Shen Yu out of the palace. She still dreamed of monopolizing the prince, but in the end she also sent him away. Double accommodation and double flying in the villa?!.

She thought of all this painstakingly, but she made a wedding dress for Shen Yu for nothing. The Zhuangzi she recommended was because it was remote and uninhabited. It will not even be disturbed by others, and it has become a good place for the golden house to hide its beauty...

Maybe at this moment, King Zhenbei and Shen Yu, you and I understand each other in the villa...

Shen Ruofei's eyes darkened, she staggered and almost fell down.

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