Shoujo Grand Summoning

: 1655 Take away the most important thing for a girl? ...

(Thank you very much for the 1888 reward for ‘Macho Max’! and the rewards of ‘Dream of the Dream’, ‘Panda!’, ‘Thunder’, ‘Little Wind’!

‘Valpulkis Wang Liji Academy’, student restaurant...

With the five girls of that month, Icarus, Astraya, Laksa, and Xia Yin, they watched the students around them looking at their own eyes and looking at the girls’ stunned eyes. In the student restaurant.

I don’t know if it’s a fate or a fate. I just walked into the restaurant. I saw a fairy-tale girl with a plate in her hand and a small dragon on her shoulder.

"Oh!" Without thinking, he raised his hand without words, and he said hello.

"Come to eat?..."

When he heard the sound, Charlotte’s shoulders shook exaggeratedly, turned his head sharply, and looked at the entrance of the student’s restaurant. When he saw the silence standing there, the pretty face appeared a panicked look.

Then, Charlotte did not even say a greeting, twisted and fled to the other direction.

"Icarus!" A face that said "I knew you would be like this" did not change the color and waved to Icarus. "Catch her!"

Icarus quickly converted a pair of eyes into pink with an unreal square, and his hand extended out in the direction of Charlotte.


In the next moment, Charlotte, who was running away, suddenly appeared a spherical protective barrier made up of crystals, trapped Charlotte inside, suspended, and hung in the air.

"Let me go out! Let me go out!" Charlotte first glimpsed, and then violently knocked out the ‘aegis’, which knocked her out. Still shouting.

"Help! Who will save me! I will be perverted to invade!"

"Who is a pervert?!" With a line of girls, she came to the silent slap in front of Charlotte's ‘aegis.

"Moreover, just a metamorphosis. Don't dare to attack you?..."

"You are a pervert! Let me go out!" Charlotte glared at the silence, and there was water vapor in his eyes.

"Don't you. Are you going to take me home to enjoy today?!"

"If I can, I don't mind..." He moved a chair without a word, and took a recent table. He sat down with a group of girls and looked at the 'aegis (absolute defense circle) 'Charlotte in the protective barrier. "However, I am hungry now, wait for the meal, then come and enjoy it!"

"You..." Charlotte swallowed a slobber. A weak face.

"You shouldn't be coming true?..."

"It depends on what you mean..." The wordless turned a blank eye and said nothing.

"In the early morning, not only did you see people running, but also called me abnormal?..."

"You are a pervert!" Charlotte snorted.

"Don't you forget the things that you did not do to the animals that I did yesterday?!"

The voice of Charlotte has just fallen, and in the student restaurant, there was a burst of ‘噼里啪啦’, and the sound of a group of people falling to the ground and the sound of the plates and cutlery broke back.

The students who were dining in the student restaurant clearly heard Charlotte's words, with an indescribable silence, squinting back and forth with speechless and Charlotte. Silence for a while, and soon, many people have raised their thumbs for speechlessness.

Can give the ‘the tyrannical rex’ to the uniform. And to make the so-called 'the things that are not as good as the beasts', this is enough to hold up the legend of the myth in the whole "Walpurkis Wangli Jiqiao Academy", and the students are not allowed to admire the speechless.

Under the gaze of admiring the same gaze as paying homage, the leisurely expression on the faceless face could not be saved, and the refutation of the voice could not help.

"Don't you say something that is easy to misunderstand? Is it something that I did not do to you yesterday?..."

"You forgot? You forgot! You dare to forget!" Charlotte yelled.

"Yesterday, you just didn't want to take away the "most important thing for girls" in me?!"

This time, the students in the student restaurant all cried up, and even the meals in the mouth were spewed out.

"Brother!" On the side, it seems that even Shasha believes in Charlotte's words, revealing a sinister expression.

"You shouldn't. Do you do something like Miss Charlotte?..."

"What?!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"He almost took your first kiss?!"

"First kiss?..." That month, Laksa, Xia Yin, and Astria Qiqi were horrified, and at the same time they said a word that made the audience quiet again.

"Just just kiss?..."

It is like a duck that has been caught in the neck. For a moment, the entire student restaurant was silent.

Just a kiss?

What does it mean?

It means that ‘eyes’ not only account for the cheapness of ‘rex’. It also accounts for the cheapness of its own 'automatic dolls', and is this cheaper than the 'kiss'?

This time, the students in the student restaurant looked at the silent eyes, which was the admiration and admiration from the beginning, the transition to contempt and contempt.

"Phenomenon! Great perversion! Invincible big metamorphosis! The first big metamorphosis in the sky!" Charlotte roared again and again.

"Even your own ‘automatic doll’ is cheaper, like a pervert like you, why not die soon?!”

"I want to die now..." There was a smile on my face that was full of smiles and a headache.

"I am asking you, although I don't care about rumors, don't smear my image?..."

It is said that whether it is that month, Laksa, Astrea or Charlotte is angry.


That is obviously what you actually did, is this smeared?

It seems that even the onlookers feel dissatisfied and make a small and inaudible voice.

"Smelly metamorphosis... abnormal bastard..."

"I have said no..." The conditional launch is intended to be refuted by a sneak peek, turning his head and looking to the side, the next moment, a face twisted together.

"Fu Lei Xuejie..."

The person who stood next to him and made a sound was the one who made the speechless into a wolf yesterday, and the main culprit of the five girls who accompanied him, Fu Lei.

Today, the 'automatic doll' that is next to Fu Lei is only Rabbi, and the others are gone. Fu Lei’s hand holds a bamboo basket that makes the silent speech suddenly miss a shot, and twists and turns to come over. And sent to the faceless speech.

Looking at the front of the room, the luxury is unusual, as if it can be done in a high-end restaurant, the extremely rich sandwiches, the faceless convulsions.

"This... what is it about?..."

"Oh..." Fu Lei sneaked a sneak peek at her, and her eyes could not drift.

"Xie Li..."

"This stalk, you have used it yesterday!" He glanced at the bamboo basket that he gave to himself, and he said nothing.

"So, I don't need it, please take it back!"

The refusal of being so cold, the girl with long hair on the side of the pearl was suddenly petrified, and her feet were soft. She fell to the ground and hugged the Rabbi who was accompanied by her. Sound, crying.

"Is it good for me to cry?..." The words are big.

"I was hurt by you yesterday. You must have put something in it today, right?..."

"Hey..." Fu Lei buried herself in Rabbi's fur, and she didn't know whether it was really bitter or fake, and her shoulders were shaking.

"you do not believe me…"

"You just pitted me yesterday, how can I believe in you?!"

If you entangle this way, you will end up with no end. At the moment, there is no word to change the topic.

"Right, how did you bring the rabbi today?..."

This technique of transferring the topic did work, and Fu Lei looked up and replied softly.

"I want everyone to take a break and prepare to cope with the battle tonight..."

"The battle tonight?..." Silently and a line of girls.

"Hey!" Charlotte, who was trapped in ‘aegis’, was helpless.

"You shouldn't forget, this evening is the opening ceremony of the 'night party'?..."

Charlotte reminded me that no words and other talents thought about it.

"So to say..." There is no doubt that there are some uncertain openings.

“Today, the ‘night party’ is opening?...”

"And there are ninety-nine and one hundred first battles!" Charlotte glanced at Fu Lei.

"That is to say, this evening, Fu Lei will fight the Dongyang people!"

Suddenly, all the people gathered their eyes on Fu Lei.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Fu Lei gave a somewhat determined smile, and people could not help but let go of their hearts.

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