By the way, if I hadn't left school because of that door, would I still be called the Shadow Student Council President in the private Hogunhara Academy?

But this is also the case. Although he is not called the Kage Student Council President, but is called Brownie of Sui Gunhara, the vacuum cleaner of the Kyudo Club, Shirou Emiya will do a lot of things for the student council because of Yanagi Kazunari. .

Although he is not a member of the student council, he has provided more help to Kazunari Yanagi than the people in the student council. He even said that if it were not for being on the same level as Shirou Emiya, Kazunari Yanagi would have wanted to pass the student council president to Emiya. Miya Shirou.

It's not wrong to say he is the Shadow Student Council President.

"Forget it! I told you that you don't know anything about the school. In short, you only need to know that Hiyer is a celebrity in the school. You almost forgot that you are also a celebrity in the school."

He has never been to school, his attendance rate is almost zero, and his test scores are basically at the bottom. But even so, he has not repeated a grade, and it is said that he has contacts with all the famous people in the school.

For example, some people have seen Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura coming out of the Emiya residence to go to school together.

For example, it is said that the reason why Sakura Matou beat Shinji Matou was because of Shirou Emiya's instructions.

Emiya Shirou is not in school, but the school has always had the legend of Emiya Shirou.

The reputation does not decrease but increases, and of course it is a bad reputation.

A considerable part of it is due to Matou Shinji and is deliberately discredited.

"I probably understand."

Emiya Shirou looked at Hier's back and smiled bitterly.

The other party must have used suggestion magic, otherwise a Hier senior sister would appear out of thin air from Suiqunhara Academy.

Hier seemed to have noticed Shirou Emiya's gaze, turned her head slightly, and showed a very sweet smile to him.

"Hiss! What is the relationship between you and Senior Sister Hiyer? I have never seen Senior Sister smile like this!"

Seeing Hier smiling like this at Emiya Shirou, Yanado Kazunari took a deep breath.

[Of course you haven't seen it, because Hier never went to Suogunhara Academy]

Emiya Shirou complained in his heart, even if he told Kazunari Yanado, he wouldn't believe it.

"It's nothing, just friends."

"Emiya, don't you think the concentration of female friends around you is a bit too high?"

Yanado Kazunari pushed up his glasses and made the same complaint that Fujimura Taiga once made.

"There are a total of seventeen people in this dinner party, fourteen of whom are women, and basically all of them are women related to you."

He really cares about Emiya Shirou's mate selection. Although he doesn't want Tohsaka Rin to give Emiya Shirou a cabbage, he also doesn't want Emiya Shirou to become a scumbag.

Tohsaka Rin: What are you talking about! ! ! ? ? What do you mean, I gave Emiya Shirou a cabbage!

"I don't know how to say this, but I just happen to know that most of the people I know are women."

Emiya Shirou could only scratch the back of his head and responded helplessly to Yanagi Kazunari.

"Speaking of which, I actually have another question."


"Is this really your sister's house? Isn't it a bit too, uh, how should I describe it?"

Ryudou Kazunari couldn't describe it. He had been to the Emiya Residence, which was a mansion that many people would never be able to live in for several lifetimes. He also knew that although he was a little surprised, he was just surprised.

But he could only describe this castle as shocked. Except on TV, Liudong Yisheng had never seen such a big castle in real life. It was a castle where people lived, and it was a castle for his acquaintance's sister.


However, before Shirou Emiya could finish his words, a somewhat childish voice came from behind him and directly took over the words.

"Of course not!"


Emiya Shirou looked at Illya who appeared behind them with some surprise. Wasn't she with Sister Fuji?

Then Emiya Shirou raised his head slightly and saw Sajo Aika, who was now tightly squeezed into Fujimura Taiga's arms, trying to struggle but unable to move.

She stared at Sajo Ayaka with her tearful and touching eyes, and there were two words written in them - save me! Save me! Save me! Save me! Save me!

Sajo Ayaka——

Jundou didn't see it, ignored Sajou Aika's plea for help, and walked towards Emiya Shirou and the others.

Finally, someone can finally take care of his sister!

Sajo Ayaka showed a happy smile and shed tears of relief.

"Emiya, it is a crime to deceive a primary school student!"

Liudong Yichen coughed twice, patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"You're the primary school boy! Berserker!"

"Wait! Wait! No need!"

Shirou Emiya hurriedly stopped him. Once Hercules came out, Yanagi Dong's three views might collapse.

"Hmph! I'm Shirou's sister!"


[There is indeed something wrong with Shirou Emiya’s Youthful Love Story] - Before the Fifth Holy Grail War, some stories about Shirou Emiya’s daily life in school, the Shura field, etc., only lasted about ten to twenty chapters, and the Fuyuki interlude was almost the same. length of a roll.

[Shirou Emiya’s Fifth Holy Grail War indeed has its problems] - Go directly beyond daily life and start the story of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

I am more hesitant. Let's see which one has more votes. The deadline is before the end of this volume, but it is almost over. Maybe in the next few days, I will take a look and count when I write the next volume.

Vote in the thread?(^?^*).

Chapter 1156. Ahead, it's hell! (Refresh)

"Fighting for humanity, I don't have such a lofty goal, nor do I have such a lofty goal——"

Listening to Leo's words to encourage morale, Matou Shinji responded with great disdain.

What fighting for humanity? His ideal is not so great as to save humanity. Compared with saving humanity, he wants to be the number one in this world game.

In this world, step on everyone under your feet, become a true champion, become the only champion, and become the object of admiration of thousands of people.

Listening to Matou Shinji's words, everyone present was stunned.

"But, I'm very angry, I'm really unhappy!"

"Why is he the only one who wants to be a hero, why is he the center of attention!!"

Matou Shinji rebuked angrily, as if he was really unhappy with all of Emiya Shirou's actions.

He wanted to be a hero, he wanted to stand beside Emiya Shirou and face such a crisis with him.

He didn't want to see himself being cowardly, on the road to becoming a champion, he didn't allow cowardice, and he shouldn't hide behind others!

He is Emiya Shirou's best friend - Matou Shinji.

"I will kill Emiya Shirou, and he should die in my hands! Sesshōin Kiara will be easily taken down by me, a game genius!"

"If your legs don't tremble, I will have more trust in you killing Sesshōin Kiara-"

"What do you care!!!"

Tousaka Rin couldn't help but complain when she saw Matou Shinji, whose legs were shaking because of fear.

However, the hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage. It is courage that allows mankind to burst out with amazing creativity; it is courage that allows mankind to overcome the fear of death and achieve one achievement after another; it is also courage that allows mankind to leave behind many epic stories.

Facing a situation where death is almost certain, being able to stand up like this means that Shinji Matou's future achievements will not be low.

"It really fits Shinji. If not for mankind, I can be said to be selfish-"

Julius, who was standing behind Leo, couldn't help but mutter to himself when he saw Shinji Matou say this.

"No, brother, this is not selfish. You have always fought for the orders of others. This time, how about fighting for yourself-!"

Looking at Julius who seemed to want to say something, Leo narrowed his eyes slightly, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Julius used to be like a machine, meticulously dealing with the enemies of the family.

Leo's mother's love saved Julius, but also pushed him into another abyss, an abyss from which he could never escape.

But to be honest, even without Leo's mother, Julius' life would not be much better.

"I know, Lord Leo——"

This battle was not only due to Leo's instructions, but also due to his own will. To be honest, he would not put Leo's safety first.

Instead, he would kill the person in front of him as his primary goal.


Unfortunately, he and Li Shuwen had been together for too short a time, and he did not learn the essence, but only learned a little bit of fur.

"If possible, I hope you can call me brother——"

"Lord Leo, don't make such jokes at this time, I am used to calling you that."

Hearing Leo's irrelevant words at this moment, Julius couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Without the oppression of the Holy Grail War, Leo, who became the president of the Student Council on the far side of the moon, is good at everything, but he always says some irrelevant words that make people unable to respond.

"You are fighting for yourself and for humanity. What we can do now, whether it is to escape from the far side of the moon, save humanity from Kiara Sesshōin, or want to avenge Shirou Emiya, we can't get around each other."

Looking at the people who are sure of their own beliefs, Rin Tohsaka suddenly turned into a complainer and spoke without understanding at all.

Anyway, the final goal is to defeat Kiara Sesshōin, so what's the point of saying so much?

"You can't say that, Miss Tohsaka, this is to strengthen your own beliefs."

Just when she was complaining, Rani from the old school building sent a communication and rejected her words.

"The power of desire called [happiness] emitted by Sesshōin Kiara is an indescribable poison to humans, but it is not impossible to resist. The stronger her belief and the more determined her will, the more she can maintain her own consciousness to a great extent-"

"President Leo must have thought of blocking the desire that permeates this space by strengthening his own beliefs after hearing what Matou Shinji said-"

"Is that so?"

After hearing Lani's words, Toosaka Rin thought about it for a while and understood the effect of such words.

"So, Miss Toosaka, which category do you mean?"


"I have never allowed him to die here like this!! Really, a Master should act like a Master!"

Tohsaka Rin gritted her teeth and answered, still scolding Shirou Emiya as usual, as if he was still alive.

But only Tohsaka Rin herself knew how much she blamed herself. If she could have stopped Shirou Emiya earlier and changed his twisted personality during the period of Moonlight, would the ending be different?

Shirou Emiya risked his life to save her, but she did nothing.

She was unwilling to stand behind Shirou Emiya and watch him die like this.

She had not even repaid Shirou Emiya for saving her life.

Thinking of this, Tohsaka Rin clenched her hands tightly.

"Becoming a savior seems good--!"

And Kishinami Hakuno just smiled slightly and said this to Archer.


Archer also responded with a smile at this moment, holding the longbow in his hand tightly, looking at Sesshōin Kiara who did not move in the distance.

The only one who could resist her treasure, Shirou Emiya, was dead. Sesshōin Kiara no longer took everyone present seriously. It should be said that except for herself, everyone else was a beast full of desire.

She stood quietly in the distance, without taking action, but watching the farce in front of her.

Because in her opinion, the other party's behavior was too ridiculous, so ridiculous that she couldn't bear to take action.

"Let me see what other means you have to please me!"

Chapter 1157 Dinner, officially started! (Refresh)

"Everyone, are you okay?"

Sakura slowly stood up from the ground, looked at the people behind her who were covering their heads, and asked with some concern.

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