Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1656 fans? ‘Night Club’ opening ceremony! ...

(Thank you very much for the rewards of ‘gs big wet’, ‘aaano forced ta’, ‘tanzit’!)


The clock tower of the 'Walpurkis Wangli Jiqiao Academy' sounded the rhythm, brought a light and solemn bell, turned it into an echo, and reverberated in the college.

Behind the Central Auditorium of the 'Walpurkis Wangli Machine College', there is a stage on the lawn between the school building of the Ministry of Medicine and the school building of the Faculty of Law.

A light car used for illuminating is arranged in all directions on the lawn, with wires plugged in, ready to work. At the forefront of the lawn is the temporary stage, the rear is the passage, and the left side is the central lecture hall. On the right is an ancient Roman-style auditorium that revolves around the entire lawn.

On this lawn, students dressed in black robe-like dresses gathered here in twos and threes, while talking, while watching the direction of the stage without any tension, more or less sent out some noisy sound.

This lawn is where the ‘night party’ is held, and it is also the battlefield for the ‘night club’ contestants!

Of course, the students who can gather in the battlefield and wear black-robes-like dresses, naturally, are the ‘guntlets’ who have the qualification of “night club”!

Students who couldn't participate in the 'night party' went to the audience and talked more loudly than the ‘guntlet’ on the field.

The opening of the 'night party'. There is still about fifteen minutes.

The official game of the 'gauntlets' was at the moment when the six o'clock bell rang.

And now, it is 5:15 in the afternoon.

At 5:30, the opening ceremony will be held until 6 o'clock, which is used for the opening speech.

During this waiting time, the 'gauntlets' in the field were temporarily ignored, and the audience in the audience was using this time to enjoy buying from nearby food salesmen or booths. The food is like a state of arguing like a circus.

This is not a strange thing.

For ‘giftlets’. The 'night club' is naturally able to win the throne of the 'Devil'. Get all the important games, but for those who don't qualify for the 'night club', the 'night club' is just an entertainment.

So, people can see it very clearly. In the audience. The sales staff of lunch, snacks, drinks and even alcohol are working in a well-organized manner with booths. They were all too busy to go around and rush around in the audience.

With a line of girls, silent, Charlotte and fellow. When I came to the audience, the black robe-like dress and the gloves on my hand revealed that the two were ‘gauntlets’, and many eyes were gathered here.

Charlotte kicked the ground with some irritability and complained.

“Why don’t you come directly to the scene? Isn’t that very eye-catching?...”

"It’s just as eye-catching as entering the market!" The silent audience screamed at the audience who seemed to be arguing as a ceremonial ceremonial.

"And you see, these people are like watching a monkey show, are you willing to go to the monkeys?..."

The Charlotte language was stuffed, and soon he opened his mouth again, seemingly wanting to say something, but a sound that sounded close to him covered her.

"Pancake ~ ~ just baked pancakes ~ ~ Someone wants?~~"

In the moment of hearing this sound, Astraya was like an ornament. The wing-like ornament that was decorated above the ear immediately moved, and the eyes were bright, at the source of the sound, and excitedly raised her hand. .

"I! I want! Give it to me!"

"Yes!" The salesman with a box full of pancakes ran over with a smile on his face. It was a girl who looked a little older than Charlotte and was a lively and lovely girl.

"Astraya sauce, haven't you just had lunch?..." On the side, Xia Yin pulled Astra's clothes and whispered.

"This is a big gluttony, bad for the body..."

"诶~~~" Astrea suddenly made a disappointment.

"But, people really want to eat..."

"No! Astraya sauce!" Lisa, like a sister, crossed her waist and learned.

“Girls can’t be too good in this public setting, otherwise they will hurt the image...”

"That..." Seeing that things have evolved into a situation where I don’t know if I will buy them. The face of the girl who sells pancakes has a distressed expression and stands in the same place.

When I saw it, I sighed without a word and pulled out my wallet.

Everyone came here specially, but this is not to buy, but it is very embarrassing.

"Sorry, please give me a pancake..."

“Thank you...” The girl’s face reappeared with a smile. She just wanted to say “thank you for patronage,” but when I saw no words, I stayed for a moment, and then my eyes glowed.

"You are the 'scarleteyes', is it true that adults are right?..."

"Oh..." No words, no words, nodded with confusion.

"Do you know me?…"

"It’s my pleasure to see you!" The girl did not answer, but fiercely grabbed the wallet in her hand, and the silent hand that was there, the opening of joy.

"Right! This pancake will be given to you! Congratulations on your congratulations on the 'night party'!"

"No... that's too embarrassing..."

"Please don't be polite!" The girl stuffed a pancake into the silent hand, followed by a shy and stunned look, suddenly poked her head, 'squeaky' and kissed her on the faceless face. .

"Yeah ~ ~ kissed ~ ~" The girl screamed, a smog, escaped without a shadow, leaving a very incomprehensible hand holding the pancakes, stupid on the spot.

The next moment, next to it, a burst of bitter cold began to rise.

"Sure enough, it's a metamorphosis..." Charlotte's cold mouth.

"The expression of the aftertaste is oh..." Yansha screamed at the gang and said angrily.

"Master! Stupid! Bad!" Even Astria fell and fell into disarray.

Icarus and Xia Yin did not say anything, but they were a little uneasy in their eyes, just as they were afraid of being taken away by others.

That month, I was silent, but I used a pair of eyes of Gujing to keep a close eye on the speechlessness, which brought unspeakable pressure to the speechlessness.

"I didn't do anything well?!"

"How do I know what happened to the girl, how could I suddenly come over?!"

"Oh..." Charlotte was overdone.

"That is probably your fan..."


"You are one of the ‘13 people (meat nds)’, how many will have their own fans...” Charlotte stunned.

"What's so strange about this?..."

"Okay..." No words can only sigh again, raising the pancakes in his hand.

"Do you eat or not?"

"Of course!" The grievances on Astra's face disappeared instantly, and in exchange for joy, I took the pancakes in my hands.

"This time should be rejected!" Shasha could not help but sound.

"Astraya sauce, you will let your brother escape!"

"Can pancakes are innocent!" Astrea said with a smug face, forced a bite of pancakes, and chewed happily.

"good to eat!"

Looking at the pretty face filled with happiness, everyone present can only make a bitter laughter, but it can't complain anyway.

At this time, on the lawn, the band around the stage began to blow up the horn, and the flock of birds was deliberately released, soaring and flying in the air.

"Oh oh oh oh----!"

The onlookers gathered their hands and cheered.

Because that is the precursor to the opening ceremony of the 'night party'!

"This time, it won't be on!" Charlotte calmly tightened his dress.

"Okay, let's go!"

Silently shrugged his shoulders, carrying five girls, that month, Icarus, Astraya, Laksa, and Xia Yin, and moved to the battlefield of the 'night club'.

Just as he stepped on the lawn representing the 'night club' battlefield, a man in a dress was out of the 'gauntlet' that was lined up, as if he were going to roll off the opening ceremony, passing through the silent side. .

For a moment, when the man passed by with nothing, his body shape paused, and then, his face was condensed, and he stepped down.

The man seemed to have completed the task, and hurriedly left the scene. Without words, he stood still in the same place and raised his hand.

Above, holding a note that I just got... (to be continued.)

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