December 10th

While Wei An was making ship equipment and developing new power systems, he did not forget to observe his opponents.

So basically he took Shropshire to observe the exercise waters every morning.

Before, it was still a long time ago and they had a lot of room for improvement. Now that the time is approaching, the admirals with relatively weak potential have basically finalized their strength.

All they can do is arrange a lot of exercises for their ship girls to improve their training.

It also gave Wei An a good opportunity to observe.

But just as he observed others, others were observing him.

But today Wei An was approached by someone else.

The three ships sailed directly towards Shropshire. If Wei An saw it right, the ship girls standing on the deck were Ise, Hinata and Nagato.

They are all ship girls from country J.

"Commander, could I take a moment of your time?"

As the leader, Nagato spoke first, and at the same time, the ship was very close to the Shropshire battleship.

Although his tone was very gentle, his actions were not gentle at all.

After the two battleships behind him approached, he Only then did he see a man on Ise's ship.

It was the admiral of the J-Union Department that he had been paying attention to.

Navian knew that these ship girls were all related to the J-Union Department.

It just made him a little curious. What's more, what is the J-Union Department looking for him at this time?

"You say."

Weian, who wanted to see what tricks they were playing, replied politely.

Nagato, who was approaching, gradually walked steadily parallel to Shropshire before he began to answer.

"Does the security commander have any thoughts about joining the J-Union?"

Eldest sister Nagato said to Wei An straight to the point.

【Are you looking for me to join the J-Union Department?】

"But I have already agreed to join the E Joint Department and will join the E Joint Department after the assessment is over."

Wei An, who has already promised Hood a long time ago, cannot change his mind at this time. This is not his character.

Nagato and the others have already had psychological expectations for Wei An's answer.

"It doesn't matter, we know that the E-Union Department has already started to sponsor your studies. We also have these in our J-Union Department, and there are more than them."

"This is not a matter of money or lack of money, the E-Union Department is all my friends"

"So how can we help you get a good ranking in this assessment?"

Nagato didn't speak, but Songlin already rushed to speak. At the same time, Ise and Hinata were a little closer to Shropshire, and their tone was a little unkind.

Looking at their actions, Wei An frowned.

【Can't you use soft ones instead of hard ones?】

"So what do you mean?"

Listening to Wei An's somewhat cold tone, Nagato stopped Song Lin behind him and glared at him.

"Sorry, sorry, Commander Pinewood, he has a bad temper."

Nagato hurriedly smoothed over the situation and at the same time adjusted the somewhat wrong atmosphere.

"We are here to invite Commander Wei An to join the J-Union Department and work together to achieve better results."

"There's really nothing we can do about it, I've already promised the E-Union Department"

"But Commander Wei An is very talented. Your initial ship is our Xuefeng from Country J. Do you really not want to consider it anymore?"

"Just like Song Lin said, if you join our J-Union Department, it will be easy to get a good ranking in this assessment."

"Among the potential admirals in the E-Union Department, there are not as many relatively strong admirals as in our J-Union Department."

"It would be a shame if you were eliminated because of this."

Obviously Nagato's words were gentle, but it was so annoying to Wei An's ears.

He said threatening words in the gentlest tone.

After all, Wei An had already understood this after he decided to join the E Joint Department.

In this assessment, the number of admirals interested in joining the Liaison Department was the highest, followed by the G Liaison Department, followed by the U Liaison Department, and then the number of admirals interested in joining the Liaison Department was only ranked fourth..

This year, Admiral Songlin, who was sponsored by the J-Union Department, stood out, and some people changed their minds and decided to join the J-Union Department.

After all, it was easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and Songlin's strong strength was in front of him. Others wanted to join the J-Union Department. The admirals are also more likely to get good results.

The next-ranked G-Union is also the strongest after the J-Union, and it is also the one with the largest number of members in previous years.

Originally, the E-Union could get more results than the U-Union. Many people favor him, but the atmosphere in the E-Union is not as free as in the U-Union.

In the end, most admirals who like to be unrestrained prefer to join the U-Union.

Now that the J-Union came to him and said these things, Wei An narrowed his eyes. Shropshire, who had been standing next to Wei An, was also a little angry.

As a former ship girl of E Wing, of course she also had to protect E Wing.

"Nagato, you are being a bit mean, aren't you bullying us?"

Shropshire argued with Nagato with a red face.

"No~ I'm just stating a fact. Our J-Union Headquarters has also heard about Commander Wei's talent. A talented admiral like him should not be eliminated in this assessment."

"After all, he is only in the first grade and his strength is relatively limited. By joining our J-Union Department, he can be trained in advance and embark on a bright road."

"But your E branch can't do it. In this assessment, you can only waste the security commander's time. Only then can our J branch win the final victory."

"Commander Wei An, do you really not think about it? The admiral of the J Joint Department is very strong this time, as you should know from your frequent observations here."


Shropshire was about to speak, but was stopped by Wei An

"Thank you for your kindness. The E-Union has treated me well, and she also has many friends in the E-Union in Shropshire. I can only be embarrassed to refuse your kindness."

"If the results of this assessment are not good, it can only be said that the skills are inferior to others."

Faced with Nagato's words to criticize the E-Union, Wei An still responded gently and peacefully.

"If you are worried that they are funding you and it is not good to change your mind now, our J-Union Department can also help you pay back the funding."

"By joining the J-Union, you can easily pass this assessment, and then you can quickly assign your own garrison and display your skills."

"But if you don’t join, even if our J-Union Department doesn’t make things difficult for you, the admirals of G-Union Department and U-Union Department will still have to compete with you. This time, the third-year admirals of E-Union Department are not strong enough."

"You shouldn't waste your time in this place, but it's a pity that Elizabeth and the others got there first."

Shropshire wanted to refute, but after seeing Wei An's face sinking and understanding the joint department, he finally stayed by Wei An's side obediently.

Nagato was right. Although Hood hoped that Wei An would defeat Pine Forest, E The other admirals in the Liaison Department are not strong enough.

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