Silent Lover

Chapter 134

"Yu, Yu'er...

Jun Xuanxiao looked at Shen Yu's blood staining the skirt of his clothes, and was completely panicked. He felt something escaped from his control|control. .

Shen Yu's lips turned black and blue, which was obviously not a sign of Gu King's poison, but more like a deadly poison.

Before coming, Shen Yu took the Wujin pill that sealed his throat with blood. .

'Yu'er! What did you do? Tell Ben...

Jun Xianxiao checked in a panic. He was holding Zhizhu, but he suddenly felt at a loss. The blood in his chest surged, causing his internal organs to burst with pain.

Blood foamed from Shen Yu's mouth, his expression was dull, and he withdrew his right hand vigorously, only then did Jun Xuanxiao notice the emerald box he was holding, and Shen Yu stuffed it into Jun Xuanxiao's hand.Mouth |

"I don't want it! I only want you to live!''. Jun Xuanxiao didn't answer, but Shen Yu held him tightly with the last bit of strength. .

Shen Yu's consciousness is hazy, this is something you dream of, you have never opened it, how do you know you don't want it?

For this, I tried my best in the palace. .

Shen Yu's breath was weak, but he was obsessed with holding the emerald box. When Jun Xuanxiao opened the emerald box stiffly, the blood in his whole body rushed to the top of his head, and his consciousness exploded to pieces. .

Inside, there was actually a little finger lying there, and the blood had never coagulated!.

The key to the King Chu's tomb is actually the unique finger bone of the descendants of the Chu family!

"Yu... Yu'er

Jun Xuanxiao suddenly felt unprecedented fear! His voice trembled, and his whole body couldn't help shaking. He suddenly grabbed Shen Yu's left hand, and didn't dare to take off the bandage wrapped around his left hand, because he didn't dare to look! Dare to think!

"Why? Why are you doing this to me...

Jun Xuanxiao's eyes were red, his heart was being hacked into pieces by the shocking scene, his voice was hoarse and terribly hoarse.mouth


Shen Yu's eyes moved slightly, because I love you, the lord tortured me, abandoned me, used... I love you, but the lord still doesn't believe that someone is willing to give you life and death. , but never open your mouth. In fact, as long as you say a word, I will give you everything, as long as you want, as long as I have.

Shen Yu really wanted to taunt Jun Xuanxiao with sign language, wishing him eternal life, it was worth exchanging the life of a dumb slave for something that even the emperor could not ask for, but it was a pity that he was exhausted. .

That's the only way to go. Before he died, he could see boundless remorse on Jun Xuanxiao's distorted face, and he was worth it. .

Shu Yu'er can't live and die with the prince. I hate you, but I can't forget you, so I just wish to be separated from the prince and never see each other again.

Shen Yu's originally star-like pupils were finally covered with a layer of gray shadow, and he no longer looked bright.

"Yu'er, you can't...I don't want anything, you are not allowed to die...

Jun Xuanxiao's last strand of reason broke, he spoke incoherently, his face pressed against Shen Yu, he was afraid that if he let go one by one, Shen Yu would leave him. .

Jun Xianxiao opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound, tears rolled down his resolute face, he embedded Shen Yu in his arms, but he was powerless to stop Shen Yu's life from passing.

His chest was about to explode, and the veins on Jun Xuanxiao's forehead were bulging. What kind of arrogant dignity and power status, before losing his face, he was crushed to pieces...

He finally knew what it meant to be heartbroken. It turned out that not everything in the world was under his control. It turned out that when people cried, no matter whether they were dumb or not, it was equally ugly and unforgettable. .


In the former dynasty, the Taizu of Chu descended from heaven to be a genius, capable of both culture and martial arts, conquered from south to north, and conquered a vast territory, which was more than three times larger than that of Dajing today. .

Generation after generation of the royal family of the Chu family, outstanding talents emerged in large numbers, fighting against the odds and prospering the country, and creating an unprecedented prosperity. In fields such as Tiangong and medicine, the Chu family produced a large number of talents, and the Chu Dynasty was very prosperous and brilliant. .

However, prosperity is bound to decline. The people of the Chu family are proud of their talents, and they call themselves the proud sons of the sky. Intermarriage with foreigners is strictly prohibited. A heart palpitation spreads among the Chu family members. There are people who are proficient in medical skills, but they are helpless.mouth

It is said in the world that heaven is jealous of talents, and that the Chu royal family is too powerful to offend Tianwei.

The royal family of the direct line quickly withered and declined, unable to support the huge dynasty, and was finally destroyed by a group of crusades. 0|

Unwilling to hand over their hard work to others, the members of the Chu clan destroyed all the military classics and medical skills, buried the rest in the hidden Junshan Mausoleum, poured copper and iron to make it airtight, and arranged a direct descendant to guard the mausoleum.

The dynasties changed, and the Chu family, which used to stick to the rule of not intermarrying with foreigners, has been annihilated into the dust of history. Dajing took over the country, and the emperors of all dynasties coveted the treasures and documents of Junshan Mausoleum. In order to find the whereabouts of Junshan Mausoleum, the few remaining The descendants of the Chu family rushed to kill all of them, just to ask the whereabouts of Junshan Mausoleum that suddenly disappeared. Who would have thought that Yunmengze would change its course and Junshan Mausoleum would sink to the bottom of the lake.

Jun Xuanxiao was ambitious, and from the very beginning, he dreamed of establishing a prosperous dynasty like the Chu family. .

But when he finally got the "key" in the emerald box, he lost the most important thing, and there was only endless emptiness in his heart. He fell down on the steps in a daze, letting the imperial doctor come in and out in a daze. .

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that some things, no matter how powerful the force was, how powerful the power was, and how deep the scheme was, they could never be taken back.

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