The battle was a disaster, but it was a disaster.

All the admirals and the shipgirls in the Shipgirls Union knew it.

Try not to fight with the deep sea at night, because once there is damage or the situation changes unfavorably, it is not easy to find.

It is easy to cause a collapse of the entire line because of the loss of one point.

So the consensus of everyone when defending the port area is not to fight with the deep sea at night.

You can delay time and hold on conservatively, but you must not go out to sea to fight. Once an unexpected consequence occurs, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Even if there are patrolling shipgirls in other ports, when they discover the deep sea at night, they may be very close to the port area.

They will never be discovered as far away as 30 nautical miles away like Lexington and Saratoga.

But because of this, the Whale Sea Garrison had enough time to plan how to defend.

"Madam, Gaga, you guys continue to investigate first, Hood, you hurry up and gather the others to the admiral's room."

While Vian was running towards the admiral's room, he turned back and shouted to Lexington.

Although Vian was mentally prepared for the deep-sea invasion, he didn't expect it to come at this time.

He had just collected the data of the St. George's main gun, and before he could be happy, he was interrupted by Lexington.

Usually, the lights in the port area at night are relatively weak, but now.

The whole port is lit up, and the alarm bells are constantly ringing.


In the admiral's room, all the ship girls in the port area gathered here, waiting for Vian, who was sitting in the admiral's position, to give orders.

"Madam, report the situation."

Vian nodded to Lexington standing beside him.

The port area has completed the assembly in just ten minutes, which is very efficient.

Even Shimakaze and Kusanagi, who usually play around, are very quiet at this moment.

Because everyone knows that this time they really have to face the biggest enemy of the ship girl, the deep sea.

"Gaga and I have launched a regional reconnaissance and search, and we have confirmed that there is only one enemy in one direction."

"According to the deep sea riots in previous years, this should be the first team."

"Now Gaga and I have flown 40 nautical miles past the first fleet, and no new enemies have been found yet."

"At least before dawn, there should be no other deep seas attacking our port area."

After Lexington finished speaking, he glanced at Saratoga next to him.

"Me too, I haven't found any new deep seas."

Saratoga reported hurriedly.

"The current situation is very clear. Our Whale Sea Naval Base is finally facing its first port defense battle!"

"This is a test for everyone, and it is also a test for me."

"But I believe in your strength and everyone's efforts over the years."

"Let's start the battle arrangements now."

"Shimakaze, Sora, you are the only two destroyers in the port area now. This time, the battle against the Deep Sea depends on you."

"Use your power flexibly. This time, the admiral will prepare enough resources for you. Don't worry about wasting."

"Try not to let the Deep Sea get close to the port." "Mrs., plus, this time, the task of investigation will be given to you. The island wind will try to attract the deepening of the deep sea as soon as possible and prove the specific strength of the deep sea as soon as possible. County, Cremont, escorted his wife and Jiajia. "" Understand. " "The company asked, and dumplings and Zhang Zhang looked forward to looking forward. As a ship, they all wanted to make a force in the battle with the deep sea. "Not for now, after all, the size of the Deep Sea fleet has not been fully confirmed, so we should leave some people in the port area just in case."

"I'll ask you if I need it."

Weian shook her head and said.

"Then Commander Wei, is it really okay to take such a risky attack at night?"

As a traditional ship girl, Enterprise has always adhered to

Follow the rules of fighting with the Deep Sea.

Don't risk attacking at night.

"I believe them."

After saying that, Vian quickly left the admiral's room and headed towards the dock.

Others don't know, but does he?

Why did he let Shropshire and Hood stand by and not attack?

Isn't it because he is afraid that there are too many variables at night. If Shropshire is in the middle of a battle, he can't react.

Then he really can't save his ship girls if they are in danger.

And this time, all the ship girls who launched the attack on the Deep Sea are his ship girls who have not yet reached the legendary level.

This is a test for them by Vian, fighting with the Deep Sea.

As for why St. George was not allowed to attack, it was simply because he had just completed the ship body and had not been familiar with it before going to the battlefield.

Too rash, unless he can control the risk, he may let St. George attack.

"Is it really appropriate to attack at night in a sea area so far away from the port area?"

Enterprise looked at Vian's back and frowned and asked Jiao Tai next to him.

"I heard that Admiral Wei'an and his ship girls are very good at night battles. The navy was defeated by him at night."

"We should trust him. He is different from other admirals."

Compared to Enterprise's worries, Jiao Tai is obviously much more relaxed.

"But these are deep seas. They are different from ship girls. They are unique compared to ship girls."

"When visibility is poor at night, the combat capability of normal ship girls will be discounted if they cannot quickly break through the deep sea."

"They will slowly repair the hull."

"Especially for aircraft carriers like us, night battles have a huge impact on us. His main force is two aircraft carriers."

In order to pursue victory, Enterprise's concept of combat is to try not to make risky decisions.

Therefore, in her opinion, every command of Wei'an is relatively risky.

"Didn't you see it? Saratoga and her sister are no longer ordinary aircraft carriers."

"We were also on guard in the port area, but they discovered the deep sea and we didn't notice it at all."

"You can't beat Saratoga now, she is no longer the same."

"So maybe the decision that seems more dangerous to us is not a problem for them."

Jiao Tai, who lives as a fake Lexington, is reluctant to mention that name and said with some self-mockery.

"No, I'm still worried that he will make a big mistake as a rookie. You come with me to support them, at least don't let him make a big mistake."

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