She came here earlier to say that her cleaning job was taken over, and now she has to take over her cooking job.


Emiya Shirou could only look at Sera innocently.

"Jane, you, Hiyer, and Kallen will decorate the castle and make it full of New Year's atmosphere."


Jeanne nodded firmly.

"Saber and I took a car to the shopping mall to buy things. I called Issei, Ayako, and Ayaka out to help."

Tohsaka Rin quickly made arrangements. As for Fujimura Taiga, Erquet, and Illya, it would be good if they didn't cause any trouble.

"Action! Action! Action! Action!"

Shouting like this, Tohsaka Rin immediately ran towards the door.

Others were also very active and started taking away the things they wanted to use.

Decoration of decoration, preparation of ingredients for preparation of ingredients.

"Ah sneeze!!"

Liudong Yisheng, who was still at Liudong Temple at this time, couldn't help but sneeze.

He still doesn't know what he will experience later.

When I was shopping, Issei Liudong was the only male. He was about to become a pallu among pallu.

Chapter 1,154 You really buy what you see

"Shirou! Ugh! I was almost killed on the shopping street."

Yanagi Kazunari let out a sound of passing away, and then fell forward very weakly. Seeing this, Emiya Shirou quickly stretched out his hand to support him.

"Is it okay!"

"Do I look like nothing is wrong?"

As he said that, Liu Dongyi Cheng rolled up his sleeves, and his arms were covered with strangulation marks, large and small.

It's not abuse, it's just that there are too many large and small bags that Issei needs to carry.

You must know that Liudong Yisheng's physical fitness is not bad, it can even be described as excellent.

As a child of Liudong Temple, he began to practice as a monk since he was a child. Not only did he walk two hours to school every day, he also went back every day to practice various practices like those monks.

Basically, it can be said that he is at the top of high school students. He is also among the best in sports meets held by the school. There is nothing to say about his physical fitness.

However, this kind of person has a look of decadence written all over his face now.

"They don't treat me as a human being at all, they treat me like an animal."

God knows why he agreed with Tohsaka Rin and Mizu Ayako at that time and went to the shopping street with them. Maybe he was dazzled by the word Shirou.

"Feel sorry!"

Emiya Shirou could only smile bitterly at this time, because he was actually not bad when he went shopping with Tohsaka Rin and the others. It was just that Emiya Shirou's current physical fitness was completely on the same level as that of a Servant, so he could still bear it. .

But Kazunari Ryudou is a normal person, a normal high school student, a normal high school student with a good martial arts value.

"You can't move just this little thing. How far is your cultivation still?"

Tohsaka Rin heard Issei's cry, but didn't take it seriously at all, and made a disdainful mocking sound.

"What do you mean - eh?"

Just when Issei was about to refute, Tohsaka Rin pointed to the side.

Following the direction of Tosaka Rin's finger, Issei saw Artoria easily carrying the large bag of things effortlessly and placing it directly in a relatively open place in the courtyard. He took the photo with ease. Clap your hands.


Tohsaka Rin waved his hand, indicating that there were indeed not many things, and Artoria could lift them all with one hand.

"So why didn't you let Ms. Saber pick it up when we were in the shopping street? It's obviously much easier than me picking it up -"

Issei looked at Artoria who had brought all those things over easily with a sad look on his face.

Of course, he doesn't have a problem with Artoria, he has a problem with Tohsaka Rin, a big one, a very big one.

"Then you can't just do nothing, right? You were the one delivering those things to the car when you saw us coming over, and it was us who moved them down when you came here."

"There is no such thing as you, only Ms. Saber is busy here, okay?"

"Hey, after everything is brought here, it still needs to be sorted. This is our job."

Tohsaka Rin said that Artoria was responsible for bringing the things down, and they were responsible for counting the things and assembling them.

Artoria didn't have any objections. She was not good at preparing these things, and she didn't necessarily know the uses of many modern things.

For example, at the beginning, Artoria thought that modern vehicles only needed to be put on the reins to drive, but in fact, after getting on it, she realized that this was not the way to drive at all.

What's more, when they were in the shopping street, Arturia had been following Tohsaka Rin and the others and was constantly being fed by them, eating wherever they went.

Only Yanagi Kazunari is a pure coolie. In simpler terms, Tohsaka Rin did it on purpose.

Who told Kazunari Yanado to always say bad things about himself to Shirou Emiya?

"That's true."

Yanagou Kazunari nodded and did not refute Tohsaka Rin's words. With so many things, sorting them out was not a simple task.

"So what have you bought? If you just buy the things on the list, there shouldn't be so much."

Looking at the large and small bags of things piled up in the courtyard, Emiya Shirou asked with some confusion.

"How should I put it? Isn't today the last day of the New Year's holiday? Not only do we have to go to school tomorrow, but most people also start to go back to work, so many New Year's items have become very discounted."

"Did you accidentally buy too much?"

"It's definitely useless to buy so much. We're not people who can't walk away when we see a discount."

At some point, Mizu Ayako came over with a smile.


"Tohsaka said that fireworks can be set off here without so much care, so we bought quite a few of the fireworks."

Generally speaking, fireworks are set off at the beach. Is it really okay to set off fireworks in the forest?

This fire can't be controlled at all - well, it seems it can be controlled.

There are quite a lot of capable people in their group. If a spark accidentally falls in the forest, they can really deal with it.

With Arquette here alone, the forest couldn't possibly catch fire.

But later, Elquitt will have to move all the trees that are close together. If possible, we should take precautions.

"Those are just fireworks, there shouldn't be so many."

"Then we thought that if we want to set off fireworks, we must set them off in the courtyard, but it is very troublesome to go downstairs at Ilia's house, and there is no place to sit in the courtyard."

Rin Tosaka continued after what Ayako Mizusu said.

"So, we went to the camping store and bought a few barbecue grills, some tables and chairs that were easier to store, and some lights. After all, it would be very dark if we were directly in the courtyard at night."

"Well, you guys are quite thoughtful."

There was clearly a castle behind him, but he chose to eat in the courtyard.

"Well! It's rare for so many people to gather together like this, okay?"

In fact, there are still parties, and there are often parties organized by people in the school's classes, but Rin Tohsaka, Kazunari Yanagi, and Ayako Mizuchi would not choose to participate.

The purpose of the parties organized by those people was not pure. Socializing in such an environment was very tiring. It was obvious that they were not having fun directly with their friends.

"What else? It should be more than that."

"Tohsaka said she had never been to a KTV, so we bought a projector, a generator, a stereo, and——"

Sajo Ayaka also came over at this time and talked about it. It was obvious that from the things they talked about, they must have been very happy shopping. Otherwise, how could they buy whatever they saw.


"I feel like I can already guess how much you bought, but the expense is not that high. Where did you get so much - oh, it's okay."

Tohsaka Rin took out a bank card. It was none other than Emiya Shirou's bank card.

Emiya Shirou was the sponsor of this dinner party, and he was responsible for reimbursing the expenses. This bank card was handed over to Tohsaka Rin by Joan of Arc.

Yes, Emiya Shirou's bank card has always been kept by Jeanne.

As for the money inside, under the operation of BB, it is basically uncountable. You can just swipe your card if you want to buy anything.

He is now unimaginably rich, although his life remains the same.

Chapter 1,155 I am my sister!

Tohsaka Rin and the others bought more than that.

There are also table tennis, astronomical telescopes, UNO, etc., all kinds of things.

"Thanks a lot!"

Emiya Shirou patted Yanado Kazunari's shoulder heavily. He understood what Kazunari was doing and cried to himself as soon as he came over.

How can this be treating 10% as a coolie? This is treating 10% as an animal.

It can be said that Yanagi Kazunari did not lose his temper over this. It can be said that he was quite good. He even said that he did not doubt whether these things were what Shirou Emiya wanted on the way.

He worked conscientiously all the way without uttering a single complaint or questioning. It was not until he saw Emiya Shirou that he vented his frustration.

But this is also the very serious character of Ryuudou Issei.

If it were Matou Shinji, I'm afraid he would have given up the job the moment he saw the barbecue grill and left without caring about anything.

Tohsaka Rin's point of view - Yanagi Kazunari was brainwashed by Emiya Shirou.

Although they had only met him a few times and had not even spent a month together, it could be said that Yanagi Kazunari treated Emiya Shirou as a close friend.

In fact, Matou Shinji also regards Emiya Shirou as a close friend, but now he can only appear in the narration.

"It's okay, but I'll be very busy later!"

"They brought a lot of things here, and if they want to barbecue, the ingredients they bought will have to be processed extra. It may take six or seven o'clock to have dinner."

"not to mention----"

Following Emiya Shirou's gaze, Tohsaka Rin was surrounded by a pile of wires connected to light bulbs, unable to move.

"She doesn't know how to pretend to be these things!"

Yanagi Kazunari complained aloud at the right time. Tohsaka Rin was indeed an idiot for electrical appliances. It was really difficult for her to use generators and other equipment.

"Then don't buy so many things that can only be used once!"

Emiya Shirou covered his forehead and made a sound of distress. These things will only be used once, and they will definitely be thrown into the warehouse to eat dust.

"Need help?"

At this time, Xiel also came out of the castle and saw Rin Tosaka who was fighting with the wires. He came to her side with a snicker on his face.

"Wait! That's Senior Xiel. When did you know Senior Xiel!"

At this time, Yanagi Ichisei, who was standing next to Shirou Emiya, shrank his pupils and looked extremely shocked.

"What!? When did Xiel become your senior!"

Hearing what Yanagi Ichisei said, Shirou Emiya showed a very puzzled expression. Didn't Xiel, the agent of the Holy Church, come to Fuyuki City in recent days?

Could it be that she had been to Fuyuki City before and was Yanagi Ichisei's senior.

However, Yanagi Ichisei's next words told Shirou Emiya that he was overthinking.

"You've really been away from school for too long. Senior Xiel is very popular in school and often helps others solve various troublesome things. She is even called the Shadow Student Council President."


Emiya Shirou knew every word that Yanagi Kazunari said, but when they were put together, it became a sentence that Emiya Shirou couldn't understand.

What does it mean to be the Shadow Student Council President?

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