Silent Lover

Chapter 146 Bully

Full of joy, Shen Ruofei recommended a Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing to King Zhenbei, but it was not far from the wild cherry forest that Jun Xuanxiao took Shen Yu to a few days ago.mouth

The king of Zhenbei ordered people to buy Xiaozhuangzi, repaired it in advance, and bought all the furniture.

Five days later, Jun Xuanxiao finally cleaned up Shen Yu's belongings, boarded the carriage with him, and sent him out of the palace.

Shen Ruofei looked at the carriage leaving the palace, she was in a good mood, and couldn't help laughing. .

"Hahaha---From today onwards, I will be the only one by Wang Ye's side!"

Shen Ruofei has full confidence in her beauty, and when the prince completely forgets about Shen Yu, who else in the world can compete with her for the second place?

There is a wild cherry blossom forest in Hehuan Valley in the suburbs of Beijing. Because it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, the climate is warm in winter and cool in summer. When the spring flowers in other places die, this cherry blossom forest begins to bloom.

Maybe it was because of leaving the serious palace, or maybe it was because of arriving in this place where the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, Shen Yu's mood has been broadened. .

What he originally thought was that Jun Xuanxiao would drive him out of the palace and let him live or die, but in the end Jun Xuanxiao still arranged a place for him to receive his favor.

Shen Yu suddenly realized that he was afraid of this person and relied on him unknowingly. Without Jun Xuanxiao, how would his life be easier? In the past, in the Shen residence, any servant could bully him. There was nothing the mother could do, so she could only hide in the deep courtyard. .

I actually... can't do without him like this?

Shen Yu became uneasy. .

"Yu'er, what are you thinking? Come on, see if you like this place first, if you don't like it, I will change it for you.

Jun Xuanxiao stretched out his hand to take him off the horse, but Shen Yu stretched out his hand unconsciously, and he didn't even notice it, but Jun Xuanxiao's eyes lit up, his heart fluttered with joy, and he squeezed Shen Yu's catkin vigorously. .

Shen Yu couldn't help but look sideways, and looked at Jun Xuanxiao, his expression was relaxed, and his smile was bright and sunny, Shen Yu didn't think this face was as scary as before, but had an attractive charm that made people unable to move their eyes. .

After getting off the carriage, you can see Xiaozhuangzi at a glance. There are only four or five pressed wooden houses surrounded on three sides. There is a clear stream directly in front of it, and there is a narrow bridge on it. Only four people can walk side by side, and the carriage cannot pass. .

On the other side of the Qingxi River is a farmhouse, but it is probably neglected and abandoned, and the waterwheel is not working.

Jun Xuanxiao followed Shen Yu step by step, slowly walked across the narrow bridge, entered the patio in the middle of the yard, and built a thatched pavilion. After summer, it is perfect to hide here. .

In order to avoid water vapor insects and ants, the wooden house used wooden piles to hang its feet. Shen Yu stepped on the wooden steps, fascinated.

"Quiet and elegant house, what does Yu'er think?" Jun Xuanxiao sat on the railing chair, "I like it very much...

Shen Yu tilted his head. He likes it very much? He said this as if he had carefully selected this Zhuangzi.

Shen Yu didn't know that Jun Xuanxiao took Shen Yu to admire the flowers a few days ago, so he took a fancy to this place, but he couldn't bear to be separated from Shen Yu, so he didn't mention it all the time. .

"Look, we can reclaim that field, and Yu'er can plant whatever she likes to eat, right...

Jun Xuanxiao excitedly pulled Shen Yu through the main room, then pushed open the window, and a flower field came into view. It turned out that there was a flower garden behind the house, and no one took care of it. On the contrary, all the flowers and plants grew wildly, full of vitality exuberant. .

After showing Shen Yu around, Jun Xuanxiao ordered someone to move the things he brought into the house.

Shen Yu stared blankly at the eunuch's servants coming in and out, and didn't figure it out for a moment. His clothes were only one or two packages, plus the daily necessities, not much.

Then what happened to the contents of these two carriages?!.

Those big boxes are not his at all!.Sure enough, Jun Xuanxiao's next sentence completely stunned Shen Yu. .

"Yu'er, this king will also live here from now on!"


and many more.....

Shen Yu's mind was in a mess, didn't he leave the palace alone and was thrown into a remote village?

Didn't you make up your mind to set him free?

What happened to Jun Xuanxiao also following here? He even shed a tear bitterly, which made his numb heart ruthlessly squeezed...

It's all fake...

"Yu'er, this king is not breaking his promise. Don't you hate the palace? This king will go with you. I will not interfere with you wherever you go or what you do in the future, but I will also be with you. I can't do without you." .

Shen Yu was dumbfounded. What he was afraid of was not only the palace, but also Jun Xuanxiao. In this way, he was just shivering from one place to another...

Still living under Jun Xuanxiao's obscenity...

Shen Yu underestimated Jun Xuanxiao's persistence and thick skin. .

Where are the villains, they are simply rogue bullies who go back on their promises!.

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