The battle efficiency is too low.

Submarines are assassins in the ocean. If they don't attack, it's fine. If they attack, they must be fatal. At the least, they will severely injure the enemy, and at the worst, they will directly sink the enemy's important targets.

Then the torpedoes used by submarines must have a high enough hit rate.

There must be results when they are launched.

Now there are not enough unguided torpedoes for him to use.

Compared with missiles that can attack at a distance of dozens of nautical miles, torpedoes only need to ensure a hit rate of more than ten nautical miles, which is obviously much simpler.

He even has two directions for transformation now.

Acoustic-guided torpedoes and wire-guided torpedoes.

Change the previous saturation torpedo strikes into guided saturation strikes, and further enhance the combat efficiency when the number of his current ship girls is not enough.

It can also be installed for St. George.

She can use torpedoes not as a means of attack, but as an anti-submarine means to attack submarines, and the number of torpedoes required is not as many as that of destroyers.

Just install a few launchers, and the occupied hull will be much smaller.

But this will eventually occupy a certain amount of hull space, and then it will be necessary to reduce the use of other ship equipment.

There are two solutions, directly cut off other equipment, or another option, and then increase the hull.

In the past, he had no money and needed to make trade-offs, but now he must choose to take it all.

Then there is no choice but to increase the hull and increase the displacement.

Even in this way, he can install more redundant space for the power system of St. George, which is a great thing.

And now he has a triple 510mm main gun, which must be used for his own ship girl.

For the use of 80,000-ton hull, it is certain that other aspects of combat capabilities must be sacrificed, but enlarging the hull does not need to be sacrificed.

You can even go crazy and install four main guns instead of three normally installed, just like the deep sea to reduce the area occupied by the superstructure.

Squeeze out more space.

Even crazier 5 guns Wei An has thought about it, but thinking of other ship equipment that needs to be installed and enough space for subsequent transformation.

He can only give up this crazy idea.

But when it comes to how strong the combat capability of a warship with 4 510mm main guns can be, Wei An is thinking about the warships in the current KanColle Union.

In addition to those that can open invincibility, how many of the remaining warships that can only rely on armor can withstand it, especially the 510mm main gun with a fire control lock.

How many rounds of artillery fire can a battleship withstand?

So with such a firepower arrangement, Wei An's fear of insufficient firepower can be cured a little.

It is no exaggeration to say that the St. George is the most powerful warship in the KanColle Union after such a transformation.

Since the firepower is strong, it will definitely be pursued and targeted by the enemy. The battleship is not afraid of fighting with other warships.

He even arranged torpedoes for St. George to deal with the little man underwater. The most lacking thing for this battleship is air defense!

As for the speed, it is not a problem in his opinion. The larger the hull, the larger the power system he can install.

After all, the hull of the ship girl is not like a normal warship. The internal space must give up a lot of space to provide crew life, as well as various warehouses, etc.

He does not have these things to worry about.

He only needs to ensure that St. George can keep up with his fleet, and does not need to have an extreme speed like Xuefeng and others.

Therefore, the most difficult part of St. George's hull is the air defense that all Vian warships have not paid special attention to before.

He took Lexington and Saratoga to justify the reputation of the aircraft carrier ship girl, so that all admirals realized the power of aircraft carriers.

As a result, a large number of admirals chose to join if they couldn't beat them.

If the admirals in the Shipgirls Union fight, there will be a problem.

The air defense pressure is unprecedented, whether it is for Wei'an or other admirals.

St. George was designed by him, and she will definitely face a lot of attacks in the future. She needs much more anti-aircraft firepower than other shipgirls.

In his opinion, the 10 4-unit 20mm anti-aircraft guns installed on Clemenceau are not enough, and they can't withstand a bombing of Saratoga.

Therefore, the requirement for St. George's anti-aircraft firepower must at least withstand the bombing intensity of a hangar round of Lexington and Saratoga to be qualified.

That is, 220 bombers bombing at the same time.

In the future, aircraft carriers will be the sharpest spear in his hand.

, then the gunboat is the strongest shield, and the strongest among the strong is the battleship.

So how to build an air defense circle for St. George is a headache for Wei'an.

When anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns can defend, they are basically in the inner air defense circle. The shortcomings of Clemenceau and Xuefeng are also the same.

The anti-aircraft firepower is focused on the inner air defense circle, while the outer circle seems a bit weak, because the defense means only rely on 128mm dual-purpose anti-aircraft guns.

How many hits can be made depends on their skills.

In the event of saturation bombing, it is definitely not enough to rely on the anti-aircraft guns in the inner air defense circle.

Therefore, the hull security of St. George must be done with both hands this time.

The inner air defense circle must be stronger than all the current ship girls, and the outer air defense circle must also be stronger.

Even in most cases, the enemy aircraft carrier must be eliminated in the outer air defense circle.

So it brings a question, how to improve?

The air defense of the inner circle is not bad for Wei'an. He has found a better ship equipment to directly replace the current J country quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft gun.

This has to be thanked to Hood. When he was with her in the E-United Department before, he saw a ship girl.

The vanguard from the E-United Department.


It also reminded him of a ship equipment he liked to use when playing games.

[E country Bofors six-barrel 40mm anti-aircraft machine gun]

An advanced anti-aircraft weapon that did not catch up with the war, much better than the anti-aircraft gun used by his ship girl now.

Enough to build the inner circle of defense of St. George.

What makes Wei'an a pity is that he does not have Lafite now, otherwise he can directly get VT shells for free, and then change to 76mm usable shells.

He can directly replace a [MK33 type 3-inch twin anti-aircraft gun] in the infinite space to completely block the suicide attack fighter.

It's a pity that there is no VT fuse. The firing rate of MK33 is similar to that of Bofors. Bofors can make up for quality with quantity.

And this time he not only strengthened the inner air defense, but also the outer air defense.

The 128mm dual-purpose gun is now used very well by his ship girls. It can hit fighter planes and warships.

But for the St. George that Vian is currently conceiving, it is a little small as a secondary gun, and a better ship has been found.

Like the anti-aircraft gun, it is also from E country.

But this time it comes from the main gun of the E country light cruiser ship Neptune.

[E country triple 6-inch dual-purpose gun (152mm)]


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