The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Kong Xiang felt that this was her happiest day, because she could also have a ship like Xuefeng and the others.

"Okay, stop grinning, come and materialize the ship according to the structure on the blueprint."

In the newly built dock, Wei An handed the battleship blueprint that had been prepared long ago to Kong Xiang.

At the same time, she took out a series of ship equipment and resources she needed and placed them on the table next to her.

"Great! Great! I will still be the fastest destroyer in the future!"

Excited, Kong Xiang put the resources and ship equipment on the table into her own ship equipment space, and began to build her own ship like other ship girls materialized their ships.

Wei'an's ship girls have materialized the ship many times, so he is very clear about the amount of resources required for the fantasy ship.

Three battleship cores have been used to increase the upper limit of the fantasy's mind core.

The frame of the ship requires 46,000 steel.

The upper and internal buildings require 30,000 steel.

The power system consumes a total of 500 fuel and 1,000 steel.

The 300mm main gun requires a total of 1,500 ammunition and 3,000 steel.

The anti-aircraft gun requires 200 ammunition and 400 steel.

Sonar and deep projection require a total of 500 steel and 500 ammunition.

Two radars require 1,000 steel.

A total of 59,300 steel, 6,600 ammunition, and 500 fuel.

Without any surprises, the fantasy completed the materialization of its own ship in just one hour.

She also immediately felt the stronger performance of the ship than before.

She used to be able to run at the fastest speed of 42 knots, but now she can run at 45 knots!

"Admiral! Admiral! Can I try the battleship!"

After materializing the ship, Kongxiang couldn't wait to jump to Wei'an's side and ask for his opinion.

"Of course, but you can't run too far. Remember to return in time when your wife notifies you."

"Is it okay, Madam?"

While Wei'an was talking to Kongxiang, he also looked at Lexington beside him.

"Commander, just do your job with confidence, and leave this to me."

Lexington smiled and said to Wei'an gently.

"Then I'll trouble you, Madam."

After saying that, Wei'an told Kongxiang some precautions, and then quietly left the dock and returned to his admiral's room.

He had decided to help several of his ship girls materialize the ship, so now he had to get busy again.

Unlike Kong Xiang, who had already made the ship equipment and had ready-made warship blueprints.

Albacore and St. George both required him to redesign the warship blueprints, while Youming needed to wait for two days for the ship equipment.

Albacore and St. George also had to be done in a certain order.

Vian chose to help St. George complete the warship blueprints first.

The reason was that he was more familiar with surface warships and could draw them faster.

And the main guns St. George was using now were of great use to his fleet!

The 460mm main guns could be used not only by Clemenceau, but also by Hood and Youming.

It didn't take much time to modify the ship equipment, so he could complete the modification of the St. George guns while designing the Albacore battleship blueprints.

And install them for Clemenceau and Youming.

So this time when Youming's ship was materialized, he chose to delay the materialization of the main guns for the time being, and install them directly for Youming after the main guns of St. George were modified.

So now he was stuck in his tracks.

What kind of hull should be chosen for St. George?

If St. George is not transformed by him and directly materializes the hull, her hull displacement can reach nearly 50,000 tons, which is the original hull he has seen so far, and it can even be ranked in the top three among the gunboats and ship girls.

So her hull is already very powerful.

If he transforms it, he must greatly enhance its original combat power.

The hull that can be chosen is only the highest part in his mind, and now his steel resources are enough for him to squander.

80,000-ton battleship.

It was used to benchmark the strongest battleships in the deep sea.

As a result, after meeting Bai Cai, he realized that his vision was small, really small.

The deep-sea flagship he imagined was already powerful enough, but Bai Cai told him with facts that his imagination was still a little lacking.


An thought that even if it was Baicai, at most the Yamato's hull would have a slightly stronger firepower.

As a result, Baicai used the gun barrel to tell him that it was not only more powerful, but a little more powerful, and the 460mm main gun directly became 510mm.

This affected his current design of the St. George battleship.

Is 80,000 tons really enough?

He needs to put a question mark in his heart.

Moreover, the joint admiral of the ship girl who planned to attack him this time also made him understand that he should try not to leave defects on the hull.

He can't always have a fleet with him.

The original plan was to follow the normal plan for the 80,000-ton hull, and it would not attack frequently.

But now he is short of ship girls, and resources do not allow him to build more ship girls for the time being, so he can only try to strengthen the ship girls under his command.

Used to protect his safety in the hands of those admirals who are eyeing him.

What follows is that St. George may also attack frequently.

Since we are going to attack, we must have decisive combat power, one against many, and the ability to fight in any adverse situation.

When Vian was fighting with Saratoga this time, he found that those admirals also had many aircraft carriers.

It was just that those aircraft carriers did not have the ability to fight at night, so they could only sink in regret.

Xuefeng and the others have already told Vian with facts that facing a large number of air strikes, their anti-aircraft firepower has been insufficient.

As the ultimate battleship in his fleet, the strongest battleship for the time being, it is impossible for such a shortcoming to appear.

First of all, the firepower of St. George must be strong enough, and secondly, the air defense must allow her to fight back under siege, and she also needs to have the power to counter the torpedo attack from underwater.

As for the firepower, the missiles will only be possible after Xuefeng and the others come back, so they can't be counted on for the time being.

Hope can only be placed on the normal main guns and secondary guns, and even torpedoes are not impossible for Vian to consider.

It just so happens that the hull of the bluefin tuna has to be designed now, so the torpedoes used by his ship girls also need to be changed to some extent.

The previous target was to attack ordinary deep sea, but ordinary deep sea is relatively stupid, and ordinary torpedoes are enough to use, especially under saturation attack.

But now his target is the intelligent ship girls, or the ship girls commanded by the admiral, so they will never wait to be hit stupidly.

They will definitely hide.

Even when fighting with the navy before, facing the ship girls with command, although the torpedo attacks were very dense, there were still a lot of torpedoes that did not hit.

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