Silent Lover

Chapter 135 Birthday

All the people in the imperial hospital were summoned to the dormitory. They stood on several floors inside and outside, giving Shen Yu's pulse one by one, whispering to each other, and shaking their heads in embarrassment. .

The person lying quietly on the couch had no breath or heartbeat, and his face was calm, as if he was finally able to close his eyes and fall asleep after being physically and mentally exhausted. .


Jun Xuanxiao asked more than once, but he couldn't give up even a glimmer of hope.

It's a pity that he couldn't see the old doctor nodding. .

"Forgive me, Mr. Shen Yu...he has lost his pulse and breathing. The prince and the minister are doctors, not gods who resurrect from the dead. People cannot be resurrected after death. Please mourn...

Jun Xuanxiao roared ferociously: "Sorrow? Why mourn?! I don't want to mourn! I want him to live! Do you understand! If you can't save him, I will kill all of you!!

The imperial physicians were so frightened by the deafening anger that they knelt down one after another, and more than twenty imperial physicians were helpless. .

"Quack doctors! A bunch of quack doctors!".

Jun Xuanxiao kicked an imperial physician over, immediately vomited blood and was seriously injured, everyone was in danger. .

"What's the use of the prince venting his anger with these old bones?".

Bian Shishi came in carrying the medicine box, and saw Jun Xuanxiao furious. The imperial doctor was almost kicked to death by him, and he would definitely not be able to escape after being bedridden for several months. .

"You are here! Quickly help me see, Yu'er can still be saved! Isn't it? There is still rescue... there must be...

Jun Xuanxiao looked crazy, without his usual majesty and calmness, and dragged Bian Shishi to the side of the bed. He stared at Bian Shishi intently, for fear that Bian Shishi would say the result that would drive him crazy. .

"The cat cries and the mouse pretends to be merciful." Bian Shishi muttered, "Now the prince knows that he regrets and is anxious, why did he go?"

Normally, Jun Xuanxiao was full of intimidation, Bian Shishi would not dare to talk to him like that, but Bian Shishi couldn't help but get angry when he saw his despondent appearance, he forced him to death step by step, and he wanted to scold him deserve it!.

Jun Xuanxiao took Shen Yu's hand and listened to Bian Shishi's complaints, but he didn't show any anger. .

Yes....I deserve it.Jun Xuanxiao's eyes were slightly red, and he was at a loss, "But Yu'er shouldn't suffer, I deserve retribution! I beg him, me, I regret it now, isn't it too late?"

Bian Shishi never thought that the majestic and arrogant king of Zhenbei would also have such a day of regret and fragility with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes.

Bian Shishi remembers the first time he saw Shen Yu in the palace, he was a simple and introverted idiot, but his temperament was astonishing as if he was a banished fairy. One day he would get tired of watching it, but he didn't expect that in a short period of time, he would be hurt to the point where he wanted to die. .

The person on the bed didn't have a few good spots all over his body, it was full of new wounds and old scars, and he was out of shape. .

Bian Shishi hates ruthless people the most. .

It's too late. Bian Shishi couldn't help venting his anger for Shen Yu, "The prince had a chance to save him, didn't he? You watched Shen Yu's Gu king attack again and again, and every time he was in pain, why didn't you use the Gu queen to save him?"

Jun Xuanxiao's throat choked up, regretting to the point of suffocation, he was afraid that Shen Yu would really leave with Emperor Ye, so he kept this backhand, but it was his suspiciousness and caution that ruined Shen Yu's last thought of him. .

"Yu'er, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...".

Jun Xuanxiao put Shen Yu's hand on his cheek, repeating the three words "sorry" in his mouth. .

No matter how much Bian Shishi hated him, his heart softened. .

Fortunately, that day when Shen Yu asked him for medicine, Bian Shishi noticed that Shen Yu's condition was not right, so he didn't give him the Wujin pill that actually sealed his throat with blood, but replaced it with the ancestral fake death pill.

"You wipe his blood stains, let him take this medicine after decoction, let these old bones recede, and stick it here to get in the way.

Only then did Jun Xuanxiao's gloomy eyes glow a little, and he hurriedly ordered people to decoct medicine and prepare water. .

The imperial physicians seemed to have received amnesty, they were really afraid that Jun Xuanxiao would be angry, and they would drag them to be buried with the dead.

"Is Yu'er saved?

Shen Yu couldn't swallow, so Jun Xuanxiao fed it mouthful, and couldn't wait to ask Bian Shishi. .

Bian Shishi checked Shen Yu's heartbeat and eyeballs, and sighed.

Where did he say it well, the fake death pill was passed down from his ancestors, and it is said that it was made by quack warlocks, who would take it as a joke with his own life? Bian Shishi has never seen anyone take it. .

Bian Shishi also felt a little regretful, for fear of self-defeating, if he had known that Shen Yu was taking the poison for himself, it would be better to give him a big tonic pill. .

"Let's put some medicine on his hands first."

"I come.

Jun Xuanxiao snatched the copper basin, and gently removed the gauze from Shen Yu's left hand. The bloody place made Jun Xuanxiao tremble with fear. He was used to seeing wounds on the battlefield, but Shen Yu's injury made Jun Xuanxiao extremely worried , he wetted a cloth towel with hot water, gently wiped the dried blood on Shen Yu, then sprinkled the powder, and re-wrapped it, like treating a fragile glass doll. .

Jun Xuanxiao doesn't do this often, so his big hands look clumsy. In Bian Shishi's eyes, it looks like a tiger licking the wound of a kitten.

Bian Shishi looked at the night outside, and murmured, "Should it be past midnight?".

Jun Xuanxiao ignored him, but Bian Shishi's words made his heart tense, and his nose fluttered uncontrollably.

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