The battle was a battle, but the battle was over.

He is an admiral with aircraft carriers as the core of his fleet, so he cannot lack various types of fighters.

And the advantages of ship girls also make carrier battles more advantageous than ordinary battleships.

The only disadvantage is that it costs money.

But this is not a disadvantage for Wei'an.

Even in Wei'an's design, the slide rails and catapults can be removed.

At that time, the helicopter he needed may have been developed.

But that is all in the future.

So now Wei'an's plan is the strongest in real-time combat power.

She has the ability to fight against those coming from the sky, walking on the sea, and sneaking underwater. She is a real iron cuckold.

The protection capacity is pulled to the maximum.

The consumption is also pulled to the maximum.

The cost of making these ship equipment alone is already quite high.

Four [J country triple 510mm main guns]: 12,000 energy

Six [E country triple 152mm dual-purpose high-altitude and flat-altitude guns]: 12,000 energy

Eight [G country double 128mm dual-purpose high-altitude and flat-altitude guns]: 8,000 energy

Twelve [E country six-link 40mm anti-aircraft guns]: 2,400 energy

Two radar systems: 4,000 energy

Two torpedoes: 2,000 energy

Anti-submarine: 2,000 energy

A total of: 42,400 energy, a total of almost 9 battleship cores!

On the other side, St. George, who had completed the materialization of the ship body, had more than a dozen boxes of resources disappearing around him.

The framework of a battleship was completely finalized.

At this time, with the confirmation of Vian, Hood jumped directly onto the hull of St. George with the ship equipment and handed it to her.

The resource consumed before was steel, and from this moment on, other resources also began to be consumed rapidly.

A warship full of oppression is gradually taking shape.

The first to bear the brunt is the main gun that is much thicker than other warships, and the number has reached a terrifying 12.

The originally empty deck and superstructure also quickly grew out of gun barrels.

Protect the deck of the warship like a hedgehog.

But St. George's actions have not stopped, the light is still blooming on her hull, and other ship equipment is still continuing to materialize.

When St. George completed the materialization of the hull, he saw that half of the resources prepared by Lexington for her had been used up.

"Admiral, thank you for the power you have given me."

"I will definitely use this power well and protect everyone."

St. George returned the remaining resources to Lexington for inventory, and reported to Vian himself.

She wanted to vent and feel the power in her body, but her clear mind soon suppressed the idea.

As a nun who dedicated her life to her god, St. George was annoyed by her excitement.

After all, her life did not belong to her, but to Vian.

Especially now that he had transformed her so radically, she felt that her faith was more devout.

She must live up to the unparalleled power given to her by the admiral.

She would persuade others to be kind and bright.

"I promised you that I would make you stronger. This is a promise I should keep."

"Don't get excited for now. Replace your original main gun first. I need to collect some data."

Vian said as she pulled St. George to her battleship for a closer look.

At this time, Lexington also counted the number of resources used by St. George.

Frame: 45W

Superstructure: 10000

Power system: 4000 fuel, 4000 steel

Main gun: 60000 ammunition, 6000 steel

Secondary gun: 5200 ammunition, 5200 steel

Torpedo: 2000 ammunition, 2000 steel

Anti-submarine: 500 steel, 500 ammunition.

Radar: 1000 steel

Total consumption: 478700 steel, 4000 fuel, 13700 ammunition, no aluminum.

"This battleship is so beautiful, it must be very powerful in battle."

Hood took advantage of the light in the dock and paced back and forth on the dock's platform to observe this battleship.

"Isn't this natural? Since following my brother-in-law, aren't we all much stronger than before?"

"Hasn't your performance also improved a lot?"

"It was really difficult to find a better ship equipment in the KanColle Union before, so you either used it yourself."

"Or someone else will compete with you for it, what about now?"

"Your 381mm main gun is the powerful main gun of Veneto, right? Or wholesale."

"Even your previous hull is fed by the exhaust of the current hull."

As Vian's intimate sister-in-law, she will be happy as long as you praise Vian.

Now praising St. George also shows how powerful Vian is, doesn't it?

So Saratoga's witty remarks made Hood confused.

Hood had heard other people's comments about her before and felt that there should be no one more love-brained than herself.

Now she knows that there is a cake hand. (Not a typo, deliberately typed.)

[As expected of the commander, everyone likes him so much, I really didn't make a mistake. 】

Just hearing Saratoga say this, Hood was even more emotional.

Her relationship with Vian was an accident, and he just broke into her world.

His unparalleled talent and strength forcibly tore through her layers of defense.

Use an exercise to tell her that all her entanglements are useless in front of him.

He is a deadly poison to all ship girls who want to go further and become stronger.

You can't quit, you can't quit at all, and you will be ruined for life after one contact.

So she also wants a stronger ship outfit and wants to become stronger.

[I heard from Lexington that the commander seems to like cross-dressing. ]

[I wonder if he likes ginger and fish cakes. ]

When Hood thought of ginger fish cakes, he felt a little hot on his face again.

Although Wei An didn't care much, she didn't forget that night.

Because she missed Wei An too much, she subconsciously forgot that she usually brought ginger fish cakes when she went out.

As a result, after her provocation was successful, when she was about to fight.

The door opened and two cats came out.

At that moment, she wanted to die, although it was one thing for people around her to know about her hobby.

Being caught on the spot was another thing.

If Wei An hadn't said all kinds of nice things and told her with his actions that he didn't care at all.

She really wanted to pretend to be dead.

"Jia Jia! Quick! Release the fighters and go on patrol with me."

Lexington, who had counted the resources and was sorting them in the ship's equipment space, suddenly ran out.

On the other side, Saratoga, who was telling Hood how good her brother-in-law was, also changed her face.

She suddenly became serious and immediately followed Lexington's command to release all the fighters in the hangar.

With the port as the center, it spread out in all directions.

"Madam, what happened?"

Weian heard Lexington sound the port alarm and immediately ran down from the battleship with St. George.

"There are deep sea activities in the waters 30 nautical miles outside the port. Now, Jia Jia and I are confirming the number of enemies!"

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