In the end, only one-third of the ammunition was used to destroy Tashkent. The result was that after a wave of attacks, 140 bombers were still capable of combat.

Some admirals who were still yelling at the round-bellied admiral for abandoning them and running away saw the bombers returning.

"Don't come here!"

"I don't want to die yet!"

"Save me, save me, I don’t dare anymore"

"Are all you ship girls so cruel?"

Their voices were covered in the explosion and dissipated in the wind.

Without the commander-in-chief and air superiority, the fate of their remaining admirals has been decided.

An hour later, the admirals in the command area no longer dared to mess up. After running away, the remaining people were already huddled in the construction room.

Wei An on the other side was not in a hurry, and he still had the energy to let Lexington and the others go to look for Yukikaze and the others. They were the ones bullying them tonight.

The rapidly generated torpedoes were aimed at these aircraft carriers and launched.

Of course, it was impossible to avoid the already damaged aircraft carriers. They could only watch the hulls being penetrated and the battleships slowly sinking..

Only a few lonely buildings were left standing on the nearby islands, and all other hiding facilities had been blown up.

Clemenceau aimed his guns at these buildings mercilessly.


Now that Yukikaze and the others are here, Lexington and the others are all focused on the other side.

"Lord Dante, what do you think that is?"

Dante, who was chasing the remaining warships of the Navy, saw the black cloud coming from the direction of the Navy.

"Fighter? Naval support?"

"No, everyone is on alert, be careful of naval attacks!"

At the same time, Dante frowned and looked at the aircraft carrier following him.

"When will your carrier-based aircraft arrive?"

"Lord Dante, we can arrive in ten minutes."

The harrier said with cupped hands.

"Well, we'll try to hold them off, and you guys come as soon as possible."

After saying that, Dante began to command the fleet to quickly aim at the dark clouds in the sky.

The navy ship girl on the other side also saw the fighter planes flying over.

"Great, support has finally arrived?"

"But what is the situation in the command area?"

Many ship girls breathed a sigh of relief, but their greater worry was that they had lost contact with the command area.

More navy ship girls were confused. They found that the contract that once bound them had disappeared during the battle with Dante and the others.

Their admiral was dead, and died in the command area.

What should they do in the future after being trained as consumables by the navy? They are the enemies of the Ship Girls Union.

They can't have other admirals, and their only fate is to sink here.

At the moment their admiral died, it was already a one-sided situation.

Both sides have their own concerns and joys.

But this black cloud is the navy's death warrant, from the bombers of Saratoga and Lexington.

They dived down on the navy's warships amid the panic of the navy and the surprise of the Ship Girls Union. The three or four hundred warships, which were already damaged and scattered, suddenly sank on the spot under this terrifying bombing.

200 ships sank on the spot.

Dante and the others didn't come to their senses until the fighter planes climbed over the top of the Ship Girls Union warships and flew away.

"It turned out to be our support, but where did such a powerful aircraft carrier come from, the U-Union Department?"

It wasn't just Dante who was stunned, there were also other surface warships.

"This is such a terrifying bombing ability."

"We have been fighting for a long time. We may not be able to kill so many bombers in one wave."

"When did we get such a powerful aircraft carrier? If so, why didn't we come earlier?"

No matter how surprised they were, they still had to continue to destroy the navy.

"Does Lord Dante need us to follow him? asked the falcon eagle

"No need, just concentrate on taking care of the navy. Capturing the navy’s garrison is our goal."

"Even if we are relaxed here, there are still other lines of defense that are under tremendous pressure."

"I also want to know what happened today? Why did the Navy suddenly become like this?"

Dante shook his head and retorted.


As for why Wei An wants his aircraft carrier to carry out the bombing here?

Acting can improve the training of the ship girls, not to mention there are so many heads here.

How much can Lexington and the others improve.

And the other Xuefeng and the others also moved very quickly.

Clemenceau and Yixian shot out the shells quickly, and it was only a matter of time before cracks appeared on the walls of the construction room.

An hour passed.

With the cooperation of Lexington and the others, Dante and the others finally wiped out the remaining warships of the navy and arrived at the command area.

They originally regrouped to prepare for the navy's counterattack, but they arrived at the command area smoothly.

ruins, as well as a few lonely and strange warships standing proudly on the sea

"What happened?"

The falcon eagle looked around at the anti-inflammation in this sea area and sighed in surprise.

"Just ask them. Since these are the only warships here, it must have something to do with them."

Dante suppressed the surprise in his heart and said calmly.

The navy that had been fighting against them for so long really disappeared overnight.

It shouldn't be said to be wiped out.

Whether it was the initial commotion behind the navy The current situation in the command area is still there, and all kinds of indications are telling her that there is a mysterious force helping them.

Fortunately, Xuefeng and the others are flying the flag of the ship girl union. Although they don't know who they are yet, they are already there. It was ruled out that they were enemies.

For this reason, Dante personally drove the battleship to Yukikaze's battleship.

"May I ask what happened here?"

Dante decided to ask Clemenceau, who looked like the flagship in this fleet.

After all, with its size, it looked like a capital ship at first glance. What is this if it's not a flagship?

Clemenceau waved his hand.

"Ask her, she is the one in charge. Clemenceau pointed at Xuefeng on the other side of Dante.

Although Dante was surprised in his heart, he adjusted his appearance very quickly without much change in his expression.

"Can you tell me then?"

Dante looked at Xuefeng

"As you can see, this side was captured by us."

"Shimakaze, please move quickly."

Yukikaze answered Dante's question while directing Shimakaze and Kogan who were working on the island.

"So were you the ones who caused the commotion in the navy last night?"

"Hmm? A commotion?"

Xuefeng didn't know what Dante was talking about. After all, their fleet did a lot of things last night.

"Their vanguard fleet suddenly caught fire in the rear. Was it your fleet that did it?"

"Of course, the navy's sight was poor at night, so it was easy to sneak behind them."

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