Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 255: The good man gets angry and proves his innocence by death

  Chapter 255 The good guy gets angry and proves his innocence by death

"no, I can not!"

   "Doctor Chen, you must be lying to me, grandpa will not die."

  The winner of life with both cats and dogs staggered up from his chair.

   Unexpectedly, more than ten days ago, the last video call was actually a farewell to grandpa.

   Reason told him that Chen Yu would not deceive him.

  But his emotions did not allow him to believe that grandpa was about to die.

  After his parents passed away, his grandfather raised him with painstaking efforts in the old teahouse handed down from his ancestors.

  My career has just started to improve, and I haven't had time to honor my grandfather, why is my grandfather leaving...

  Looking at the heartbroken cat and dog winner in life on the screen, water friends sent sympathetic barrages one after another.

  Many water friends feel bad when they think of their deceased relatives.

  Chen Yu sighed softly, and said: "This patient, you should book the ticket first, and I will tell you the specific reason later."

   "My grandpa..."

   "Book tickets first."

  Chen Yu said in a deep voice: "If you don't book a ticket, the last ticket will be snatched away."

  The cat and dog winner in life slapped himself twice hard, forcing himself to remain calm.

  According to what Chen Yu said, he took out his mobile phone and booked a flight back home tonight.

   Taking advantage of this gap, water friends sent a lot of barrage.

   Some people wonder why the old man is lying in the city hospital next door.

  Some people speculate that the old man may really have Alzheimer's disease, and walked to the next city in a daze.

  Followed by a car accident or other accident.

   "Doctor Chen, I've already booked the ticket, now can you tell me why my grandpa can't do it?"

   "The last time I made a video with my grandpa, I didn't find any other problems except that my grandpa's memory was a bit poor."

   "His health is still very good."

   "Say it quickly!"

  The winner of both cats and dogs in life is impatient.

  Chen Yu said: "Your grandfather had an accident, not because of an accident, but because he chose to end his life by himself."

   "What? Self-explanation...could it be suicide!"

  The winner of both cats and dogs in life has dilated pupils.

  The water friends were taken aback.

   "I see. His grandfather must have found out some terminal illness. In order not to hurt his grandson, that's why he did this."

   "Why is the uncle so stupid? In order not to implicate his grandson, he chose to commit suicide. This will make his grandson feel guilty for the rest of his life."

  “I heard that some elderly people in rural areas will choose to give up treatment when they learn that they are terminally ill.”

   "Choose to kill yourself, why did you run to the next city?"

  The guesses of the water friends are varied.


  The winner of life with both cats and dogs fell to his knees and wailed loudly.

  Grandpa shouldn't have gone this way.

  Even if he loses everything, he will cure grandpa's illness.

   "Grandpa, why are you doing this! You raised me up, and when you are old, it is my turn to take care of you."

   "Why are you doing this..."

  The winner of the life of both cats and dogs screamed and smashed the ground with his fists.

   After a while, several foreigners in overalls came in outside.

  Ji Li Gua La said a lot, and helped the cat and dog to become winners in life.

   "Get out, you all get out!"

  The winner of the life of both cats and dogs pushed the foreign staff out of the tent and wiped away tears.

   "Doctor Chen, my grandpa is still alive, right?"

   "You are supernatural, you must have a way to heal his injury!"

   After all, the winner of both cats and dogs will kneel down and beg.

   "This patient, please don't get excited."

   "I will do my best for your grandfather's injury."

  Chen Yu paused and comforted him.

   "Your grandfather chose to kill himself, not because he was diagnosed with a terminal illness, but because he was forced to die."

  As soon as these words came out, there was a brief silence in the live broadcast room.

   "Your family's ancestral teahouse is in your local area, and it is one of the few time-honored teahouses left, right?"

   I don't understand why Chen Yu changed the topic to the teahouse, but he still gave a positive answer.

  The teahouse in his family has been passed down for four generations.

  It has been more than 100 years since it opened.

  With the development of the times, fewer and fewer guests go to this old teahouse to drink tea.

  Most of the customers in the store are elderly people.

  After work, the winner of the cat and dog life has persuaded grandpa to close the teahouse more than once.

  After paying the water, electricity and miscellaneous expenses with the daily turnover of the teahouse, there is not a few dollars left at all.

  “My grandfather said that teahouses are an industry handed down from our ancestors. Several generations of my family have relied on teahouses to make a living. I was able to go to university and graduate school because of the money earned from teahouses.”

  After listening to the history of the teahouse, Chen Yu nodded and said: "The reason why I asked you about the origin of this teahouse is that everything is related to the teahouse."

   "A few days ago, your grandfather was wronged."

   "With no one to uphold justice for him, your grandfather used the extreme method of suicide to prove his innocence."

   "And if he commits suicide locally, in case someone recognizes him, he will definitely contact you."

   "You are working abroad, he doesn't want to interfere with your work because of his death, and finally chooses to go to other places to commit suicide."

   "Take a car to the city next door, which is 100 kilometers away, and jump from a four-story building."

   "Fortunately, there is an illegally built canopy below. Your grandfather hit it, and the force of the fall was somewhat buffered, and finally fell to the ground."

   "Although he is not dead, the situation is still very serious."

  The water friends were dumbfounded.

  The old man was wronged and wanted to prove his innocence by death?

  The winner of both cats and dogs in life was shocked.

  Grandpa has a kind and kind personality, no matter who he is, he always has a smiling face.

  He has a better heart than a Bodhisattva.

   "Doctor Chen, what wronged my grandfather suffered, why did he prove his innocence with death?"

  Returning to God, cats and dogs are both winners in life, and ask the most critical questions.

  Why did Grandpa commit suicide?

  Grandpa lived happily all his life, with a better mentality than himself.

  The most common saying is that a loss is a blessing.

   It is convenient for you and others.

  Chen Yu said: "The day after you and your grandfather talked last time, two unexpected guests came to the teahouse."

   "After the two finished their tea, they didn't intend to give money."

   "Your grandfather didn't take it seriously, thinking that the two of them might have encountered suffering."

   "What happened next made your grandfather, a good old man, angry for the first time in his life."

   "It also brought about a heinous disaster."

  Hearing this, the Cat and Dog Life winner said in disbelief: "My grandpa got angry with people? How is this possible."

  Since he was a child, he has never seen his grandpa get angry.

  Even if others don’t pay for tea, Grandpa just smiles lightly.

  He has guessed more than once that grandpa may not know what anger is at all.

  The grandfather who has been a good man all his life was first fired.

   Not long after, I was forced to commit suicide again. What is it all about?

  What are the origins of these two uninvited guests?

  (end of this chapter)

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