Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 256: Beggars in the new era, visiting shops for free

  Chapter 256 Beggars in the new era, visiting shops for free

   "The two hold a grudge and spread rumors about your grandfather."

   "Despite your grandfather's repeated excuses, it was of no avail."

   "I was labeled a profiteer by two people with ulterior motives."

   "Your grandfather lived a life of innocence, and when he was old, he suffered unjust injustice, which made your grandfather have extreme ideas."

  Chen Yu sighed.

   "Profitable businessman? Wouldn't it be a colleague who came here to find trouble?"

   "It is said that colleagues are enemies, and this is not deceiving me."

   "If they bully my grandfather, I will kill them."

   Seeing the water friends speculate that their peers are coming to cause trouble, the cat and dog are the winners in life.

   Instinctively felt that this was impossible.

   "My grandfather runs an old teahouse, and there is nothing else in it except tea and boiling water."

   "Those new teahouses are beautifully decorated, and the waiters are all beautiful women. My grandfather is the only one busy in my teahouse, and the customers are all elderly people."

   "It will not create competitive pressure on other teahouses."

  At this time, another water friend sent a barrage.

  It is suspected that the real estate agent did it.

   "Everyone, stop guessing. These two uninvited guests are neither colleagues nor real estate developers."

   "Their identity is the same as mine, a network anchor."

   "To be precise, the two are Tandian hosts."

   Chen Yu explained.

  The water friends suddenly realized.

   No wonder the two of them didn't plan to give money after drinking tea.

  Before, there were only two types of people who could do this kind of thing.

   One category is people who deliberately find fault.

  The other category is those guys who have no money and want to eat free food.

  With the development of the times, on top of these two types of people, another type of people has emerged.

   Explore the store anchor.

  Internet live broadcasts have spawned various types of anchors.

  Some anchors sang and danced, and some anchors struck up conversations outdoors.

   If you want to say that the number is the largest now, it is none other than Tandian anchors.

   Whenever there is a new store opening, the boss who is familiar with how to attract traffic will invite a dozen or dozens of store anchors to promote the store in different ways.

  The boss gave up his annual salary of hundreds of millions and returned to his hometown to open a boutique gourmet restaurant.

   Not for making money, just for making friends.

  Let more people taste the delicious food that they carefully crafted.

   Not all anchors who visit stores can receive promotional sheets.

   Influential store-exploring anchors can make money while lying down.

  The anchor of Tandian, who just started broadcasting, needs to find business by himself.

   Among them, there are many people who eat and drink indiscriminately, using the excuse of visiting shops for free food.

  Tell the boss that he is the anchor of the store, and use the excuse of helping publicity to eat and drink.

   "Doctor Chen, is that so?"

  The winner of a cat and dog in life doesn't know much about Tandian anchors.

  Seeing all kinds of mocking barrages sent by water friends, the first feeling is that the world is so big, there are no surprises.

  Chen Yu nodded and said, "The water friends are right, the two who forced your grandfather to death were the latter."

   "I heard that Tandian makes money, so this couple bought equipment following the trend and started Tandian business."

  “Women act as anchors for filming, and men are responsible for filming.”

   "The two people who have just entered the industry don't understand anything, thinking that as long as they go to the store to show their identities, the boss will hire them to help promote it."

   "After a few months of mixing, I haven't received many orders for business. I finally understand that it is not so easy to be an anchor of Tandian."

   "Although they didn't make any money, the two of them have mastered the ability to eat and drink together."

   "That day, the two of them went out looking for opportunities as usual. They passed by your teahouse and were thirsty, so they decided to go in for a free cup of tea."

   "After drinking, the two of them will reveal their identities to your grandfather as usual."

   "It shows that it is the anchor of the store, no matter where you go to consume, you don't have to pay."

   "Your grandfather, like you, has no idea what a Tandian anchor is."

   "If you think the two of you have no money, forget it."

   "The two feel that your grandfather is easy to talk, and they have new ideas."

   "Haunt your grandpa and ask your grandpa to pay them a promotion fee to ensure that your store will be popular."

   Taking advantage of Chen Yu's pause, the winner of both cats and dogs asked.

   "Is it because of this that my grandpa lost his temper?"

   "Not really."

  Chen Yu said lightly.

   "Your grandpa is getting old, and his ears are a little behind."

   "I don't know what a Tandian anchor is, and the whole process is confusing."

   "Thinking that the two of them had no money to eat and wanted to help the store work, your grandfather gave them a hundred dollars."

   "Taking a hundred yuan for nothing, the two are not satisfied, claiming that they are extremely influential anchors for exploring stores."

   "Usually when promoting to others, if the amount is less than 10,000 yuan, they don't even pay attention to it."

   "Seeing how old your teahouse is, and your grandfather's benevolent look, that's why he discounted it and only charged 5,000 yuan."

   "Under the endless entanglement of the two, your grandfather finally figured it out, saying that his teahouse does not need publicity."

   "The two of you are sure that your grandfather is a bully, so one will sing the good face and the other will sing the bad face."

   "While bragging about his great influence, while threatening your grandpa inside and outside the words."

   "If you don't ask them for promotion, they will expose this store."

   "Your grandpa was so annoying that he gave them another fifty dollars based on the idea that more things are worse than less things."

   "The two were still not satisfied, and started recording videos on the spot."


  The winner of both cats and dogs in life hit the table with a punch.

  It’s not a store visit, it’s a money grab.

  "A new method of blackmailing people in the Internet age."

   "My family owns a restaurant. A group of people came in and ate more than a dozen dishes. In the end, they asked me to waive the order, saying that they were big internet celebrities who posted a promotional video, and my family's business would explode. I called the police directly."

   "Grumpy old man 666666."

   "The current Tandian anchors are similar to the ancient beggars."

   "It's like hanging a sign at the door of my brother's shop that prohibits internet celebrities and dogs from entering. Wouldn't it be better?"

  "Internet celebrities are all negative images, and they are all thanks to this group of people."

   "If it's really a big internet celebrity, you don't have more than a hundred or two hundred thousand, please don't invite them. These people are so poor that they urinate blood, and they eat and drink for free under the banner of exploring shops."

  The water friends were filled with righteous indignation.

  I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless men and women.

   To avoid their tea money, give them another one hundred and fifty yuan.

  The old man has done his best.

   Not only did the two not leave, but they also made negative videos, and their consciences were eaten by dogs.

  This kind of thing, whoever is the boss, can't stand it.

  Chen Yu continued to talk, and the two demoted the teahouse to nothing in the video.

   Picking bones from the eggs again, making a fuss about his teacups and teapots.

  Cats and dogs have a scary face in life.

  The teacups and teapots used to entertain guests in the store have been used for decades.

   There is tea stain in the teacup, which cannot be wiped off even with a steel wool ball.

  The teapot is smoky every day, and there is a thick layer of black ash on the outside.

   "The teacup and teapot were bought by your grandma when she was alive. For your grandpa, it is a memory of his dead wife."

   "The two accused your grandfather of never being hygienic, and the more he talked, the more vicious he was."

   "For the first time in his life your grandpa got mad and kicked them out."

   "After leaving, the two edited the video they had taken and posted it online with a sensational title."

  (end of this chapter)

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