"Ahem, are there only a few of you?"

Dante coughed. After all, she was seriously injured in this battle and needed to know the details as soon as possible.

Xuefeng looked at her with some concern.

"Are you sure you don't want to go into the ditch first? The battle here is over. There may be other battles next."

"Of course it’s just us. Do you see any other warships around?"


Yukikaze's natural answer stirred up confusion in the hearts of Dante and the other ship girls.

The translation of Xuefeng's answer is that there are just a few battleships without the help of others.

Not only is the agitated frontline navy restless, it can also easily bypass the dual attacks of the naval support fleet and aircraft carriers.

A surprise attack arrived at the naval command area, and the navy who faced the explosion wiped them all out.

How many battleships does the navy have?

At least 3,000 ships, of which they faced more than 2,000 warships.

It is equivalent to these warships facing hundreds of warships, and there are still no scars on the warships.

The most difficult thing for other ship girls to accept is that they were delayed for several hours in the face of a small number of naval warships.

And in just a few hours, Xuefeng and the others had been sailing in front of them, facing the greatest pressure, and they were able to capture the entire navy so quickly.

What a terrifying strength this is.

Moreover, the appearance of these battleships is also very special, full of mystery in their eyes.

The evidence that supports Xuefeng's strength is the large number of battleship fragments near the island in the command area that have not completely dissipated.

Let them know at a glance that there was a big battle here

"Where did they come from? I've never seen them before."

"Very strong....I originally said that I would help Garibaldi kill the navy, but I didn't expect that the enemies were all gone."

"I remember that this mental body should be Yukikaze, right? Does Yukikaze's battleship look like this?"

"And what are those mysterious bombers?"

"How can there be such a big difference between the same warships? I have to be careful not to be sunk when facing so many enemies, while others can easily deal with enemies that are dozens of times more than themselves."

"Comparing people to each other is so irritating."

The other ship girls around were chattering.

But as a legendary ship girl in the I-Union Department, Dante has undergone strict training. No matter how shocking things are, she can quickly adjust.

"Do you know a group of fighter jets? Helped us quickly disintegrate naval battleships before"

"Are you talking about Saratoga and the others?"

"Saratoga? Are you a shipgirl from the U-Union?"

Some information flashed through Dante's mind. It was obvious that it was not an ordinary aircraft carrier with such powerful carrier-based aircraft.

She knew that the more powerful aircraft carriers were all in the U-Union, and there happened to be a legendary shipgirl, Saratoga.

"No, no, no, we are from the E Joint Department. I won't tell you more. I will tell them to come right away."

Yukikaze who was answering was stunned for a moment, and waved to Dante.

Then he took Clemenceau and the others to help Shimakaze.

Shimakaze and the others are really busy right now, busy collecting trophies.

That's right. The reason why Wei An asked Yukikaze and the others to come here is that since the Navy wants to build ship girls, it is inevitable that the resources here are stacked up.

This is what Shimakaze and the others have been doing. They had been looking for supply boxes on the ruins for more than half an hour before Dante and the others arrived. Although they had not counted how many they had, they were definitely rewarded after seeing Shimakaze and the others. Also joined in the search for supplies.

Dante, who had always been able to adjust quickly, was now stunned by Xuefeng.

What did she hear?

These mysterious ship girls have an admiral. Such a small fleet has accomplished such an almost impossible task.

There is no such a powerful fleet among the admirals she knows, not even the fleets of the various war zone governors are so outrageous. One hundred, she can still be unhurt, so she is now very interested in the admiral Xuefeng and the others call her.

What makes her a little pity is that this admiral is from the E-Union Department.

【That guy Hood is so lucky. I really don’t know where she found this admiral. It would be great if our I headquarters also had such a strong ship girl. 】

Dante led nearly 2,000 ship girls last night, and now there are only 500 ships left, and the rest are all left on the sea.

Youdao says that Hu De, Hu De has arrived.

"Lord Dante, there is a fleet approaching quickly. The flag should be that of the E Wing."


Dante hadn't said anything yet. He turned around and saw a dark shadow appear on the sea behind him. It was full of warships.

"besides! There is also a small fleet approaching on our left. It should be the admiral that the fleet girl mentioned just now."

"There are two special aircraft carriers in this fleet."

Dante waved his hand, indicating that he understood.

20 minutes later, Dante finally saw what the special aircraft carrier Harrier mentioned was.

Not only her, but other ship girls in Dante's fleet were also fixed in their tracks just by looking at it.

What kind of warships are these? This is their first feeling.

Secondly, they are frightened by the fighter planes hovering over the two aircraft carriers.

They really saw how these bombers destroyed the navy. So many battleships were sunk.

Before coming, Dante thought that there were many legendary ships coming this time, but now he told her.

Two aircraft carriers?

Two bombers from the navy were sunk in front of them before. What kind of terrifying bombing capability is this ?

It doesn’t mean that these two aircraft carriers can launch 300 bombers. What kind of devil admiral is this? Even if the surface ships are outrageous, there are still two outrageous aircraft carriers.

No matter how sluggish the Dante fleet is, Lexington and the others will inevitably sail next to the Dante battleship, and the 168-meter-long Dante will be sandwiched between the two giants. Like a child.

But she is clearly the strongest battleship in the combined fleet!

Lexington controlled the fighter planes to help Yukikaze and the others carry supplies.

At the same time, Saratoga continued to guard. The plane landed on the strange battleship next to it, and a young man walked out of it.

"Hello, I am Wei'an from the E-Union, the admiral of these shipgirls."

Wei'an used the Ring of Oath in his heart to tell Xuefeng and the others to speed up the transportation of supplies, and said to Dante with a smile and tenderness.

The shipgirls and he had contributed to this battle, and now how much of these resources can be obtained depends on how fast Xuefeng and the others can transport them.

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